What are the hidden issues behind it?, Multiple disciplinary and supervisory commissions have reported! Party members, cadres, and public officials drive under the influence of alcohol and alcohol

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 08:34 AM

Recently, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 6 typical cases of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials. The notice emphasizes that disciplinary inspection and supervision organs should strengthen cooperation and linkage with law enforcement and judicial organs, and identify and investigate drunk driving problems among party members, cadres, and public officials. Typical problems should be reported and exposed by name and surname.

In addition, Zhangjiajie City in Hunan Province, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, and Baiyin City in Gansu Province have also recently reported typical problems of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials.

Driving under the influence of alcohol can be punished harshly, and the cost can be quite painful. Why do a few party members, cadres, and public officials still persist in blatant violations? What are the hidden problems behind drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials? The reporter interviewed personnel from multiple disciplinary and supervisory commissions in various regions.

Under the high-pressure situation of comprehensive strict governance of the Party and continuous rectification and discipline, the problem of drunk driving among Party members, cadres, and public officials still occurs from time to time

"Zheng Zhiquan, a retired cadre of the Commerce Bureau of Shishi City, Fujian Province, was driving a small off-road vehicle while drunk. He collided with a small off-road vehicle parked on the roadside and fled the scene after the accident. He was later arrested by the public security organs. After appraisal, the ethanol concentration in Zheng Zhiquan's blood reached 238.93mg/100ml, indicating drunk driving. Zheng Zhiquan was sentenced to three months' detention and fined 7000 yuan for committing dangerous driving. In January 2023, Zheng Zhiquan was expelled from the party."

In June 2023, on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shishi City reported two typical cases of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials, which attracted local attention.

Under the high-pressure situation of comprehensive strict governance of the Party and continuous rectification and discipline, the problem of drunk driving among Party members, cadres, and public officials still occurs from time to time. "This indicates that some party members and cadres are not restrained, do not know where to stop, have weak awareness of discipline and law, and have a mentality of luck. The daily education constraints of their units are not strong, and there is a lack of supervision over cadres and employees' work beyond eight hours'." Chen Feng, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Shishi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, told reporters.

Cases show that many drunk driving behaviors occur at night or on remote road sections. Zhang Song, former fourth level chief clerk of Xiwan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Pinggui District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in Hezhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is like this.

At around 21:00 on February 2, 2022, Zhang Song was caught driving a small car to Dianchang Road in Xiwan Street, Pinggui District after drinking with friends. A blood sample test showed an alcohol content of 241 milligrams per 100 milliliters.

According to Zhang Song's recollection, he was already drunk and confused at the time. "I thought it was less than 200 meters away from home, such a short distance, so late, just once, and I shouldn't have been discovered." In March 2023, after being tried by the People's Court of Pinggui District, Zhang Song was found guilty of dangerous driving and sentenced to two months of detention and a fine of 3000 yuan. Subsequently, Zhang Song was expelled from the party and from public office.

A few party members and cadres relaxed their ideological defenses when they were away from home, believing that they would not be caught. On the evening of October 17, 2021, Mao Jianming, a former teacher of the Education Bureau in Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, was caught by the public security organs while driving a motor vehicle to the intersection of Shiquan Road and Datong Road after drinking alcohol in Shishi City, Fujian Province. After blood sampling and identification, his blood alcohol content was 195.39 milligrams per 100 milliliters. On January 11, 2022, the People's Court of Shishi City sentenced Mao Jianming to one month's detention, two months' probation, and a fine of 5000 yuan for the crime of dangerous driving. Afterwards, Mao Jianming was expelled from the party and from public office.

"Party discipline is stricter than national laws, and party members and cadres must never have the mentality of 'not being able to catch me' or the mentality of 'not being able to catch me' privilege at any time. They must always have reverence, strictly abide by the bottom line, and consciously become the 'insulator' of drunk driving." said a responsible comrade of the Xiangyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Hubei Province.

The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that driving a motor vehicle while drinking alcohol is prohibited. If a major traffic accident occurs after drinking alcohol or driving a motor vehicle while drunk, which constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law. It should be noted that motorcycles are also considered motor vehicles, and driving a motorcycle after drinking alcohol is also considered drunk driving.

In September 2020, Changyang, former deputy town of Luodu Town, Yuechi County, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, was caught by police officers on duty at the Guang'an Public Security Bureau after having dinner and drinking with friends while driving a two wheeled official motorcycle. After testing the alcohol content in the exhaled gas, the alcohol concentration was 45.1 milligrams per 100 milliliters. Yang was fined 1790 yuan and had his motor vehicle driver's license suspended for 6 months. In June 2021, Yang drove the motorcycle again after eating and drinking, but fell to the ground while unable to control the vehicle. After identification, Yang's blood alcohol content is 176 milligrams per 100 milliliters. In November 2021, Yang was sentenced to three months of detention and fined 4000 yuan for committing the crime of dangerous driving. Subsequently, Yang was expelled from the party and from public office.

"The vehicle driven by Yang belongs to official vehicles. After being investigated by the traffic police department for drunk driving for the first time, he drove official vehicles under the influence of alcohol again, which reflects his weak awareness of discipline and law, lack of respect for the law and conscious compliance with discipline, and weak sense of responsibility for public safety and social order." Xiong Ping, director of the case trial room of the Yuechi County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, told reporters.

Behind the scenes of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials, there are often hidden issues of the "Four Winds" and corruption

Drunk driving is considered an illegal and criminal act. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment, Party members who break the law and commit crimes will be given corresponding disciplinary punishment according to the situation, until they are expelled from the Party. Article 14 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Officials stipulates that if a public official is sentenced to control, detention, or fixed-term imprisonment or above for intentional crimes, he shall be dismissed.

Why does the problem of drunk driving still occur among party members, cadres, and public officials despite the clear requirements of discipline and law, and the high cost?

"Subjectively, one is that some party members, cadres, and public officials have a weak awareness of discipline and law, have a mentality of luck, and rely on their superb driving skills to allow the dangerous consequences of drunk driving to occur. The other is that a few leading cadres have serious privileged thinking, even thinking that drunk driving is a small matter and 'putting it flat'." Lu Jiyun, Deputy Director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Binjiang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, told reporters.

In addition, there are loopholes in the management of party members and cadres in a few units, with situations of light handling, cold handling, and even "protecting the calf" and finding ways not to handle them.

Several grassroots disciplinary inspection and supervision officials told reporters that based on the recent cases of drunk driving investigated and dealt with, the individuals involved have shown some new characteristics, with an increase in the number of drunk driving problems among party members in rural areas, communities, private enterprises, and social organizations.

"In recent years, the number of ordinary party members in grassroots villages, communities, private enterprises and other units in our district who have been investigated and punished for drunk driving has remained high. The circumstances of the cases are diverse, including those who drive motorcycles and light railed trucks, those who drink alcohol at noon, attend red and white banquets, and those who escape after accidents." said a relevant person in charge of the Xiaoshan District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Hangzhou.

"In the current high-pressure situation of cracking down on drunk driving, there are still some grassroots party members, cadres, and public officials who feel lucky and believe that their villages are located in remote areas, and even drunk driving is generally not detected." A relevant person in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Leling City, Shandong Province, said that some cases have exposed loopholes in team management by grassroots party committees and governments.

It should be noted that behind the scenes of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials, there are often hidden issues such as illegal drinking, accepting banquets, and eating and drinking with public funds during official receptions, as well as corruption issues such as accepting bribes.

On the evening of December 30, 2021, Xu, the secretary of a village party branch in Niushou Town, Fancheng District, Xiangyang City, was caught by the public security organs on the spot for drunk driving. After testing, his blood alcohol content reached the standard for drunk driving and he was punished accordingly. At the same time, Sun, the Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Finance Office of Niushou Town, who was dining at the same table, was filed for review. After further investigation, it was found that Xu engaged in drunk driving behavior after entertaining Sun and others. Xu was Sun's management and service object, and Sun's participation in the banquet was considered as accepting a banquet that may affect the fair execution of official duties. Sun was given a warning within the party.

How to rectify the "Four Winds" behind drunk driving? "We will continue to study and summarize the new changes and characteristics of the 'Four Winds' issue, continuously innovate means and improve methods, and enhance the effectiveness of supervision work. At the same time, we will deepen and solidify the' second half of the article 'of typical cases, especially those intertwined with wind and corruption, and focus on building a long-term mechanism for work style construction." said the main person in charge of the Xiangyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

We must not only seriously investigate and deal with the problem of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials, but also thoroughly investigate the underlying "Four Winds" issues

To curb the problem of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials from the source, in Xiong Ping's view, the first step is to make the majority of party members, cadres, and public officials feel wary: "The party committee should effectively fulfill its main responsibility, strengthen daily education and negative typical warnings to prevent drunk driving problems, form a deterrent, and let 'drinking without driving, driving without drinking' enter the mind."

Secondly, corresponding working mechanisms should be established to strengthen the investigation of clues related to drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials. During the interview, a staff member of the grassroots discipline inspection and supervision commission told the reporter that the clues to the problem of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials being investigated mainly come from the transfer by public security and judicial organs, and sometimes there may be delayed or even delayed transfer of problem clues.

How to prevent the occurrence of "fish caught in the net"? The relevant officials of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Xiangyang City suggest that a work mechanism should be established to manage the clues of drunk driving, dynamically track, regularly schedule, hold centralized consultations, complete within a specified time limit, and supervise and hold accountable, to ensure that no problems are overlooked. "To form a closed-loop management system of 'discovering problems, investigating and holding accountable, and notifying and alerting', unify work standards, comprehensively regulate various links before, during, and after the incident, establish departmental consultation and information exchange mechanisms, regularly hold joint meetings, timely report relevant situations, and promote problem rectification."

When investigating drunk driving issues, it is also necessary to be vigilant of inadequate law enforcement, persuasion and intervention, and shielding and protecting behavior. "We need to track and implement the implementation of the transfer, investigation, and administrative penalties for drunk driving issues, strictly enforce work discipline, conceal and fail to report, suppress cases, and enforce penalties for drunk driving, and hold accountable in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure the fast, accurate, and complete transfer and investigation of clues related to drunk driving issues for party members and public officials," said the responsible comrade.

Behind drunk driving, there may be hidden issues such as private use of public vehicles, illegal acceptance of dining invitations, illegal hosting of banquets, and illegal receipt and delivery of gifts, cash, and gift cards. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate and crack down on corruption issues behind the scenes.

"We must not only seriously investigate and deal with the problem of Party members, cadres, and public officials driving under the influence of alcohol, but also verify key information such as food and drink personnel, locations, and funding, so that the" four undesirable "issues such as" dining at a table "," eating official letters ", and illegal entry and exit into private clubs cannot be avoided." said Zhou Jie, Director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Shangcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Hangzhou.

After investigating and punishing the problems, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs also need to follow up and carry out education management supervision, clarify relevant responsibilities, and deepen and implement the "second half of the article". For those who have problems such as inadequate performance of main responsibilities and inadequate daily supervision and management, relevant party organizations and leading cadres will be held accountable in accordance with regulations and discipline, and "dual responsibilities for one position" will be strictly enforced.

"We should not only focus on the effectiveness of discipline and law, but also on political effects." Some grassroots discipline inspection and supervision commission comrades suggested that when verifying clues to drunk driving problems, comprehensive administrative penalty decisions, rulings or judgments of relevant personnel should be retrieved, and scientific and accurate handling opinions should be proposed based on the illegal and criminal facts, nature, circumstances identified in relevant legal documents, as well as the attitudes of relevant party members and cadres towards administrative penalties and punishments. At the same time, ideological education should be integrated throughout the verification work, helping the parties involved to deeply understand their mistakes, ensuring that disciplinary and legal constraints are firm, criticism and education are strong, and organizational care is warm. Efforts should be made to achieve the unity of political, disciplinary, and social effects.

Take multiple measures to effectively crack down on the problem of drunk driving and drunk driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is highly dangerous and requires both legal punishment and serious disciplinary action. Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in multiple regions have carried out governance measures against the problem of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials, and have effectively cracked down on the problem of drunk driving. At the same time, they have delved into whether there are any "Four Winds" problems behind the scenes, such as illegally accepting banquets and eating and drinking with public funds.

Establish and improve work mechanisms to ensure timely transfer of leads. The Qingpu District of Shanghai has issued the "Opinions on Establishing a Mechanism for Timely Reporting and Handling of Suspected Disciplinary and Illegal Information of Party Members to the Organization Department of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the District Committee", and has established and improved a collaborative mechanism between disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, judicial organs, administrative law enforcement departments, and organization departments to ensure timely verification of party member identity information and timely notification of relevant party member information.

Deepen the "room group land" mechanism and improve supervision efficiency. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province are exploring the implementation of a three-level linkage and coordination mechanism of "office group and land", and increasing the exploration of clues to drunk driving problems. "The Case Supervision and Management Office and judicial authorities have established a collaborative mechanism for transferring clues, coordinating and further verifying key information such as the political status and unit positions of drunk driving personnel. The dispatched disciplinary inspection and supervision team has strengthened communication with the district judicial bureau and other departments, urging them to pay attention to the screening of party members, cadres, and public officials who have been sentenced to probation for drunk driving, and timely transfer problem clues. The disciplinary inspection teams of each street leverage their frontline advantages at the grassroots level to regularly search for relevant problem clues in the local police stations. Through three-level linkage from top to bottom, multiple guarantees are provided for timely and efficient detection of drunk driving problems," said the relevant officials of the Licheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

Strengthen information communication and bridge the gap in monitoring drunk driving issues across regions. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, based on the fact that the area is adjacent to Jiangsu, has deepened the cooperation mechanism of disciplinary inspection and supervision work in the Yangtze River Delta with Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province and other places, strengthened information exchange, big data comparison, and clue exchange, to prevent Party members, cadres, and public officials from becoming "fish in the net" due to cross provincial drunk driving problems. As of now, both sides have transferred 8 clues to each other regarding the issue.

Strengthen warning education and recite the "tightening curse" well. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province has established a normalized warning education mechanism for drunk driving. Through the use of comprehensive reports, special reports, case analysis, and the production of warning education films, typical problems are named and reported, continuously releasing a clear signal of "strictness in the future".

Dig deeper and thoroughly examine each layer. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County in Chongqing have conducted a thorough investigation into the "four customs" behind drunk driving, identifying the identities of the organization and participants, as well as the drinking venues; Check if there are any "Four Winds" issues such as public funds for food and drink, illegal official receptions, illegal acceptance of banquets from management service recipients, illegal entry and exit of private clubs, and illegal receipt of gifts and cash. At the same time, we will thoroughly investigate and deal with violations of discipline and law in the process of drunk driving, such as concealment, persuasion and intervention, shielding and indulgence, failure to investigate cases, and lax law enforcement.

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