World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:54 PM

As the 2024 US election approaches, this week the political turmoil in Washington has reached a new height. Former US President Trump has been criminally charged for the third time in four months, and his sentence may exceed 500 years. Regarding this, former White House Chief of Staff Marvani exclaimed that it may not be a good omen for the 77 year old Trump.

On August 4, 2023, Trump declared at a Republican dinner in Alabama, "As long as there is another indictment, this election will come to an end.".

This is interpreted by the media as a threat.

Alabama is a typical birthplace of Trump populism.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

On July 31st, Biden announced through long-term big data analysis that the permanent headquarters of the US Space Command would be located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, instead of Huntsville, Alabama, as designated by Trump in 2019. The Space Force is seen as the executor of the new version of the Star Wars program in the United States. And this year, the United States has allocated $30 billion in military spending to the Space Force, which can be described as a "big fat".

In the eyes of the people of Alabama, the "cooked duck" flew away, causing a lot of complaints.

And this scene is quite similar to January 6, 2021, when Trump incited supporters to attack Congress with inflammatory remarks.

On the afternoon of August 3rd, in a federal court in Washington, former US President Trump was summoned for attempting to overturn the election results.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Before arriving in court, Trump condemned the criminal charges as "unprecedented judicial manipulation" and accused the Democratic Party of being behind the scenes.

And Trump's arch rival, former Speaker of the House and Democrat Pelosi, said in an interview with host Andrea Mitchell, "I saw a scared little dog.".

Trump supporter John: During his four years as president, the United States has been more united than ever before.

Trump's Opponent Eric: No American can surpass the law, whether you are the President or not.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Tania Chutkan, the federal district judge nominated by Obama, was randomly selected as the presiding judge in this case among more than 10 district judges.

Chutkan: Justice is the cornerstone.

Chutkan is known for his harsh sentencing in the Capitol Hill riots, sentencing Palmer, a Trump supporter who attacked police during the riots, to 63 months in prison, which was the longest sentence in such cases at the time.

In October 2021, Trump submitted an emergency motion to the federal court in an attempt to prevent the House Special Committee from retrieving files from the National Archives regarding the Capitol Hill riots. As a judge, Chutkan wrote in the ruling of rejection: The President is not a King, and the plaintiff is not the President.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Nowadays, Trump is neither the plaintiff nor the president.

The Huffington Post noted that as a defendant, Trump was angered by being referred to as "Mr. Trump" by the sheriff instead of "President Trump.".

Reuters reported that after approximately 27 minutes of interrogation, Trump was released under very simple conditions.

Trump: This is a very sad day for the United States. This is persecution of political opponents, which should not happen in the United States.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

According to reports, on the afternoon of August 2nd, the US congressional police received a 911 report, stating that a gunman wearing a bulletproof vest appeared in the Senate office building about 500 meters away from the federal court in Washington, and more than 200 police officers conducted a carpet search.

Former US Secret Service agent Dolty: They will deploy a large number of manpower around federal courts.

CNN claims that multiple departments, including the Secret Service, Washington D.C. Police, U.S. Marshals, Congressional Police, and Federal Protection Agency, have turned the federal court into a safe fortress.

Washington's high vigilance stems from an indictment on August 1st.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

US Department of Justice Special Prosecutor Smith: Today, an indictment against Donald Trump has been unsealed.

This 45 page indictment accuses Trump of intentionally spreading rumors, using illegal means to interfere with vote counting, and attempting to overturn election results after the 2020 US election.

Associated Press reporter Tucker: This indictment claims that Trump lost the election and knew he had lost. But in the next two months, he kept planning one plan after another, trying to overturn the election results so that he could continue to hold power.

Trump faces four criminal charges as a result, including conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to obstruct official proceedings, obstructing and attempting to obstruct official proceedings, and conspiring to infringe on the rights of others.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Trump's lawyer Lauro: In fact, as the President of the United States, he has both the right and the responsibility to raise these questions. But now his claims have been declared a crime.

According to US media reports, at this time, Biden was on vacation in Delaware. After dining with his wife Gil Biden at a seafood restaurant, they also watched the blockbuster film "Oppenheimer".

According to the introduction, the theme of the film is "A mysterious person risking the risk of 'destroying the world' to 'save the world'."

On the same day, international rating agency Fitch downgraded the default rating of long-term foreign currency issuers in the United States from AAA to AA+. This is seen as a blow to the reputation and status of the United States. Fitch emphasized that the Capitol Hill riots were one of the reasons for the downgrade.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond in the United States, believes that Trump is currently in a "dangerous legal situation". In March and June of this year, Trump was prosecuted separately for the issue of "sealing fees" for pornographic stars and the "confidential document gate" of Haihu Manor.

Trump refused to plead guilty.

Trump: These are all absurd accusations, and what they are doing is hoping for large-scale intervention in the election.

But according to the latest poll released by The New York Times, if Biden and Trump face off in next year's election, they will be evenly matched, receiving 43% of registered voters support each.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Professor Hasson from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law believes that the criminal prosecution does not prevent Trump from continuing his campaign, and even if he is ultimately sentenced, it does not prevent him from winning the election and taking office as president.

But according to a poll released by Ipsos on August 3rd, if Trump is convicted of a serious crime, 45% of Republican supporters will not vote for him.

The indictment also mentions six accomplices to Trump, claiming that they and Trump attempted to implement five strategies to overturn the 2020 US presidential election results, including compiling a false list of voters; Applying pressure to state election officials in an attempt to influence the election results; Using the power of the Ministry of Justice to conduct so-called "election crime investigations"; Apply pressure on then Vice President Pence to demand the falsification of election results, etc.

Trump: We're going to the Capitol building.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Creating tension and triggering the Capitol Hill riots is considered the most serious charge.

Special Prosecutor Smith of the US Department of Justice: The attack on the Capitol was an unprecedented attack on the throne of democracy in the United States. As described in the indictment, this attack was fueled by lies.

Although the names of the six conspirators were not disclosed in the indictment, CNN inferred the identities of five of them based on their descriptions.

The first conspirator is Rudy Giuliani, former lawyer of Trump.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Giuliani: We will conduct trials through battles.

The second conspirator is John Eastman, former lawyer of Trump.

The indictment states that at a meeting on January 4, 2021, a senior advisor to Trump warned Eastman that disrupting the election would "trigger street riots.".

Eastman responded, "There has also been a time in American history when violence was needed to defend a republic."

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

The third conspirator is former Trump lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell.

The fourth conspirator is Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official.

The fifth conspirator is Kenneth Chesboro, a pro Trump lawyer.

The 6th conspirator is referred to as a "political advisor", but their identity is still unknown.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

US Department of Justice Special Prosecutor Smith: Our investigation into others is still ongoing.

In response, Trump spokesperson Steven Chang stated in a statement that the Department of Justice has been "weaponized" and "attacked innocent Americans simply because they have worked for Trump."

On August 1st, Trump questioned the timing of the criminal prosecution on social media, saying, "Why didn't they do it two and a half years ago? Why did they wait so long? Because they wanted to take action during my campaign. The prosecutor's behavior was inappropriate!"

US Attorney General Garland: Last November, I appointed Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to take over the ongoing investigation to emphasize the Department of Justice's commitment to accountability and independence.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Jack Smith, 54 years old, is a special prosecutor responsible for conducting criminal investigations against Trump.

Trump attacked Smith as a "mentally deranged" person.

The New York Times believes that the Trump team's strategy is to delay the trial as much as possible.

Because, as analyzed by the Associated Press, "if you win in North Korea, if you lose, go to jail.". The 2024 election is likely to evolve into a nationwide referendum on Trump's personal fate.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

If he wins the election, he is likely to withdraw the charges and evade punishment.

So, which day will come first, "Referendum Day" or "Judgment Day"?

Former US federal prosecutor Atgut: Jack Smith has simplified the trial to ensure that if progress goes smoothly, the case can be closed not only before the November election, but also before the July Republican nomination convention.

According to an analysis by the Associated Press, the increasing number of criminal and civil cases against Trump highlights the intense competition in the 2024 US presidential election.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

On July 31st, the federal government led by Biden officially filed a lawsuit against Texas Republican Governor Albert, accusing the state of violating the law by setting up a floating barrier on the Grand River along the US Mexico border.

Texas Governor Abbott stated that Texas will go to court with the President.

This makes a series of "litigation wars" full of drama.

The Washington Post published an article stating that this has made more and more people realize that the US judicial system has been "weaponized" by party struggles.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Democratic Party Congressman Lovegren: A former president committed such a terrible thing that the Department of Justice had to file a lawsuit.

Republican presidential candidate Ramaswamy: To ensure, the first is to pardon Trump. The second is to avoid setting a precedent for politicizing the judicial system.

In fact, as early as March when Trump was sued by Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg for "sealing fees," some people were concerned that this could open up a "Pandora's Box" for both parties to "liquidate" their opponents through judicial means.

Former Democratic Congressman Tursey Gabard: This situation will happen more frequently. No matter which political party comes to power, they will say that the previous one did it that way. So we can also use law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice to target political opponents.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

On July 27th, Special Prosecutor Smith filed new charges against Trump regarding the "confidential document gate" of the Sea Lake Manor, stating that he instructed his subordinates to delete surveillance footage in an attempt to "tamper with, destroy, destroy, or conceal evidence.".

The Huffington Post reported on August 3rd that Trump may also face a fourth criminal prosecution.

Georgia prosecutors have announced that they will decide on August 18th whether to accuse Trump of attempting to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election results.

However, despite being plagued by lawsuits, Trump's approval rating among Republican voters has risen instead of decreased.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

According to a poll released by Ipsos on August 3, Trump leads the second seed, Florida Governor De Santis, with a 34% lead in the 2024 Republican presidential election.

In mid February, Trump was only 2% ahead of De Santis.

In March, after Trump became the first former US president to be prosecuted, he became the "favorite" of many Republican voters.

Rutgers University scholar Greenberg believes that Trump and his "loyal fans" are tied together due to a "common enemy.".

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Trump Supporter: I believe this is the badge of honor. I think these lawsuits, all of them are fabricated.

On August 3rd, after his third prosecution, Trump sold out to supporters in a fundraising email, stating that he may face a total of 561 years in prison for left-wing witch hunting operations.

US media analysis suggests that Trump is attempting to create a "victim" image in order to attract fans and raise funds.

The Washington Post believes that the criminal case marked the beginning of a strange presidential election in American history.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

In this election, the leader of a major political party may have to alternate between campaign venues and court hearings for the next year and a half.

This has turned the "party struggle show" of the two parties into a "farce scene".

On July 27th, the US Congress entered an early August recess.

The day before, 81 year old Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell suddenly froze at a press conference.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

Good afternoon, the Republican leader of the United States Senate, McConnell. This week, the two parties have engaged in good cooperation and a series of

Wyoming Senator Balaso: Mickey, do you have anything else you want to say? Do you still want to go back to the office?

Afterwards, a spokesperson for McConnell stated that he felt dizzy at the time.

In March of this year, he tripped over a hotel in Washington D.C., causing a concussion and rib fracture.

World Weekly | US Criminal Procedure Riot President | Trump | United States

McConnell: I'm fine.

McConnell: Yes.

As an "eight core" member of the United States Congress authorized to hear the most confidential intelligence briefing, McConnell's physical and mental health has received great attention.

"The President called to inquire about my situation, and I told him that I was trapped in a sandbag." - McConnell

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