"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:58 AM

Finding a job is not easy, and in the process of seeking a job, one should also be careful of various traps. There are now some so-called "employers" or training institutions that claim to offer jobs or part-time jobs under the guise of recruitment, provided that job seekers are willing to pay for their designated pre employment training. Many people have paid exorbitant training fees and even taken out loans as a result. After paying the money and attending classes, will there be a good job or part-time job as agreed?

On a job search website, after searching for related jobs using the keyword "zero foundation", the reporter received over a dozen private messages from strangers in less than 5 minutes. The content was similar, all asking the reporter if they were willing to take on part-time jobs in editing and retouching. The remuneration for each order ranged from 150 to 190 yuan, and these recruiters said that even if they didn't know the relevant skills, it was okay to learn first and then do it. It was a zero threshold part-time job. Is there really such a good thing?

As a job seeker, the reporter contacted a company that claimed to be able to provide part-time jobs in zero basic film and television post production. The staff here told the reporter that the prospects for post production editing in film and television are very good. When working part-time, you can earn 10-50 yuan by making one frame of footage. By this calculation, even if the minimum standard of 10 yuan per frame is used, one minute of video production can still earn tens of thousands of yuan. To earn such a high salary, one must undergo systematic training from the company.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

Staff member of Hangzhou Dingyue Culture and Creativity Co., Ltd.: Part time learning from scratch, starting with graphic design and then learning video editing and other related skills. Docking with specialized platforms, matching corresponding part-time jobs based on course progress is very stable, so there is no need to worry about not having part-time jobs.

In order to make the reporter believe that the company can really find part-time jobs for students, this staff member sent the reporter screenshots of multiple students receiving part-time salary transfers within a week, as well as chat screenshots with the students. Not only can you see that the students have received part-time salaries ranging from thousands to tens, but also detailed information such as the names of part-time students and the types of courses they have studied, which looks very credible.

Subsequently, the staff member also showed the company's business license to the reporter, telling them that Dingyue Culture and Creativity Co., Ltd. is a large company with a registered capital of 5 million yuan and has a great influence in the industry. Studying here not only allows you to obtain high paying part-time jobs, but also provides opportunities to find long-term stable jobs after completing your studies. To gain this rare opportunity to enhance their professional competitiveness, journalists need to participate in the "Five in One Film and Television" training organized by the company, with a tuition fee of 4900 yuan. If you can't afford this money or are worried about risks, you can still "learn first and pay later".

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

Staff member of Hangzhou Dingyue Culture and Creativity Co., Ltd.: The tuition fee only requires a down payment of 100 yuan. First, start the class and start learning. Then, pay 491 yuan per month for 12 months. Normally, I work two or three part-time jobs a month, and after studying for about a month, I earn two or three hundred posters. I can earn this money by making two posters. If I earn more in a certain month, I can pay my tuition fees in advance. If I don't earn enough, I don't need to pay.

If you can't earn part-time fees, you don't have to pay tuition fees - is this so-called "learn first, pay later" really so "considerate"? Xiao Yang is a college student. Three months ago, he was attracted by Dingyue Company's promotion of doing high paying part-time jobs with zero threshold. He signed up for the "Five in One Film and Television" training course. Although this young person who has not yet left the campus cannot afford the training fee of 4900 yuan, the "learn first, pay later" method provided by the company staff dispelled his concerns.

After signing the training contract, the staff of Dingyue Company proposed that he purchase a mobile phone of the same value as tuition fees on an e-commerce platform through installment payments, and then send the phone to the designated merchant of the company. The merchant will sell the phone and transfer the money to the training institution in the name of the student. It is said to be "learn first and pay later", but with this operation, the training institution has received all the tuition fees.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

But in this way, Xiaoyang has to make a monthly installment payment of 435.51 yuan to the store where he bought his phone, which will cost a total of 5226.12 yuan in a year, which is more than the promised training fee. But the staff of the training institution told him that after the training, he could find more part-time jobs and quickly repay the monthly installment payments. So, Xiaoyang Xinran agreed.

During the training, Xiao Yang contacted the teacher who helped him register several times to report the issue of low course quality, but the teacher told him that this was laying a foundation and encouraging him to study diligently. He also told him that many of his classmates had good prospects after the training, and the company would introduce him to part-time jobs. However, after studying according to the so-called course requirements for a month, Xiao Yang did not receive a part-time job order. So he decided to contact Dingyue Culture Company and request a refund for dropping out.

Job applicant Xiao Yang: What he means is that I am not very solid in my studies. He keeps telling me to upgrade, which means upgrading to the 7-in-1 class for 3000 yuan, and then you can directly take on the job. Give me some simple orders to continue working on.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

Subsequently, the staff of Dingyue Culture Company sent the part-time income statistics of other classmates, which restored Xiao Yang's confidence in the company. He decided to pay more to upgrade the training class. In this way, he once again followed the requirements of the training institution and bought a mobile phone worth over 3000 yuan on the e-commerce platform to offset the training upgrade fee. The money he had to pay back each month increased to over 700 yuan. But after another month, he still didn't receive a part-time job, which completely lost Xiao Yang's confidence in this company.

However, the staff of Dingyue Company did not recommend part-time jobs to appease him this time. Instead, they directly took out the training contract, which read "Dingyue will no longer provide refund services to users after two months of payment." Looking at the training contract he signed, Xiaoyang realized that refunds were difficult.

Although he spent several thousand yuan on a training program that didn't live up to its name and didn't even earn any money from the part-time jobs mentioned earlier, in order not to affect his credit record behind installment payments, he still had to repay on time, totaling over 700 yuan per month, which was a significant burden for Xiao Yang, who had no income.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

It is through this method that Dingyue Culture Company has turned "learning first and paying later" into installment payments, and turned the training fees owed by consumers to the company into money owed to e-commerce platforms. Even if job seekers discover that they have been deceived, in order not to affect credit reporting, they can only force themselves to repay monthly payments.

Not only Xiaoyang, but also other clients of this company have complained about related issues on the online platform. This made the police realize that this was not a simple commercial dispute. So, the Shanghai police launched an investigation into Hangzhou Dingyue Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. On July 20, the police arrested the suspect and uncovered the "zero threshold, high salary part-time job".

Zhou Jida, the captain of the Third Team of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Songjiang Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau: The most crucial issue in such cases is whether there are part-time orders or not. We have found that this company's part-time orders do not exist at all. The fictitious high part-time performance of the students is seriously inconsistent with the previous promise of long-term stable part-time order channels to the victims.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

A journalist's investigation found that traps such as "zero threshold, high paying part-time jobs" are not uncommon, and there are many ways to deceive people. When searching on a certain complaint platform, it can be found that many job seekers complain that they have encountered false advertising and induced consumption. The reporter contacted a company that had been complained about by multiple consumers, and the staff of the company confidently introduced the strong strength of the company to the reporter.

Staff member of a certain training institution: We have signed contracts with some relatively large businesses, such as JD, to work part-time collaboratively. In the initial stage, we will have around 1000 employees, but in the later stage, we will have around 3000 to 4000 trainees. Nowadays, the country is very effective in cracking down on telecommunications fraud. Our part-time jobs are definitely legitimate companies, and we provide lifelong part-time jobs. Moreover, there are many part-time channels to apply what we have learned.

In order to verify the staff member's statement, the reporter contacted the contracted enterprise he mentioned.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

JD customer service: We do not recruit through other companies. JD has its own dedicated recruitment channels for both part-time and other positions.

This inevitably made the reporter doubt the company's commitment to "lifelong success" as a part-time job. Subsequently, the reporter contacted a trainee who had participated in training at the company to understand their part-time job situation.

Job applicant Xiao Wang: They don't offer part-time jobs either, and I am still a student at school. I use the living expenses provided by my family to pay off the loan, which costs nearly 400 yuan per month. It's quite a scam.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

In addition to this part-time trap, there are also some people who fall for it when applying for highly specialized full-time positions. Half a year ago, Xiaoyuan received a job posting while browsing a recruitment website. The other party claimed to be a staff member of a fire engineering company and wanted to hire a fire protection facility maintenance worker for the company. Although Xiaoyuan had not worked in any related industry, the other party did not mind.

After chatting for a while, the other party pointed out that Xiao Yuan does not have a first-class fire engineer certificate, and in order to achieve long-term development in the industry, he needs to work and take certification exams at the same time. Subsequently, the other party recommended a professional school that had been engaged in fire safety training for many years to Xiao Yuan and recommended him to sign up for learning.

Job applicant Xiao Yuan: This money is not to be paid to the company. If it were to be paid to the company, I would think more. However, since I found a training institution, I didn't think too much.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

Xiao Yuan paid a training fee of 2980 yuan. Two days later, before he could attend class, he received an interview notice from the personnel of this fire engineering company. Although Xiao Yuan made some preparations, he still couldn't handle the professional questions raised by the interviewer during the interview. As can be imagined, he did not pass the interview. Although Xiao Yuan was a bit frustrated, he thought he could continue to participate in training and have the opportunity to work in this industry in the future. He felt that the training fee was not in vain.

But while he was still seriously attending the training class, he suddenly received a call from the police, informing him that all of this was a scam. The so-called professional school that has been engaged in fire training for many years and the recruiters behind it were actually the same group of people.

Ni Yunsheng, a police officer from the Third Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Songjiang Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau: The training teacher works with them, and participating in these trainings gives applicants a psychological suggestion that even if they are rejected in the interview, they can still continue to learn this course. So there will not be a large number of complaints against fraudulent companies to avoid investigation by public security organs.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

After completing the evidence collection work for the victims, the Shanghai police arrested the relevant person Lei and brought him to justice. Lei admitted that he could not provide a job position at all, and in order to avoid revealing the truth, they carefully prepared this interview.

Another person involved in the case, Liu, told reporters that this type of scam, which lures job applicants to participate in paid scams under the guise of recruitment, is called "recruitment transfer training" in the industry. In addition to the intricacies of the tricks, the selection of industries is also very particular. The stronger the professionalism of the position chosen when setting up the scam, the lower the pass rate of relevant assessments, the higher the threshold for employment, and the lower the risk of being discovered. At present, it is the peak period for graduates to find employment, and in the face of these various tricks and tricks, the police have also issued special reminders.

Qian Shiping, Political Commissar of the Ninth Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau: Job seekers should not overly believe that zero foundation can achieve high-income positions. In this situation, it is especially important to be careful to pay a lot of money before applying for a job, such as paying a lot of training fees and a lot of onboarding deposits. These often contain traps, so be especially careful.

"Using people" becomes deceiving! Focus Interview Exposure - Recruitment Becomes a "Training" Company | Dingyue Company | Focus Interview

In name, it is an employer, but in reality, it is a fraudulent unit. This type of scam now has a specialized name called "recruitment transfer training". Although there are various recruitment positions claimed by scammers, they all end up with training and payment. To deal with such scams, job seekers must have a thorough understanding of the employer before joining. Once they encounter situations where individuals need to pay high training fees or even take out loans before and after joining, they must be vigilant to avoid falling into the scam trap set by criminals and causing property damage.

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