What to Learn, How to Learn, and How to Develop - This Year's Newly Added Undergraduate Majors - Comprehensive Interpretation Related | Management | Undergraduate Majors

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:18 AM

Editor's note

After the college entrance examination, young students face an important life choice - what major to study. The choice of major may affect the future career development and life direction of students. The newly established undergraduate majors have received particular attention from candidates and parents.

The Ministry of Education recently released the latest "Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Higher Education Institutions", which includes a total of 21 new majors, some of which are closely related to people's livelihoods, such as the newly added education for children with autism and accessibility management at Nanjing Normal University of Special Education; Some are closely related to urban and rural construction, such as the newly added rural governance at Hainan University; There are also cutting-edge technology development trends that closely follow, such as the addition of future robots and electric transportation projects at Southeast University.

What are the characteristics of these newly added majors for the first time? What content should I learn after enrollment? What is the employment direction? The reporter specially invited professional leaders from relevant universities to provide authoritative introductions and interpretations.

The Pearl at the Crown of Future Robot Manufacturing Industry

Yin Guodong, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Southeast University: Robots are known as the "jewel at the top of the manufacturing industry crown", and their research and development, manufacturing, and application are important indicators of a country's technological innovation and high-end manufacturing level. The "Future Robotics" program is a robotics program aimed at the future.

Robots facing the future are unknown, uncertain, and full of challenges. It may need to be targeted towards extreme environments such as high temperatures, high pressures, or complex application scenarios such as home services, healthcare, and special environmental operations. The training goal of the "Future Robotics" major is to cultivate "experts" who lead the development of robotics technology and solve technical problems in the field of robotics in the future.

Here, you can enjoy the excellent faculty of many Double First Class disciplines such as Mechanical Engineering, Automation, Instrumentation, Computer Science, and Information Engineering at Southeast University. The school has decomposed and restructured the courses of various advantageous disciplines to form a new "Future Robotics" professional curriculum system, truly achieving interdisciplinary and integrated learning. Combined with specially customized innovative practical courses that run through the entire undergraduate stage, you can fully integrate theory and practice, and master richer and more comprehensive knowledge and skills related to "future robots".

Between 1958 and 1960, the first robot in China emerged from Southeast University. In addition to laying a solid theoretical foundation here, you also have the opportunity to research future projects with leading domestic intelligent manufacturing enterprises. The scientific research results are likely to be put into operation and benefit society.

Biomaterial Services for the Future Medical Device Industry

Du Chang, Director of the Department of Biomaterials at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology: China is the world's second-largest medical device market, and as the foundation of the medical device industry, biomaterials have developed rapidly. South China University of Technology is one of the earliest institutions in China to conduct research on biomaterials. It has a backbone research team led by Academician Wang Yingjun of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and has established multiple national and provincial-level research platforms such as the National Center for Human Tissue Function Reconstruction Engineering Technology and the Key Laboratory of Biomedical Materials and Engineering of the Ministry of Education. In 2023, the school was approved by the Ministry of Education to establish a new biomaterials major, relying on the School of Materials Science and Engineering to recruit the first undergraduate students.

The biomaterials major is committed to providing students with a profound foundation in theoretical knowledge and a knowledge system that reflects the cross penetration of disciplines such as materials, engineering, and biology. By implementing a mentorship system, students have the opportunity to participate in high-level scientific research projects from a young age. Focusing on enhancing students' innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship abilities through concentrated practical teaching, second classroom learning, and joint training with top foreign universities, and expanding their international perspectives.

The excellent talents trained in this major have good humanities literacy, high sense of social responsibility and professional ethics. They have a systematic grasp of basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, as well as basic theories and skills in biomaterials. They have a multidisciplinary knowledge system structure, relevant practical skills and innovative abilities, and can engage in scientific research, design, technological development, and management in the field of biomaterials. Graduates not only have outstanding advantages in the upper and middle reaches of the biomaterials industry, but are also widely suitable for employment in medical device manufacturing, including downstream terminal products, and related fields.

Medical engineering cultivates new "bridge type" talents in the new era

Lv Yi, Vice President and Head of Medical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University: The medical engineering program at Xi'an Jiaotong University is committed to cultivating composite innovative talents with a deep foundation in science and engineering, systematic medical knowledge, full understanding of clinical needs, and participation in high-end medical equipment research and development.

The medical engineering major will be equipped with a first-class teaching staff led by academicians and backed by national level talents. It will implement a "college+academy" dual institution management system, fully implement the "one system and three transformations" training model of dual mentorship, small class, personalization, and internationalization, create a new medical engineering integrated curriculum system, and comprehensively enhance students' innovation and entrepreneurship abilities. In terms of curriculum design, the plan is to adopt an organ system integration curriculum system to provide students with a complete medical knowledge framework within a limited time. In order to cultivate abilities, a medical engineering integration project is adopted to help students fully utilize their medical and engineering knowledge, complete the corresponding medical equipment research and development, and gradually improve their practical operation and research and development design abilities through graded projects.

Medical engineering graduates, as new "bridge type" talents in the new era, possess comprehensive medical knowledge and a solid foundation in engineering. They can enter large comprehensive hospitals, universities, research institutes, and medical equipment related enterprises. They can also try to start their own businesses based on the experience of project courses and establish new medical equipment enterprises.

New Applications in Electric Transport Engineering Technology Revolution

Professor Huang Yunkai from the School of Electrical Engineering at Southeast University: The transportation industry is one of the important pillars of the national economy. Do you know what the main power of airplanes in the sky, cars on the ground, and ships in the water is? Mainly relying on burning oil. Oil is a non renewable resource, and during its combustion, it emits a large amount of carbon dioxide, which poses great harm to the Earth's environment. At the 75th United Nations General Assembly in 2020, China announced to the world that it aims to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030. To this end, we need to convert oil burning transportation vehicles into electric ones, using green electricity generated by clean energy sources such as wind and solar energy. This is a technological revolution that involves the design of new transportation tools, efficient conversion of electrical energy, and the application of interdisciplinary fields such as information communication and artificial intelligence. These are all within the scope of learning and research in the field of electric transportation engineering.

To truly become an electric person, in addition to possessing solid theoretical knowledge, one also needs strong practical ability and innovative spirit. Therefore, the curriculum system of electric transportation engineering is very rich. The first year is for basic courses such as mathematics, physics, and computer science, the second year is for basic courses in electrical and mechanical engineering, and the third year is for various professional courses and interdisciplinary courses. During the entire university period, various internship and practical activities will leave you overwhelmed. Unconsciously, your knowledge application ability, communication and expression ability, and team collaboration ability will make a qualitative leap. When you graduate, it is likely that many large state-owned enterprises and well-known private enterprises will extend an olive branch to you. Of course, we also hope that you can continue to pursue a master's or doctoral degree, master more skills, and better serve the country.

This is a new major pioneered by the School of Electrical Engineering at Southeast University in China. Welcome to join us. Perhaps in the future, super high-speed trains with speeds exceeding 1000 kilometers per hour, flying cars, space elevators, and cool Mars rovers will come from your hands.

Aviation security management supports high-quality development of civil aviation safety

Yan Su, Deputy Director of the Admissions Office of Civil Aviation University of China: The Aviation Security Management major is a special control undergraduate program approved by the Ministry of Education in 2023, founded by Civil Aviation University of China. Its establishment is a specific manifestation of the university's implementation of the overall planning and coordination requirements for strengthening the construction of the aviation security guarantee system, in terms of scientific and educational talents.

This major is based on the first level disciplines of safety science and engineering, and management, integrating relevant disciplinary resources, closely combining with the national and civil aviation industry's demand for high-quality talents in the field of air defense and safety, promoting the transformation and reconstruction of the industry's characteristic professional talent training model, and optimizing the increase of undergraduate special control majors. The major is established in the Flight Attendant College, relying on the school's well-established disciplinary and professional ecosystem, high-level air defense safety research projects, and aircraft emergency simulation and exercise technology research platform, to build a talent training concept of "thick foundation, heavy practice, wide caliber, and strong support" and a talent training model of "combining virtual and real". During their school studies, students will implement quasi military management.

This major offers more than ten core courses, including "Aviation Safety and Security Regulations System" and "Civil Aviation Public Relations and Crisis Management". The curriculum system, which combines humanities and sciences, aims to enhance the knowledge, abilities, and qualities of professional talents in aviation security, in order to meet the practical needs of the industry in key security work, inspection, audit, testing and evaluation work, aviation security incident handling and investigation work, aviation security new technology research, and foreign-related aviation security work, and to build a full chain of ground and air security to support the high-quality development of civil aviation safety.

Safety Production Supervision Safeguards Frontline Safety Production

Chu Tingxiang, Director of the Department of Mine Safety Supervision and Rescue at the School of Mine Safety, North China University of Science and Technology: Currently, there is still a significant gap between the current situation of China's safety production supervision and law enforcement team and the effectiveness of supervision and law enforcement, and actual demand.

In 2023, the safety production supervision major applied for by North China University of Science and Technology was successfully approved, and the university has become the only higher education institution in China to offer this major. This major is set under the directory of undergraduate majors in Safety Science and Engineering, and is awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree. It integrates disciplines such as Law, Management, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Communication, and Safety Engineering, and is interdisciplinary and cutting-edge. This major is dedicated to cultivating talents who are familiar with the characteristics and laws and regulations of safety production, master the basic theory and professional knowledge of safety production supervision, and are capable of risk control and hidden danger investigation, safety supervision and law enforcement, safety management, accident investigation and handling in the process of safety production. In terms of curriculum, this major is based on the curriculum of safety production supervision and law enforcement, with new courses such as risk control and hidden danger investigation added. At the same time, it provides interdisciplinary courses such as safety supervision information technology and application, safety production accident prevention theory and technology.

After graduation, students in this major can engage in work related to safety production, supervision, safety management, and engineering technology consulting in China's emergency management system, safety supervision departments, and enterprises and institutions. They can also pursue higher levels of education in disciplines such as mining engineering, safety science and engineering, and emergency management and technology.

International law is committed to cultivating high-quality foreign-related legal talents

Feng Guo, Dean of the School of Law at Wuhan University: International law is of great significance in coordinating the promotion of domestic and international governance, better safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests. It is a composite legal discipline that integrates international relations, international politics, international dispute resolution, international business, and financial investment. In 1997, during the adjustment of disciplines and majors, the country abolished the undergraduate program in International Law and abolished the secondary disciplines of International Public Law, International Private Law, and International Economic Law. These three secondary disciplines were merged into one "International Law" secondary discipline. In order to accelerate the cultivation of high-quality foreign-related legal talents with both moral and legal education, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of a new international law major at Wuhan University this year.

The composite form of international law is manifested in its inclusion of three sub disciplines: public international law, private international law, and international economic law. International legal norms include general legal principles, international treaties, international customs, as well as international commercial practices and foreign-related norms in domestic law. During undergraduate studies, students will not only learn basic legal knowledge such as jurisprudence and civil and commercial law, but also delve into courses such as international public law, international private law, international economic law, and international environmental law.

The international law major is the key to strengthening the strategic selection of cultivating foreign-related legal talents in China and innovating the mechanism for cultivating foreign-related legal talents. It aims to cultivate comprehensive and composite legal talents with a solid foundation in law, proficiency in international and foreign law, proficiency in foreign languages, proficiency in foreign-related negotiations and communication, and both theoretical research and practical application abilities.

In terms of career development, international law cultivates versatile talents who possess knowledge and abilities in legal, political, economic, and other fields, with broad employment prospects.

Aircraft operation and maintenance engineering focuses on "smart operation and maintenance" of civil aviation transportation

Yan Su, Deputy Director of the Admissions Office of Civil Aviation University of China: In 2023, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of the Aircraft Operation and Maintenance Engineering program at Civil Aviation University of China. This major is established in the School of Transportation Science and Engineering, mainly focusing on the theory and technology of intelligent operation and maintenance in the aviation transportation industry and intelligent maintenance design in the aviation manufacturing industry. This major is based on the demand for "smart operation and maintenance" in the civil aviation transportation industry, focusing on cultivating high-quality, international, and composite engineering and technical talents who are competent in scientific research, technological development, engineering application, and operation and maintenance management of aircraft operation and maintenance engineering in related industries such as transportation aviation, general aviation, and aviation manufacturing.

The internship of Aircraft Operation and Maintenance Engineering relies on the school's national experimental teaching demonstration center and more than 10 aviation enterprise practical teaching bases. We have six teaching and research laboratories, including a leading domestic civil aircraft maintenance engineering analysis laboratory, and are currently constructing the "Aviation Maintenance Standards and Engineering Application Technology Research Center" for the intelligent operation of future aviation transportation systems.

Graduates of this major can mainly engage in technical and management work in the structure, systems, power devices, quality control of transportation aviation units, maintenance design and airworthiness engineering of aviation manufacturing units, as well as aircraft operation support of general aviation units and engineering research and development of aviation equipment units.

Building composite and high-quality professionals in rural governance for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers

Fu Hailing, Associate Professor of Economics and Head of Rural Governance at Hainan University: The establishment of the Rural Governance major is necessary for the construction of the "New Agricultural Science". This major lays the foundation for breaking down disciplinary barriers, promoting disciplinary integration, and promoting interdisciplinary development.

The rural governance major is based on national strategic goals such as rural revitalization and the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. It cultivates and masters basic theories and professional skills in multiple disciplines such as management, agricultural economics, agricultural law, sociology, and agricultural and forestry technology, and possesses a sense of service, party building ability, public responsibility, legal awareness, and innovative spirit for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. It is a composite and high-quality management professional who can adapt to the requirements of rural social development. In the future, graduates majoring in rural governance will be able to engage in management or service work in agricultural public sectors such as party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations.

The characteristic and highlight of the curriculum system for rural governance is to use the "Industrial Revitalization" curriculum group as the core engine, and set corresponding core courses around the five major revitalizations, namely "Industrial Revitalization, Cultural Revitalization, Organizational Revitalization, Ecological Revitalization, and Talent Revitalization".

Cultivate more outstanding union scholars through trade union studies

Liu Xiangbing, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Institute of Labor Relations: We often say that trade unions are the "mother's family" of employees. With the rapid development of the economy, being a good "mother's family" is facing more and more new challenges. How to promote the digital transformation and upgrading of trade unions? How to optimize the treatment and recuperation work of employees? How to enhance the happiness of workers in new forms of employment under the digital economy and platform economy? To make these tasks more professional, scientific, and down-to-earth, it is necessary to have a large number of experts who are familiar with the basic business of trade unions, can solve practical problems in trade union work, and lead the innovative development of trade union work.

The Trade Union Studies discipline of China University of Labor Relations belongs to the category of law and the second level discipline of Marxism Sinicization under the first level discipline of Marxism. The Trade Union Studies major belongs to the category of Marxism majors. The goal of talent cultivation in the field of trade union studies is to cultivate outstanding "trade union scholars". In the four years of study, you need to sort out the history of the emergence and development of trade unions, and study courses such as the history of the Chinese worker movement and the history of Marxist trade union ideology; Exploring the regularity of trade union work, studying courses such as Introduction to Trade Union Studies, Trade Union Organization, and Trade Union Practice; We also need to reflect on the specific work of trade unions in a specific field, and study courses such as trade union law and digital construction of trade unions. In the third and fourth stage of the year, you will meet the national model worker and big country craftsmen face to face and combine the trade union theory with practice. In the future, you can engage in theoretical research, education and publicity, service maintenance, and other work.

Accessibility management focuses on the development needs of accessibility in the new era

Kang Li, Vice Dean of the School of Management at Nanjing Normal University of Special Education: The Accessibility Management major cultivates high-quality composite and application-oriented specialized management talents with the following characteristics: adapting to the development needs of China's accessibility industry, comprehensively developing morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, familiar with relevant policies, regulations, technical specifications, and standards in the field of accessibility, systematically mastering the basic theories, methods, and technologies of accessibility facilities, information accessibility, and accessibility service management, able to engage in planning, organization, coordination, evaluation, training and publicity related to accessibility business, possessing accessibility concepts, public spirit, and a sense of universal love.

Accessibility management is an interdisciplinary field. The basic course design of the subject is mainly focused on public management courses, while also taking into account related courses in economics and engineering. Based on the key areas of accessible development, establish professional feature enhancement modules to enhance the learning and training of knowledge and skills in related fields such as building accessibility, information accessibility, community accessibility, family accessibility, transportation accessibility, campus accessibility, accessible tourism, and accessible film and television. The employment field is very broad, for example, in the government's accessible environment construction department, enterprises and units engaged in the operation of accessible products and services, as well as public institutions and social organizations engaged in research and services related to accessibility.

Cultivating High Quality Applied Talents in Family Education

Chen Hui, Dean of the School of Child Development and Education at China Women's College: In 2023, China Women's College will recruit 30 undergraduate students majoring in family education for the first time nationwide. The aim is to cultivate high-quality applied talents with public welfare awareness, innovative spirit, modern family education concept centered on improving children and family welfare, respect and care for different types of families, solid basic theories and professional knowledge of family education, and familiarity with family education policies and regulations.

According to the undergraduate program construction plan for family education, we will offer 10 core courses. In terms of practice, we have signed contracts with relevant institutions such as the China Children's Center and the Beijing Family Education Research Association to establish a number of high-quality off campus training bases for family education majors, focusing on improving students' language proficiency, oral expression ability, and modern information technology ability; Ability to communicate and coordinate, collaborate in a team, adapt to the environment, grow oneself, plan, organize, coordinate and implement family education services and guidance activities, and carry out related training.

At present, the employment fields of undergraduate students majoring in family education mainly include: family education work management institutions, family education guidance institutions, media related to family education, family education services and training institutions, etc.

Education for children with autism focuses on rehabilitation education for children with autism in the basic education stage

What to Learn, How to Learn, and How to Develop - This Year's Newly Added Undergraduate Majors - Comprehensive Interpretation Related | Management | Undergraduate Majors

Li La, Dean of the School of Special Education at Nanjing Normal University, stated that the education program for children with autism has become one of the 21 newly established undergraduate programs in the country. This new major aims to target specialized schools for autism, special education schools, regular schools, rehabilitation institutions for special children, disabled persons' federations, etc., to cultivate comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, adapt to the development needs of contemporary autism education, solidly grasp the development and education theory of special children with autism as the main focus, possess basic skills in curriculum teaching and other related educational services for children with autism and other developmental disorders, and be an applied talent with a spirit of universal love.

In terms of curriculum design, the focus is on autistic children in the basic education stage. The basic framework of the curriculum system includes: psychology of autistic children, educational evaluation of autistic children, curriculum and teaching for autistic children, integrated education for autistic children, education and rehabilitation for autistic children, and family education for autistic children. In terms of employment direction, it mainly includes special education schools, specialized autism education schools, regular schools, and rehabilitation institutions throughout the country.

Financial auditing cultivates top-notch innovative talents with a combination of finance, auditing, and big data

Wang Jiahua, Head of Financial Audit at Nanjing Audit University: Financial Audit is the only newly added major in the field of economics and finance. Nanjing Audit University is also the first school in the country to be approved to offer this major, and the new major will begin enrollment in September 2023. This major relies on the construction of national characteristic majors in auditing, as well as the construction of national first-class undergraduate majors such as finance and auditing. It follows the concept of interdisciplinary development and actively promotes cross disciplinary integration.

In the past, the fields of financial supervision and financial risk management recruited talents who graduated from finance or auditing majors, and there has been a long-term shortage of cross disciplinary talents who understand both finance and auditing. The financial audit major conforms to the new situation of economic and financial development and the trend of multidisciplinary development in the national audit industry. By integrating knowledge from finance, auditing, statistics, big data, and other fields, it emphasizes the guidance of ideological and political education, focuses on the OBE education concept, strengthens internships and practical training, realizes the organic combination of general education and professional education, on campus education and off campus education, innovates the system and mechanism of professional talent cultivation, and is committed to cultivating composite innovative top-notch talents who have a systematic grasp of basic knowledge and theories of financial audit, can apply theoretical knowledge and business skills of financial audit, have professional competence, logical thinking ability, big data analysis ability, and good communication ability, and meet the needs of future development in the financial audit field with "finance+auditing+big data".

Interdisciplinary integration of resource chemistry promotes the construction of a resource-saving society

Professors Zhang Hui and Yan Hong from the School of Chemistry at Beijing University of Chemical Technology: In the context of "dual carbon", China attaches great importance to the basic research and application technology development of resource transformation and utilization. Chemists have gradually shifted their research focus to exploring reasonable, efficient, and clean resource transformation and utilization at the molecular level, forming an emerging research field that is highly interdisciplinary and integrated with disciplines such as ecological environment, chemical materials, industrial economy, and management - resource chemistry.

Students majoring in Resource Chemistry should possess three characteristics. One is to have a deep sense of community between humans and nature, and be willing to engage in scientific and technological innovation, green industry development, and global governance work; The second is to have a background in integrating science and engineering and interdisciplinary knowledge, and to master solid basic knowledge, basic theories, and basic experimental methods and skills related to chemistry and the interdisciplinary field of chemistry and resources; The third is to have systematic thinking and the ability to apply basic theoretical knowledge of chemistry to solve complex problems in resource chemistry and related scientific research and production practices.

The Resource Chemistry major has new engineering characteristics and involves multiple disciplines. In the professional construction of relevant universities, public basic courses, subject basic courses, and professional basic courses reflect a "solid foundation"; The practical stage reflects the "strong engineering" orientation, which means strengthening engineering practical abilities.

Graduates majoring in Resource Chemistry can choose to continue their studies in domestic and foreign universities, or choose to work in enterprises and institutions such as chemistry, chemical engineering, materials, environment, life, energy, information, medicine, pharmacy, light industry, and military industry. They can also engage in scientific research, technological development, scientific management, education and teaching in the intersection of chemistry and resources, such as effective utilization of salt lake resources, biomass conversion and efficient utilization, and efficient utilization of rare and precious metal resources.

Dealing with the ever-changing challenges of data science in data science

Professor Kong Lingchen from Beijing Jiaotong University: The Data Science program at Beijing Jiaotong University is an important component of the "New Generation Information Technology" in the national strategic emerging industry development plan for the 14th Five Year Plan. It aims to cultivate students with innovative consciousness, international perspective, and a solid foundation in data science, and explore the establishment of internationally renowned and domestically first-class talent training models.

The curriculum of the Data Science major covers a wide range of disciplinary fields. Students will learn basic knowledge in fields such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science, and master the core concepts and methods of data science. They will delve into the theory and techniques of data modeling and analysis, become familiar with basic knowledge such as mathematical statistics, data analysis, and data mining, and be familiar with commonly used algorithms. In addition, they will also learn technologies closely related to data science, such as data visualization, big data processing, and database management. They will be proficient in using statistical analysis software such as SAS, SPSS, and R, and proficient in at least one programming language. At the same time, understanding data structure and algorithm design, familiar with various operating system development environments, and able to deal with complex data science problems in practice. Through project practice and internship experience, students will acquire the ability to process and analyze actual data. They will learn how to effectively collect and clean data, and apply statistical and machine learning techniques for model construction and prediction.

Graduates majoring in data science can choose to continue their studies in research institutions or universities and engage in research related to data science. They can participate in the collection, management, and processing of large-scale data, research new data modeling and analysis methods, and drive innovation in the field of data science. In addition, graduates can also find employment in various fields of enterprises and institutions, such as transportation, finance, industry, and other natural and social science fields. In the wave of the digital age, the employment prospects of graduates majoring in data science are very optimistic.

Earth system science opens up a new era of interdisciplinary and composite talent cultivation

Luo Yong, Vice Dean of the School of Science at Tsinghua University and Director of the Department of Earth Systems Science: The Earth system is composed of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere as a whole. Earth system science is a multidisciplinary and emerging discipline aimed at studying global change, and is an important scientific research field and cutting-edge direction in the world today.

Traditionally, what is commonly referred to as geology is a large discipline that includes geographic science, atmospheric science, marine science, hydrology, geophysics, geology, space science, and environmental science. These branch disciplines study the Earth from different perspectives and have a long and glorious history of disciplinary development.

There are extensive and profound interconnections and coupling effects between the various layers of the Earth system through fundamental processes of dynamics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Especially at present, the global climate is undergoing a significant change characterized by warming. In addition, global changes include stratospheric ozone depletion, biodiversity loss, changes in water cycle systems and freshwater supply, land degradation, and pressure on food production systems, rising sea levels, and outbreaks of highly lethal infectious diseases. Properly responding to global change and its impact on humanity

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Two women were stabbed to death and reported to have committed a crime 4 days before the follow-up visit for schizophrenia. Suspect of a bloody murder case in a Hong Kong shopping mall appeared in court today. Male | Last Friday | Murder case

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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest

Currently, the highly anticipated summer harvest work in Henan has shifted its focus to the northern region of Henan. According to the Henan Daily client, on June 4th, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, presided over a special video scheduling meeting on the "Three Summers" work in the province, listened to the situation report, analyzed and judged the situation, and arranged and deployed the next steps of work. Governor Wang Kai made specific arrangements. On the evening of May 31, 2023, in Xiafutou Village, Xuliang Town, Boai County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, villagers braved light rain in the wheat fields to harvest wheat. Visual China Map Lou Yangsheng pointed out that the current summer harvest battle in the province has entered the decisive stage. Doing a good job in summer harvest in northern Henan Province is related to the summer grain yield and seed safety. We should focus on seizing opportunities and make every effort to organize the wheat harvesting work in the northern Henan region, minimize losses, and protect the interests of farmers to the greatest extent possible. Accurate forecasting is essential

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Xinhua All Media+| Welcome home! What innovative technologies are protecting the return journey of Shenzhou 15? Spaceship | Shenzhou | Technology

On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all safely and smoothly exited the spacecraft, and the Shenzhou-15 manned flight mission was a complete success. What innovative technologies are there to safeguard the return journey of Shenzhou 15 in this mission? On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhen photographed that "the sky and the ground" ensure the high-precision return of spacecraft. For the Shenzhou series spacecraft, the return and re-entry GNC technology is directly related to the life safety of astronauts. Taking the success of this return mission as a symbol, China has comprehensively upgraded its GNC system since the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, which features autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking, autonomous adaptive prediction and re-entry return guidance, and has completed a comprehensive update and replacement

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The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【