Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:21 AM

The national road journey runs from snowy mountains to the sea | The sister of the anti drug martyr chases the drug dealer and jumps into a deep ditch

In the rain, with a black umbrella, a bouquet of white flowers, and a police uniform, Yin Mingyan climbed up the stairs and walked towards the highest point of the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County, where her brother Yin Mingzhi was sleeping.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On August 2, 1997, the former Dehong Public Security Border Defense Detachment in Yunnan Province received an important clue: someone had bought a batch of drugs in Myanmar and was preparing to smuggle them into the country. In the evening of that day, Yin Mingzhi and his comrades arrived at Laying Village, Zhangfeng Town, Longchuan County. After four or five hours of waiting, the suspect appeared around 11 o'clock at night. During the arrest process, Yin Mingzhi saw the crowd assisting in the case being besieged by drug traffickers and rushed forward. The drug dealer stabbed his left lower abdomen with a long knife, but he still held onto a drug dealer tightly and refused to let go. However, the drug dealer's long knife stabbed into his body one by one. In the end, due to his severe injuries, Yin Mingzhi, who had been injured for more than ten times, passed away in the early morning of the next day before he was 22 years old.

The drizzle is like a thread, poignant and cutting, as if longing connects heaven and earth together.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

Yin Mingyan placed the white chrysanthemums in front of his brother's tomb, stood at attention and saluted. Then, he looked at the tombstone for a long time and confided to his brother, "Adong, our family is doing well, and my mother is also doing well. I want to bring her to Mangshi to live, but she said she can't bear living in the city..."

"Except for the Qingming Festival and other days, every time I think about my brother, I come over to take a look." Today, Yin Mingyan took a leave of absence to bring reporters to the Martyrs' Cemetery. "When I go to see him, I have a lot to say: the current situation of my parents, my own work, some of my own thoughts... When I feel confused, I go to his cemetery and feel relieved."

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

At Yin Mingzhi's funeral, the leader of his unit asked his parents if there were any difficulties at home. Yin Mingzhi's father said, "There are no difficulties at home, just hope that the third son Yin Mingyan can take his brother's steel gun and continue his unfinished career!"

So, Yin Mingyan, who was still in her sophomore year of high school at the time, graduated from high school and joined the military, becoming a soldier in the Dehong Public Security Border Defense Detachment. Yin Mingyan said that her brother's heroic appearance when he returned home from the army gave her a desire to join the army. Later, while sorting through Yin Mingzhi's relics with tears in her eyes, Yin Mingyan saw a sentence in her brother's diary: "Join the fight against drugs, do your best, shine." This further strengthened her determination to enlist.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

After the new recruits completed their training, Yin Mingyan applied to the front line of drug control and became a drug fighter like his brother Yin Mingzhi. Due to the unique nature of her work, she still cannot appear in full form in the lens of journalists until now.

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan walked in the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan walked in the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan walked in the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

One day after work, while eating at home, Yin Mingyan suddenly received a phone call from the team asking her and her teammates to go out to block the checkpoint for duty at night. There may be drug traffickers passing by. Yin Mingyan and her teammates relied on compressed dry food to satisfy their hunger and waited in the mountains for three nights and two days. Finally, they caught four drug trafficking suspects, a woman and three men, and seized 24 kilograms of opium. Subsequently, the interrogation was conducted overnight and lasted for another day or two nights, finally breaking through the case and securing the evidence.

But at this moment, an accident occurred and the female suspect escaped by using the opportunity to use the restroom at night. "When she came out of the bathroom, she ran away. Because it was at night, there was no way to tell. There was a deep ditch in front of her, and the suspect jumped down. There was only one meter between her and me, and I jumped down with her. Maybe it was more than two meters high. Fortunately, there was water in the ditch, and her hands and feet were injured, but fortunately it was not very serious." Yin Mingyan recalled that after she rose from the water, she immediately grabbed the suspect's feet. At this time, the suspect turned his head and said to Yin Mingyan: I give you 20000 yuan, and you let me go. Twenty years ago, 20000 yuan was a considerable amount, but Yin Mingyan did not hesitate to hear this sentence and continued to call on his comrades, ultimately capturing the suspect and bringing him to justice. Afterwards, Yin Mingyan went to check on her injuries and found out that she was already pregnant at the time. "At that time, there was only one thought in my mind, which was to catch her without any distractions."

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

Yin Mingyan said that this incident made her better understand why her brother was willing to sacrifice himself to protect his comrades and tightly grasp the drug dealer's long sword. "To live, there must be something beyond oneself spiritually, just like my brother. I want to give him another choice in the same situation, and he will still choose like this."

Dehong Prefecture in Yunnan Province is located on the border between China and Myanmar, with a border length of 503.8 kilometers. It is adjacent to the world's source of drugs, the "Golden Triangle", and has long been at the forefront and main battlefield of China's drug control struggle. The fight against drugs means sacrifice and dedication. After joining the military for 9 years, Yin Mingyan's colleague Xu Shengqian unfortunately sacrificed himself while investigating a drug trafficking case.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

"We have the same office, and it's like this face-to-face. We live together every day, and it's not that our loved ones are better than our loved ones." Recalling the sacrifice of our comrades in arms, Yin Mingyan choked up.

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan and colleagues inspected the express delivery goods at a logistics point in Mangshi. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan searched for express packages at a logistics point in Mangshi. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan and her colleagues were conducting a simulation analysis and deduction of the case. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan displayed some samples of 226.7 kilograms of methamphetamine seized in a recent major drug trafficking and transportation case. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

In March 2007, a joint task force led by the former Dehong Public Security Border Defense Detachment was caught catching drug traffickers in a jungle called "Moon Stone" in Yingjiang County when they were suddenly attacked by drug traffickers with submachine guns, automatic rifles, and hand grenades. Lieutenant Gan Zurong was shot through his chest and died on the spot; Major Bai Jiangang had his aorta cut off by a grenade shrapnel and closed his eyes during the rescue operation; The mountain was high, the forest was dense, and the road was slippery. After being injured, Lieutenant Xu Sheng was only carried to the roadside for two hours. He was less than 100 meters away from the ambulance parked on the roadside and shed his last drop of blood.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

"In the previous second, our colleagues may have been speaking normally and jokingly, but in the next second, your comrades may not be around."

Fighting, explosions, undercover agents, injuries, sacrifices... This is the life that Yin Mingyan and her comrades have chosen. Their choices and bloody struggles allow more people to choose a peaceful and beautiful life.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On International Anti Drug Day 2022, Yunnan police released 60 photos of anti drug heroes. In 1982, the Yunnan public security organs established the first professional anti drug team in the country. Over the past 40 years, 60 people have heroically sacrificed their lives and over 300 have been heroically injured in the anti drug front in Yunnan.

"Many people ask me if I regret it, but in fact, I don't regret choosing to pursue a career similar to my brother. I love this job very much." Yin Mingyan said, "When faced with life-threatening situations, everyone is afraid. Saying that they are not afraid is false. But when you are truly in that position, you will put everything aside and truly think about your responsibilities. Maybe you don't even have time to be afraid, and only then will you be afraid! Fear is also normal because you have parents and family!"

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Chen Xi, a police officer from the Dehong Border Management Detachment's rotation training team, provided guidance during Yin Mingyan's shooting. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

"Bang bang!" The sound of gunshots made by Yin Mingyan and her comrades during shooting training came from the rain. Yin Mingyan lay in the mud and water, hitting a nine ring shot.

"It's raining well today, and training in the rain is more valuable," said Chen Xi, a police officer from the Dehong Border Management Detachment's rotation training team responsible for guiding Yin Mingyan's training. "Criminals don't just move around when the weather is good. You need to train yourself to fight around the clock."

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

At the moment the bullet was fired, raindrops fell from the barrel. Watching Yin Mingyan, who was still drenched in mud and training in shooting, the reporter fell into contemplation. What kind of spirit inspires these anti drug fighters, allowing them to bravely move forward even after witnessing the sacrifices of their relatives and friends?

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan received bullets before the start of live fire training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan prepared before shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, the instructor provided shooting guidance to Yin Mingyan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Jiayi

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Chen Xi, a rotating police officer from the Dehong Border Management Detachment, guided Yin Mingyan in conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

On July 13th, Yin Mingyan was conducting shooting training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

The blood of heroes dyed the earth red, in exchange for happiness and peace. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the national drug control departments have taken a highly responsible attitude towards the country, the nation, the people, and history, adhered to the strict implementation of drug control policies, fought a good people's war against drugs, and continuously consolidated and expanded the overall positive situation of the drug control struggle. The high incidence of drug crimes has been effectively curbed. The number of drug-related crimes cracked by public security organs nationwide has decreased from a peak of over 160000 in 2015 to 35000 in 2022. From January 2018 to May 2023, the national procuratorial organs arrested a total of 373000 people for drug crimes, a year-on-year decrease of 40%. From 2018 to 2022, the number of drug cases concluded in first instance trials in national courts continued to decline, continuing the downward trend since 2015. Nowadays, drug related criminal activities have dropped to their lowest point in nearly 10 years; There are currently 1.124 million drug users nationwide, a decrease of 56% from the peak period; Since 2020, the satisfaction rate of the general public in China's drug control work has remained above 96% - perhaps this is the answer: the latest achievements in China's drug control work have comforted the heroes of Yin Mingzhi and Xu Shengqian, and also inspired Yin Mingyan and her comrades to continue moving forward.

Since her engagement in drug control, Yin Mingyan has successively participated in the detection of more than 100 drug cases, arrested more than 230 suspects of illegal crimes, and seized more than 400 kilograms of drugs. She has been rated as a "heroine for meritorious deeds" and "excellent female police officer in border defense" by the All China Women's Federation, Yunnan Women's Federation, and Yunnan Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station. Now she has grown to be the deputy leader of the law enforcement investigation team of Yunnan Dehong Border Management Detachment.

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan walked in the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan laid flowers in front of the tombstone of Yin Mingzhi at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Jiayi

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Jiayi

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan saluted in front of the tombstone of Yin Mingzhi at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Your sister took your gun!, Yin Mingzhi, Longchuan County | Yin Mingyan | Sister

On July 12th, Yin Mingyan paid tribute to his brother Yin Mingzhi who had sacrificed himself at the Martyrs Cemetery in Longchuan County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

"If my older brother could see today, I think he would be very happy." On Qingming Festival a year ago, Yin Mingyan wrote a letter to her brother whom she had been missing all along. The letter said, "Now I am walking on the road you once walked, doing the work you did. I understand very well, and I also understand your choice back then. If life could start over again, I am willing to work with you to complete the anti drug mission that day."

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