Wang Yi People's Daily on Foreign Relations Law: Providing Strong Rule of Law Guarantee for Great Power Diplomacy Xi Jinping | Rule of Law | Diplomacy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:17 AM

The original implementation of the Foreign Relations Law provides a strong legal guarantee for China's diplomacy as a major country with Chinese characteristics in the new era

Wang Yi

The Foreign Relations Law is the first fundamental foreign-related law since the establishment of the People's Republic of China that focuses on elaborating on China's major policies, principles, positions, and institutional system for foreign work, and provides overall regulations for the development of China's foreign relations. Its promulgation is an important milestone in the construction of China's foreign-related legal system.

1. Deeply Understand the Important and Far-reaching Significance of Formulating Foreign Relations Law

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is an important achievement in thoroughly implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, especially Xi Jinping's thought of diplomacy and Xi Jinping's thought of rule of law, fully implementing the spirit of the Party's 20th CPC National Congress, adhering to the comprehensive rule of law, and promoting the rule of law at home and abroad. It is also an important measure to speed up the overall layout of foreign-related legal work and improve the construction of foreign-related legal system.

Currently, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways. China's comprehensive national strength and international influence have significantly improved, and its relations with the world have undergone unprecedented profound changes. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, we vigorously promote and expand Chinese path to modernization, becoming the mainstay of maintaining world peace and stability and the main driving force of promoting global economic growth. At the same time, the world's unprecedented major changes are accelerating, the international balance of power is deeply adjusted, the international landscape and order are complex and evolving, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation. China's development is facing a more complex international situation, and the role of rule of law construction in developing foreign relations and safeguarding national interests is becoming more prominent.

In this context, the Foreign Relations Law has emerged.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is a major achievement in the implementation of Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought in legal form. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the changing international situation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has inherited and carried forward the fine traditions of New China's diplomacy, with extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, and strong mission. Actively promote the innovation of the theory and practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, put forward a series of original major diplomatic new concepts, new strategies and new initiatives that are full of Chinese characteristics, embody the spirit of the times, and lead the trend of human development and progress, forming Xi Jinping's diplomatic thoughts. Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and a major achievement of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of China's diplomacy and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture. it provides a fundamental follow and action guide for great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law fully embodies the core essence, spiritual essence, rich connotation and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought in the form of law, which is conducive to transforming the party's principles and policies in the foreign field into the will of the state through legal procedures, standardizing and guiding foreign work, and serving the overall situation of domestic development and foreign work.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is an important measure to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee in external work. The leadership of the CPC is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Diplomacy is the concentrated embodiment of national will, and the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the greatest advantage and fundamental guarantee of China's foreign work.The formulation of the Law on Foreign Relations clearly states that the central foreign affairs leading agency is responsible for the top-level design, overall coordination, overall promotion, supervision and implementation of foreign affairs, and clarifying the functions and powers of the party and state agencies in foreign relations, which is conducive to better playing the role of the party's leadership core in the field of foreign affairs, and providing more solid legal support, more complete institutional norms, and more powerful political security for foreign work in the new era.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is a systematic integration of China's long-standing diplomatic policy and ideological practice. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a set of policies and guidelines with Chinese characteristics, in line with the trend of the times, and promoting human progress have been formed in China's foreign work, and a series of effective and mature practices have been accumulated.The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law will fix in legal form the major policies and mature and stable concepts and practices that China has been adhering to in its foreign work since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. At the same time, it will concentrate on reflecting the basic principles, concepts, and policies in the field of foreign relations in the new era, which is conducive to showcasing China's image as a responsible major country, leading the direction of global changes, and opening up a new journey of China's characteristic diplomacy as a major country.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is a key measure to improve the construction of China's foreign-related legal system. The comprehensive rule of law is a systematic project, and the construction of the foreign-related rule of law system needs to accelerate the filling of shortcomings and strengthening of weak areas. The construction of China's foreign-related legal and regulatory system has gradually progressed from scratch, making significant progress, but there are still some weak links. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the breadth and depth of legislation in the field of foreign affairs have greatly expanded, providing important legal guarantees for the comprehensive promotion of foreign work. However, a complete system of foreign related laws and regulations has not yet been formed, especially the lack of a fundamental and comprehensive foreign related law, which urgently needs to be accelerated. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging areas, and foreign-related fields, coordinate the promotion of domestic and foreign-related rule of law, promote development with good law, and ensure good governance. The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law clarifies the positioning and guiding role of the Basic Law in the field of foreign affairs, and makes fundamental and principled provisions for work in various fields of foreign relations. At the same time, it provides authorization, guidance, and connection for other foreign-related laws, which is conducive to the overall promotion of the strategic layout of foreign-related rule of law work, the improvement of the foreign-related legal and regulatory system, the enhancement of the level of rule of law in foreign affairs work, and the modernization of the governance system and capacity in foreign affairs.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is an important guarantee for achieving high-quality development and promoting opening up to the outside world. High quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. It is the only way to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese path to modernization. It requires us to comprehensively, completely and accurately implement the new development concept, adhere to high-level opening up, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. The Foreign Relations Law stipulates that China adheres to the path of peaceful development, adheres to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, adheres to the strategy of mutual benefit and win-win opening up, and adheres to the correct direction of economic globalization. This is conducive to demonstrating that China holds high the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win, is committed to creating a favorable international environment for development with countries around the world, and jointly cultivates new momentum for global development as a major country. It is conducive to building new development advantages and opening up new prospects for promoting high-level opening up to the outside world on the basis of the rule of law.

The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law is an urgent need to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests. At present, China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. In the face of severe challenges, we must maintain strategic composure, move forward despite difficulties, face them head-on, dare to fight and be good at fighting, including making good use of the rule of law weapons, continuously enriching and improving the legal "toolbox" for external struggles, and fully leveraging the positive role of law as a "stabilizer" of the international order. The formulation of the Foreign Relations Law clearly opposes all hegemonism and power politics, opposes any unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying, and clarifies countermeasures and restrictive legal provisions against foreign interference, sanctions, and sabotage against China. This is conducive to playing a preventive, warning, and deterrent role, providing legal basis for China to exercise its legitimate rights to counter sanctions and counter interference in accordance with the law, and is conducive to firmly and effectively safeguarding national interests through legal means, as well as better maintaining international fairness and justice.

2. a comprehensive and accurate grasp of the guiding ideology, general principles and main contents of the Foreign Relations Law

The promulgation of the Foreign Relations Law is an innovative development of the theory and practice of China's foreign-related rule of law in the new era, with a profound background and distinctive Chinese characteristics. It not only carries out top-level design from the macro level to consolidate the basic pattern of foreign-related laws and regulations, but also builds legal support in various fields and aspects from the micro level; it not only reflects the adherence to the socialist system and road with Chinese characteristics, but also highlights the rule of law Thinking and the rule of law to safeguard national interests and effectively respond to risks and challenges.

Clarify the guiding ideology for developing foreign relations.Adhere to the overall coordination of domestic and international affairs, as well as the two major issues of development and security, adhere to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind; We will continue to improve the foreign-related rule of law system to provide a strong legal guarantee for building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, achieving the second centennial goal, and creating a good external environment for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

Determine the overall principles followed by legislation. One is to adhere to the leadership of the Party. Give full play to the leadership core role of the Party in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and transform the guidelines and policies formulated by the Party in the field of external work into national will through legal procedures. The second is to adhere to accurate positioning. As a fundamental and comprehensive law in the field of foreign affairs, the Foreign Relations Law focuses on establishing guidelines and principles that have universal guiding significance in China's foreign work, providing authorization and guidance for other foreign related laws, and leaving necessary interfaces. The third is to adhere to a problem oriented approach. Make provisions for some fundamental principles and urgent issues in foreign-related legislation, coordinate and grasp the relationship between various provisions, and adhere to the equal emphasis on encouraging, supporting, and protecting provisions as well as resisting and counteracting provisions. The fourth is to adhere to the current situation and focus on the long-term. We need to respond to and address current foreign-related legislative demands with high quality and level, while also considering stability and foresight, fully considering the sustainability of the provisions involved, and achieving a solid foundation, stable expectations, and long-term benefits. The fifth is to adhere to a systematic concept. Adhere to the unity of principle and flexibility, and properly grasp the dialectical unity between domestic and international, politics and the rule of law, diplomacy and law.

State the goals and tasks for developing foreign relations. Clarify the goals of China's development of foreign relations, including upholding the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, safeguarding national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, and serving the country's economic and social development. Clarify China's foreign work layout, including promoting coordination and cooperation among major powers, developing relations with neighboring and developing countries, and maintaining and practicing multilateralism. Clarify China's global governance concept, including maintaining the international system with the United Nations at its core, maintaining the international order based on international law, upholding the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, promoting the implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, global civilization initiatives, respecting and safeguarding human rights, and promoting the common values of all humanity. It is clear that China actively carries out foreign exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including participating in global environmental and climate governance, promoting high-level opening up, promoting the high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road", and carrying out foreign assistance and exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

Establish a system for developing foreign relations. Clearly state that the state shall enter into or participate in treaties and agreements in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and fulfill the obligations stipulated in relevant treaties and agreements in good faith. The treaties and agreements concluded or participated in by the state shall not conflict with the Constitution. For the first time, the relationship between treaties and agreements and the Constitution of our country has been regulated in legal form, maintaining the highest legal status, authority, and effectiveness of the Constitution. At the same time, it is in line with China's insistence on adhering to treaties. On the basis of complying with the basic principles of international law and basic norms of international relations, the state shall strengthen the implementation and application of laws and regulations in foreign-related fields, and take law enforcement, judicial and other measures in accordance with the law to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and organizations. The People's Republic of China has the right to take corresponding countermeasures and restrictive measures against acts that violate international law and basic norms of international relations and endanger China's sovereignty, security, and development interests. At the same time, the law also provides provisions for protecting the security and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and organizations overseas, protecting the overseas interests of the country, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners and foreign organizations within China, and conducting international cooperation in law enforcement and judicial fields.

Strengthen the capacity building and guarantee for the development of foreign relations. Developing foreign relations and carrying out foreign work require the construction of a comprehensive security system. The law provides provisions for ensuring funding for external work, building talent teams, promoting public awareness, and building international communication capabilities.

3. the implementation of the Foreign Relations Law to provide a strong legal guarantee for the new journey of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

This year is the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the beginning of the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The external environment facing China's development contains both important strategic opportunities and severe risks and challenges. Foreign work must closely focus on the central tasks of the party and the country, take the introduction of the Foreign Relations Law as an opportunity to strengthen implementation, improve the ability and level of "doing diplomacy in accordance with the law", and continuously promote the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics in the new era with the rule of law thinking and the rule of law New steps, serving to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

We must adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee in external work. Taking advantage of institutional advantages, various departments and localities shall carry out foreign exchange and cooperation in accordance with the law, integrate foreign affairs resources, form greater synergy, and continuously consolidate the overall coordination of the Party's external work pattern.

We should continue to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, promote the joint construction of high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road", promote the implementation of the global development initiative, the global security initiative, and the global civilization initiative, and deepen and improve the overall, multi-level, wide-ranging, and three-dimensional external work layout. Actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, consolidate and expand international exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and further enhance our international influence and appeal shaping power.

We need to strengthen our legal thinking, awareness, methods, and abilities in our external work. Make full use of the Foreign Relations Law as a legal tool, and comprehensively use legislative, law enforcement, judicial and other means to combat acts of containment, interference, sanctions, and destruction. Strengthen the legal capacity building of the diplomatic and foreign affairs cadre team, and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

We should fully leverage the fundamental role of the Foreign Relations Law, accelerate the research and formulation of supporting laws, regulations, and documents, and ensure that all systems are implemented as soon as possible. Further improve the foreign-related legal system, deepen the promotion of foreign-related legal work, fill the gaps and weaknesses, and continuously improve the level of legalization in foreign work.

Foreign work is a key area in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese path to modernization. The formulation and implementation of the Foreign Relations Law will enable us to apply the rule of law thinking and methods to do a better job in our foreign work on a wider range, deeper level, and higher level. We will continuously open up new opportunities for China's diplomacy as a major country with Chinese characteristics, and make greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

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