What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 04:01 AM

On August 15, 2023, the first National Ecological Day, "Face to Face" visited Yu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province.For the past 18 years, starting from Yucun, a new miracle of "turning green into gold" has been staged throughout the country.

Wang Yucheng, Secretary of the Party Branch of Yucun Village, Anji County, Zhejiang Province: Yes, our original location was the site of the entire cement factory.

Wang Yucheng: We started shutting down the cement factory in 2003, gradually demolishing and demolishing it year by year. We relocated all the industrial enterprises in the village to the industrial park, preserving these two buildings as memories of our old industrial site.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng, Secretary of the Party Branch of Yucun Village, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, was a native of Yucun. Born in 1985, he witnessed the entire process of Yucun's transformation.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, it's just gray without green, only gray. Let's compare the past and present with a sentence: mountains are bald, water becomes soy sauce soup, and at that time, the water in the river was all soy sauce colored.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, now we are asking people to walk in Yucun, just like in the middle of a painting.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Abandoned mines have transformed into fashionable camping sites, and libraries and cafes have been built on the cement factory site; At the beginning and end of the village, the figures of young people are increasing. In 2021, Yucun was selected as one of the first "World's Best Tourist Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. This small village, with an area of 4.86 square kilometers and only 280 households, receives an average of 3000 tourists per day, and hundreds of "new villagers" from the city come here to start businesses.

Wang Yucheng: Our overall basic facilities now, I can say that we have everything that is available in the city, but we also have things that are not available in the city, such as good environment and good air.

From satellite cloud images, it can be seen that over the past decade, the color tone of Yucun has returned from its previous gray to its current lush green. A stone tablet engraved with the words "Green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" stands in Yucun, which was once the location of the last batch of factories in the village. As the birthplace of the "Two Mountains Concept", Yucun is a well-known star village from afar. In 2019, Wang Yucheng, who had worked in multiple townships in Anji County, returned to Yucun and served as the village party branch secretary.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: When I first came back, I still felt a lot of pressure. After working outside for many years, I came back with my family on weekends to stay and play. When I returned, Yucun was already under the spotlight, which made me suddenly shoulder this responsibility. At that time, there was a lot of pressure. Because I am a native of Yucun, Yucun has trained me to go out. If I can come back now and choose to come back, my first challenge is how to lead everyone well and develop rural construction well.

Yucun was once the "richest village" in Anji County. In the early 1990s, Yucun became wealthy by running its own cement factory and mining limestone. More than half of the village's labor force worked in mines, but the price they paid was the once beautiful mountain village, which was filled with smoke and dust all year round, and sewage flowed freely.

Wang Yucheng: When I was a child, there was a poem called "Da Yao Shi", which was called "Da Pao". It was filled with black smoke, dust, and mist. The green leaves of the green bamboo trees turned into colors, and the white clothes were sun dried into yellow clothes. This was the gray tone of the entire village at that time. The white clothes you sun dried in the morning are gray when you come back at night.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: I have a deep impression of him. At the youngest age of 18, he lost his life in a mine, and the number of diseases among the people is increasing. For example, my father had his stomach cut by two-thirds when I was in third grade of elementary school.

Wang Yucheng: It's because he works in the mining area all year round, causing stones and stomach stones.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, everyone has seen that this kind of economic development is good, but the living conditions and quality of life are completely gone.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

In 2003, Zhejiang Province launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project. Yu Village made a difficult decision and ultimately made the decision to seal off mountains and protect water. Three stone mines and one cement factory were shut down, and the village collective economy suddenly dropped from a peak of over 3 million yuan to over 200000 yuan. In 2005, guided by the "Two Mountains" concept, the village encouraged miners to develop a leisure economy. With the improvement of the ecological environment, Yu Village, surrounded by mountains on three sides and flowing in the stream, quickly caught up with a wave of rural ecotourism. From selling stones to selling scenery, Yucun turned around and attracted many people to visit and inspect. However, when Wang Yucheng took over, he encountered the "ceiling" of Yucun's development: the basic development of land was completed, and there was limited space for new projects and industries. To achieve high-quality development, transformation and upgrading were necessary questions.

Wang Yucheng: If a village's development is not iterated, upgraded, or updated, it will gradually form a very fixed pattern.

Wang Yucheng: It is possible that all the people who have come have come, without any new changes, and I will not come again. If I come once, I will not come again. Therefore, we hope that Yucun, as the birthplace of General Secretary's concept of green mountains and clear waters, is the birthplace of the concept of gold and silver, and the birthplace of ecological civilization. We always hope to be at the forefront in all aspects.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: The changes in Yucun, from the 1990s to the present, are actually in the process of making choices. After making a decision, one can then choose a new path, and then there are new changes. Coming to me is taking over the baton of the predecessors, and coming to me requires new changes.

At the beginning of 2022, more than 10 members of the Party Committee of Tianhuangping Town gathered together to discuss how to formulate a three-year action plan for the provincial pilot of the basic unit of modernization for common prosperity in Yucun. A major event to change the development pattern of Yucun is brewing.

Wang Yucheng: Among the five major revitalizations of rural revitalization, we have seen that talent revitalization is the most urgent factor for us now. Therefore, we have focused on this, which is why we have the concept of partners. We hope to bring in more young people. They will bring us new formats and lifestyles. We hope that through our innovative model, the world can feel the true value transformation brought by the concept of green mountains and clear waters being as valuable as gold and silver. The idea of ecological civilization can be disseminated to the whole country and even the world through our remaining villages.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

This time, Yucun has targeted young people, and Yucun's "Global Partner Plan" has emerged, inviting global talents to jointly build Yucun and broaden new paths for green development.

Wang Yucheng: At the beginning, I even put a question mark on my own mode and was very worried at that time.

Wang Yucheng: There are concerns that there won't be so many young people coming, and no partners can come. In fact, it took almost half a year to plan and actually happen. We have been worried about launching it, but we haven't figured it out, and we haven't figured out what to do if partners can't come.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: At that time, we didn't speak out immediately. We didn't launch it at the first time. We sorted out all the policies and supporting foundations from head to toe, and we all thought it out and understood it. Finally, we started speaking out and spoke out to the outside world.

In July 2022, Yucun's "Global Partner Program" was officially launched, focusing on eight types of research and education, rural tourism, cultural creativity, agriculture and forestry industry, digital economy, green finance, zero carbon technology, health and medical care, and sending "hero posts" to the world to jointly build future rural samples.

Wang Yucheng: Firstly, it is in line with our green development. This is a hard condition. If you have a project that damages the ecology or violates the concept of green development, even if it is good, we will not accept it. This is the most basic threshold. So at the same time, regarding our proposed partners, first of all, what do you want me to give you and what can you give me? These are two questions.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: Yes, we go both ways, so now every partner who comes in, except for a particularly good big brand, is generated through roadshows. I have a deep impression. When we proposed the industry category of rural tourism, there were more than 40 participating units during the roadshow, but we ultimately chose only two to three.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, so my carrying capacity is also limited. In a two-way selection, I see which one best fits the temperament of Yucun's brand for me, and then choose it.

In just two months, recruitment has been overwhelming, with nearly 400 projects throwing olive branches to Yucun. Negotiations, project roadshows, policy matching... Yucun is welcoming more and more "new villagers". In the rural library transformed from a cement factory, a Chinese themed coffee shop officially opened in March this year. Not only does it sell coffee, but it also displays many classic Chinese animated figurines and peripheral products.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: Because what we define here is a youth library, many people, including villagers, may think that only young people can come here. No, we say that as long as you love, anyone who loves is a youth, and we will define you as a youth.

Chen Zhe, born in 1985, is one of Yucun's "global partners". He returned from Shanghai to start his own business and started this "Beauty in Yucun · National Mancha Cafe".

Chen Zhe: This is Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio. It has authorized the well-known cartoon animations that have accompanied the growth of several generations, such as puppet animations and ink wash animations, which have the reputation of Chinese aesthetics internationally. We also hope that they can come to the countryside and combine with green water and green mountains, using Chinese animation to empower the countryside and find more possibilities.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Chen Zhe: At that time, it was because I had been working in Shanghai for ten years, but I was from Anji and a homecoming person. When I saw the Global Partner Recruitment Order, I felt that my hometown's small village had such a pattern and courage, and I was curious and admired it. Now, it is the joint creation of youth and rural areas. I think Yucun is the time to speak up internationally for the cause of rural revitalization in China and the practice of green ecological civilization in this era. Therefore, we also came to the countryside with such an international aesthetic, hoping to contribute to rural revitalization.

Compared with traditional investment promotion, Yucun's "Global Partner" plan attracts not only projects but also various talents. They came with projects, technologies, and concepts, while the government provided support in rent reduction, loan interest subsidies, and promotion. Both sides achieved mutual benefit and win-win through sustainable cooperation.

Wang Yucheng: We have even reached 3.0. In fact, we have gone through three stages, from "demonstration and renovation of thousands of villages" to "exquisite and beautiful thousands of villages". We have now reached the stage of "future prosperity of thousands of villages". When it comes to the Ten Million Project, it is about improving the village environment. When it comes to building beautiful countryside, it is about enhancing the foundation of the countryside. In the future, the process of rural construction will apply more of these new scenarios, bringing life scenes into the countryside.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

From 2005 to 2022, the collective economic income of Yucun Village increased from 910000 yuan to 13.05 million yuan, and the per capita income increased from 8732 yuan to 64863 yuan. At the beginning of 2023, a total of 2.06 million yuan was distributed to villagers at the year-end stock dividend conference in Yucun, with a per capita dividend of nearly 2000 yuan. On this basis, Yu Village also collaborated with 24 administrative villages in Tianhuangping Town, Shanchuan Township, and Shangshu Township to form "Dayu Village", coordinating investment attraction and building a larger scale and differentiated green industrial ecology. Following the Global Partner Program, Wang Yucheng is facing new challenges.

Wang Yucheng: This year happens to be the time when all of Huzhou in the city is building a youth oriented city. As for us, since we have proposed a global partnership with Yucun, without an incubator that can gather talent, it would be empty for us as a partner. Because at that time, after the partnership was launched, many partners were already in negotiations. Without such space, we would not be able to land and may have to go elsewhere. Therefore, we do not want to be unable to land in the process. Therefore, we must have such an incubation base to accommodate so many of our partners.

In order to attract young people, Tianhuangping Town has integrated idle resources and created a youth exclusive entrepreneurial space called "Qinglaiji".

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: The meaning of Qinglaiji is to gather young people here. There is a total of more than 30000 spaces here.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, yes, we are talking about the gathering place of youth ideals.

This park, originally a commercial area of the "New Year's Day" resort hotel, has now become the "headquarters" of entrepreneurial youth in Dayu Village. The 26 buildings in the park can provide 1200 workstations, and supporting facilities such as canteens and apartments are fully equipped. On June 26, 2023, the release ceremony of Dayu Village Youth Talent Community and the entry ceremony of Qinglaiji Park were held at Qinglaiji Square in Tianhuangping Town. Since its opening, "Qinglaiji" has settled in 18 projects, attracting more than 600 young talents and college students from all over the country. The "DN Yucun" Digital Nomad Commune is one of the "Qinglaiji" settlement projects. The manager, Xu Song, comes from Hangzhou and has lived in Yunnan for more than ten years.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Xu Song: People in the digital nomad community can work anywhere as long as they have a computer and can connect to the internet cable.

Xu Song: Green waters and green mountains.

Living in a scenic area, waking up naturally from sleep, having the freedom to work, and having friends after work. At Qinglaiji, there are over 100 "digital vagrants" from all over the country, 60% of whom are born in the 1990s, and nearly 40% have a master's degree or above. Their professions include designers, programmers, self media professionals, and writers... The average length of stay has reached 47 days. When global partners and digital nomads gather together from all over the world, more wonderful chemical reactions begin to occur.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Xu Song: We welcome young people to come to the countryside, so let's talk about it ourselves. These people are not our consumers, not leeks, but our precious seeds. After these young people gather in the countryside, the countryside becomes vibrant. We now have a little girl who wants to run a cycling club in Yucun. She came here and found this mountain and water cycling experience very suitable.

Xu Song: Yes, it's just that you're not here. How could you discover the resources around such an environment, right? It's not predetermined where I'm going to do something, but rather placing myself in a mindset called Digital Villager.

Xu Song: Yes, so why do we need to provide such infrastructure and provide good services to everyone? We all hope that everyone can live here with peace of mind and make the countryside his new hometown.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Retaining young people with green mountains and enabling them to change the countryside is the beautiful vision of the people of Yucun. As of now, more than 50 partner projects have landed in Yucun, with over 1100 college students participating and attracting 192 young people to return home. At the same time, in Yucun, green and low-carbon have become a way of life, and there are multiple interactive devices in the scenic area that subtly guide the low-carbon behavior of villagers and tourists.

Wang Yucheng: At that time, the basic framework of the bamboo drawing factory was in place. We reinforced and renovated the original framework, and we implanted the concept of zero carbon.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, we hope to bring this low-carbon mode of transportation to our villagers through this method, including whether farmers can also refer to this mode when building houses in the future. We also encourage people to use walking or new energy small electric vehicles instead of gasoline vehicles for transportation, so as to raise awareness of carbon reduction from all aspects.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

In January of this year, the "Yucun Impression" zero carbon library, which was renovated from an old factory building, was officially put into use. As the first dual platinum level rural carbon neutral public building demonstration in China to obtain platinum level certification for carbon neutral buildings and international LEED building platinum level certification, its annual operating carbon reduction can reach 28.58 tons.

Wang Yucheng: The circulating electricity inside it is generated through photovoltaic panels on top, and this type of photovoltaic panel does not require sunlight, as long as there is bright light, it can be absorbed.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, and on the roof of our building, we basically use all french window to reduce consumption and energy.

What is the charm of welcoming the small village of "Qing"?, Face to face | Retaining "Green" Global | Partners | Charm

Wang Yucheng: What you see on top of it is a photovoltaic panel, which absorbs light during the day and automatically lights up at night. It has music playing and is also an artistic installation.

Wang Yucheng: Yes, reducing energy and emissions to advocate for our new concept of lifestyle.

At night, Yucun is as busy as during the day. Young people gather together at night to learn and exchange ideas, starting a new episode of "Yucun Night Talk". 38 year old Wang Yucheng is leading the larger and younger Yucun towards the future through the practice of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver".

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