Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 03:50 AM

The student's classroom is not on the university campus, but in the fields; When villagers encounter production difficulties, they will habitually enter "technology academies" because "these methods of college student dolls really work".

The Science and Technology Academy is a new type of graduate training model established by China Agricultural University, which involves graduate students stationed on the front line of agricultural production, experts and professors providing technical support, researching and solving practical problems in agricultural and rural development, cultivating high-level agricultural talents, and serving the modernization construction of agriculture and rural areas. In August 2022, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the China Association for Science and Technology issued a notice on supporting the construction of a number of science and technology academies, providing support for the construction of 780 science and technology academies in 68 graduate training units nationwide, of which Qingdao Agricultural University was selected as 24.

Recently, teachers and students from the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the School of Animation and Media at Qingdao Agricultural University jointly organized the "Third Excellent Journalism and Communication Talent Training Internship Camp". They visited Shuanghe Natural Village in Dianbu Town, where Laixi Carrot Science and Technology Academy is located, focusing on the topic of "The Role of Science and Technology Academy Construction in Promoting Rural Revitalization". They conducted in-depth visits and research at the grassroots level, truly understanding the situation, identifying problems, and implementing countermeasures.

Located at the confluence of the Gu River, Xiaogu River, and Wugu River, Dianbu Town has a history of planting carrots for 30 years. Farmers have expressed this distress to teachers and students: "In recent years, the amount of fertilizer used to plant carrots has increased year by year, and the input cost has been increasing year by year. However, the yield of carrot has been decreasing year by year, and even the quality has begun to show some problems, resulting in lower income." This problem is not an exception. At present, technology academies have helped solve a large number of technical problems in grassroots production and life, but there are still problems such as insufficient targeting and promotion effectiveness. Listening attentively, taking notes carefully, and asking in-depth questions, the teachers and students brought back a large amount of first-hand materials "stained with soil, dewdrops, and steaming", and formed a research report. Around how the carrot industry can develop with high quality, the teachers and students became busy.

A group of "cultural figures" have arrived in the village

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

Like other villagers, Li Maoshan and his group of local villagers have a contradictory attitude towards the students of the Science and Technology Academy, which can be said to be both questioning and expecting. On the one hand, he hopes that this group of students can help them increase production and income; On the other hand, he felt that these children from the city didn't know how to farm at all, they just came to play.

Amidst the unfavorable voices, the students of the Science and Technology Academy still insist on conducting research in the fields every day. "It has been found that during the growth process of carrots, due to excessive fertilization by villagers, the soil potassium and nitrogen content are too high. The carrots grown are small in size, with low vitamin C and soluble sugar content, low water content, and poor taste. Although they can still be eaten, they can only be eaten by farmers themselves and cannot be sold or sold at a lower price." Wang Haibing, the third "director" of Laixi Carrot Technology Academy, said that at that time, the soil in the field was severely compacted, and carrot cultivation was in a predicament.

Wang Haibing is not only the "dean" of the Science and Technology Academy, but also a 2022 graduate student majoring in Resource Utilization and Plant Protection at Qingdao Agricultural University. "Can we combine our own majors to improve soil fertility, improve soil, and enhance the quality indicators and nutrient content of carrots?" She and her classmates began to ponder how to combine the planting pain points found in research with what they have learned in their major.

Do as you please. After consulting a large amount of relevant information and considering the local soil nutrient status, Wang Haibing found that carrots prefer to grow in loose, fertile, and well drained soil. The most suitable soil pH value is 6.0-7.0, ensuring that the soil is rich in organic matter, which is conducive to the growth and development of carrot roots. Adding decomposed compost such as peanut shells or organic fertilizers can improve soil structure and provide nutrients. In addition to studying soil fertility, Wang Haibing also thoroughly weeded and loosened the soil before planting carrots, which is conducive to the growth of carrot roots.

Improving soil requires both improving soil structure and putting effort into irrigation. After discussing with Wang Haibing's classmates and Xu Wenhu, a graduate student majoring in Resources, Environment and Plant Protection at Qingdao Agricultural University, it was decided to promote the integration of water and fertilizer in the village, so that villagers can learn scientific irrigation.

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

"For many years, water and fertilizer have been separated. What is the purpose of 'integration' and what are the differences?" The villagers believe that only with abundant water and fertilizer can 'big fruits' be produced.

Whether the students in the small courtyard can do it or not depends on whether the crops in the field are growing well. Faced with doubts, Xu Wenhu didn't say anything, just silently installing a water and fertilizer machine in the carrot greenhouse. He wanted to prove the results to the villagers, "Under the guidance of the teacher, we applied fertilizer reasonably based on the local soil conditions and the nutrients needed for carrot growth. With the help of integrated water and fertilizer technology, we changed the previous flood irrigation to the current drip irrigation. Water and fertilizer can be directly mixed with water, and finally poured into the field." Xu Wenhu said that this not only has high work efficiency, but also improves the quality of the carrots grown.

In Xu Wenhu's experimental field, there are also soil moisture collectors and RTU controlled effluent piles. "The soil moisture collector can monitor the soil moisture content in real time. Once the soil moisture content is too low, it can automatically irrigate; the RTU controlled outlet pile can be controlled by mobile phones for zoning irrigation. With the help of technology, it greatly reduces the workload of farmers." he said.

Research is not the end point, solving real problems is the goal. The technology courtyard is not large, but there are many teachers and classmates coming. After repeated trials, the teachers and students finally found a suitable carrot planting method for the soil and water here. "Nowadays, carrots have a good appearance and color, and their vitamin C content, soluble sugars, and free amino acids are also high," said Wang Haibing.

Li Maoyue, the chairman of the Qianqiantun Carrot Professional Cooperative in Dianbu Town, was the first grower to taste the fruits of the Science and Technology Academy. "After following the planting technology regulations established by the Science and Technology Academy for me, the fertilizer input has been reduced by half, and the yield has increased. Moreover, the shape, color, and taste of carrots have greatly improved, and the quality has become better." Li Maoyue happily shared with the reporter the help that the Science and Technology Academy has brought him: "The price of one acre of carrots for ordinary growers is about 5500 yuan, at most 6000 yuan, but the carrots produced in my field can be sold for 7000 yuan per acre because of their good quality!"

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

"Living in a farmyard, cooking by oneself, and also busy with experiments and village affairs, I am busy every day." Wang Haibing said, "Over time, the villagers have increased their income and also accepted us. That feeling is sweet in the hard work!"

Teach the "old master" to farm

As the saying goes, it is better to teach someone to fish than to teach them to fish. After conducting research and experiments, the teachers and students of the Science and Technology Academy gained a sense of achievement after driving the increase in villagers' income: "Modern agricultural development requires farmers to understand technology in order to grow good things."

Nowadays, Laixi Carrot Technology Academy is known as the "agricultural university at the doorstep of farmers" and the "classroom for students in the fields". Teachers and students have also specially set up evening classes, field schools and other technical training methods, committed to cultivating local farmers and grain growers into "soil experts".

"College students and teachers" are not easy, research is still ongoing, and new pain points continue to emerge: "What is root knot nematode disease? What are the characteristics of root knot nematode disease? Why does root knot nematode disease occur? How to prevent it?" The yield has increased, but the pests and diseases have caused headaches for farmers. In response to the new problems discovered in the research, Zhang Peiqiang, a graduate student majoring in resource utilization and plant protection at the Science and Technology Academy, often organizes villagers to collectively watch technology training and symptoms of carrot root knot nematode disease, and answers questions on-site.

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

Slowly, research became the norm, and the results often changed dynamically. For example, the small courtyard not only improved the agricultural planting techniques of the villagers, but also changed their planting concepts. "One spray, three defenses, what does it prevent? Prevent diseases and pests, dry and hot winds, and lodging." "If you don't see insects, prevention is more important than cure." When sharing the "farming knowledge" learned from the small courtyard, villager Xia Xiulan spoke eloquently. "In the past, when fertilizing, I didn't know how much the crops should eat. Anyway, having more is better than having less." With the guidance of the students in the small courtyard, Li Maoshan learned that fertilization should pay attention to proportion. "It's just like eating a person, it's not enough to support or starve."

"As of now, the small courtyard has trained more than 2000 people, viewed more than 5500 science popularization short videos, wrote more than 1 million words of work logs, and received more than 20 honors," said Zhao Ying, former director of Laixi Carrot Technology Small Courtyard.

"'Science and Technology Academy 'means moving the classroom to the fields, allowing students to learn theoretical knowledge and solve practical problems for their fellow villagers through research. Associate Professor Li Yun from the School of Resources and Environment at Qingdao Agricultural University said that graduate students in' Science and Technology Academy 'spend an average of 200 days stationed in the academy each year. The problems they encounter in the fields are not found on campus or in the laboratory, and they can be studied and solved as soon as they encounter problems.". Moreover, teachers and students delve into the core issues that limit crop yield and quality improvement, introduce single technology, and innovate the integrated green development technology system for crops. They directly build technology demonstration fields in farmers' fields, allowing farmers to see the demonstration effect up close. Then, they teach farmers how to use integrated technology hand in hand, achieving high yield and efficiency in crop production.

"Going deep into the frontline of the grassroots in the fields, after the transformation of scientific research achievements, farmers have gained benefits, enterprises have been guaranteed, and our students are also happy from the bottom of their hearts." Chen Yanling, the person in charge of Laixi Carrot Technology Academy and associate professor of the School of Resources and Environment at Qingdao Agricultural University, said with deep emotion.

Nowadays, through the organization of "zero distance, zero time difference, zero threshold, and zero cost" services, the technology achievements of the Science and Technology Academy have radiated to more than 50000 acres of carrot planting bases in the town and surrounding areas. The yield and quality of carrots have significantly improved, the defect rate has decreased from over 20% to less than 5%, and the average income per mu has increased by more than 600 yuan. The conversion rate of technology achievements has reached 70%, ensuring stable and abundant carrot production in Dianbu Town.

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

It is reported that currently there are 92 graduate students from Qingdao Agricultural University studying and practicing at the "Science and Technology Academy". Zero distance between profession and farmers, zero distance between scientific research and production, and zero distance between education and employment. In serving the major national strategy of the Yellow River and assisting in the revitalization of rural talents, we have solidly made distinctive features and created a brand.

"Dealing with the land and conversing with crops every day brings more and more joy," said Wang Haibing. The learning experience in the small courtyard not only brings them professional progress, but also the experience of comprehensive literacy and the cultivation of a love for agriculture. I really like studying crops now. Even if I'm not in Laixi or passing by wheat fields elsewhere, I can't help but look at how carrots look.

Research Notes

Rooted in the countryside, understanding people's livelihoods and governing knowledge

At present, 1048 science and technology academies have been established nationwide, covering 31 provinces, 222 types of agricultural products, and 59 industrial systems in the agricultural industry. At the same time, the technology courtyard model has also been promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and has been extended to multiple countries and regions overseas. At present, taking the opportunity of carrying out theme education, accelerating the institutionalization, standardization, and standardization development of science and technology academies is becoming a consensus among everyone. It can be imagined that with the promotion of the graduate training model in science and technology academies, more and more science and technology academies will appear in the fields, providing assistance for rural revitalization.

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

The Science and Technology Academy is a "second classroom" built on vast fertile fields, and also a stage for young talents to write life papers. "Residing is attitude, integrating is determination, and launching is ability." Although the small courtyard is "small", it relies on the education, technology, and talent of agricultural universities, nurturing a beautiful future for the countryside. Students go deep into the fields and villages, eating, living, and working together with farmers; Write your paper on the ground and let the scientific research achievements in the laboratory take root in the vast fields. Teaching and education, field and classroom, theory and practice, scientific research and promotion, innovation and service are closely integrated in science and technology academies. Starting from technology academies, more and more young students are stepping onto the stage of rural revitalization.

Researching real problems, proposing real strategies, and seeing real results are just the first step. Teachers and students are still on the road of continuous research and exploration on how to better develop and construct technology academies, integrate industry and education, provide technology services, cultivate talents, and popularize science in the next step. A tree that is a thousand feet tall must have a deep root. The technology small courtyard deeply rooted in the rural land is showing vigorous and upward vitality. With the vast land as the paper and the struggle and responsibility as the pen and ink, the stories of young people in the small courtyard are still being written.

School of Journalism and Communication, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Jointly organized by the School of Animation and Media of Qingdao Agricultural University

Joint planning of the 3rd Excellent Journalism and Communication Talent Training Internship Camp

Youth Youwei "College Student Teacher" from Carrot Technology Academy

Guidance Teacher: Wang Kaishan, Xu Jinpu, Xue Liang, Liu Chaoxia, Wang Lumi, He Meijing, Zhuang Yan

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