Weaving bags to hold millions of bets, revealing details of medical anti-corruption! The hospital has a dean who accepts 100 sets of hospitals | Position | Details

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:01 PM

The anti-corruption campaign in the pharmaceutical industry is raging.

On July 28th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission held a mobilization meeting, deploying disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to cooperate in carrying out centralized rectification of corruption in the national pharmaceutical industry. A strong anti-corruption storm swept across the entire pharmaceutical industry. According to incomplete statistics, as of now, nearly 170 hospital deans and secretaries have been investigated nationwide, which has exceeded twice the number of the entire year last year. Recently, Peninsula media reporters searched for 5545 documents on the Chinese Judgments Online using the keywords "hospital, bribery, and bribery". Many of the judgments revealed shocking corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.

From the "top three" to township health centers, medical anti-corruption efforts have been pushed to the end with a single rod

In 2023, China's anti-corruption efforts in the medical field have been unprecedented. The scope of key anti-corruption investigations in the pharmaceutical field has been expanded, emphasizing "full field, full chain, and full coverage". The reporter searched through the Judgment Document Network and found that in previous years, from "top three" hospitals, to county-level hospitals, and then to township health centers and community health service centers, the anti-corruption power of medicine has reached the grassroots level, which can be said to be "piercing through with one rod".

A criminal ruling released by the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province revealed that from May 2011 to January 2013, Ding provided project information to Liu during the hospital's equipment procurement process while serving as the director of the computer center of a well-known tertiary hospital in Sichuan. During the project selection process, Ding also provided assistance to the products of three technology companies represented by Liu, enabling these three companies to gain an advantage in procurement competition and successfully signed an equipment sales contract with a tertiary hospital. During this period, Liu gave a total of 630000 yuan in gratitude to Ding in three installments, which Ding accepted and used for daily expenses. On May 9, 2013, during the investigation of other cases, the Chengdu People's Procuratorate learned about the fact that Ding had received 630000 yuan in cash from Liu. On the same day, on May 13, it notified Ding to accept the investigation. After Ding arrived at the case, he confessed to the fact that he had received 630000 yuan from Liu.

The reporter found that the anti-corruption storm not only involves large hospitals, but also grassroots health centers such as township health centers are being targeted. A judgment document from the People's Court of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province shows that during his tenure as the manager of the fourth business department of a pharmaceutical company in Anhui Province, Zhang violated national regulations by giving a total of 2.22501 million yuan in drug rebates to Zhang 35 times in the office or residence of the hospital director, Zhang, in order to sell new specialty drugs such as fructose water and blood clotting enzyme to a health center in Yongqiao District, Suzhou City.

A criminal judgment released by the Miyun District People's Court in Beijing shows that Pang, while serving as the Deputy Director of the Internal Medicine Department of a community health service center in Miyun District, Beijing, accepted a request from Gao and used his position to provide assistance for the use of drugs promoted by drug dealers in the hospital's medical activities. He received a total of 961363.70 yuan from Gao multiple times.

From real estate to film, the transmission of benefits is ubiquitous

According to a search by reporters, in recent years, with the promotion of high-pressure anti-corruption, the forms of corruption in the medical field have become increasingly covert. Various illegal elements, in order to seek illegal benefits, can be described as "penetrating everywhere".

According to the judgment document, Wang Tianchao, former director of Yunnan First People's Hospital, which had caused a sensation, accepted 100 housing units. In addition, he also accepted equity bribes from Wang, RMB 500000, and a Hanlanda off-road vehicle worth RMB 474800 from Zhang.

In addition to off-road vehicles, high-end mobile phones have also become tools for some unscrupulous individuals to exploit. According to the criminal ruling of the Intermediate People's Court of Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, Shen, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Dehong Prefecture Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, received a "8848" brand mobile phone worth 15999 yuan from Zhou in June 2018. In November 2019, Shen handed the phone over to Zhou for repair, and Zhou exchanged it for a new "8848" brand mobile phone for 5800 yuan.

In 2015, the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province issued a criminal judgment that detailed the entire process of Chen, the former director of the Second People's Hospital of Ziyang City, being "hunted". During the Spring Festival period from 1998 to 2013, Chen used his position as the director of the People's Hospital of Jianyang City to accept Liu's request and seek benefits for a certain group in the construction of the Jianyang People's Hospital project. He received a total of RMB 16.5528 million in bribes from Liu through himself or his ex-wife Zhong.

In 2005, after selecting the office location for a company in Sichuan that was preparing to be established in Chengdu, Chen invited Liu to come and see a house together. Liu gave Chen 500000 yuan to buy a house; In 2006, Chen's ex-wife Zhong rented a commercial property belonging to Liu's group and opened a coffee shop. After Zhong paid the first year's rent of 50400 yuan, Chen requested a reduction from Liu. Since then, the group has not collected any rent from Zhong. As of July 20, 2013, the group has cumulatively waived Zhong's rent by 352800 yuan; At the end of 2009, Chen invited Liu to attend his daughter's wedding, and Liu gave Chen 600000 yuan in cash outside a coffee shop in Jianyang City; In the second half of 2011, Chen owed a debt while playing cards outside and had no money to repay. He called Liu to say that he urgently needed money and asked him to support 1.5 million yuan. A few days later, Liu moved a woven bag under a bridge in the Tuojiang River to the trunk of his car. The woven bag contained 1.5 million yuan, and Chen took about 700000 yuan from it to repay the gambling debt.

Zhang, former vice president of Meishan People's Hospital, is also a gambler. During the period from 2004 to 2019, Zhang, while serving as the Deputy Director and Director of the Laboratory Department of Meishan Second People's Hospital, the Dean of Pengshan District People's Hospital, and the Deputy Dean of Meishan City People's Hospital, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in engineering project bidding, medical equipment procurement, and other aspects. He received a total of RMB 9.809 million, USD 3000, and casino chips worth HKD 35000 from 18 individuals including Zou, Hu, and Wang.

According to a criminal ruling disclosed by the Intermediate People's Court of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, from March 2012 to May 2013, Zhang, while serving as the director of the functional examination department of a hospital in Xuzhou, illegally received medical film rebates from Sun in violation of national regulations during economic exchanges with a certain equipment company in Xuzhou. From March to November 2012, a rebate of 2 yuan was given for each piece of film used. After December 2012, a rebate of 3 yuan was given for each piece of film used, and the settlement was made based on the quantity of invoices issued by Sun and the hospital. According to calculations, from March to May 2012, November to December 2012, January 2013, and March to May 2013, a total of 83000 yuan in kickbacks were received from Sun, of which more than 10000 yuan was used for departmental dinners and academic conferences. After the incident, Zhang's family refunded RMB 150000 on his behalf.

Eating 16 million kickbacks at once, "corrupt officials" cannot be ignored

In many cases, some medical staff in grassroots hospitals have experienced the phenomenon of "corrupt officials". In 2020, a criminal ruling from the Intermediate People's Court of Fuyang City, Anhui Province showed that on August 24, 2011, a hospital in Fuyang City appointed Bai as the director of the 120 emergency station and Zhang as the head nurse. The emergency vehicles at the sub station are uniformly dispatched by the 120 Emergency Center in Fuyang City, responsible for "pre hospital emergency" and "long-distance transportation" work. "Long distance transportation" mainly transports patients from the hospital to hospitals located in Hefei City, such as the Provincial Hospital and the Provincial Children's Hospital, with a fee of 2000 yuan each time.

According to the investigation by the judicial authorities, the long-distance transfer fee charged by the sub station is mainly in cash. After joint discussion between Bai and Zhang, it was decided to withhold a portion of the long-distance transfer fee and not submit it to the hospital's finance department. From January 2012 to August 2017, there were 389 long-distance transfers of emergency vehicles from the sub station to Hefei, and 80 long-distance transfer fees were submitted to the hospital's finance department. Bai and Zhang intercepted a total of 309 long-distance transfer fees. After deducting personnel subsidies, fuel fees, and toll fees, the total amount of long-distance transfer fees embezzled by the two was 306000 yuan.

The judgment document also shows that in 2011, Bai was the driver of the hospital director Hou. In order to arrange for his son to work in the hospital, Bai sent 10000 yuan in cash to Hou's daughter's home when she got married. Later, his son worked in the hospital as a contract worker. Before the Mid Autumn Festival in 2012, because his friend Zhang wanted to increase the variety of drugs sold to the hospital, Bai went to Hou's home to give him 50000 yuan in cash and asked him to take care of it. Later, the hospital signed a contract with Zhang to increase the variety of drugs. On July 18, 2016, the director of the hospital, Hou, was sentenced to four years in prison and fined 300000 yuan for bribery.

In 2017, a criminal judgment issued by the People's Court of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province, showed that from January 2008 to February 2016, Sun used the convenience of prescribing orthopedic consumables for patients in the orthopedic department of a hospital in Gaoyou City. According to the corresponding proportion of orthopedic consumables sold by Shao, Sun illegally received a total of 6850800 yuan from Shao in his home, hospital duty room, and office multiple times, in order to seek benefits for Shao in selling orthopedic consumables in the hospital.

In May of this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission exposed a corruption case: Yang Wenjun, former deputy secretary and director of the Party Committee of Pu'er People's Hospital in Yunnan Province, and Yang Wenhong, former member and deputy director of the Party Committee, became brothers with suppliers, indulging in eating, drinking, playing, and accepting gifts and cash. When the hospital was discussing the purchase of a medical device linear accelerator with an import price of 15 million yuan, other members of the hospital leadership team clearly opposed it, but Yang Wenjun insisted on purchasing it and ultimately reached an agreement. In the end, the hospital bought for 35.2 million yuan, and Yang Wenjun ate a rebate of 16 million yuan.

Fraudulent 8.75 million medical insurance funds, wary of "collapse methods" and corruption

According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law and the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Unit Crime Cases, if a crime is committed in the name of a unit and the illegal gains belong to the unit, it is a unit crime. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission on August 7th, bribery by units is more common in areas such as power concentration, capital intensity, and resource enrichment, specifically in the medical and health sector.

In 2020, Chongqing reported a nationwide sensational case of "defrauding national medical insurance", in which 133 party members, cadres, and public officials were investigated and punished for violating discipline and law. According to the judgment document of the Fifth Intermediate People's Court of Chongqing, Chongqing Xuefu Hospital is a designated unit for medical insurance and urban-rural cooperative medical insurance in Chongqing. Its shareholder is Chongqing Xuefu Hospital Investment Management Co., Ltd., and Liang is the chairman, legal representative, and actual controller of the company.

From 2013 to 2014 and 2017, Liang appointed Zhang as the General Manager and Dean of Chongqing Xuefu Hospital, responsible for the daily operation and management of the hospital. Under the instruction of Liang, Zhang directly managed the Public Welfare Department 1 and Department 2 of the Operations Center at Chongqing Xuefu Hospital through middle-level cadre meetings, quarterly business work meetings, weekly meetings, and other arrangements. Personnel from these two departments recruited residents with medical insurance to come to the hospital for free medical examinations; Require all departments of the hospital to cooperate with each other, and then resort to methods such as hanging patients empty, extending hospitalization days, inflating medication usage, and forging hospitalization medical records, in order to fraudulently obtain national medical insurance funds. Afterwards, Liang and others used forged drug procurement records, and the drug company falsified invoices and bills of lading to balance the hospital's accounts. They also transferred the money returned by the drug company to Liang's designated private account, with some of it used for distributing employee compensation and rewards.

During the process of insurance fraud, Zhang was responsible for assigning monthly target tasks to various departments of the hospital and supervising the completion at meetings. To ensure the smooth progress of the fraudulent insurance process, Zhang requested that all departments of the hospital coordinate and cooperate in aspects such as attracting fake patients for hospitalization, hanging empty patients, drug transfer, and controlling the amount of medical insurance reimbursement forms; Adopting the "anti settlement admission" method to evade the inspection of the social security bureau for false inpatients, and then signing preferential policies to exempt the self funded portion of inpatients, concealing the true accounts and corresponding accounting vouchers from the hospital's financial department, and implementing two sets of true and false accounts; They also provide false accounts to departments such as the Social Security Bureau and auditing agencies.

During Zhang's tenure from January 2013 to December 2014 and from January 2017 to November of the same year, Chongqing Xuefu Hospital fraudulently obtained medical insurance funds totaling 8759075.2 yuan. On December 1, 2017, the public security organs investigated and dealt with the insurance fraud incident at Chongqing Xuefu Hospital. Zhang was summoned to the case on the same day, but did not truthfully confess the facts of the crime upon arrival. In order to seek illegitimate benefits such as increasing the medical insurance quota of Xuefu Hospital, Zhang and Liang conspired to bribe Wen, who was then the Deputy Director of the Nan'an District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Director of the Nan'an District Social Insurance Bureau in Chongqing. Later, Zhang, alone or appointed by Liang, repeatedly bribed Wen with a total of 470000 yuan on behalf of Chongqing Xuefu Hospital.

Retirement is not a "safe deposit box", illegal and disciplinary violations must be rectified

It is worth mentioning that among the fallen leaders of the healthcare system, there are many retired and former officials. In July 2018, Zhu, former Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Boai Hospital in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, was expelled from the Party and his retirement benefits were cancelled due to serious violations of discipline and law.

In 2019, a criminal ruling from the Guangdong Provincial High People's Court disclosed the process of Zhu's bribery. From 2007 to 2010, Han repeatedly bribed Zhu with a total of 390000 yuan in cash during the Mid Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival to obtain support for the company's bidding and procurement of medical equipment in the hospital.

At the end of 2009, Han learned that the hospital was preparing to purchase CT machines, and expressed his intention to undertake the business to Zhu, promising to provide him with benefits. Zhu agreed, and Han immediately contacted Cai to promote Siemens brand CT machines. After investigation by the inspection team composed of Ren and others, the hospital decided to purchase Siemens brand CT machines. On March 30, 2010, a Siemens spiral CT machine from a company in Shenzhen won the bid for 1983 million yuan and signed a sales contract. After the company delivered the equipment, the hospital also paid for the goods. After receiving the commission, Han bribed Zhu with RMB 850000 in cash and paid USD 20000 at Zhu's request in gratitude for his support and care during the bidding process for the spiral CT machine.

On August 10th, the website of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision cited information from the Qitaihe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, stating that Wang Qun, former director of the Qitaihe People's Hospital, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

On August 8, according to the WeChat official account "Clean Binzhou", Hou Yuezhi, the former secretary of the Party Committee of the Second People's Hospital of Binzhou City, Shandong Province, was informed that he had been sentenced to four years and six months in prison and was fined 300000 yuan.

According to the announcement, from 2009 to 2022, Hou Yuezhi served as the Secretary and Dean of the Party Committee of Zhanhua District People's Hospital, as well as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Second People's Hospital of the city. He repeatedly arranged for others to illegally intervene and interfere in market economic activities such as the construction of the hospital area, infrastructure projects, and medical equipment procurement of the Second People's Hospital of the city through collusion bidding and other means, causing adverse effects. In addition, Hou Yuezhi also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In January 2023, Hou Yuezhi was expelled from the Party and dismissed from public office. In March 2023, Hou Yuezhi was sentenced to four years and six months in prison and fined RMB 300000.

On August 7th, according to "Qingfeng Jieyang" news, Zhang Zhuangquan, former Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Health Bureau in Jiexi County, Guangdong Province, was expelled from the Party and his retirement benefits were cancelled due to serious violations of discipline and law.

Severe crackdown on medical corruption, with various regions closely monitoring "key minorities"

On July 21st, the National Conference on the Concentrated Rectification of Corruption in the Medical Industry was held in Beijing. At the meeting, it was pointed out that corruption should be resolutely punished with a "zero tolerance" attitude, and the important targets for the concentrated rectification of corruption issues in the national pharmaceutical industry were identified, including key links and "key minorities" in the production, supply, sales, use, and reimbursement of the pharmaceutical industry. With the continuous deepening of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, hospital deans and secretaries who have decision-making and discourse power have become the targets of attention.

Peninsula media reporters have found that medical imaging, clinical testing, rehabilitation and orthopedics, cardiology, and other departments are the focus of inspection and supervision. In 2015, a criminal ruling from the Higher People's Court of Qinghai Province showed that on October 18, 2010, the Party Committee of a hospital in Qinghai Province decided to appoint Lin as the overall head of the orthopedics department, and officially appointed him as the director of the orthopedics department in September 2011. Afterwards, Lin privately agreed with sales representatives from Jiangsu Medical Device Co., Ltd., Taizhou Medical Device Co., Ltd., Beijing Medical Device Co., Ltd., Xining Medical Device Co., Ltd., and Yangzhou Medical Device Co., Ltd. that each sales representative would receive a monthly rebate of 35% of the total sales of high-value orthopedic surgical medical devices used in the orthopedics department. Among them, 5% of the rebate would be given to Lin separately, and 30% of the rebate would be given to Lin and other orthopedic doctors.

At the same time, Lin convened Zhang, Yu, Ma, and Liu to discuss and decide that the 30% rebate given to the salespersons of the equipment company should be distributed according to a ratio of 20% for Lin and 10% for others. The sales revenue of the equipment supplier is determined by Lin, who decides which high-value medical devices to use, and then the total amount of high-value medical devices used in the prescription issued by the attending doctor during the surgery is calculated. From October 2010 to March 2013, Lin and others received a total of 2397877 yuan in kickbacks.

In 2020, according to the criminal ruling of the Intermediate People's Court of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, from 2005 to 2019, Zhong took advantage of his position as the hospital affairs committee member, party committee member, and vice president of Yueyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to seek benefits for others in hospital construction project bidding, project fund settlement, hospital financing loans, and other aspects. He demanded or illegally received a total of RMB 5.778 million in property.

In 2014, the Criminal Judgment of the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region showed that during his tenure as the Director and Honorary Director of the Orthopedic Department of a hospital in Ili Prefecture, Cheng took advantage of his position in deciding to use medical consumables during the surgery to receive kickbacks from sales personnel for medical consumables, totaling RMB 417455.

In a notice of rejection of the appeal issued by the Higher People's Court of Henan Province, it was pointed out that medical institutions and medical personnel receive "kickbacks" from suppliers of drugs, medical devices, and consumables to provide assistance in the procurement, use, and payment of their products. Ultimately, these costs will be passed on to patients, increasing their medical costs. This illegal and criminal behavior is deeply abhorred by the people, and the Party and the state resolutely stop and crack down on it.

In recent years, with the upgrading of regulation and the increase of anti-corruption efforts, more and more covert deliveries in the medical field will have nowhere to hide.

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