Assist in ideological and political education, based on basic theories | Shanghai Normal University | Ideological and Political Education | Basic Theory

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:32 AM

On July 6th, the press conference for the new book "Basic Principles of Curriculum Ideology and Politics" and the seminar on the construction of "Curriculum Ideology and Politics" in the new era, jointly organized by Shanghai Normal University and Northeast Normal University Press, were held at the Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Normal University. More than 200 experts from more than 20 universities attended the meeting and provided suggestions, exchanges, and discussions on the theoretical and practical construction of ideological and political education in the new era curriculum.

Constructing the Basic Theoretical System of Curriculum Ideology and Politics

Vice President Li Ye of Shanghai Normal University warmly congratulated the publication of the book "Basic Principles of Course Ideology and Politics" in his speech at the conference. He pointed out that the construction of "ideological and political education in the curriculum" is of great significance for universities to adhere to the socialist direction of education, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents, and ensure that education for the Party and the country runs through the entire process of education and teaching. Professor He Yuhai's new book "Basic Principles of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education" focuses on establishing a systematic theoretical system of curriculum ideological and political education, conducting comprehensive and in-depth research on the quality standards, quality evaluation, and quality management of "curriculum ideological and political education", and constructing a basic theoretical system, which is of great significance. He stated that in recent years, Shanghai Normal University has solidly promoted the "Nine Action Plans" to strengthen and improve ideological and political work, issued the "Curriculum Ideological and Political Education Teaching Reform Plan", and was selected as one of the first batch of "Curriculum Ideological and Political" reform pilot units in Shanghai. Shanghai Normal University has always advocated the education and teaching goal of strengthening value guidance, knowledge transmission, and ability cultivation, fully leveraging the role of the classroom as the main channel, effectively integrating ideological value guidance throughout the entire process and every link of education and teaching, promoting all teachers and courses to assume the responsibility of educating people, guarding a certain channel, planting a good responsibility field, and making various courses and ideological and political courses go in the same direction, achieving all-round education for all staff, the whole process, and all aspects.

A good helper for ideological and political teachers and a good assistant for ideological and political research

Assist in ideological and political education, based on basic theories | Shanghai Normal University | Ideological and Political Education | Basic Theory

President Li Guozhong of Northeast Normal University Press introduced the editing and publishing situation of the book "Principles of Course Ideology and Politics" from the aspects of publishing background, preliminary research, quality control, and important significance. He stated that the book has high theoretical and practical value, which can help solve many difficulties faced by ideological and political education in China, and provide theoretical guidance for practical actions for ideological and political teachers. Professor Zhang Zhidan, Dean and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Marxism at Shanghai Normal University, believes that "The Basic Principles of Curriculum Ideology and Politics", as the first work in China to study the basic principles of "curriculum ideology and politics", is a landmark achievement in the construction of Shanghai Normal University's "national first-class discipline" in ideological and political education. This book is based on the basic requirements of the Party and the state for ideological and political education, based on the basic principles of education, combined with the actual situation of higher education in China, and systematically studies and explores the basic theory of "curriculum ideological and political education". The book is divided into three parts and 11 chapters, with a total of 420000 words. It is currently the first theoretical monograph in China that studies "curriculum ideology and politics" from the perspective of curriculum theory, based on the basic principles of education. It provides theoretical support for the scientification of "curriculum ideology and politics", realizes multiple innovations, and has important academic and practical value, which will inevitably have a wide and profound social impact.

At the seminar on the construction of "curriculum ideology and politics" in the new era, attending experts and scholars had a brilliant discussion on the basic concept and essential connotation of "curriculum ideology and politics", how to improve the effectiveness and quality of talent cultivation of "curriculum ideology and politics", and how to improve the level of education and teaching of "curriculum ideology and politics".

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