Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:09 AM

Original by Zheng Tao, Young Xia Chaoyang

To be honest, I didn't want to comment on this year's NATO Vilnius summit because it was originally a nostalgic party for the Cold War veterans of the North Atlantic. But since the summit communique has attacked and smeared China more than ten times, let's still follow the teachings of our ancestors to "come and not be disrespectful.".

NATO and the United States are the threats to the world.

French President Macron recently said, "I have strongly warned NATO that it has died of brain damage. Now, I believe that Putin has used the most severe electric shock to sober NATO up." Not to mention whether NATO has really been electrocuted, but from this summit, the aftermath of NATO's "brain damage" exposed in multiple aspects is truly hopeless.


"Persecuted delusions"

The communique of this NATO summit declared that China's foreign ambitions and "coercive policies" challenge NATO's interests, security, and values, posing a "systemic challenge" to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region.

Who did China coerce? Everyone on Earth knows that the United States is the worst at using coercive diplomacy, and even the term "coercive diplomacy" was invented by Americans. NATO's repeated "China coercion" is just a verbal trap of turning the tide and shouting to catch thieves.

Lithuania established the so-called "Taiwan Representative Office" under the instigation of the United States, and China took legitimate countermeasures, claiming that China engaged in "diplomatic coercion". US high-ranking officials have repeatedly provoked Taiwan, and China has held countermeasures exercises, claiming that China is engaging in "military coercion.". The United States has exerted nationwide efforts to suppress Huawei, illegally sanctioning more than 1300 Chinese entities. China has lawfully reviewed the products of American semiconductor company Micron and taken restrictive measures, claiming that China is engaging in "economic coercion.".

If this is called "coercion", then China really needs to "coerce" the United States and NATO frequently, otherwise they will not be allowed to open "Taiwan representative offices" all over the world, let warships "sail freely" to the shores of Fuzhou and Xiamen, and expel all Chinese high-tech enterprises from "ball membership"?

Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

Whose security has China challenged? China has neither sent military planes or warships to the Atlantic to show off its might, nor has it dispatched a single soldier to Europe; We did not build military bases at the doorstep of the United States, let alone incite Hawaii or Alaska to become independent, openly or secretly.

On the contrary, the United States and NATO have made the originally peaceful world a mess. They refer to deer as horses and openly invade sovereign countries with a tube of laundry detergent and a white helmet. They bully the weak and fear the hard, directly bombarding small countries without saying a word, and engaging in "offshore balance" and "proxy warfare" against "fighting nations". They seize and plunder, not only to destroy you, but also to damage your reputation, seal your assets, and steal your oil. They will not give up until they are completely wiped out.

If China really wants to challenge something, it is to challenge hegemonic hegemony, bully the weak, and challenge the Western center. Whether it's Europe or the United States, they have largely formed a self-identity relative to the "other" during their expansion and colonization process, constantly strengthening their arrogance over other civilizations, and thus constructing a binary narrative of opposition between "the West" and "non West", "progress" and "backwardness", labeling non West as barbaric, authoritarian, and authoritarian.

The United States and the West have unfairly dominated the world for only three to four hundred years. From the perspective of the entire history of human civilization, this is clearly a deviation from the norm. Renowned Singaporean scholar Ma Kaishuo said, "The revival of emerging powers such as China is a normal return to history and will also become the new normal of the 21st century." The United States has less than 250 years of history, and in front of China, an ancient civilization that has lasted for more than 5000 years and has not been interrupted, it is like a child who knows no bounds. It is long time to return to its original form and rebuild.

The outcome of a thousand years depends on reason. Faced with the unreasonable United States and NATO, China should continue to seek revenge and argue with reason. We not only need to fight for ourselves, but also for those countries that have been bitter and beautiful for a long time but dare not speak up, and for other civilizations that have been humiliated and tarnished by expansionist colonialism.



The NATO summit also accused China of being committed to subverting the "rule based international order".

The United States and NATO talk about a "rule-based international order" every day, which sounds grand, but in reality, it is also a trap of words that are intended to add insult to injury and without hesitation. If you bow down to the United States, it is in accordance with the "rules" and "order". Once you disobey the will of the United States, it can accuse you of "violating the rules" and "disrupting order", and then it will "resort to means" and "set shackles" on you.

In the face of "rules" and "order", the bottom line of the United States and NATO is already nowhere to be found, and their integrity is shattered. Otherwise, the United States will not pursue authoritarian politics, manipulate the US dollar hegemony, conduct indiscriminate global surveillance, strangle competitors, and NATO will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, endanger their lives, subvert legitimate regimes, or create regional turmoil.

Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya... For many years, NATO has been fighting everywhere, and the countries involved have suffered greatly.

What is particularly outrageous is that NATO knows that the One China principle is a fundamental principle in international relations, and all NATO countries also agree with the One China principle. However, they continue to implement a gunboat policy under the pretext of "freedom of navigation", running from the Atlantic to the Pacific to stir up the waters. Isn't this a violation of the provisions of the United Nations Charter? Isn't this undermining the current international order?

This can only indicate that the United States and NATO have always believed in the "law of the jungle" and "the strong are kings". In the reality of geopolitics, "rules" and "order" believe in the muscles of hegemony, rather than the tears of the weak who truly cherish them. If China wants to challenge this rule-based international order, we have nothing to fear. The curse of the despicable is a praise for the noble.


"Cognitive dysfunction"

NATO, as the name suggests, is a defensive organization with activities limited to the North Atlantic. But it not only constantly strengthens ideological opposition, instigates camp confrontation, but also encourages member states to continuously increase military spending and expand power beyond borders. Its actions have nothing to do with "defense".

In recent years, NATO's hands have been getting longer and longer, running from the North Atlantic to the Western Pacific to create a sense of presence, and from Europe to the Asia Pacific to form factions. NATO has invited leaders from Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand to attend summits for two consecutive years, and has also signed longer and broader "customized partnership plans" with each of the four countries, demonstrating its intention to serve the United States' Indo Pacific strategy.

Leaders from Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand will attend the 2023 NATO summit.

NATO and Japan, which have been determined to "leave Asia and enter Europe" for many years, can be said to have hit it off at once. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg once bluntly said, "Among NATO's partner countries, there is no country that is closer or more capable than Japan." Japan is also actively catering to NATO's "Asia Pacific" process and has sent personnel to participate in the work of the Allied Maritime Command.

Previously, the news of NATO's plan to establish the first liaison office in the Asia Pacific region in Japan was widely circulated. At this summit, due to strong opposition from France, NATO did not dare to make a decision on this matter at the moment, but stated that it is still under discussion. No matter what, the Pandora's box of NATO's Asia Pacific transformation has been opened.

Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

More than a hundred years ago, Li Hongzhang warned that "Japan is close to the elbow and armpit, and will always be a threat to Middle earth." This judgment still has practical significance today. Japan, which is determined to "turn west" and cooperates with NATO's strategic intentions, will undoubtedly be a major disaster for Asia and even the world. But a hundred years later, it was finally a different world. Whether it is the United States' strategy of raising tigers as a threat or Japan's strategy of acting as a scapegoat, they are all completely short-sighted and directional errors, and will ultimately reap the consequences.

Moreover, NATO's eastward expansion into the Asia Pacific region is a serious violation of the United Nations Charter and an illegal act. One is to go beyond the scope of collective self-defense allowed by the Charter and seriously violate the principle of prohibiting the use or threat of use of force. Secondly, it goes beyond the provisions of the Charter on regional arrangements and seriously damages the collective security system of the United Nations. The third is to create contradictions and confrontations internationally, which seriously violates the purpose of the Charter on developing friendly relations between nations.

No wonder former Australian Prime Minister Keating said that NATO's Asia Pacific integration may bring about "European militarism", and exporting NATO to Asia is like a "plague". I hope there is more than one person who is so clear headed.


"Victory mania"

The United States and NATO have always regarded themselves as the winners of the Cold War, but those who rise to power through unjust means are naturally "invincible from high places". They constantly enhance their own security by creating insecurity in other countries. When facing crises and conflicts, they choose to throw away olive branches and offer wolf fangs.

For over 30 years after the end of the Cold War, NATO believed that it was invincible in every corner of the world, igniting wars from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Kosovo, from Afghanistan to Iraq, and from Libya to Syria, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

On July 13, 2023, Ambassador Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, strongly refuted the accusation of smearing China in the NATO Vilnius Summit Communique at a public meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

The United States and NATO bear direct responsibility for the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis. Before the comprehensive escalation of the crisis, the Minsk Agreement reached by relevant parties and the mediation efforts of the international community had the opportunity to maintain peace, but NATO continued to stir up conflicts, ultimately leading to the reignition of war on the European continent. After the comprehensive escalation of the crisis, the United States and NATO took advantage of the situation and attempted to expand and prolong the crisis, greatly increasing the difficulty of political means to solve the crisis.

During this summit, although NATO did not propose a timetable for Ukraine's accession, it decided to provide Ukraine with a package of political and military support. France, Germany, the United States, and others have each made new military aid commitments to Ukraine.

Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

Many international intellectuals believe that there was originally a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian crisis, but due to NATO's obsession with the illusion of victory, they constantly "paint big cakes" and "fight chicken blood" for Ukraine, and will not give up until the last Ukrainian is hit. The hope of peace has become increasingly slim.

"Zelensky being neglected" became the most popular photo at the 2023 NATO summit.


"Nuclear phobia and paranoia"

The NATO summit communique criticized China's nuclear policy for being opaque, claiming that China is rapidly expanding and diversifying its nuclear arsenal, possessing more nuclear warheads and more advanced delivery vehicles, and lacking transparency.

In fact, all we need to know is that when criticizing others, the United States and the West have always been "there is no silver in this place, three hundred taels", using their own virtues to speculate on the virtues of others. It is not anyone else who has a lot of tricks on the nuclear issue, it is themselves.

For a period of time, the US government has successively released the National Security Strategy and the 2022 Nuclear Posture Assessment Report, abandoning Biden's campaign promise to adopt nuclear policies such as "not first use" or "solely for the purpose of containing or reviewing attacks when necessary", and continuing the preemptive strike policy, emphasizing that nuclear deterrence remains a priority.

The trilateral security partnership between the United States, Britain, and Australia disregarded strong opposition from the international community and announced specific plans for cooperation on nuclear powered submarines. The two nuclear powers, the United States and Britain, openly transferred nuclear submarine power reactors and weapon grade highly enriched uranium to Australia, violating the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and causing the most serious and large-scale nuclear proliferation after World War II.

The UK disregards the concerns of all parties and insists on sending thousands of Challenger 2 tank ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armor piercing shells, making the Ukrainian crisis the first appearance of weapons with "nuclear elements". Objectively, it is a "nuclear decoy war" against Russia, posing a great threat to the nuclear security situation in Europe and even the world.

Furthermore, despite strong opposition and questioning from neighboring countries such as China and South Korea, as well as Japanese fishing groups and some local officials, the Japanese government has risked the world's great injustice by persistently initiating nuclear contaminated water discharge and conducting decades long "nuclear poisoning" on the world

Why does NATO always struggle with China? So it turns out that China has these "symptoms" | Summit | NATO

In July 2023, the public held slogans such as "Oppose the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the ocean" and participated in a rally in Seoul, South Korea.

In contrast, who should the international community express concerns and doubts about their "nuclear policy" and "nuclear actions"? NATO, as the military alliance with the largest and strongest nuclear weapons, has been engaging in microphone diplomacy in recent years, irresponsibly exaggerating China's nuclear threat, completely reversing the situation and diverting attention. In front of the bright eyes of people all over the world, NATO's lies are really clumsy and absurd!

NATO is a product of the Cold War and should have disappeared with the end of the Cold War. But now NATO not only borrows corpses to revive itself, but also suffers from various illnesses, like a monster that has been modified and upgraded. Everyone with discerning eyes knows that the United States is the tamer of this monster, manipulating NATO to encircle the entire Western camp and become a pawn in the "new Cold War".

However, this system in the United States has become outdated. What the world needs now is dialogue rather than confrontation, bread rather than cannons, to move towards the future rather than going back to the past. Confronting the tide of the times, the result can only be being photographed dead on the beach of history. Don't ask for whom the funeral bell rings or when it rings, just give them one sentence: If you don't do it, you won't die.

Why does NATO always struggle with China? It turns out they have a "brain disability"

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