Win the real! "The toughest lychee season in history" Guangdong has won again!, Well Dried Litchi | Guangdong | Litchi Season

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:10 AM

Starting from Xiaoman, finally reaching the Great Heat; Starting from Xu Wen's picking, ending at Lei Ling. This is the cyclical law of Guangdong lychee's listing.

On the day of the summer heat on July 23, the reporter dialed the phone of Chen Qiuxian, a lychee grower in Leiling, Shantou. He said that the 10 acres of lychee planted at home this year had already been sold out a week ago, with an average price of 6 yuan/jin. This year, lychees have brought a profit of 75000 yuan to the family.

According to comprehensive data from the agricultural and rural departments, the sales performance of lychee in Guangdong in 2023 can be described as impressive: the province's lychee sales reached 1.6 million tons, an increase of 10% compared to last year; Li Nong's income is 16 billion yuan, an increase of 5% compared to last year.

"Prosperous production and sales" and "increased production and income" are the perfect footnotes for this year's Lingnan lychee season. Guangdong, won again this year!

Behind the grades——

The pressure of the "most difficult lychee season in history" is unprecedented

World lychees look at China, Chinese lychees look at Guangdong. This sentence is by no means a joke. Because Chinese lychee production accounts for nearly 80% of global production, while Guangdong lychee production accounts for nearly 60% of national production.

In mid-April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province to inspect the litchi plantation and longan litchi professional cooperatives. Xi Jinping pointed out that this is the hometown of litchi. Litchi planting has historical heritage and cultural heritage, distinctive characteristics, obvious advantages, and broad market space. It is necessary to further improve planting, preservation, and processing technologies to develop litchi characteristic industries and characteristic cultural tourism. better.

Litchi is the fruit with the largest planting area in Guangdong, covering an area of over 4 million acres. 90% of the counties and districts in the province are litchi producing areas.

Looking back two months ago, the major lychee producing areas in Guangdong had fruitful fruit and a bountiful harvest in sight. However, facing the upcoming lychee sales season, a person in charge of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs candidly stated that they are both confident and worried.

Win the real! "The toughest lychee season in history" Guangdong has won again!, Well Dried Litchi | Guangdong | Litchi Season

Because this year's Guangdong lychee season is known as the "most difficult lychee season in history" by the industry. At that time, Guangdong lychee sales faced four major challenges:

Firstly, for the "Litchi Festival", the rule of "too many fruits must be cheap, and too few fruits can harm farmers" is almost an iron rule in the planting industry;

The second is the entry of low-priced Vietnamese twigs weighing 100000 tons, as well as the simultaneous entry of fruits such as durian and cherries into the market;

Thirdly, the sales of lychees in our country are like a relay race, and this year's Hainan lychee, which ran the "first baton", saw its price plummet to around 3 yuan per kilogram at the end of its sales in Guangdong, approaching the cost price of Guangdong's Feizixiao, putting great pressure on the opening price of lychees in Guangdong;

The fourth is the pressure of sluggish consumption caused by the three-year epidemic.

Planting well is the hard truth, selling well is the true skill. How can Guangdong lychee break through the four major challenges?


The tried and tested "Guangdong style of play"

Reviewing this year's lychee sales season, a powerful lever to leverage the market belongs to the "12221" market system. The "12221" market system is a set of "Guangdong tactics" developed by the agricultural department of Guangdong four years ago in practice to cope with the market.

Over the past four years, they have continuously improved and promoted. At present, "12221" has become a market production and sales linkage mechanism in Guangdong's agricultural industry chain that is skillfully applied, cooperatively coordinated, and effective. From pineapple to lychee, from Sihui orchid to Zhanjiang golden pomfret... In recent years, the "12221" market system has been repeatedly successful in the sales of agricultural products in Guangdong.

Win the real! "The toughest lychee season in history" Guangdong has won again!, Well Dried Litchi | Guangdong | Litchi Season

The core essence of "12221" can be summarized in one sentence: "1" big data, "2" teams of buyers and manufacturers, "2" markets of sales areas and production areas, entering sales areas and welcoming "2" activities of production areas, achieving "1" sub goals of reasonable prices, excellent quality, production and sales alignment, and farmers becoming prosperous.

In other words, it means using big data to precisely control the pace of going public, accurately connect with the sales market, expand the sales radius, extend the sales cycle, and achieve sales goals. This year's "12221" strategy has two main characteristics:

One is listening to big data. Litchi, the most popular and fleeting, has experienced a price avalanche in previous years, mostly due to information asymmetry, with major production areas flocking to the market. Now, with the guidance of big data, lychee sales can be "precisely guided": when to pick? How much do you pick? Where is it sold It can be precise to the hour and to the kilogram.

According to statistics, from April 1st to July 15th, the total number of visits to the Guangdong Litchi big data platform reached 142261, with a daily average of over 1400 people. The big data platform also accurately matches the needs of both buyers and sellers, with a total of 26441 matching pairs. Liu Zhijia, the person in charge of Yimu Tian Technology Company, which is committed to big data for agricultural products, said that next, efforts will be made to achieve a "two-way rush" of lychee big data, allowing lychee farmers to find the market through big data and the market to find orchards through big data.

The second is to follow the big market. Move the main battlefield of sales from the production area to the sales area, and from the lychee orchard to the fruit shop. Agricultural departments at all levels organize a series of promotional activities to build a seamless bridge between producers and purchasers, as well as between production and sales areas. The purpose is only one: to make Guangdong lychees closer and farther away from consumers, to increase their understanding of Guangdong lychees, and to expand the sales radius of Guangdong lychees.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province has carried out inter provincial exchanges and cooperation with Guangdong lychees, bringing them to major cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Xi'an, connecting with multiple large local purchasers, and expanding the markets in North China, East China, and Northwest China. Under the guidance of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, governments at all levels in Guangdong province have launched a series of promotional activities to showcase their unique abilities.

At the end of June, Zengcheng lychees became popular in the Shandong market; Conghua lychee has entered Shanghai, Jiaxing, Guiyang and other places, established Shanghai Conghua Agricultural Products Distribution Center, and deepened production and sales connections; Dongguan has entered into strategic cooperation with large purchasers such as JD Group, Hema Fresh, Shouheng Group, and Red Star Global Agricultural Batch Center in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Changsha, etc.

According to incomplete statistics, in the past two months, governments at all levels in Guangdong have organized hundreds of promotional activities in major lychee sales areas across the country.

Technology Empowerment——

The "Quality" and "Confidence" of Guangdong Litchi

Win the real! "The toughest lychee season in history" Guangdong has won again!, Well Dried Litchi | Guangdong | Litchi Season

For fruits, deliciousness is the passport to the market.

In recent years, Guangdong's science and technology department has put in great effort to improve the quality of lychees, forming a high-quality matrix of Guangdong lychees: advanced offering, hanging green, Guiwei, Nuomici, Feizixiao, white sugar poppy, Xianpin lychee, Xiantao lychee, Jumeiren, seedless lychee, Lingfengnuo, Jinggang Hongnuo... beautiful and delicious, each with its own unique flavor.

This year, high-quality lychees have shone brightly, becoming the vanguard of Guangdong lychee's "conquering cities and territories" and the main force of "stabilizing prices and markets". For example, the average price of "Xianjinfeng" in Zengcheng, Guangzhou is 50 yuan/jin, the average price of "Beiyuan Green" is 380 yuan/jin, the prices of Dongguan Bingli, Guanyin Green, and other fruits exceed 100 yuan/jin, and the average purchase price of "Fengshan Red Lantern" in Shanwei and "Jinggang Red Nuo" in Jieyang is 12 yuan/jin, and these prices are not current prices, but average prices!

In addition to the quality of lychee itself, preservation is also a major challenge affecting lychee sales. There are three elements for lychee preservation: temperature, humidity, and speed. To this end, we will continue to increase investment in technology in multiple major lychee producing areas in Guangdong.

Maoming City has established the Litchi Industry Research Institute and Lingnan Modern Agriculture Laboratory, with a focus on tackling the shortcomings of lychee preservation. 274 small stations suitable for lychee preservation have been built, equipped with 30 frontline cold chain trucks, effectively solving the "first mile" problem after lychee picking and before entering cold chain logistics; There are 115 cold storage facilities in Conghua, Guangzhou, with over 40 in Tiantou.

On this basis, many regions in Guangdong continue to optimize express logistics to ensure that Guangdong lychees can directly reach major cities in China within 24 hours.

"On the cloud" and "overseas"——

The New Field of Litchi Sales in Guangdong

In the era of digital economy, lychee sales in Guangdong cannot do without the support of e-commerce. The "100000 yuan e-commerce to buy lychees" campaign has been running throughout, becoming a major highlight of this year's Guangdong lychee sales season. In Maoming, the "National Marketing Challenge" campaign was launched, with over 3600 lychee e-commerce companies and over 8000 micro businesses participating in live streaming sales. The city's lychee e-commerce sales reached 2.346 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

With the joining of e-commerce, the sales strategies for lychee have become more diverse and colorful. For example, various regions actively promote lychee customization and online pre-sales, upgrading from simply selling agricultural products to cultural export and brand monetization. The entire city of Maoming customizes 31884 lychees, totaling 1594.2 tons, with customized lychee prices more than 30% higher than traditional sales.

Win the real! "The toughest lychee season in history" Guangdong has won again!, Well Dried Litchi | Guangdong | Litchi Season

The song "Lychee Ode" resounds both domestically and internationally, and the "Call the World to Eat Guangdong Lychee" event launched last year has reappeared this year. According to statistics, only over 30 countries worldwide produce lychees. As the world's largest lychee producer, Guangdong lychee has huge overseas market space.

In the past, due to the lack of preservation technology and the weak ability of lychee farmers to explore overseas markets, Guangdong's lychee exports were very limited. In order to strengthen its ability to expand overseas markets, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province organized seven agricultural enterprises four years ago to establish Guangdong Zhongli Agricultural Group Co., Ltd., covering a complete lychee industry chain in lychee cultivation, processing, preservation and storage, cold chain transportation, export sales, and other aspects.

At present, Zhongli Group has built 50 lychee export bases covering over 30000 acres in Zhanjiang, Maoming, Yangjiang, Shanwei, Jieyang, Shantou and other places. "We are committed to extending the sales radius and marketing cycle of Chinese lychee both domestically and internationally, and extending the deep processing product chain of lychee to create a new Chinese lychee business model that can compete with cherries and avocados." Chen Yaohua, Chairman of Zhongli Group, described the company's next goals.

According to the official website of the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs, the export volume of fresh lychees in China reached 11580.8 tons in the second quarter of 2023, of which Guangdong Province exported 7014.5 tons, a year-on-year increase of 66.7%, accounting for 60.8% of the national total; The export value of fresh lychees in China was 222 million yuan, of which Guangdong Province's export value was 139 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.9%, accounting for 62.6% of the national total.

Finally, let's once again review the two data on this year's Guangdong lychee sales report: Guangdong lychee sales of 1.6 million tons and lychee farmers' income of 16 billion yuan. From this, it can be calculated that the average selling price of lychees in Guangdong this year is around 5 yuan/jin. Excluding the cost price of 2.5 yuan/jin, this means that the profit of Guangdong lychee farmers this year will reach 8 billion yuan! These 8 billion yuan have truly flowed into the pockets of Guangdong LiNong.

Well done, won for real. Like the 2023 Guangdong Litchi Sales Season!

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