We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:32 AM

Since June, the tide of "COVID-19 Eryang" has reappeared. With the recovery of Eryang, more and more people are worried about whether COVID-19 will be repeatedly infected and become a seasonal infectious disease like flu? ". There is even a rumor that "COVID-19 can only be infected for 8 times at most, and the ninth time will be gone".

What is the final outcome of COVID-19? Do people have different symptoms every time they are infected with COVID-19?

Li Dong, chief physician of the General Infection Department of Beijing You'an Hospital, once told Popular Science China that "repeated infections of COVID-19 are likely to be inevitable in the future. The good news is that the immune response of the body will also be more targeted, so the symptoms will be lighter, and the infection rate and severity as high as the first wave of the epidemic of Xinguan will no longer appear."

Science Popularization China also found a patient who was repeatedly infected by COVID-19 for five times, and she shared her true state after each infection with COVID-19 in detail.

1st Yang, April 2022

High fever of 39 degrees, centralized quarantine for 14 days

April 2022 is the time when Wang Xin first infected COVID-19.

Her community is located in a town in a city in Liaoning Province. The community requires everyone to take nucleic acid screenshots and upload them to the community group every day, from 5am to 10am.

Not long after completing the nucleic acid test that day, it started to rain. Wang Xin suddenly felt a stomachache, which was different from the colic caused by daily diarrhea. This stomachache was patchy, persistent, and widespread. In addition to stomach pain, Wang Xin also has a fever of 39 degrees.

Thermometer taken by Wang Xin on April 19, 2022. Images provided by respondents

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

At that time, Wang Xin and her family were very nervous and doubted whether they were infected with COVID-19.

Soon, the community called and said she had a nucleic acid problem. The medical staff needed to come to her door to deliver protective clothing and pick her up to the shelter. That afternoon, Wang Xin checked into the cabin.

April in Liaoning is not particularly hot, but the entire cabin is suffocating. The cabin is divided into small spaces, each with four people, except for her who is an old lady—— One of them pounced on the bed, ignoring anyone's words.

The medical staff in the cabin feed medicine at designated locations every day, wrapped in a white paper containing three or four pills.

Due to anxiety about the environment in the other cabin, Wang Xinshi couldn't bear it anymore after staying for two days. She decided to self pay to go to a hotel for 14 days of quarantine, and then go home for 7 days of quarantine.

Wang Xin recalled that the first time she infected COVID-19, the symptoms were much lighter than she thought, and it felt like a bad cold. For three or four days with a fever, my head was drowsy and heavy. I slept and woke up, and my headache was quite severe. But on the third day after arriving at the hotel, the fever basically subsided.

On the days of quarantine in the hotel afterwards, apart from the usual meals, she could access the internet and take a shower, and she lived no different from being at home.

The food in the quarantine hotel, with pictures provided by the respondents

Second Yang, September 2022

Fever for 2 days, itching in the throat, turning negative after 7 days

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

5 months apart from last time

In September 2022, Wang Xin was infected with COVID-19 for the second time.

At that time, she returned to school from the start of graduate school. According to school regulations, students from low-risk areas can return to school. Some students are required to be quarantined in dormitories and not allowed to enter the dormitory building after returning to school.

Eating is also packed in the cafeteria, delivered to the dormitory downstairs, and queued up to receive boxed meals. In order to grab food earlier, Wang Xin accidentally fell down the dormitory stairs and his knee was covered in blood. My roommate helped her borrow a wheelchair and took her to the hospital.

At 3 pm, Wang Xin returned from the hospital and took a nucleic acid test near the school, waiting for the test results before entering the school. Around 8 pm, she received a call from the medical staff, who did not say she was diagnosed, but requested her to have another check-up.

Wang Xin reported the situation to the teacher. Although she has not been diagnosed yet, in order to prevent risks, the teacher suggested that she take leave and go home first, and wait for the results of the follow-up examination to rule out the risks before entering the school.

That night, Wang Xin went to the quarantine hotel again, and shortly after arriving at the hotel, the fever reached over 39 degrees Celsius. The quarantine hotel provided antigens, and Wang Xin did it several times, all with two strokes.

At the beginning of determining her Eryang, Wang Xin said that she was also a little anxious and frightened - after all, there were few people infected with COVID-19 at that time. But soon, this anxiety and anxiety were cured by friends. Her best friend has been comforting her through WeChat and even ordered a lot of delicious food online.

It may be because I have experienced COVID-19 once. Wang Xin said that the second time the symptoms were not serious. I had a fever for about two days. My throat was dry and itchy, and there were no other strong symptoms. After about a week, the test results turned negative.

After the second positive, Wang Xin began to treat COVID-19 with a calm mind: "It is inevitable to feel ill. As long as you can jump and jump when you are well, don't take it seriously."

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

Antigens tested at the hotel. Images provided by respondents

3rd Yang, December 2022

Fever, sore throat like swallowing a blade, whole body pain

More than 3 months have passed since the last time

Wang Xin's third infection occurred in late December 2022, shortly after the policy was lifted.

Soon, COVID-19 infected people kept appearing around, and soon, Wang Xin was shot again. This time she experienced the famous "razor blade throat", which was like swallowing a razor blade, able to speak but very painful, unable to drink water, and her bones were sore all over, as if she had been beaten. Fortunately, there was still ibuprofen at home at that time, which could relieve pain.

During this yang episode, the symptoms of those around me were similar. Although the symptoms were more severe than the previous two, Wang Xin didn't take them too seriously.

The most impressive thing is that her throat hurts so much that she can't eat anything. At that time, she really wanted to eat canned peaches, but it was so difficult to buy, and her family only managed to grab two bottles. The family pitifully gathered together to share these two cans. Wang Xin was divided into three pieces.

My throat hurts too much, I only dare to eat canned peaches. Images provided by respondents

4th Yang, February 2023

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

When coughing, I feel nauseous and my appetite is affected

Nearly 2 months apart from last time

Wang Xin's fourth infection occurred on February 6, 2023, nearly two months after her last infection.

That day was the 16th of the first lunar month, and Wang Xin's favorite celebrity went to Shenyang to record a program. As a loyal fan, Wang Xin went to participate in the event that day.

On that day, Wang Xin spent seven or eight hours outdoors. After returning home, she quickly realized that she had caught a cold again. At that time, she thought it might not be another positive, but with a curious attitude, she tried to test the antigen, but didn't expect it to be really two lines.

Compared to the previous infections, the fourth infection, apart from fever and diarrhea, Wang Xin said the biggest difference was that "every two coughs, I feel like vomiting.".

Wang Xin said that this time he tested positive because of vomiting, which greatly affected his appetite. In less than a month, she lost 8 pounds.

Another antigen positive. Images provided by respondents

5th Yang, May 2023

The fever subsides quickly, but there is no sound coming out of the throat

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

Three months apart from the previous one

This is the fifth time Wang Xin has infected COVID-19.

On May 1, 2023, Wang Xin and her friend Lin Mei went to Shenyang to watch a performance. On the second day after returning home, she began to feel hot all over and measured 39.5 degrees with a thermometer. At that time, there was a lot of news about COVID-19 Eryang on the Internet. Wang Xin thought that she would not become a Yang again, would she?

She took out the antigen to see if it was COVID-19 infection. As soon as the liquid was dropped in, two bars were immediately displayed on the test paper. She was a bit flustered. In the past, it used to take about one or two minutes for the horizontal line to appear, but this time the horizontal line is clear and eye-catching.

Isn't there a problem with the test paper? Wang Xin immediately called his younger brother to test, and there was only one horizontal line on his test paper.

Antigen record of Wang Xin's fifth infection. Images provided by respondents

This time, Wang Xin had a severe fever, but it also subsided quickly. The next day, her body temperature returned to normal. The main symptom is a piercing pain in the throat like a needle, making it so hoarse that it cannot make a sound. It takes seven or eight days to speak normally.

From early May to June 21st, Wang Xin coughed intermittently for a month. During this period, Wang Xin occasionally feels her heart beating very fast, and sometimes she can hear her own heartbeat. She used her grandfather's electronic blood pressure monitor to measure blood pressure, reaching around 107 beats per minute at high speeds and around 104 beats per minute at low speeds.

Under normal circumstances, the heart rate of adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. If the heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute, it is considered tachycardia.

Wang Xin did not have any heart problems before. Her family urgently urged her to go to the hospital for a check-up. Wang Xin took the film, and the doctor said to her after seeing the result that there was a little myocarditis, so we should pay attention not to stay up late.

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

Wang Xin, who has recovered from 5 Yang, is lively and lively

She said she should treat COVID-19 with an ordinary mind

After five times of infection, Wang Xinxin's biggest change was that he occasionally wanted to eat spicy food. She didn't originally eat spicy food, but after her third positive test, she felt that her mouth often needed some stimulation. Then, she fell in love with the spicy duck neck.

My friends around me don't have as many infections as her, at most they have two positive cases. Why have I been infected so many times? Wang Xin believes that it may be related to her past experience with pneumonia.

In her sophomore year of high school, Wang Xin kept coughing at school. After going to the hospital, she was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and took medication for a month before recovering.

In the autumn of 2018, Wang Xin had just started his freshman year when bacterial pneumonia recurred. After being taken to the hospital, the doctor said it was pneumonia. Wang Xin recalled that she was raised by her grandmother since childhood, and her grandmother had tuberculosis herself. Poor lungs may have family influence. After the COVID-19 broke out, Wang Xin's mother also asked her to pay more attention to her lungs, and if she had problems, she would go to the doctor in time.

At the beginning, Wang Xin was also full of panic about COVID-19. The first time Yang dared not tell people around her, and the fifth time Yang heard the rumor that "when COVID-19 gets nine times, people will gag off" - so she even went to the hospital for several examinations. Fortunately, the results were all very healthy and not a big deal.

Wang Xin's friends know about her every experience of Yang. They always bring Wang Xin various delicious foods such as canned peaches, milk, tomatoes, etc. to cheer her up.

Every time she was infected with COVID-19, Wang Xin would also complain to her friends about roast. After hearing about her experience, her friends felt strange and ignored her. As long as the "unlucky and funny" friend was still alive and kicking.

Wang Xin's teasing with friends. Images provided by respondents

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

When talking about the state after COVID-19 Wuyang, she asked, "I went to the hospital for examination, but my resistance was a little poor. I couldn't figure out what's the difference between me and normal people except for multiple infections."

Now, Wang Xin firmly believes that: "According to the current trend, COVID-19 is likely to have multiple infections. If there is a disease, it will be cured. If it is cured, it will be finished. What should we do?"

One day, Wang Xin browsed social media and saw someone saying that she had a triple positive and her condition was particularly poor. She left a message saying that she had already reached the fifth yang, with the intention of comforting the other person. The third yang is not scary, so take it easy. Unexpectedly, after a while, a flood of negative comments surged towards her, contrary to what she had expected.

Wang Xin sat up and posted a special post on the account that originally only had celebrity chasing content about her "Five Yang" experience, but this did not reduce the speculations of the reviewers. Someone reposted her content on other social media platforms, and most of the comments below were: fake, right?

She doesn't understand why everyone is struggling with frequency, what are they really anxious about?

A post by Wang Xin. Images provided by respondents

In Wang Xin's comment section, kindness, curiosity, and malice coexist. Some people say that following her is to wait and see her "hiccup day". Wang Xin didn't think it was a big deal and even told her friends about it as a joke.

"I am willing to share my experience with an open mind. It is not a big deal, and I hope it can help others. If I am anxious and the sky is going to fall, something more terrible than COVID-19 is waiting for us before we die."

Wang Xin said that she wants to find time to visit the Yonghe Palace recently, but not for her own health, but for her friend's graduate dream.

Li Dong once commented:

We should look at it with an ordinary mind. Women say they have been infected by COVID-19 for five times: still alive and kicking Wang Xin | COVID-19 Eryang | ordinary mind

The patients described in this article were infected with COVID-19 for 5 times, and the interval was almost less than half a year, which was a relatively rare case. Clinically, we have also encountered some patients with basic diseases or immune deficiency who have repeatedly infected COVID-19.

We know that COVID-19 has a very fast rate of variation. From Delta virus strain in 2021 to Omicron BA. 4/BA. 5 mutant strain in 2022, the evolution of COVID-19 has never stopped. As the virus mutates, its escape ability is also changing, which leads to the human immune system may not recognize the mutated COVID-19 virus strain, leading to re infection and repeated infection.

Most of us were first infected with the BA. 5 mutant strain at the end of last year and beginning of this year, and then around May of this year, the likelihood of being infected with the 34B new strain for the second time is very low, with three or four positive results. If COVID-19 does not continue to mutate in the future, the probability of three positive and four positive will be relatively low.

At present, based on the cases treated with Eryang, the symptoms have generally become lighter and the recovery is faster. In the future, as long as there is no obvious mutation of the virus, there will not be too much change in symptoms. Even if it is truly three or four positive, there is a high probability that the symptoms will be milder and the recovery will be faster.

As for "whether repeated infection with COVID-19 will do any harm", the scientific community has not yet formed a unified view. Some studies believe that COVID-19 is just a common respiratory virus, which is no more terrible than the common cold. Some studies also believe that every infection of COVID-19 may hit or change the immune system, and have a lasting impact on health.

Anyway, for most of us, balancing our mindset and actively responding is the key.

For example, in daily life, it is important to wash hands and ventilate frequently. According to relevant guidelines, choose whether to wear a mask and what type of mask to wear in different places. Once symptoms such as fatigue, fever, and cough appear, actively respond.

For example, having a reasonable diet, exercising in moderation, ensuring sufficient water and sleep, and enhancing one's immune system can all help reduce the risk of infection.

Especially for those with weak immune systems, such as elderly people, those who have not received vaccines, and those with underlying diseases, more attention should be paid to self-protection.

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