Unity in City Rescue Hebei | Emergency | Unity in City Rescue

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:22 PM

On July 31st, officers and soldiers from a certain unit of the Beijing Armed Police Force transferred people in the area of Dashihe Liulihe Town, Fangshan District, Beijing.

Su Peng Du Jiang Photography Report

On July 31st, workers carried out emergency drainage on a waterlogged section of Zhongshan West Road in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.

Photo by Zhang Xiaofeng

On July 31st, members of the emergency rescue team packed sandbags to reinforce the south embankment of the Daqing River in Jinghai District, Tianjin.

Jin Bo Sun Mengmeng Photographic Report

Core Reading

In recent days, rainstorm to heavy rainstorm has occurred in some areas of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places, and extremely heavy rainstorm has occurred in some areas. Affected by rainfall, significant floods occurred in the Haihe River Basin. To ensure the safety of people's lives and property, multiple regions and departments have initiated emergency responses, mobilized manpower and material resources, and worked together to carry out flood prevention and disaster relief work.

At 18:00 on July 31, the Central Meteorological Station continued to issue the rainstorm red warning and the severe convection yellow warning. The meteorological monitoring shows that since 8:00 on July 29, rainstorm to heavy rainstorm has occurred in most parts of Beijing, Tianjin, central and southern Hebei, northeastern Hebei, eastern Shanxi, central and southwestern Shandong, and northern Henan, and extremely heavy rainstorm has occurred in some regions, with a cumulative rainfall of 100-300 mm. The maximum cumulative rainfall occurred in Lincheng County, Xingtai, Hebei Province, reaching 994.6 millimeters. The maximum hourly rainfall in the above-mentioned areas is 40-90 millimeters, with some areas exceeding 100 millimeters.

Multiple regions and departments quickly took action to comprehensively carry out flood prevention and drainage, emergency rescue and other work.

Emergency response for national level IV disaster relief initiated urgently

Affected by heavy rainfall, significant floods occurred in the Haihe River Basin, with numbered floods occurring successively in the Ziya River, Yongding River, and Daqing River. Sixteen rivers, including the Yongding River in Beijing, its tributaries Qingshui River, Juma River, and Dashi River, the Beili River, a tributary of Fuyang River in Hebei Province, and the Songxi River, a tributary of Hutuo River in Shanxi Province, have experienced floods exceeding the warning level. Among them, four rivers, including Songxi River, Beili River, Juma River, and Dashi River, have exceeded the protection level by 0.35 to 2.33 meters. Six rivers, including the Yongding River, its tributaries Qingshui River, and the Dashi River, a tributary of Juma River, have experienced the largest floods recorded in recorded history.

Unity in City Rescue Hebei | Emergency | Unity in City Rescue

There are 45 large and medium-sized reservoirs in the basin that are used to intercept floods, with a storage capacity of 1.34 billion cubic meters. Among them, the Huangbizhuang Reservoir, the upstream main stream of the Hutuo River, had a maximum inflow of 6250 cubic meters per second at 7:00 am on July 31, and a corresponding outflow of 1600 cubic meters per second, with a peak shaving rate of 74.4%; At 15:00 on the 31st, the maximum inflow of the Tanghe Xidayang Reservoir in the southern branch of the Daqing River system was 2435 cubic meters per second, with a corresponding outflow of 152 cubic meters per second and a peak shaving rate of 93.8%; At 16:00 on the 31st, the Wangkuai Reservoir in the southern branch of the Daqing River system had a inflow of 3451 cubic meters per second and a corresponding outflow of 300 cubic meters per second, with a peak shaving rate of 91%.

On July 31, the General Office of National Flood Control and the Emergency Management Department continuously organized a meeting to dispatch rainstorm and flood disasters in the north, discussed and judged with the China Meteorological Administration, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Natural Resources, and connected the video with the prevention offices of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and other key provinces, point-to-point dispatched the reservoir risk handling work of Hebei Province, analyzed and judged the development trend of rain and water conditions, and arranged and deployed flood prevention and relief work. At present, five working groups of the National Flood Control Administration and three joint expert groups are assisting in guiding flood control and disaster relief work in key areas of five provinces, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan.

It is reported that from July 30th to 31st, the national comprehensive firefighting and rescue team participated in 509 flood control and rescue operations, dispatched more than 3000 firefighting and rescue personnel, more than 570 vehicles, and more than 50 boats, rescued more than 320 people in distress and trapped, and evacuated and transferred more than 370 people. At the same time, more than 780 firefighting and rescue personnel and more than 150 fire trucks have set up 113 duty points in 16 provinces for pre standby duty.

The National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Emergency Management Department launched the national level IV emergency response to the rainstorm and flood disaster in Hebei at 18:00 on July 31, and sent a working group to the disaster area to check the disaster situation on the spot, guide and assist the local people in the resettlement and rescue of the disaster victims.

According to the latest forecast from the meteorological department and comprehensive analysis by the Geological Disaster Technology Guidance Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the risk of geological disasters occurring locally in Beijing and Hebei is very high. On July 31 at 14:00, the Ministry of Natural Resources upgraded the level IV response for geological disaster prevention in Beijing and Hebei Province to level III response.

The Ministry of Water Resources has dispatched 10 working groups to various parts of the Haihe River Basin and along the route of the South to North Water Diversion Project to assist in guiding defense work. At the same time, scientifically scheduling backbone reservoirs such as Gangnan, Huangbizhuang, and Zhuzhuang, as well as water conservancy hubs such as Beiguan, Lugou Bridge, and Xingaifang, fully leveraging the flood control benefits of water engineering. On the evening of July 31st, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that the Ziya River system's Continental Ze, Ningjinpo flood storage and detention area, and the Daqing River system's Xiaoqing River diversion area have been successively put into use.

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly issued a notice to deploy agricultural production disaster relief work, requiring the agricultural and rural departments to quickly understand the degree of disaster, the types and quantities of urgently needed drainage and irrigation machinery and equipment, and effectively utilize agricultural machinery service organizations and existing drainage and irrigation machinery and equipment in the agricultural and rural system to carry out production disaster relief.

After comprehensive analysis and judgment, China South to North Water Diversion Group will upgrade the flood control emergency response of the canal sections under the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei branches of the middle line and the north section of the Yellow River under the Henan branch from level III to level II starting from 12:00 on July 30th. China South to North Water Diversion Group Middle Line Co., Ltd. organizes transportation and management units at all levels along the line to implement 24-hour monitoring of key buildings such as river and canal crossings, and to monitor the flow situation in real time; Organize emergency personnel, materials, and equipment to quickly arrive. At present, there are 2959 on-site rescue personnel, 3127 on duty personnel, and 355 large equipment such as excavators, loaders, and dump trucks in place in the central line project.

Emergency response measures are being implemented in various regions of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei

As of 22:00 on July 31st, the rainfall process in Beijing has lasted for 50 hours. At present, flood prevention and disaster relief, as well as relocation and resettlement work, are being fully carried out.

From 20:00 on the 29th to 22:00 on the 31st, the average rainfall in Beijing was 236.3 millimeters, with an average of 223.4 millimeters in the urban area, 392.3 millimeters in Fangshan District, and 435.5 millimeters in Mentougou District; The maximum rainfall occurred in the Gaoshan Rose Garden in Mentougou, at 690.6 millimeters; The maximum hourly rainfall intensity occurred at Qianling Mountain in Fengtai, at 111.8 millimeters per hour from 10:00 to 11:00 on the 31st.

After the disaster occurred, the officers and soldiers of the Beijing Armed Police Force took action upon hearing the order, and the government and troops quickly mobilized more than 2000 officers and soldiers to participate in emergency rescue and disaster relief. The officers and soldiers set out at night and arrived near Liulihe Town in Fangshan at around 2am on the 31st. The heavy rain poured down, and the armed police officers and soldiers waved their shovels and used equipment such as bulldozers and loaders to quickly build embankments in low-lying areas of the riverbed to prevent the river from surging and the danger of flooding.

Unity in City Rescue Hebei | Emergency | Unity in City Rescue

At 11:00 on the 31st, the Beijing Municipal Hydrological Station upgraded and issued a red flood warning, indicating that a red warning standard flood will appear in the Manshui River section of the Dashihe River Basin in Fangshan District. 117 people from Shunxin Jieda Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. in Zhoukoudian, Fangshan District were trapped. After receiving a distress message, firefighting and rescue forces rushed to the scene as soon as possible to carry out rescue operations. At 14:53, the trapped personnel were safely rescued.

Serious water damage occurred on the Beijing Fengtai Shacheng Railway. To ensure the safety of K396 and Z180 passenger trains in transit, the railway department contacted the local government to jointly develop a transfer plan. Railway staff, in conjunction with local village officials, organize stranded passengers and crew members to disembark and seek refuge. At around 13:00, all stranded passengers and railway staff have been evacuated to a safe location.

As of the evening of July 31st, the Beijing Municipal Water Bureau has allocated 76 city level water and drought disaster prevention materials, including assault boats, 200000 woven bags, 59000 water absorbing and expanding burlap bags, and 23 drainage pumps to support the emergency rescue of Fangshan and Mentougou. It has also dispatched expert teams to various districts to carry out engineering rescue and flood prevention technical guidance.

From 7:00 on July 29th to 16:00 on July 31st, the average rainfall in Tianjin was 108.5 millimeters, with a maximum rainfall of 214.1 millimeters. At present, the Haihe River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources has issued a yellow warning for basin floods.

The Tianjin Water Affairs Department has upgraded the emergency response to flood disaster prevention to Level I, and actively took measures to deal with rainstorm and flood: strengthen the coordination and linkage between upstream and downstream, and maintain close contact with the Haihe Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing, Hebei Province and other upstream regions; Increase the intensity of flood discharge and maximize the emptying of the river channel; Scientifically carry out flood prevention and formulate a "separation, detention, and discharge" flood and drainage scheduling plan. Currently, the pre discharge water volume in the city has reached 400 million cubic meters, reserving space for subsequent flood discharge; Strengthen the allocation of flood prevention materials and support flood prevention and rescue efforts in various districts.

It is reported that the water department of Tianjin has dispatched 15 flood control expert groups and 196 technical backbone to assist various districts in drainage scheduling, embankment inspections, flood control and emergency rescue, and the opening of flood storage and detention areas, making all preparations.

According to the Water Resources Department of Hebei Province, from 8:00 on July 30th to 8:00 on July 31st, the average rainfall in the province was 64.7 millimeters, covering an area of 46977 square kilometers with over 100 millimeters of rainfall. On the evening of the 30th, the Water Resources Department of Hebei Province upgraded its flood prevention emergency response to level I. As of 8:00 am on July 31, the total storage capacity of large and medium-sized reservoirs in the province was 3.754 billion cubic meters, which is 1.751 billion cubic meters more than the same period in previous years. 24 large and medium-sized reservoirs in the province that exceed the flood limit are orderly discharging water to downstream rivers according to the scheduling and operation plan.

The Traffic Management Bureau of Hebei Provincial Public Security Department has launched an emergency response plan for severe weather. As of 9:00 on the 31st, a total of 12141 police officers have been deployed in the province to ensure road traffic order. The municipal department of Langfang promptly activated the emergency plan and emptied the rainwater pipes in advance. During this heavy rainfall, there were no waterlogging or disconnection of 11 underpass railway bridges in the urban area. As of now, the cumulative displacement of 36 drainage pumping stations is 3.2 million cubic meters.

Comprehensive analysis and judgment, doing a good job in prevention work

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that from 20:00 on July 31 to 20:00 on August 1, there will be heavy to rainstorm in some areas of central and northern Hebei and southern mountain areas, Beijing, northwestern Tianjin, central Inner Mongolia, central and southern Sichuan Basin, among which, there will be heavy rainstorm in mountain areas in western Beijing, southern Sichuan Basin and other places.

Meteorological experts remind that during the heavy rainfall in North China and the Huanghuai region, the southwest of Beijing and the central and southern parts of Hebei have accumulated a large amount of rainfall, with strong extreme rainfall and continuous accumulation of rainfall, posing a high risk of disaster. The public is advised to be vigilant and not to go to geological hazard prone areas such as mountainous areas, far away from rivers, and not to recklessly wade into water when encountering waterlogging on the road to ensure their own safety.

Typhoon Kanu, the 6th typhoon of this year, strengthened from a strong typhoon to a super typhoon on the afternoon of July 31, and is expected to move northwest at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour.

Unity in City Rescue Hebei | Emergency | Unity in City Rescue

On the afternoon of July 31st, a video conference on the defense of Typhoon Kanu, the 6th typhoon in Zhejiang Province, was held, emphasizing that all regions and departments should comprehensively tighten their responsibilities for flood control and typhoon prevention, and effectively fulfill their responsibilities in defending the land. The key is to ensure that the duty is in place, the command and dispatch are in place, and on-site supervision is in place.

According to the Emergency Management Department of Zhejiang Province, according to the emergency plan, the Zhejiang Provincial Flood Control Bureau has decided to adjust the emergency response for typhoon prevention at sea to a Level IV emergency response for typhoon prevention at 18:00 on July 30, and requires all departments in various regions to do a good job in flood and typhoon prevention according to the requirements of the plan and plan.

Extended Reading

Why is the rainfall in Fangshan and Mentougou in Beijing so heavy?

Zhang Linna, the chief forecaster of the Beijing Meteorological Observatory, introduced that the heavy rainfall process was mainly influenced by the low-pressure system moving northward after the weakening of Typhoon Dussuri's landfall and the warm and humid southward airflow around the periphery of the subtropical high. In particular, the strong southward airflow on the southwest side of the subtropical high continuously transported water vapor sources to the North China and Huanghuai regions, bringing large-scale heavy rainfall to this region, which belongs to a regional heavy rainfall process. At the same time, a high-pressure dam has formed in the northern part of North China, slowing down the northward movement of the low-pressure system and causing a longer stagnation time in the region, which is also one of the reasons for extreme precipitation.

The rainfall process reached the magnitude of extremely heavy rainstorm, and the area with the largest rainfall was located along the Taihang Mountains, from the east of Xingtai, the east of Shijiazhuang to Baoding, and finally to Fangshan and Mentougou in the southwest of Beijing. This is mainly due to the amplification effect of the terrain, which leads to the concentration of precipitation along the mountains. When the low-level wind direction is mainly southeast wind, the southeast wind rises under the influence of the terrain in the western mountainous areas, thus playing a great role in the increase of precipitation. This is also a main reason for the more rainfall in the southwest of Beijing.

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