Write the paper on the land of the countryside (Youth Faction) | Olive Vinegar | Field

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:16 PM

Figure 1: Scenery of the fields in Hui'an County, Quanzhou City.

Photo by Wang Sheng

Figure 2: Liu Mengying is observing the growth of tea on the tea mountain in Huilong Village, Huilong Township, Jianyang District, Nanping City.

Photographed by journalist Fu Wen from this newspaper

Pei Jinze conducted research in Zhangyang Village, Minqing County.

Respondents provide pictures

Wang Jianlei measures prefabricated building components in the workshop of the service object enterprise.

Photographed by journalist Fu Wen from this newspaper

Recently, the reporter approached three young science and technology envoys to learn about their touching stories of dedicating themselves to industrial upgrading and rural revitalization on the front line.

Liu Mengying:

Let the ancient tea garden shine with new vitality

At around 11 o'clock on July 25th, the Xiaobai Tea Mother Tree Base in Hangxia Village, Zhangdun Town, Jianyang District, Nanping City was scorching in the scorching sun. Walking into the tea garden under the scorching sun, Liu Mengying, an agronomist at the Rural Revitalization Service Center of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Nanping City, bent down and carefully examined the growth of the tea leaves, carefully recording the agronomic indicators such as leaf color, length, and texture. In no time, she was busy and sweating profusely.

Write the paper on the land of the countryside (Youth Faction) | Olive Vinegar | Field

For Liu Mengying, conducting research in rural areas like this is already a common occurrence. This 10 acre tea garden has a history of over 200 years and was previously poorly managed. In 2017, 31 year old Liu Mengying came from the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Nanping City to Zhangdun Town as a science and technology special envoy. As soon as she arrived at the village, Liu Mengying wrote about the ancient tea garden: widening roads, building fences, establishing the Zhangdun Xiaobai tea mother tree base and germplasm resource garden, collecting and protecting nearly a thousand high-quality wild tea germplasm resources, and developing the new product of "Purple Sprout", a characteristic high-quality Xiaobai tea. Until now, she comes to the base every month for observation and recording.

After burning the first flame, Liu Mengying persuaded tea farmers to improve tea garden management and tea planting methods. Zhangdun Town has a history of over a thousand years of tea cultivation and production. But at that time, many tea farmers gave up harvesting tea due to factors such as low planting technology and poor market conditions. Liu Mengying's service target - She Township Ecological Agriculture Professional Cooperative in Zhangdun Old District, Jianyang District, Nanping City, has a tea plantation of 2000 acres, but the annual tea production is only about 1000 kilograms. Seeing that "little white tea is not as good as little cabbage", Li Quandi, the chairman of the cooperative, took the lead in adopting Liu Mengying's suggestion to switch to using biopesticides and organic fertilizers.

Hand in hand guidance and face-to-face explanation, Liu Mengying led the cooperative tea farmers to implement green production measures item by item in accordance with the technical regulations for green food tea production. Biological pesticides have slow effects and require five or six times more manual labor to apply organic fertilizers. Some tea farmers cannot help but doubt their temperament. However, Liu Mengying patiently persuades tea farmers to plant according to technical regulations and continue to make efforts in selecting tea varieties, improving tea quality, and building tea brands.

Hard work pays off to those who have a heart. In 2018, Liu Mengying successfully obtained green food certification for the "Nankeng Xiaobai Tea" product produced by the cooperative, becoming the first certified Xiaobai tea product in Nanping City. She represented Fujian Province for two consecutive years at the Green Expo and also won the gold medal product at the 20th National Green Expo.

After the increase in popularity, the cooperative tea quickly opened up the market. Last year, the tea production of the cooperative reached 50000 kilograms and the output value exceeded 10 million yuan. Seeing the tea business of the cooperative becoming increasingly prosperous, nearby tea farmers and enterprises have also come to seek advice. Liu Mengying selflessly imparts tea planting skills and knowledge through organizing training, on-site teaching, and other forms.

In the past, tea farmers were worried about competing with tea trees for water and fertilizer, and they would weed out the grass as soon as they saw it. However, Liu Mengying has a different view: some creeping grass does not affect the growth of tea. It can not only lock in water and retain soil moisture, but also reduce the intensity of rainwater erosion and maintain soil and water. She invited provincial and municipal water and soil conservation experts to conduct on-site surveys, provide technical guidance, and conduct soil and water conservation experiments in three areas including Houmen Mountain in the cooperative, selecting excellent grass species suitable for local natural conditions.

After a simple lunch, Liu Mengying hurried to Huilong Village in Huilong Township, where Zhang Ruiwang, the general manager of Tianyun Tea Industry Co., Ltd. in Jianyang District, Nanping City, had already been waiting. Wearing a straw hat, Liu Mengying climbed up the tea mountain again. Pushing aside the grass, Liu Mengying directly grabbed a handful of soil to check the soil moisture and said, "The yellow and snow covered grass on the way have grown well, and the soil is also relatively moist, indicating that our experimental approach is correct."

"In the past two years, there was a severe drought, and the soil in other tea gardens cracked and the tea tree yield decreased. I was not affected here," said Zhang Ruiwang. After eliminating harmful weeds and leaving beneficial ones, there were more and more tree frogs, earthworms, and dragonflies in the tea gardens, and pests and diseases were significantly reduced. The quality and yield of tea were also significantly improved. "At the beginning, only removing weeds would require manual labor, but over time, it actually saves more labor and has more obvious benefits." Liu Mengying said, "Many of these grasses are traditional Chinese medicinal materials. Next, we need to study how to further develop and utilize them to maximize economic benefits."

Zhang Ruiwang has been dealing with tea since childhood and has been learning tea growing techniques for decades. In recent years, Zhang Ruiwang often invited Liu Mengying to his own tea garden for on-site guidance. Although it is beyond the scope of work, Liu Mengying still enjoys it tirelessly. "Teacher Liu has a high level of technical skills, and the tea farmers are convinced. Every time we encounter difficulties, we approach her," said Zhang Ruiwang.

For the past six years, Liu Mengying has almost always gone to the countryside on weekends or holidays. It takes over an hour by car from the city to the countryside, and she often sets off at five or six in the morning. After finishing her work, it is already eight or nine in the evening when she gets home. Following Liu Mengying through the fields and villages, she often receives enthusiastic greetings from fellow villagers. "I've come here many times, and everyone knows me now," said Liu Mengying. As long as she can use her professional knowledge to help her fellow villagers, she feels very at ease.

In recent years, Liu Mengying has also made great efforts to cultivate a team of agricultural technology talents that cannot be taken away in the local area. At the end of last year, under her guidance and guidance, Li Quandi and Zhang Ruiwang were both appointed as special promoters of local science and technology in Jianyang District.

Wang Jianlei:

Helping enterprises overcome the bottleneck problem

Write the paper on the land of the countryside (Youth Faction) | Olive Vinegar | Field

In the morning of July 24, Wang Jianlei, a senior engineer of the Fujian Institute of Physical Structure of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to the prefabrication workshop of CSCEC Science and Technology Co., Ltd. in Minqing County, Fuzhou City to check the progress of the project of "heat storage type external wall insulation board".

This insulation board is one of the major projects listed and led by Fuzhou City, jointly developed by Wang Jianlei and the target enterprise. "In cement, we have added phase change materials with ceramic particles as carriers. This material absorbs heat and turns into a liquid when it exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, and releases heat and turns into a solid when it is below 25 degrees Celsius. By absorbing and releasing heat, we achieve energy-saving effects in building insulation," said Wang Jianlei.

Wang Jianlei is 34 years old this year and has been serving as a provincial-level science and technology envoy in Fujian since 2016. He is a young scholar in the field of polymer materials and fiber-reinforced composite materials science. He has led and completed four scientific research projects of the Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission, as well as multiple enterprise commissioned projects.

"The arrival of a technology envoy to the enterprise has completely transformed our research and development philosophy," said Zhou Yong, the head of the Technology and Design Management Department of China Construction Technology Co., Ltd. "His arrival has helped us improve our research ideas and enhance our forward-looking research and development."

Fujian Haiyuan New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., located in Nanping City, is the first enterprise served by Wang Jianlei as a provincial-level science and technology envoy. "We are an enterprise engaged in the research and development, production, and sales of glass fiber and carbon fiber composite products," said Wu Wei, Vice General Manager of the company. The first project we collaborated on was "High Performance Composite Building Template".

Building formwork is a commonly used mold for construction sites, which used to be made of steel and was very bulky. In 2013, the company developed thermoplastic composite templates, which weigh only 1/4 of steel templates; However, due to frequent welding sparks on construction sites, there is a risk of fire accidents. After Wang Jianlei provided targeted assistance to the enterprise, he helped develop new materials and added flame retardant components, achieving innovative material applications that combine mechanics and flame retardancy.

Wang Jianlei worked with the enterprise technical team to improve the product structure, making the template more durable and able to be quickly disassembled. He also spent nearly three months helping companies optimize and debug production processes. This product has been successfully applied to construction projects such as Fuzhou Metro Line 2 and Xiong'an New Area, and has won the second prize for scientific and technological progress in Fujian Province in 2020. Currently, it has achieved an added output value of 1.541 billion yuan.

In early 2019, Haiyuan Technology began researching and developing composite material battery enclosures for new energy vehicles. It is reported that currently, the heaviest component of new energy vehicles is the power battery. In order to extend the driving range, car lightweighting is currently the research and development direction of many car companies. After replacing sheet metal parts with composite materials, the weight of the battery box can be effectively reduced, achieving the goal of overall vehicle lightweighting. Wu Wei said that epoxy resin is the basic material in this composite material. Originally, it could only be purchased from abroad, but the supplier not only extended the supply time arbitrarily, but also demanded an annual price increase of 15%, putting enormous pressure on the enterprise.

After understanding the pain points of the enterprise, Wang Jianlei continuously adjusted the material formula and improved the process flow while conducting experiments. After a year of dedicated research, he finally overcame this technical problem and achieved domestic substitution. "By optimizing parameters, we have developed a new forming process for power battery shell materials with independent intellectual property rights, which can compress the production cycle time of individual products to less than 8 minutes, thereby meeting the mass production and low-cost manufacturing needs of high-performance fiber composite materials." said Wang Jianlei.

"His theory and technical support help us not go astray, avoid ineffective experiments, and accelerate the research and development process." Wu Wei said that compared to specialized research institutions, enterprises do not have as many highly educated R&D personnel. After the intervention of technology envoys, they combine experts, scholars, university talents, and enterprise practice to accelerate the transformation and implementation of scientific research achievements. At present, the price of similar products abroad has dropped from 78 yuan per kilogram to 42 yuan. Last year, Haiyuan Technology supplied 850000 units to a well-known domestic power battery enterprise, with a battery box product output value of 420 million yuan.

In recent years, Wang Jianlei has written and published 21 SCI academic papers, applied for 30 national invention patents as the first inventor, and successfully translated multiple of them. "From specific assistance projects, we can discover the needs of enterprises and condense them into scientific problems for research. With a theoretical foundation, we can further help enterprises solve technical problems." Wang Jianlei said that by discussing with enterprise technical personnel, we can find more effective ways to transform technological achievements into real productivity. "The enterprise workshop is the best laboratory; the best learning method is to go deep into the production line."

Pei Jinze:

Serving entrepreneurs who are committed to rural revitalization

Write the paper on the land of the countryside (Youth Faction) | Olive Vinegar | Field

In the midsummer season, in Zhangyang Village, Meixi Town, Minqing County, Fuzhou City, lotus flowers are in full bloom and the stream water is gurgling; In the fields, characteristic crops such as taro and olives are growing at full bloom and a bountiful harvest is in sight.

On July 24th, just as a group of out of town graduate students were sent away, Pei Jinze, the chairman of the Fujian Provincial Fengyin Poverty Alleviation Service Center, immediately convened a meeting with colleagues to discuss the next development strategy of Zhangyang Village. Since serving as the special envoy for science and technology in Minqing County in 2021, Pei Jinze has been racking his brains to provide suggestions for promoting rural revitalization in the local area, including renovating a century old ancient house into a homestay, developing agricultural tourism projects such as navel orange picking, planting edible roses, and designing and producing olive cultural and creative products.

"My positioning is to serve entrepreneurs who are committed to rural revitalization," said Pei Jinze. Pei Jinze, 32 years old this year, was born in a rural area of Dehua County, Quanzhou City. With a deep affection for the cause of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, he took the Rural Regional Development major at Fujian A&F University when he went to college. During his school years, Pei Jinze and his classmates worked together to serve left behind children in rural areas, providing technical services to farmers and solving agricultural product marketing problems. After graduating from university, he continued to work in industries related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, shedding sweat for rural development.

In 2019, Pei Jinze was hired as a provincial-level science and technology envoy to assist the Yongfa Agarwood Cooperative in Yongchun County, Quanzhou City. "This cooperative mainly grows economic seedlings such as agarwood, with a relatively small scale," said Pei Jinze. After on-site research, he invited experts from Hainan to help shorten the growth cycle of seedlings, while recruiting talents to join the operation and develop various agarwood products such as bracelets. At present, the annual sales of the cooperative have increased from over 5 million yuan to around 20 million yuan.

In the same year, Chen Shizhong, the general manager of Fujian Qinglan Food Co., Ltd., also found Pei Jinze. After market research, Pei Jinze persuaded Chen Shizhong to develop multiple categories of olives. "The original olive dew had a sweet taste and was not suitable for modern low sugar and low-fat consumption needs," said Pei Jinze, who led a team to help companies develop diversified product plans such as olive vinegar and olive tea. At the same time, he also collaborated with art students from universities to create peripheral cultural and creative products such as olive postcards and calendars.

Through a series of "combination punches", Chen Shizhong's business grew bigger and bigger. In 2018, the company's sales revenue was less than 200000 yuan; it had reached over 10 million yuan last year and exceeded 6 million yuan in the first half of this year. Now, the company's market is no longer limited to Minqing County and is gradually expanding to Fuzhou and Putian. "Without the assistance of a technology specialist, my company cannot develop," Chen Shizhong said excitedly. Pei Jinze has always been willing to help without any return, allowing the company to develop rapidly.

Help a family and drive a community. Nowadays, Chen Shizhong purchases over 1500 tons of olives every year, making more than 100 households in the surrounding area no longer worried about sales. Not long ago, at the suggestion of Pei Jinze, Chen Shizhong decided to expand the new factory building. By the end of this year, the production capacity of olive products will expand to 100000 boxes per day, driving more people to find employment.

After conducting long-term research in rural areas, Pei Jinze found that various business entities founded in rural areas have inherent deficiencies such as a lack of talent in understanding policies and project applications. In response, he and his team developed a specialized application template, which greatly improved the efficiency of enterprise application and reduced application costs.

There is no shortage of good products in rural areas, what is lacking is talent who can sell good products. Pei Jinze said that only by allowing more talents to return to rural areas can we accelerate the process of rural revitalization. Since serving as a technology envoy, he has continuously encouraged young entrepreneurial students from universities to develop in rural areas.

Currently, 5 college students are interning at the Fujian Provincial Fengyin Poverty Alleviation Service Center. Among them, some are helping companies design packaging patterns, while others are writing promotional texts for agricultural products. In the specific practice of helping farmers, they not only find entrepreneurial projects that they are interested in, but also discover their own shortcomings.

Pei Jinze said that he is further sorting out employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for rural revitalization, and striving to explore a new path for more young people to engage in the field of rural revitalization. "Next, we will hold the 'Future Rural Entrepreneurs and Innovators' competition to guide young talents to empower rural development and continuously enhance the driving force of rural revitalization," said Pei Jinze.

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