What details are worth paying attention to?, The Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai, Face to Face with Xiangshang Entrepreneurs | Xiangshang | Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:35 PM

What made the Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee travel a thousand miles to Shanghai?

Face to face conversation, what did we talk about?

On August 2nd, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, presided over a symposium on the return of Hunan businessmen in Shanghai. He listened face-to-face to the opinions and suggestions of 12 Hunan businessmen from the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions, hoping that the majority of Hunan businessmen would actively participate in and support the return of Hunan businessmen. The Provincial Party Committee and Government will fully support Hunan businessmen to stand at the forefront, play the leading role, and take on the main role in economic and social development, making Hunan businessmen more popular in Hunan.

On August 2nd, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, presided over a symposium on the return of Hunan businessmen in Shanghai, where he listened face-to-face to the opinions and suggestions of 12 Hunan businessmen from the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions.

The implementation of the return of Hunan merchants is a major strategic decision made by the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Government. Which 12 entrepreneurs were invited for this symposium? What suggestions have entrepreneurs put forward? Why are these 12 entrepreneurs?

Who are they all?

Let's get to know these 12 entrepreneurs together, Guan Chao Jun.

1. Xie Donghai, President of Shanghai Hunan Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Shanghai Weiren Investment Co., Ltd

Established in 2004, Weiren Investment is a company mainly engaged in the business service industry.

In 2018, to support rural revitalization, Weiren Investment settled in his hometown Yongju Tea Industry. In 2019, Hunan Weiren Yongju Tea Industry Co., Ltd. was established, with an existing tea garden base of 6000 acres.

2. Zhou Xuzhou, President of Jiangsu Hunan Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yuye Group

Established in 2010, Yuye Group is a group company that focuses on real estate development, with finance, securities, star rated hotels, and investment properties coexisting. Our business has expanded to provinces such as Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangdong, as well as more than 20 cities in Australia, Switzerland, and more.

At present, over 10 billion yuan has been invested in Hunan, covering areas such as photovoltaics, machinery manufacturing, hotels, hypermarkets, and real estate. Since last year, we have increased investment in the photovoltaic industry and established Hunan Yutai New Energy.

3. Huang Yong, President of Zhejiang Hunan Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Zhejiang Ziguang Future Group Co., Ltd

Ziguang Future Group was established in 2006, covering areas such as hotel investment, smart catering, and intelligent robot chefs.

In April 2023, the Ziguang Group Semiconductor Technology Park project settled in Yueyang. In the past three years, the cumulative self investment and introduced investment in Hunan have exceeded 10 billion yuan.

4. Zhu Xin'ai, Chairman and General Manager of Shanghai Leimu Electronics Co., Ltd

The products of Laimu Electronics are widely used in industries such as communication, automotive, photovoltaic energy storage, hydrogen energy, and semiconductors, among which automotive products are the leading sub sectors.

In 2008, Hunan Leimu Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Changde, and in 2022, Hunan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was established. Centered around the relevant industry chain, Leimu planned a 5-year investment plan of 2 billion yuan, including establishing factories, research platforms, experimental platforms, etc.

5. Zheng Yongjun, Chairman of Hangzhou Guangli Microelectronics Co., Ltd

Guangli Microelectronics was founded in 2003 and is one of the three listed EDA companies in China.

What details are worth paying attention to?, The Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai, Face to Face with Xiangshang Entrepreneurs | Xiangshang | Secretary

Guangli Microelectronics has established Changsha Guangli Microelectronics Co., Ltd. in Xiangjiang New Area, Hunan. As the R&D headquarters of Guangli Micro, Changsha Guangli Micro is mainly focused on the development of EDA software and integrated circuit big data systems.

6. Li Junyan, General Manager of Jiangsu Baodong Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd

Baodong Pharmaceutical is a research and development oriented enterprise with research and development as the front-end of the industry chain and sales as the back-end of the industry chain. In 2022, the investment in drug research and development exceeded 50 million, and the sales revenue exceeded 1 billion.

In 2023, Baodong Pharmaceutical will return to its hometown and invest in business. The Baodong Shaoyang project, which is currently being promoted, has a total investment of 2 billion yuan and is planned to be completed by 2025. After full operation, the annual sales revenue will reach 2 billion yuan.

7. Chen Fangming, Chairman of Boleyton Technology Co., Ltd

Founded in 2016, Boreton Technology is a high-tech unicorn enterprise that focuses on the electrification and intelligence of construction machinery.

In 2022, Boleyton will land an annual production of 5000 electric mining truck base projects in Xiangtan, with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan, and an annual output value of 8 billion yuan after reaching production. At present, Boreton is actively promoting the landing of electric construction machinery products such as electric excavators and electric forklifts in Hunan, achieving the combination of new energy industry and traditional advantageous industries.

8. Yin Bangjin, Chairman of Zhejiang Jicheng New Materials Co., Ltd

Jicheng New Materials is an enterprise originated in Hunan and developed in Zhejiang, focusing on the research and industrialization of special ceramics. Jicheng New Materials has a world leading core technology in the preparation of nano boron carbide powder for pressureless sintering process.

In June 2023, the Jicheng Advanced Ceramic Materials Industry Base project settled in Wangcheng Economic Development Zone, with a planned investment of 1.2 billion yuan. It will be divided into two phases to build an industrial energy-saving kiln, kiln furniture and core component production base, research institute, etc.

9. Liu Chengfan, Chairman of Taicang Zhongcai Tungsten Industry Technology Co., Ltd

Taicang Zhongcai Tungsten Industry was established in 2010, focusing on the research and development, production, and sales of tungsten steel materials, various special-shaped tungsten steel products, and various tungsten steel molds used in the mold industry.

Long term cooperation between the enterprise and the Powder Metallurgy Research Institute of Central South University. In April 2022, China National Tungsten Industry Hunan Project signed a contract and settled in Lianyuan to assist in the construction of the "Material Valley" in the central region of Loudi.

10. Lv Mingli, Chairman of Shanghai Huawei Controllable Agricultural Technology Group Co., Ltd

A company dedicated to deeply cultivating ACA controllable agriculture.

Huawei Agricultural Equipment Intelligent Valley · Dong'an Valley was established in Dong'an County in 2019. It is the first smart agricultural equipment industrial park that integrates scientific research and innovation, intelligent manufacturing, science popularization demonstration, and forum training.

11. Jiang Yingxing, General Manager of Shanghai Xiang Mango Culture Investment Co., Ltd

Established in 2013, it is a state-owned cultural investment company controlled by Hunan Broadcasting and Film Group. The company focuses on investment and development, commercial operation, and IP development in the cultural industry as its main business, actively exploring, breaking, and restructuring a new model of "smart entertainment media+cultural consumption" that is suitable for the market, and is committed to promoting innovative development of media platforms, cultural finance, and development and operation.

12. Yu Hui, General Manager of Shanghai Sunshine Hotel

Shanghai Sunshine Hotel, formerly known as Shanghai Sanxiang Building, was founded in 1992 and has always been the window service unit of Hunan in Shanghai.

The hotel is actively exploring a new "hotel+Xiangpin" model, introducing Hunan style Xiangpin to help "Xiangpin enter Shanghai".

What details are worth paying attention to?, The Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai, Face to Face with Xiangshang Entrepreneurs | Xiangshang | Secretary

It is not difficult to find that these 12 Hunan businessmen include the presidents of Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, as well as well-known entrepreneurs with certain influence in the fields of electronic information, pharmaceutical industry, new materials, agriculture, and so on.

What did they all say?

At the meeting, 12 Xiangshang entrepreneurs introduced the development of their enterprises and put forward suggestions and opinions for the high-quality development of Hunan from the aspects of promoting talent development in Hunan, building R&D innovation platforms, and strengthening industrial chains, which are full of deep affection for their hometown.

Through the speeches of 12 entrepreneurs, we can feel the love and attention of "wanderers" towards their hometown, as well as their deep thinking on the development of their hometown.

They all love their hometown very much. It can be said that in just a few words, there is a deep affection.

Zhou Xuzhou said that the more achievements one makes, the more they need to give back to their hometown. They need to put in enough effort to contribute to the construction of their hometown and not disappoint the times.

Zhu Xin'ai said that returning to her hometown for investment comes from a strong sense of hometown sentiment, making her feel supported, confident, and hopeful.

Liu Chengfan said that after years of struggling in a foreign land, the strong hometown sentiment in my heart has always prompted me to repay and contribute to my hometown.

They are all very concerned about their hometown. They are well aware of the latest changes and directions.

For example, in recent years, Hunan has made great efforts in the semiconductor industry. Zheng Yongjun mentioned that integrated circuits are a key advantageous industry supported by Changsha City. It is suggested to fully leverage Hunan's talent advantages and further attract high-end talents from Hunan to return.

For example, construction machinery is the "ace" of Hunan's manufacturing industry. Chen Fangming pointed out that Changsha is the world's capital of construction machinery, and in the long run, there is a great opportunity to become the global capital of electrified construction machinery.

For example, this year Hunan proposed the construction of a strong agricultural province. Lv Mingli expressed his willingness to provide scientific and technological assistance for the rural revitalization of Hunan, and jointly paint a beautiful picture of rural revitalization with strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and rich farmers in the Three Xiang region.

For example, the goal of building a global R&D center city in Changsha was only proposed at this year's Yuelu Summit. Yin Bangjin put forward his own suggestions on this.

They are thinking about their hometown. Love your own hometown, build your own hometown. In their speeches, Hunan entrepreneurs have put forward specific suggestions for the development of their hometown.

Zhou Xuzhou suggested taking "people" as the theme, talent as the main line, and industry as the foundation to attract various talents, special talents, specialized talents, and talents to come to Hunan for employment and entrepreneurship.

Li Junyan suggested that Hunan should support the linkage between enterprises, universities, and research institutes, contribute to the cultivation of talents in schools, and prepare for the reserve of talents in enterprises. He also suggested that the government act as a bridge to create a platform for talent cultivation, talent reserve, and talent employment in schools and enterprises. Thus achieving the goal of promoting talent in Hunan.

Huang Yong suggests further optimizing the business environment, maintaining emotional connections with global Xiang businessmen, participating more in work, and taking responsibility, so that they can participate, be valued, achieve success, and receive honors. Taking "handling old accounts with new officials" as an important aspect of evaluating and evaluating governments at all levels, and strengthening the confidence of Hunan merchants to return to their hometowns for investment and development.

Jiang Yingxing suggested that Hunan should cultivate an industrial ecosystem from a high starting point, shifting from introducing individual talents and enterprises to focusing on the development of the industrial chain, and introducing them in a comprehensive and systematic manner to solve the problem of "seeing only trees but not forests".

Yuhui, based on the advantage that the enterprise is the "bridgehead" of Hunan in Shanghai, suggests holding regular or irregular investment promotion and exchange meetings to make the hotel an information service center that helps Hunan businessmen return and foreign businesses come to Hunan.

"A wanderer travels thousands of miles, rooted in his hometown." Xie Donghai's words may have spoken the hearts of all Hunan entrepreneurs present, making "coming from Hunan, nurturing Hunan" a consensus in the venue.

Why in Shanghai? Why are they?

What details are worth paying attention to?, The Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai, Face to Face with Xiangshang Entrepreneurs | Xiangshang | Secretary

Why travel a thousand miles to Shanghai for a symposium?

Shanghai, as the financial center of China, is highly active in areas such as finance, commerce, exhibitions, and service industries. Shanghai has the most cutting-edge business concepts, the most sensitive market information, and the latest commercial formats.

The main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee took the initiative to go out and moved the venue that attracted Hunan merchants to return to Shanghai, expressing the Provincial Party Committee's expectation and invitation for the joint efforts of Hunan merchants in the construction of a modern new Hunan and the brilliant glory of the same innovative era.

Guanchao Jun believes that this not only truly conveys the family and warmth of hometown elders, but also accurately grasps the direction of Hunan's industrial development.

In fact, prior to this, Shen Xiaoming had already held important meetings such as the Private Entrepreneur Symposium and the Hunan Business Return Entrepreneur Representative Symposium. The signal conveyed is self-evident, further expanding investment attraction and optimizing the business environment, warmly welcoming "our own people" and sparing no effort to support "Returning Swallow".

On June 8th, Shen Xiaoming presided over a symposium for entrepreneurs representing the return of Hunan businessmen.

After reviewing the industrial layout of 12 entrepreneurs, Guanchao Jun found that their investment and business scope in Hunan covers multiple fields such as electronic information, pharmaceutical industry, new materials, agriculture, etc., which is relatively consistent with the "4+6" industrial cluster in Hunan Province.

Not only that, the 12 entrepreneurs who participated in the discussion all had their hometowns behind them.

Li Yanyang, Deputy Director of the Investment Promotion Department of the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, introduced that the candidates for this symposium were recommended by 14 cities and prefectures in the province after selection.

The projects invested by entrepreneurs in Hunan cover various stages of enterprise development and growth, including newly signed, under construction, and mature projects that have already been put into operation.

"I hope that through this symposium, newly signed and under construction projects can further accelerate the construction progress. For enterprises that have already been put into operation, I hope that the villagers can continue to expand their investment scale in Hunan." Li Yanyang said.

▲ Tea plantation base.

The three presidents of the Chamber of Commerce do not need to say much. Their network, appeal, and influence among Hunan merchants have greatly contributed to the return of Hunan merchants. Through investment actions and chamber activities, they actively connect upstream and downstream enterprises, domestic and foreign merchants to invest in and develop in Hunan.

Similarly, other entrepreneurs in their respective industries have a large scale, strong demonstration capabilities, and strong industrial driving capabilities.

The return of Hunan merchants is of great significance in promoting high-quality development and enhancing industrial competitiveness in Hunan.

More importantly, while bringing back funds and industries, Hunan merchants have also brought back advanced concepts and experiences, continuously enriching the cultural connotations of Hunan merchants and even influencing Hunan's development philosophy.

More popular in Hunan, returning to the right time. In the view of Guan Chao Jun, various regions should "consistently promote the return of Hunan merchants", create a good investment environment, attract Hunan merchants to return, and allow more returning Hunan merchants to start from Hunan and explore a larger world together.

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