Zhong Hua Theory: Promoting Investigation and Research in the Era | China | Zhong Hua Theory

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:19 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 9th (Xinhua) - Promoting Investigation and Research

Zhong Hua's Theory

Looking back at the century long struggle history of the Party, investigation and research are the heirlooms of our Party. From setting sail on a red ship to leading a giant ship, based on in-depth investigation and research, we have formulated and implemented correct routes, principles, and policies, enabling our party to firmly grasp the historical initiative and lead the people to continuously create historic achievements.

The development of practice is endless, and investigation and research are always on the way. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, how can we further make good use of the legacy of investigation and research, so that investigation and research can shine with new brilliance in the new era? The times and the people are looking forward to new answers from the Communist Party members.


"Are you using gas lamps, kerosene lamps, or other lighting equipment in your workplace?"

"Is the machine specifically hired by workers to wipe, or is it wiped by workers using the machine without pay during working days?"

"Do you want to start night work?"

This is a question from the "Worker Survey Form" created by Marx over 140 years ago to investigate the work and living conditions of French workers. Each item is very specific and down-to-earth.

As Marx said, "A person who does not understand the current social situation will not understand the movement to overthrow this society and the manifestation of this revolutionary movement in literature." Investigation and research are important methods for Marxist classic writers to understand and transform the world. Marxism emerged and continuously developed on the basis of investigation and research.

In order to write "Capital", Marx conducted comprehensive, systematic, and dynamic investigations and research on capitalist society over the past 40 years, read over 2000 economic works, collected over 4000 newspapers and magazines, and often conducted field investigations in factories and rural areas. Engels spent 21 months conducting extensive and in-depth investigations in the UK, visiting factories, mines, and working families, making friends with workers, doctors, teachers, and others, collecting a large amount of first-hand materials, and writing his immortal work "The State of the British Working Class".

Opening the history of our party, many brilliant theoretical innovations and far-reaching major decisions all stem from in-depth and solid investigation and research. From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, our party has walked the way, emphasizing investigation and research has become a glorious tradition and excellent work style of the party, and promoting investigation and research has become an important tool for the party to lead the people to continuous victory.

Faced with the question of "how long the red flag can last", Comrade Mao Zedong, based on the land of China and grasping the national conditions, scientifically answered the major question of "why China's red regime can exist". The belief that "a single spark can start a prairie fire" has taken root in the hearts of the Communist Party.

In the face of the task of "building a new world", our party conducts large-scale investigations and research, strictly distinguishes and correctly handles the contradictions between the enemy and ourselves and the internal contradictions of the people, correctly handles the ten major relationships in China's socialist construction, explores a socialist construction path suitable for China's national conditions, and leads the people to achieve innovative theoretical achievements and tremendous achievements in socialist revolution and construction.

Faced with the question of "what kind of socialism to build and how to build socialism", our party has conducted in-depth investigation and research, adhered to the principle of seeking truth from facts and starting from reality, and made historic decisions to shift the focus of party and state work to economic construction and implement reform and opening up, opening up a new era of reform and socialist modernization construction.

The first article of the eight central regulations issued after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is to improve investigation and research.

Looking back at the struggle of the Party, investigation and research are the "telescope" for insight into the overall situation, the "golden key" for solving difficult problems, the "foundation" for scientific decision-making, and the "sharpening stone" for improving work style. When the whole Party attaches great importance to and adheres to and strengthens investigation and research from top to bottom, and when the Party's work decisions and guiding principles are in line with objective reality, the Party's cause will develop smoothly.

Comrade Mao Zedong once profoundly pointed out: "The victory of the Chinese revolutionary struggle depends on the understanding of the Chinese situation by Chinese comrades." Why "know China"? Investigation and research serve as a bridge and link between the basic principles of Marxism and the specific realities of China, as well as the excellent traditional culture of China. The realization of "two combinations" and the opening up of a new realm of Marxism with Chinese characteristics and modernization always rely on investigation and research as the premise and basis.


In Guangdong, we will go deep into enterprises, ports, and rural areas, and have cordial exchanges with workers, farmers, entrepreneurs, and scientific and technological personnel, pointing out the direction for Guangdong to "take the lead in promoting Chinese path to modernization"; In Hebei, we will explore construction sites, visit ports, enter communities, and inquire about people's livelihoods. We will host two symposiums to plan for the construction of Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality, and promote the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei; In Beijing, visited the National Museum of Chinese Editions and the Chinese Academy of History, attended a symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and delivered important speeches; In Inner Mongolia, conduct in-depth research in nature reserves, modern agricultural demonstration parks, forest farms, water conservancy departments, etc., preside over and hold a symposium on strengthening comprehensive desertification prevention and control and promoting key ecological engineering construction such as the "Three North", and deliver important speeches; In Jiangsu, conduct in-depth research in industrial parks, enterprises, historical and cultural districts, scientific laboratories, etc., and plan to write a new chapter in the modernization construction of "strong wealth, beautiful high" new Jiangsu;

Practice is the most vivid classroom, and action is the most powerful demonstration.

Why should research be valued? How to conduct research well? How to make good use of research results?Speaking of methodology, it requires "learning from the people and learning from them", emphasizing "learning and applying dialectical materialism", "being good at dissecting sparrows, accurately understanding the actual situation", "being good at seeing the essence through phenomena, and improving the ability to grasp the essence of problems and the laws of contradictions"; Specify the inspection standards, "it depends on whether the social situation and public opinion are understood, and whether practical problems are solved"; Improve the research style, pointing out that "we should not only 'get involved' in the grassroots, but also 'focus' on the grassroots." It is required that "we should not engage in show style research, bonsai style research, or skimming water style research", and "we should avoid formalism and bureaucracy";

Traveling thousands of miles, the grandeur lies in the chest. The concept of "precision poverty alleviation" was first proposed during research in Hunan, the "four comprehensive" strategic layout was first proposed during research in Jiangsu, and the basic requirements of "six precision" were put forward during research in Guizhou. A new development pattern was constructed, promoting the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin... The series of strategic measures taken in the new era, the series of revolutionary practices promoted, the series of breakthrough progress achieved, and the series of landmark achievements all embody the efforts and wisdom of General Secretary's in-depth investigation and research time and time again.


The more in-depth the research, the clearer the mind and eyes, and the heavier the burden on one's shoulders. Sitting in the office, all we encounter are problems, and all we see at the grassroots level are methods. Only with a down-to-earth attitude can we come up with practical solutions. Many party members and cadres have gained insights from their research, which from one aspect enlighten us that heirlooms are timeless, the importance of investigation and research on the new journey is more prominent, and the significance of investigation and research in the new era is more profound in the revitalization of the entire party.

The era is the mother of thought, and practice is the source of theory.

The clearer one knows, the more steadfast one will act. Investigation and research are the source of true knowledge and insightful insights. Revitalizing investigation and research throughout the Party is a powerful measure to deal with the trials of storms on the way forward in the new era and new journey and to promote Chinese path to modernization. It is the central task of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the new era and new journey to comprehensively build a strong socialist modernization country, achieve the second centennial goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. This is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking that will inevitably encounter various predictable and unpredictable difficulties and obstacles. In the new era and new journey, to scientifically understand the changes of the world, the times and the history, to answer the questions of China, the world, the people and the times, to be prepared for the major test of high winds, high waves and even rough waves, and to continuously promote the cause of Chinese path to modernization, we need to grasp the general trend and laws through high-quality research, constantly propose new ideas, new ways to solve problems, and better respond to the situation, cultivate new opportunities and start a new situation.

There are great advantages and great difficulties. Today, our party has become the world's largest Marxist ruling party with over 98 million party members and over 5 million grassroots party organizations. Conducting investigations and research on the revitalization of the entire Party is a practical need to always maintain a clear and firm understanding of the unique challenges faced by the Party, and to answer the "Six How to Always" questions. Through in-depth and meticulous investigation and research to understand the truth, identify problems, identify shortcomings, identify gaps, and clarify directions, we continuously deepen our understanding of the laws of the Communist Party's governance, socialist construction, and human social development, improve the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party system, and better reflect the timeliness, grasp the regularity, and be creative in all aspects of the work of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. Only then can we deeply promote the new great project of Party building in the new era, and make our Party always the strong leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Rooted in fertile soil, its leaves are lush; Seeking truth from facts, its logic is clear. Conducting investigations and research throughout the Party is an effective way to transform work style, closely connect with the masses, improve performance skills, and strengthen responsibility. Practice is the basis of truth, and research is the cornerstone of success. The more in-depth and solid the investigation and research, the more we can maintain close ties with the people, forge a good work style, stimulate the drive for progress, and learn Marxism as a family, continuously delivering brilliant answers that are worthy of history and the people.


Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province organized party members and cadres to conduct in-depth investigations and research on the front line through forms such as "day visit to enterprise projects+night talks with mass cadres", in a hierarchical and classified manner; Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province has established a "grid discussion point" to organize party members and cadres to go deep into the community to collect public opinion and handle people's livelihood matters well; Qinghai carries out "large-scale visits, research, investigation, and tackling" to study and propose measures and suggestions in areas with high altitude and difficult conditions; Part of the agricultural and rural sectors have dispatched party members and cadres to over 650 counties for research, systematically sorting out the progress of key work in the field of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, as well as the key and difficult tasks and urgent issues they face. In the theme education, various departments and party members and cadres from all over the country have gone deep into reality, grassroots, and the masses, grasped the truth, checked the pulse, and promoted the trend of investigation and research.

To do a good job in investigation and research, we must adhere to the mass line. Coming and going from the masses, it is easy to step into the threshold of the masses, but it is not easy to enter the hearts of the masses. Use your heart and emotions to build a bridge between the hearts of the masses. Solve difficulties and be a caring person for the people. Sitting on the side of the people with one's buttocks up and one's buttocks down, in deep communication of sitting close to one's body and having heartfelt conversations, sincerely listening to the voices of the people, reflecting their wishes, caring for their suffering, speaking and doing things for the people, is the only way to always stand together, think together, and work together with the people. Be willing to be a "primary school student", seek advice from the people, ask for advice from the people, learn and draw on the "true knowledge" and "golden ideas" of the people, in order to better understand the people's situation, gather their wisdom, and gather their strength, transform research results into correct understanding, and turn the correct propositions of the Party into conscious actions of the people.

To do a good job in investigation and research, we must adhere to seeking truth from facts. Whether one can and dares to seek truth from facts is not only a matter of level of understanding, but also a matter of party spirit. To conduct thorough investigation and research, one must have the courage to face problems directly, adhere to the pursuit of truth, and have the courage to correct mistakes. Looking at both "high-rise buildings" and "shady alleys", we must go wherever we are, and look at good and bad. We must listen to praise and criticism from cadres and the masses, with one being the first and two being the second. We must focus on listening to the truth, observing the truth, and devising practical strategies to ensure that the process and results of investigation and research are true and reliable. This is the true "not only books, not only superiors, but also facts".

To do a good job in investigation and research, we must adhere to a problem oriented approach. Comrade Mao Zedong once vividly said, "Investigation is like having a baby in October, solving problems is like giving birth in one day. Investigation is solving problems. Whether problems can be discovered and solved is the touchstone for testing the effectiveness of investigation and research.". We should focus on the problems that are needed for development, urgently needed for reform, hoped for at the grassroots level, and desired by the people. We should truly understand the situation, identify the problems accurately, and implement countermeasures. We should constantly propose new ideas and methods to effectively solve the problems. We should tighten each ring tightly, hammer after hammer, accumulate small victories into big victories, and turn each "problem list" into a "achievement list".

To do a good job in investigation and research, we must persist in overcoming difficulties. Those who do not seek change will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will advance. Conducting investigations and research should not involve "fake research" that involves sitting in a car and looking through the glass, nor shallow research that involves "looking at more storefronts and windows, but less at the backyard and corners," nor selective research that involves "walking around difficulties and turning corners when encountering contradictions." It is necessary to be pragmatic, solve problems, continuously promote the spirit of struggle, and enhance the ability to fight. We should dare to take on "hot potato" and be good at gnawing on "hard bones". We should conduct research in places and units where there are many difficulties, concentrated public opinions, and work cannot break through the situation, and find effective solutions and scientific paths to solve problems. One word cannot be put into practice, and ten thousand volumes are empty. To prevent excessive investigation and insufficient analysis of situations, one should lean down to the truth, roll up their sleeves to do practical work, and strive to write the "second half of the article" well, effectively transforming the results of investigation and research into practical results in advancing work and overcoming difficulties.

To do a good job in investigation and research, we must adhere to a systematic concept. Going deep into reality, grassroots, and mass investigations to understand the situation, we cannot "see mountains as mountains" or "see water as water", let alone "cover the eyes with a single leaf" or "blind people touch elephants". We need to continuously improve our system thinking ability, grasp the relationships between the overall and local, current and long-term, macro and micro, primary and secondary contradictions, and special and general. Don't be swayed by temporary events, don't be afraid of risks and challenges, understand the overall development trend, plan long-term strategies, take the initiative, think ahead, plan comprehensively, and advance as a whole, so that the Party and the country's various undertakings can proceed steadily and far.


The emerald bamboo in Jinggangshan is lush, the Qianhai Stone in Shenzhen stands tall, and the "millennium wheel" inside the Xiong'an high-speed railway station keeps rotating

Traveling through historical time and space, pursuing eternal footprints. The figure of generations of Communist Party members rushing forward shines with the brilliance of investigating and researching fine traditions.

Today, the grand blueprint of Chinese path to modernization is slowly spreading in China. Rooted in the land of China, with the people in mind, the people of the CPC in the new era are more confident in their struggle, the pace of progress is more powerful, and the will to unite and lead hundreds of millions of people to create a new historical cause is more firm!

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