Wanli Rivers and Mountains More Colorful Minning Town | Territory | Rivers and Mountains

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:52 PM

August, Anji, Zhejiang. The mountains are lush, the streams babble, and the bamboo sea stretches.

On August 15th this year, we celebrated our first National Ecological Day.

The answer sheet is written among the green mountains and clear waters.

The painting scroll spreads across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grass, sand... With thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the beautiful territory of China is slowly unfolding.

Viewing Mountains

Mount Wuyi, Fujian, has more intelligent management of national parks and richer biodiversity

Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province is located in the southeast of Qixiu Jia.

From above, the mountains stretch endlessly, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a magnificent landscape painting; Walking in the mountains, the chirping of birds and the sound of streams can be heard endlessly. Wild Tibetan macaques often take their heads off, and when they are lucky, they can even come across silver pheasants.

Ding Hui's phone contains a photo that clearly captures the figure of the silver pheasant. Every summer, he always stays in Mount Wuyi for half a month. In 2021, in order to find out the "family background" and better protect biodiversity, Mount Wuyi National Park will start a three-year background survey of biological resources, and Ding Hui, a researcher from the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, became the convener. Wearing rain shoes and hanging cameras, groups of investigators shuttled between Wuyi Mountains. "Every time there is a new harvest, Mount Wuyi always gives us endless surprises," Ding Hui said.

Mountain is one of the ecosystems with the richest biodiversity, and Mount Wuyi is one of the key areas for global biodiversity conservation. Up to now, there are 430 bird species recorded in Mount Wuyi National Park, and nearly 1/4 of all birds in China can be found here.

When you enter the Mount Wuyi National Park Smart Management Center, a huge blue screen stands out. The data of ecological resource monitoring, park management and patrol are updated in a rolling manner, and the dialogue with the mountain patrol and forest ranger is made. The real-time pictures of each scenic spot can be checked with one click... "Relying on satellite remote sensing and other technologies, the protection of Mount Wuyi National Park has added new strength." The staff touched the mouse and zoomed in, "Look, there are also rare animals here!"

This year, a 251 km long scenic road of the National Park Ring Road has become a popular punch in place, connecting Mount Wuyi with the surrounding scenic spots, historical and cultural attractions and villages in turn, which is one of the achievements of Nanping City in starting the construction of the protection and development belt around Mount Wuyi National Park since 2021.

In addition to the large area of "green", the scenic road of the car has also added bright colors in the past six months. The Mount Wuyi Municipal Forestry Bureau replanted broad-leaved trees such as Cherry Blossom, Liquidambar formosana and Sapium sebiferum in a single coniferous forest.

Along the way, the scenic road ignited the fire - visiting the tea garden in Xingcun, admiring lotus flowers in Wufu, tasting tea in front of Qinglong Waterfall... Walking into a rural homestay in Nanyuanling Village, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, with laughter and joy. In the warm cup hot pot room, villager Chen Jinhui was busy welcoming and sending off a group of guests. "The ecology is good, there are many tourists, and the guest rooms are full every day. We had a good day at our doorstep!" After speaking, a burst of hearty laughter echoed in the mountains.

Watching water

Wujiang River in Guizhou Province, with coordinated management of the entire basin, flows eastward with clear water

Guizhou, Wujiang. The clear river water is like a transparent green ribbon, winding and spreading across the land of central Guizhou.

Upstream, Huawu Village. The two sources of the Wujiang River, north and south, intersect in this Miao ethnic village, where the vast river water, steep mountains, and traditional dwellings blend together. Accompanied by the cool river breeze, Yang Wenli, an embroidery lady born in 1995, smiled happily and showcased her Miao embroidery works to tourists.

Downstream, Sinan County. The White Egret Lake on the section of the Wujiang River welcomes its most beautiful season, with verdant mountains and blue sky and white clouds reflected in the clear water of the river. Groups of waterbirds dance gracefully, and Zhao Anrong drives a speedboat to swim leisurely on the water, feeling very happy.

Huawu Village is located in the Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery Scenic Area. Facing the Wujiang River, this once deeply impoverished village has now become a well-known ecotourism village both far and near. Camping on the mountaintop offers a panoramic view of the Liuchong River Canyon; Riding a boat on the river, the scenery is breathtaking; Entering a rural courtyard, tasting specialty cuisine, admiring Miao embroidery, wax dyeing

Zhao Anrong, the driver on Bailu Lake, used to be a fish farmer. "At that time, the water was densely packed with net cages, and a large amount of feed was added, making the river very turbid.". Raising fish earns money, but the water quality is deteriorating day by day, and Lao Zhao's heart is not at ease. In 2016, Sinan County launched net cage cleaning on the section of the Wujiang River, allowing Bailu Lake to recuperate and gradually restoring the beauty of the Wujiang River. Taking the lead in dismantling the net cage, Lao Zhao used prize money to buy a small speedboat and had an eco-tourism meal at his doorstep.

"The county has introduced policies to give priority to supporting fishermen in developing industries such as ecological tea, oil tea, and fruits and vegetables, and everyone has embarked on the path of ecological prosperity," said Zhao Anrong.

Starting from Sinan County, head upwards along the Wujiang River for over 200 kilometers and arrive at Wujiang Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Here, an inconspicuous "No. 34 Spring of the Wujiang River" hides the governance "password" behind the clear water of the Wujiang River.

The Wujiang River Basin is rich in phosphate ore resources. Previously, a large amount of waste generated by coastal phosphorus chemical enterprises caused serious pollution to the water body of the Wujiang River. In order to prevent the infiltration of phosphorus containing wastewater from the slag yard into the Wujiang River, Guiyang Kaiphosphorus Fertilizer Co., Ltd. has built a sewage treatment station at No. 34 Spring, which can process up to 14000 cubic meters of wastewater per hour. But if water rises on rainy days, untreated sewage will still flow into the Wujiang River through underground karst caves.

After half a year of exploration, the water gushing point near the No. 34 spring has finally been found. In May last year, Guizhou Phosphate Group, a subsidiary of Kaiphosphorus Fertilizer Co., Ltd., invested 55 million yuan to build the Huangjinqiao sewage emergency treatment facility project at the water inflow point. When the water volume increased, the project could be launched to quickly dispose of sewage, effectively blocking the risk point of polluting the Wujiang River. At present, the water quality of the Guizhou section of the Wujiang River has been improving year by year, and the water quality of the main stream has reached the Class II standard. The overall water quality of the basin is excellent.

Under the joint protection of the entire watershed, the clear water of the Wujiang River flows eastward. The water is clear, and the days of the people are brighter.


Yichun, Heilongjiang Province, aims to accurately improve forest quality and develop understory economy

Yichun, Heilongjiang Province, is located in the hinterland of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains, with vast forests and seas.

Walking through the forest, the fresh breeze brushes over the tree tops, and a fragrance of soil hits. Looking up, red pine, spruce, and walnut trees are towering above the ground, while ginseng seedlings, acanthopanax senticosus, and Schisandra are evenly distributed in the mountains.

A touch of camouflage green danced between the mountains and forests. Take a closer look, Zhang Maolin, the deputy director of Xishui Forest Farm, is leading the forest protection team on daily patrols! Two to three times a week, there are anti-theft logging, illegal hunting prevention, and fire prevention planting in the mountains... "I have a deep affection for these forests year after year." During his speech, Zhang Maolin discovered a pine tree with yellow needles falling off. He opened his mobile app to take photos and annotate the information, which was then sent to the Yichun Forest Industry Application Sub center and Yichun Forest Industry Fire Prevention and Control Dispatch Command Center of Longjiang Forest and Grass Big Data Center.

Xishui Forest Farm is under the jurisdiction of Yichun Forest Industry Shangganling Forestry Bureau Company. "This was originally a low and degraded forest, but starting from 2021, it has become what it is today through thinning and replanting to increase greenery." Wang Qingshan, the secretary of the company's party committee, introduced, "This half slope land is no longer covered, and a red pine tree is replanted. The small black birch next to two oak trees, which grow poorly and compete for nutrients, has been cut down." Between replanting and felling, afforestation is no longer won by quantity, but by scientific refinement and quality improvement. At Shangganling Forestry Bureau Company, this precise improvement project for forest quality will be implemented on approximately 20000 acres this year.

Zhang Maolin's wife, Li Feng'e, is a skilled forest caretaker - carrying a sickle, weeding and pruning vines, capable of nurturing two to three acres of land in a day. The couple has become accustomed to the days of guarding and protecting the forest. Unexpectedly, in recent years, they have also started a "sweet" industry. In 2017, the Xishui Forest Farm built 130 greenhouses and introduced new technology for melon cultivation. They took the lead in contracting 4 greenhouses. "Nearly half of the melons can be sold at home," said Li Fenge.

From "one forest dominates" to "multiple industries simultaneously", people in the forest area have lifted the "new rice bowl" of ecotourism, forest food, and forest capital and northern medicine.

At noon, on the "Xishui Farmyard Street", at this end of the street, the newly built "Drunken Butterfly Flower Valley" attracts visitors to check in; On the other side of the street, more than 20 farmhouses are filled with fragrance. Shunjie leads eastward into Xishui National Forest Park, where there are newly built forest pastures, picking parks, and starry homestays in the past two years... Former lumberjack Liu Yangshun has also set up the "Yangshun Farmyard" by harvesting saws and hanging axes.

Now, Yichun West Station will be connected to the high-speed railway, and three main roads around Xishui Forest Farm have been expanded and repaired one after another... Liu Yangshun's son, Liu Tongtao, is flipping through the forest farm's self-produced black fungus while saying, "A better environment can attract more tourists. With better policies, our old forest area has also opened up new paths."


Jilin pear trees, promoting conservation tillage, and protecting "giant pandas in farmland"

Jilin pear tree, on the black soil, the corn that cannot be seen at a glance is nearly two meters high.

In the air, unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with the BeiDou satellite navigation system hover and perform precise "flight defense" operations; In the field, monitoring stations use sensing devices to monitor various soil indicators in real time. Farmers can click on their mobile screens at home to "patrol the fields with one click.".

Shaye squatted in the field, collecting corn root samples with several classmates. This is a conservation tillage experimental field in collaboration between Lishu County and China Agricultural University, under the name of "Science and Technology Academy". Sha Ye, a graduate student at China Agricultural University, is the head of the Science and Technology Academy.

Looking at the black soil profile where the samples were collected, the corn root system penetrated downwards to a depth of over 1 meter, and a black soil layer about 50 centimeters thick at the top was clearly visible. There are holes of all sizes in the dark soil, and several earthworms shuttle swiftly. "When the organic matter content in the soil is high, there will be earthworms." Yang Qingkui, the head of Kangda Agricultural Machinery Farmers' Professional Cooperative, picked up a handful of black soil, which was soft and shiny.

"Most areas of the pear tree are plains. In the past, when the wind blew, a layer of black soil on the surface was blown away, which made me feel heartbroken," said Wang Guiman, the director of the Lishu County Agricultural Technology Promotion Station. In order to protect the black land, the "giant panda in cultivated land", in 2007, Lishu County cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Agricultural University and other scientific research institutions to explore conservation tillage technology. Later, a "pear tree model" was formed, including straw mulching, mechanical planting, alternate fallow, scale operation, etc. - after autumn harvest, corn stalks were "high stubble", and straw was covered and returned to the field to conserve water and soil moisture; After the remaining straw rots, it increases the organic matter content in the soil and enhances soil fertility.

The results are gradually showing, and the once thin and hardened black soil is shining again. According to calculations, plots using the "pear tree model" have an average increase in yield of 8% to 10% compared to traditional cultivation methods; Since 2020, over 80% of the arable land in Lishu County has been used for conservation tillage.

In recent years, the "pear tree model" has been continuously upgraded. "Since the implementation of the Black Soil Protection Law last year, Lishu County has actively explored returning straw and manure to the field, building a planting and breeding cycle system." Zhang Yingnan, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Lishu County, said, "Protecting the 'quilt' of black soil is becoming thicker and thicker."

Viewing the Lake

Erhai Lake in Yunnan, with good water ecology and beautiful scenery, attracts visitors

Yunnan. The Cangshan Mountains are painted without ink for a thousand years, and the Erhai Lake has ten thousand ancient qin strings.

The sunlight passed through the clouds and scattered on the lake surface, while the seaweed and flowers bloomed like stars. The flowers on the lake, the grass in the water, and the fish and shrimp playing in the grass have attracted many waterfowl and tourists to take photos.

Nowadays, the transparency of the lake in Erhai exceeds two meters, and the water quality has been evaluated as "excellent" for many years, creating conditions for the restoration of aquatic vegetation such as seaweed. The area of the "underwater forest" in Erhai Lake has increased by nearly two square kilometers compared to last year, including black algae, foxtail algae, and bamboo eye vegetable.

Strolling along the banks of Erhai Lake, Zhao Guolong, the director of the Erhai River Basin Management Bureau of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, expressed his "sweet troubles": "The ecology of Erhai Lake is steadily improving, and the number of fish is increasing. How to scientifically carry out fish population regulation and repair the healthy 'grass algae fish mud' ecosystem has become a new topic."

The improvement of water quality in the lake is due to a decrease in the load of water entering the lake from the shore. Thanks to engineering measures such as lake interception, urban and rural domestic sewage in the Erhai River Basin has been systematically treated. In order to reduce agricultural non-point source pollution, Gusheng Village on the edge of Erhai Lake bid farewell to abundant water and fertilizer. Villager He Licheng managed a 500 acre rice field, and the tail water was temporarily stored in a self built reservoir. Scattered ditch tail water would then enter the village's reservoir. After being absorbed by Jiaocao and Acorus, the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration dropped to the limit before passing through the village again; After taking another big turn by the Erhai Lake, a clear stream of water flowed into the lake after settling in the wetland and filtering through the pebbles. Nowadays, 48000 acres of artificial wetlands are protecting Erhai Lake like this.

Jingmei guests come from afar. From Dali Railway Station to Gusheng Village, Wanqiao Town, Dali City, vehicles stop and go all the way; Under the banyan tree, by the theater platform, in the center of Gusheng Village, there are many tourists in the summer, and it is difficult to find a room in a guesthouse or homestay... In the past few years, Dali's heroic deeds were broken, and ecological relocation of villages along the lake was implemented. The people along the lake bid farewell to traditional production and lifestyle, and turned to participating in tourism and serving tourists. The increasingly beautiful Erhai Lake has led everyone onto a new path of becoming rich through ecotourism.

"Only with good ecology can there be ecological tourism." He Licheng, who experienced the transformation, sighed, "Protecting Erhai Lake well will make life better!"

Looking at grass

Minning Town, Ningxia, extends the mushroom and grass industry chain, and "happy grass" is also an "ecological grass"

Ningxia, Minning Town.

The mushroom grass, over 3 meters high, has emerald green and straight stems, as if it is about to pass through the roof of the shed. Looking up, the leaves are slender and long, resembling corn; Looking down, the developed root system penetrates deep underground, firmly grasping the land. In the greenhouse of the horticultural village, which covers an area of one and a half acres, there are more than 2300 densely packed fungal plants growing. Walking through it is like entering a primitive forest.

"Planting once, harvesting continuously for 15 years." In the greenhouse, Yuan Juncheng, a villager from Horticultural Village, opened the drip irrigation valve, accompanied by the "boom" sound of the machine, and the water carried fertilizer directly to the roots of the seedlings. Stroking the leaves of the mushroom grass, Yuan Juncheng was full of pride. "This carefully managed mushroom grass can grow 6-8 centimeters in height in a day during the jointing period and can still produce two seasons a year. It is much more cost-effective to use as feed for cattle and sheep than silage corn."

In 1997, Lin Zhanxu, the chief scientist of the National Fungal Grass Engineering Technology Research Center, led a team to Ningxia and planted six boxes of fungal grass seedlings on the Gobi Desert in Minning Town, where there were no birds in the sky and no grass on the ground. With the establishment of the mushroom grass technology poverty alleviation demonstration base, the people who relocated from the mountains of Xihaigu to poverty alleviation learned how to use mushroom grass to plant double spore mushrooms, and tasted the sweetness of industrial poverty alleviation for the first time. The mushroom grass that helps alleviate poverty is also known as the "happiness grass" by the locals.

With the reputation of "happy grass", mushroom grass has been endowed with a new mission of "ecological grass". "Fungal grass has a well-developed root system and wide adaptability, and can grow rapidly on slopes, sandy areas, and saline alkali lands." Professor Huang Guoyong from Fujian A&F University, who used to be the captain of the stationed Fungal grass technology poverty alleviation team, sighed, "The tall Fungal grass can withstand the wind and sand, and take root on the Gobi Desert."

Minning Town has transformed from a former barren beach into an oasis on the border, and mushroom and grass also depart from here, reaching both sides of the Yellow River and deep into the mountains. In the loess land of Xihaigu, mushroom grass has become a powerful tool for soil and water conservation and a ballast for the development of animal husbandry; In the saline alkali land of Shizuishan, the construction of the Mushroom Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park is in full swing, expanding the value of Mushroom to more fields such as "replacing coal with grass" and "replacing grain with grass"... After years of breeding and innovation, its functions have also expanded from the initial cultivation of mushrooms to the development of Mushroom feed, Mushroom fertilizer, and Mushroom biomass energy.

Tuanjie Village on the southern edge of Maowusu Sandy Land is experiencing desertification and a shortage of irrigation water. "Fungal grass has strong drought resistance, can fix sand, and is also a very high-quality feed." Crouching next to the newly harvested pile of fungal grass, Wang Zhiwu, the first secretary of Tuanjie Village in Haojiaqiao Town, Lingwu City, calculated with his fingers. "Since the introduction of fungal grass in the village, there has been no shortage of feed, and the profit margin for cattle farming has increased. Next year, this cattle circle can be even larger!"

Mushroom plants take root in the Gobi, and happiness extends to thousands of households.

Look at the sand

Gansu Gulang Babusha Forest Farm, Three Generations Relay, Scientific Management and Protection of Sand Control and Greening

Gulang, Gansu, Babusha Forest Farm. The scattered sand plants have merged with the undulating sand dunes, extending deep into the desert and blocking desert erosion.

At 4:30 am, Guo Xi woke up on time. Planting greenery, protecting seedlings, watering... As the third generation of sand control personnel of the "Eight Step Sand" Six Old Men, Guo Xi's eight spring and autumn seasons passed by with a flick of his fingers. "It's not a big deal, it doesn't affect work," said a patch of ointment on her calloused hands recently

In the forest farm, there are three types and seven types of management, and management and protection are of utmost importance. In the new era, digital twin technology has been applied in the Babusha Forest Farm, integrating civil defense and technical defense, effectively improving the level of management and protection. At a closed sand and afforestation management station in Babusha Forest Farm, forest ranger Ma Shengrong clicked on his phone and applied new technologies such as remote monitoring and infrared imaging to achieve all-weather patrols.

At Babusha, not only technology but also concepts have changed. In the past, the poachers were straightforward and resolute, and the forest rangers came forward to advise, but no one would listen; Nowadays, ecological concepts are gradually entering people's hearts, and there are few incidents of illegal grazing.

Looking back along the long river of time, it is not easy to control sand, but even more difficult to control sand in eight steps. Babusha is located at the eastern end of Hexi Corridor, at the southern edge of Tengger Desert. In 1981, the "Six Old Men" put on rolls of bedding on their backs, picked up dry grain bags, and made "Diwozi" their home. With a few hands, they controlled the desert and after more than 10 years of hard work, they planted 42000 acres of desert.

The six old men's hair turned white, and the eight step sand desert turned green. From one generation to three generations, from the initial "one tree, one handful of grass" to "grass squares+sand growing seedlings", and then to "integration of fixation, management, protection, and maintenance", Babusha Forest Farm has continuously explored in practice, effectively improving the progress and engineering quality of sand prevention and control. As of now, 287000 acres of sand control and afforestation have been completed in Babusha, with a management and protection of 430000 acres of sand, afforestation, and grass cultivation area, protecting 100000 acres of farmland in the surrounding area. The transition zone from oasis to desert has been pushed northward for an overall distance of 30 kilometers.

Entering the "Six Old Men" Sand Control Memorial Hall in Babusha, old photos remind visitors that the green desert is not easy to come by; Standing at the eye socket sand control point, watching the fruit of the sand jujube tree, the second-generation sand control person Guo Wangang took a deep breath and said, "Babusha has planted over 60 million sand seedlings such as flower sticks, lime sticks, and sand jujube. In the future, there will be more than 60 million seedlings that will take root here."

The Eight Steps Sand Control Team has built a new section of the "Green Great Wall" on the map of the "Three North" project.


The achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have attracted worldwide attention, and the next five years will be an important period for the construction of a beautiful China.

Supporting high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment. On the new journey, billions of Chinese people are painting a more colorful new picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

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