Understanding the Development Law of Chinese Civilization and Striving to Build Modern Chinese Civilization

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:52 PM

On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, issuing a general call to the ideological and cultural circles to "build a new culture that belongs to our time and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation." put forward the general task of "shouldering the new mission of cultural construction." General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is a manifesto for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, a mobilization order for opening up the modern form of Chinese civilization, and a planning map for creating a modern cultural form of Chinese style. it is a brilliant document of milestone significance in the history of Marxist theory and the history of Chinese thought.

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically and profoundly expounded the great significance of the "two combinations," especially the second combination, and especially stressed that the second combination is another emancipation of the mind. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture is not a platter or a simple physical reaction, but a profound chemical reaction, which has created a new cultural life with organic unity. This new cultural life body not only realizes the modern form of Chinese civilization, but also enriches the cultural life of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture, and realizes the new leap of the Sinicization of Marxism in China. It also makes the Sinicized Marxism become the quintessence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. The new cultural life realized through the second combination has become the cultural form of Chinese-style modernization. In this new cultural life, Chinese civilization has given a profound foundation to Chinese-style modernization, and Chinese-style modernization has given modern strength to Chinese civilization. This new cultural life is the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition fully shows that the modern civilization of the Chinese nation must be the scientific product of "two combinations", the product of mutual agreement and achievement between the basic principles of Marxism and Chinese excellent traditional culture, and through the second combination, in the broader cultural space, make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture to explore the product of future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation. Through the second combination, it is the product of constantly consolidating cultural subjectivity and adhering to Communist Party of China's cultural leadership in the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent Chinese traditional culture.

The modern civilization of the Chinese nation must be the cultural form of Chinese-style modernization, because Chinese-style modernization is the modernization of continuous ancient civilization, not the elimination of the modernization of ancient civilization, but the modernization that grows out of the land of China. it is not blindly copying the modernization of other countries, it is the result of the renewal of civilization, not the product of the rupture of civilization. Therefore, as the cultural form of Chinese-style modernization, the modern civilization of the Chinese nation must also be the modern form of Chinese civilization.

The modern civilization of the Chinese nation must be a new form of civilization created by socialism with Chinese characteristics, because the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics was opened up and developed on the profound basis of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization. it is the product of all the achievements of ancient, modern, Chinese and Western civilizations. therefore, the modern civilization of the Chinese nation must also be a new form of civilization that has realized the integration and development of socialism, Chinese civilization and modernization.

To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the fundamental requirements of "two combinations" and profoundly grasp the law of the development of Chinese civilization in the course of a comprehensive understanding of the history of Chinese civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: if we do not understand China from the historical continuity of a long history, it is impossible to understand ancient China, nor can we understand modern China, let alone the future China. The continuous suffering of the Chinese nation is not only a miracle of human civilization, but also the strength of Chinese culture. The second combination is a profound summary of the experience of Sinicization of Marxism and a profound grasp of the law of the development of Chinese civilization. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively and deeply described the important elements of Chinese civilization and stressed that these elements have jointly shaped the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, that is, continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has developed continuously in the form of a country, but continuity is not stagnation, still less ossification, but a process of continuous innovation and continuous progress. The Chinese nation has always had the enterprising spirit of being upright and unconservative, respecting the past and not restoring it. At the same time, the unity of inward cohesion is not only the premise of civilization continuity, but also the result of civilization continuity, and unity is the core of core interests. Inclusiveness is the internal reason why Chinese civilization transcends internal differences and condenses into a wide-earth giant. The more tolerant it is, the more it will be recognized and supported. This is an important experience in the development of Chinese civilization. The nature of peace has shaped China's spiritual pursuit of opposing self-sacrifice and the law of the jungle, and determines that China constantly pursues civilized exchanges and mutual learning rather than cultural hegemony, and will not impose its own values and political system on others. adhere to cooperation, do not engage in confrontation, do not engage in the peaceful spirit of the small circle of the party and dissent. General Secretary Xi Jinping's summary and summary of the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization is a profound revelation of the law of the development of Chinese civilization. Adhering to the law of the development of Chinese civilization is not only the key to mastering historical initiative and establishing historical and cultural self-confidence, but also the fundamental follow of the construction of Chinese modern civilization in a new era and new journey. The construction of Chinese modern civilization is a historical process of giving full play to the spirit of historical initiative and constantly realizing practical innovation under the guidance of innovation theory on the premise of profoundly grasping the law of the development of Chinese civilization.

In order to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the fundamental requirements of "two combinations" and constantly create a Chinese-style modern cultural form in comprehensively solving the problems of ancient and modern China and the West.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that after long-term efforts, in the new era, we are in a better position to solve the disputes between ancient and modern China and the West, and we are also in a better position than ever before to understand the cultural achievements of ancient and modern China and the West, promote the localization of foreign cultures, and constantly cultivate socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping also earnestly urged us to make the past serve the present, make foreign things serve China, make dialectical choices, push through the old and bring forth the new, realize the organic connection between tradition and modernity, maintain the integrity and spirit of innovation, continue the historical context, and write contemporary Chinese chapters. The dispute between China and the West in ancient and modern times is a dispute over the road, the way and mode of modernization, and whether it is conservative or conservative, respect for the ancient or retro. Communist Party of China led the Chinese people through a hundred years of struggle, through the revival and overtaking of standing up, getting rich and becoming strong, which provided the fundamental social conditions and political premise for historical and cultural self-confidence, provided the material basis and theoretical premise, and also provided the basis for spiritual independence, so that we can use China's own yardstick, with the self-yardstick of Chinese civilization, to rebuild the relationship between China and the world. Changing the self-weary mode of thinking has promoted the high consciousness of Chinese civilization, which provides the conditions of the times for the fundamental solution of the dispute between China and the West in ancient and modern times. General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that "we should explore ways and methods that suit us in the land of China." If the land of China is "body", then the roads and methods are "use". To explore the way and method that suits you in the land of China is to seek the use of China in the body of China. The truth of "two combinations" is to use the basic principles of Marxism to seek Chinese roads and methods in the land of China. The premise that the physical function can not be separated is to regard civilization as a cultural life. Looking at the relationship between traditional and modern, ancient and modern, ancient and modern from the perspective of cultural life, the relationship between them is not separated, let alone the relationship between ancient and modern is constructed by the relationship between China and the West, but through the grasp of the law of the development of civilization, through the spirit of historical initiative to achieve the connection between the ancient and the modern. "present" is the innovative transformation of "ancient", and "modern" is a new cultural life that is continuously generated in the creative transformation and innovative development of "tradition". Based on the new cultural life, Marxism is Chinese, Chinese excellent traditional culture becomes modern, and the new cultural life formed by "combination" is the cultural form of Chinese modernization. To look at Sino-Western relations based on cultural life is to regard the West as a kind of referential resource for our use, rather than the representative of universal truth, based on the land of China and with the attitude of subjectivity. Chinese-style modernization is not only the road to the modernization of Chinese civilization, but also the way to create a new cultural life of the Chinese nation and create the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the fundamental requirements of "two combinations" and adhere to the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation in inheriting excellent Chinese traditional culture and promoting cultural innovation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that "combination" has consolidated cultural subjectivity, and the idea of creating socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era is the most powerful embodiment of this cultural subjectivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that if a nation wants to stand firmly, stand, and go far, it must have its own subjectivity, and cultural self-confidence comes from cultural subjectivity. Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is the scientific product of "two combinations" and the product of profoundly embodying the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation. The process of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture is the process in which the Chinese Communists give full play to the spirit of historical initiative and carry out cultural innovation. Cultural innovation is inseparable from the posture of subjectivity and spiritual independence. As the scientific product of the first combination, Mao Zedong thought profoundly embodies the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, and Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, as the scientific product of realizing the second combination on the basis of the first combination, embodies the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation more forcefully and more consciously in the new era. To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is to use the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation to grasp the leading power of the modern creation of Chinese civilization and the initiative to create a new form of Chinese-style modernization and human civilization. in striving for the happiness of the people, the rejuvenation of the nation, the progress of mankind and the harmony of the world, it shows the vigorous vitality and exuberant vitality of the Chinese nation.

To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the fundamental requirements of "two combinations" and adhere to Communist Party of China's cultural leadership in the historical process of creating Chinese-style modernization and a new form of human civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Shouzheng does not mean losing oneself or direction, and innovation can lead the times. It is precisely to keep the Sinicization of Marxism, the fundamental requirement of the "two combinations" and the cultural leadership of Communist Party of China. Communist Party of China embodies the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization in the creation and transformation of excellent Chinese traditional culture. Understanding the position of Communist Party of China's century-long struggle in the historical development of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization and the relationship between Communist Party of China and Chinese civilization is a major theoretical and practical problem in the new era. We need to understand Communist Party of China's significance in the history of civilization from the perspective of the continuous development and cultural inheritance of Chinese civilization for more than 5000 years, and to establish Communist Party of China's significance to the modern world from the perspective of Communist Party of China's successful modernization of Chinese civilization. The fact that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era proves that Communist Party of China's inheritance and development of Chinese civilization represents a path of continuous rebirth of ancient Chinese civilization. it shows a more perfect and reasonable picture of modern civilization, which is different from the modern civilization dominated by the West. Communist Party of China used the basic principles of Marxism to activate the core value of Chinese civilization, realized the organic combination of the basic principles of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture, and created a modern cultural form of Chinese style. it has created the modern form of Chinese civilization and created a new form of human civilization. Communist Party of China's hundred years of struggle has fully proved that Communist Party of China is not only the vitality of Chinese civilization, but also the activator and rebuilder of the intrinsic value of Chinese civilization. Communist Party of China is not only an active leader and practitioner of China's advanced culture, but also a faithful inheritor, promoter and representative of Chinese civilization. Communist Party of China's hundred years of struggle has fully proved that to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to always adhere to Communist Party of China's cultural leadership.


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