Uncover the "culprit" of cross-border online gambling and fraud - card court! Illegal immigrant

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:28 PM

One night in the summer of 2021, under the cover of the deafening rainstorm, Dahong and Zhang Yinzhu smashed and pried open the window lattice and jumped down from the second floor.

Dahong was the first to climb over the courtyard wall, and Zhang Yinzhu, who was slightly overweight, was found by guards shooting and hitting him. Da Hong ignored Zhang Yinzhu and plunged into the pitch black rain curtain based on his feelings and memories, running towards another "big shot" who was closest to here and seeking refuge with his friend Forrest Gump.

For the sake of money, there is no bottom line here!

The rain is too heavy, and the guards are too lazy to chase after. This is also the reason why Dahong and Zhang Yinzhu planned to wait for the rainstorm before escaping. Later I heard that the next day, after the rain stopped for a long time, it was almost evening when Zhang Yinzhu's body was dragged away. The reason for taking so long to dispose of the body is to show the people detained there the fate of the fugitive.

The place where Dahong fled in a hurry is called "Kayuan", specifically used to detain illegal immigrants. There are still many card yards like this in Guogan Old Street, Myanmar. The friend Forrest Gump who Dahong defected to revealed the story behind the "card yard" exclusively to the China News Agency through train. He said that Dahong was almost the only one who managed to escape the card yard alive. Although later on, Dahong also disappeared without a trace.

Forrest Gump, Dahong, and Zhang Yinzhu were all deceived by the same "online" and smuggled into Guogan Old Street in Myanmar by a group. When they arrived, they were treated as illegal immigrants to pay off debts and thus owed huge debts.

Relatively lucky Forrest Gump escaped into the influence of another "big shot" before being locked up in the "card yard". In order to seek refuge, Forrest Gump relied on his computer skills to become a small headed "horse" in that sphere of influence. Although he was not completely free, he was not strictly guarded.

After successfully escaping from the "card yard", Dahong told Forrest Gump the true story of his experience. After hearing these things, Forrest Gump finally decided to escape to his home country under curfew.

Forrest Gump said that the vast majority of Chinese people who sneak into Myanmar's old streets know they are here to do online gambling and electronic fraud. The size and level of development of this place are similar to ordinary towns in the Central Plains region of China.

There are "four major families" in the old street, which define their own spheres of influence and each has the right to take life, death, and seizure of illegal immigrants within their respective territories; It is not easy to step outside the scope, especially within the influence of other families. Even if one's own person escapes to another family's sphere of influence, they dare not go and catch them.

This is not like some rumors that people will kill people randomly. Money is the core of everything, and every illegal immigrant is exploited and squeezed to the extreme. There is no bottom line for money.

Various online gambling and electronic fraud platforms send "debtor" illegal immigrants to the card house for detention, and pay the "card house" based on the number of people and the number of days of detention. Otherwise, these illegal immigrants will have no food to eat, but as long as the platform does not speak, they will not be released.

Pankou will regularly send people to beat up illegal immigrants who cannot get money here, shoot videos to threaten family and friends, and those who cannot get money will be locked in a dog cage in the yard, exposed to the sun and rain.

This kind of "card house" similar to a black prison is also a business. The owner of the "Card House" is also making money for the big shots in the family. They will rent or buy one or two 6-story residential buildings, like a community with courtyard walls. 1 to 2 people holding pistols are set up at the stairwells and unit entrances on each floor, and 2 to 4 people holding rifles are set up at the entrance of the courtyard. Those who escape or violate the rules can shoot at any time, and no one will hold anyone accountable for killing them.

Forrest Gump said that after repeatedly abusing illegal immigrants who have been locked up in dog cages, if they can't make any money, they will be forced to sign and sign on some IOUs and other procedures. Then the person in charge will use this evidence to seek a judgment in a place called the "Ministry of Justice", and the "Ministry of Justice" will talk to the illegal immigrants about which organ to sell to repay the debt. Those who can pay off their debts in this way will survive on their own after selling out their organs, while those who cannot pay off their debts will be sold to extremely difficult and accident prone black mines as "slave workers". I have never heard of anyone living out of black mines.

In order to give hope to the illegal immigrants in the "card yard" and do their best to make money for each group, a very small number of illegal immigrants who obtain the money requested by the group will really be released. But in order to make money, they usually do a lot of illegal things, and at this time, they will also face punishment when returning to their home country. If they continue to stay there, life and death will be unpredictable.

According to insiders, it is very difficult to pay off the debt due to trading, because the person who makes the offer the final say how much money they owe them and how to calculate it.

Forrest Gump said that after deceiving people to illegally cross the border, there will be people deceiving them into eating, drinking, gambling, even taking drugs, or participating in projects to borrow high interest loans. In short, the tricks used by illegal immigrants form so-called debts. Once they owe money, they will be forced to repay it, and if they don't pay back the money, they will be sent to the "card yard".

In the past, illegal immigrants would bring a bunch of their own or someone else's bank cards over, and the money they gambled on through electronic fraud networks would be deposited. If the card owner accidentally reports it as lost and takes it away, the illegal immigrants who bring the card will have to repay the money and not enter the "card yard".

If they can continue to deceive people from China and still have value, they will not be sent to the "card yard" for the time being. These illegal immigrants rely on deceiving family and friends to sneak over and "live a day, count a day.".

But with the strict supervision of bank cards and the increasing publicity and crackdown on online gambling and fraud in China, the number of illegal immigrants who bring their cards to the country is decreasing. Cross border money laundering mainly uses virtual currencies, electronic wallets, and some cross-border e-commerce platforms, as well as features such as cash red envelopes on certain payment software that are difficult to trace at the source.

The space left for online gambling and fraud is getting smaller and smaller!

As early as 2020, the Ministry of Public Security, in conjunction with departments such as Cyberspace Administration, Foreign Affairs, Cultural Tourism, People's Bank of China, and Immigration Management, carried out in-depth efforts to crack down on cross-border gambling, successfully eliminating a large number of large-scale cross-border gambling criminal groups that recruit and engage in gambling within China, continuously strengthening measures to crack down on the "funding chain", "technology chain", and "personnel chain", and solidly and orderly promoting key work such as the "blacklist" system for gambling participants, practitioners, and overseas tourism destinations, as well as port entry and exit inspection and control.

By the end of September 2020, the national public security organs had registered more than 8800 cross-border gambling cases, captured more than 60000 suspect, knocked out more than 1700 gambling platforms, more than 730 illegal technical teams, more than 820 gambling promotion platforms, knocked out more than 1400 illegal payment platforms and underground banks, identified more than one trillion yuan of funds involved in the case, seized and frozen a large number of funds involved in the case, and successfully knocked out illegal capital channels such as gambling and gambling networks and money laundering of several overseas mega gambling groups in China, which effectively deterred international gambling groups from infiltrating gambling into China.

Since 2021, under the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security of China, a nationwide campaign has been launched to persuade illegal outbound personnel stranded in northern Myanmar and those engaged in telecommunications network fraud. In 2021 alone, 210000 people have been persuaded to return from overseas, and various measures such as persuasion, punishment, and assistance have been taken in various regions to address the issue of personnel outflow, achieving certain results.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security of China have repeatedly issued reminders regarding high paying job vacancies in northern Myanmar, and actively carried out international law enforcement cooperation to combat related cross-border crimes.

On July 25th of this year, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai held a special coordination meeting with Myanmar's Foreign Minister Dan Sui on the joint efforts of China and Myanmar to combat illegal activities such as espionage and online gambling in Myanmar. He stated that both sides should take further effective measures to eradicate the cancer of espionage and gambling in Myanmar and bring criminal forces and organizations to justice.

According to Forrest Gump, in the past few years, the epidemic control was strict, and illegal immigration was very difficult, which also dealt a serious blow to the overseas power of electronic fraud and online gambling. At the same time, with the increasing efforts of comprehensive governance, publicity, and crackdown from multiple departments and perspectives in China, the behind the scenes leaders of overseas fraud online gambling groups will also regularly crack down on and punish small businesses without background support outside of several major families, and deport some of their illegal immigrants back to China.

What is the solution to the evil of cross-border online gambling and fraud?

Recently, "All in One" has been popular, with various online stories, novels, videos, and even content about cross-border esports and online gambling, such as organ cutting for wealth and life, flying everywhere. Some netizens have even said, "Even three-year-old children know that overseas esports and online gambling are harmful." How could anyone still go?

Is it, as some people speculate, that people are taken overseas in the form of illegal immigration after being knocked unconscious?

"Almost impossible!" Forrest Gump said, "The illegal crossing routes are extremely difficult mountain roads to walk alone. It is almost impossible to carry a comatose person, and there are also almost no available means of transportation.".

Under the guidance of local border residents, Guo Shijun has also inspected some routes available for illegal immigrants to take advantage of - even in the pristine forests of the steep mountains, there are no visible routes. Border control is very difficult.

Experts believe that strengthening border management and blocking illegal immigration channels will result in a lack of "illegal immigration" resources for overseas online gambling and fraud criminal forces, which will inevitably be severely affected, even shrinking or collapsing.

Yang Huaizhi, a member of the Bazhong Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of Sichuan Forestry, Land and Landscape Greening Company, has made relevant proposals on how to deal with overseas online gambling and fraud. Yang Huaizhi recently made three suggestions for reference in an interview with China News Agency's Guoshi Direct Bus:

Firstly, increase cooperation in governance and build a trinity model of the state, market, and society.

One is to build a strategic cooperation framework agreement. Further enhance the level of cooperation in cracking down, improve the content of cooperation in cracking down, and carry out comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, and high-level cooperation and meeting mechanisms, such as cooperation in cracking down on illegal and criminal activities related to cross-border fraud, drug control, gun trafficking, human trafficking, arrest of transnational fugitives, and illegal immigration.

The second is to leverage the joint prevention and control role of non-governmental organizations. Mobilize the enthusiasm of the people in China's border areas and involve them in grassroots governance. Establish the China Myanmar Civil Anti Fraud Federation, supplemented by a reward mechanism, to reward individuals who discover suspicious individuals from outside and promptly report and verify their authenticity through investigation.

Thirdly, we will increase the intensity of coordinated strikes. Strengthen the guidance and supervision of Internet and communication technology enterprises, give full play to their advantages in technology, big data processing capacity, cloud computing platform and so on, and assist the police in combating cross-border network fraud crimes.

Secondly, we will increase technological governance and carry out classified governance of "two cards and one letter".

One is to deepen the governance of bank cards. Strengthen the supervision of overseas bank card account operations, especially paying attention to screening and restricting the blacklist of bank card accounts provided by the judicial department. Strengthen technological upgrades and supervision, such as the use of AI facial recognition payment technology. The banking industry should have more cautious and mature operating rules, especially when withdrawing money through ATM, it must match the photo of the bank card account's ID.

The second is to deepen the governance of telephone cards. Improve the real name system for telephone cards to ensure consistency and accurate identification of card holders. For cross-border calls connected using network voice IoT technology, overseas call access reminders can be set. For individuals and enterprises who rent telecom operator servers or privately subcontract telecom services, conduct in-depth and meticulous screening to prevent potential risks.

The third is to deepen personal information governance. Individuals and collectives who illegally sell or leak information to fraudulent groups shall be held accountable, and shall be jointly blacklisted in the personal integrity system; We need to supervise the individual information transmitted by emerging social media related software and strictly implement the real name system.

Thirdly, increase big data governance and establish a mechanism for cross-border sharing platforms.

The Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments have jointly established an International Cross border Fraud Governance Center with relevant overseas countries to clarify responsibilities, carry out regular cooperation, provide funding support for cross-border fraud research, and comprehensively solve the problem of cross-border fraud governance.

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