Two people were promoted to deputy department and awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary. Two years later, over 90% of them were promoted and reused as members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee | National | County Party Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:17 AM

Two years ago, on June 29, 2021, the Central Organization Department decided to award the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary to 103 comrades who achieved outstanding results in the position of County Party Secretary, and commend them. This is also the third time since 1995 and 2015 that outstanding county party secretaries have been recognized nationwide.

The title of National Excellent County Party Secretary in 2021 was awarded on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, which has important symbolic significance. It is highly recognized for the achievements of outstanding cadres rooted at the grass-roots level in China, and it is also an incentive for the majority of party members and cadres who devote themselves to grass-roots work.

After two years, at least 98 out of the 103 comrades mentioned above have obtained new positions, with the vast majority being promoted and reused, accounting for over 90%; But one person was dismissed due to poor work performance; In addition, there are several people who no longer hold their original positions and are unable to access the latest appointment and dismissal information.

On June 29, 2021, the National Excellent County Party Secretary Commendation Conference was held in Beijing

Two people promoted to deputy department, one person dismissed

From a hierarchical perspective, two out of 103 people have already reached the rank of deputy ministerial level leading cadres.

Yang Bing, born in 1967, was honored with the title of Secretary of the Nankai District Committee in Tianjin. In July 2022, the 36th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Tianjin decided to appoint Yang Bing as the Deputy Mayor of Tianjin; Yang Bing is also the first among 103 people to be promoted to vice provincial level as a national outstanding county party secretary.

Yin Xiangjie, also from Tianjin, was commended during his tenure as the Secretary of the Baodi District Committee of Tianjin; In January of this year, the first session of the 18th People's Congress of Tianjin elected Yin Xiangjie as the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. Yin Xiangjie also became the second national outstanding county party secretary to be promoted to the rank of deputy ministerial level leading cadres after Yang Bing.

This is also related to the fact that Tianjin, where the two are located, is a municipality directly under the central government with a relatively high starting point. When they were awarded the title of Excellent County Party Secretary, they were already officials at the department level.

Looking at it, the most common way for outstanding county party secretaries to be promoted is to enter the standing committee of the higher-level party committee.

For example, in Guangdong Province, one of the most developed regions in China's economy, Cai Danqun, the Secretary of the Huilai County Party Committee in Jieyang City, Liu Guangbin, the Secretary of the Huicheng District Party Committee in Huizhou City, and Tao Yongxin, the Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen and the Secretary of the Pingshan District Party Committee, who were awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary, and Tao Yongxin and Liu Guangbin, the Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen and the Secretary of the Pingshan District Party Committee, all served as standing committee members of the municipal party committees listed at the prefecture level six months after being awarded the title. In addition to Cai Danqun being elected as a standing committee member of the Jieyang Municipal Party Committee, Tao Yongxin.

Two people were promoted to deputy department and awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary. Two years later, over 90% of them were promoted and reused as members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee | National | County Party Secretary

Liaoning, located in the three eastern provinces, has also taken a similar path as the three elected National Excellent County Party Secretaries. In early January of this year, according to the official website of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and Government, Wen Ran has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. Wen Ran was awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary during his tenure as the Secretary of the Shenbei New District Committee in Shenyang. Chen Linsong, then Secretary of the Linghai Municipal Party Committee of Jinzhou, and Hui Anjun, then Secretary of the Changtu County Party Committee of Tieling, were also awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary along with Wen Ran. At present, the two have also taken on new positions. Chen Linsong has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee. Shortly after being awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary, Hui'an Jun was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee. He has now served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yingkou Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department.

Different from being generally promoted, Zhang Zheng of the Xizang Autonomous Region is the only one who has been dismissed from his post among the 103 people mentioned above.

In the afternoon of August 28, 2022, according to the WeChat official account of "Xizang Daily", Zhang Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee and secretary of the CPC Chengguan District Committee, was removed from his post due to the ineffective epidemic prevention and control work and work needs.

The "Xizang Daily" WeChat article disclosed that, in response to the problems found in the supervision and inspection that individual departments and cadres have low political standing, insufficient attention, weak sense of responsibility, and ineffective emergency response, the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee circulated a notice of criticism to individual units in accordance with regulations and disciplines, held some cadres accountable, and resolutely investigated and dealt with such problems as disobedience of orders and prohibitions, floating style of work, dereliction of duty and dereliction of responsibility.

In addition, in the list of outstanding county party secretaries in 2021, two individuals have resigned from their positions as county party secretaries, but their latest destinations have not been announced. They are Li Xiaohua, former county party secretary of Huaiji County, Guangdong Province, and Zhao Yongjian, former county party secretary of Zhenba County, Shaanxi Province.

At least 14 people have been promoted to the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities

The county party committee is the "frontline command headquarters" of the party's governance and rejuvenation of the country, and the county party secretary is the "frontline overall commander", which is an important backbone force of our party's governance in the county.

Professor Zhu Lijia from the National School of Administration stated in an interview with Chao News that the frontline at the grassroots level is the place where cadres can be trained the most. After being trained as a county party secretary, the ability to control and grasp the overall situation, as well as the ability to formulate and implement policies, will be greatly improved.

Therefore, serving as the mayor or party secretary of a prefecture level city has also become an important path for many excellent county party secretaries to be promoted.

Chao News found that in the two years since being elected as an outstanding county party secretary, at least 14 people have been promoted to the top of the party and government positions in prefecture level cities, including 3 in Zhejiang, 2 in Jiangsu, 2 in Gansu, 1 in Jilin, 1 in Jiangxi, 1 in Shaanxi, 1 in Qinghai, 1 in Anhui, 1 in Shandong, and 1 in Yunnan.

From the perspective of adjusting time, among the 14 individuals mentioned above, Wang Qingfeng from Shaanxi is the first leading cadre to be promoted to the position of "top leader". According to media reports, on the morning of July 13, 2021, the Standing Committee of the Fourth People's Congress of Shangluo City held its 32nd meeting and decided to appoint Comrade Wang Qingfeng as the Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor of Shangluo City. At this time, only 14 days had passed since Wang Qingfeng was awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary, and a month later, Wang Qingfeng went to replace him as a full-time employee.

Two people were promoted to deputy department and awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary. Two years later, over 90% of them were promoted and reused as members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee | National | County Party Secretary

Wang Qingfeng Data Map

From the perspective of specific positions, two of the 14 people have already served as the secretaries of the municipal party committees at the prefecture level, and they all come from Jiangsu.

On February 23 this year, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a pre appointment notice for 18 leading cadres, with Wu Xinming and Zhou Bin, the outstanding county party secretaries of the country in 2021, listed. After nearly a month of public announcement, Wu Xinming and Zhou Bin took over as the city party secretaries of Nantong and Yancheng. Upon investigation, it was found that both individuals have experience in governing in developed areas of southern Jiangsu.

Wu Xinming has worked in Suzhou for many years, holding major leadership positions in Huqiu District and Suzhou High tech Zone. In 2019, Wu Xinming was transferred to Kunshan, the "most impressive county-level city", and served as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone; Zhou Bin has successively served as the Secretary of the Wujin District Committee and the Secretary of the New North District Committee of Changzhou City. Both Wujin District and New North District are strong economic zones in Changzhou, ranking third and 13th respectively in the 2022 National Comprehensive Strength Top 100 Zones.

In addition to serving as "top leaders" in the party and government of prefecture level cities, a considerable number of outstanding county party secretaries have also entered provincial party and government agencies as "top leaders".

Jiang Shan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province, Shen Yumou, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province, and Chen Xuan, Secretary of the Party Group of the Shaanxi Provincial Office Affairs Service Center are all representatives.

In addition, there are also many who have entered the discipline inspection commission and propaganda system, with a rough estimate of over 10.

For example, Wang Jianjiang from Shanxi was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection at the end of May this year, and was nominated as a candidate for the position of Director of the Xinzhou Municipal Supervision Committee; Last September, Liu Zhenhua, who received honors at the same time, took office in Jincheng City and served as a member, standing committee member, and secretary of the Jincheng Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Huang Weiqun from Anhui was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in March this year, as well as a candidate for the position of Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission; Liang Yuhua from Fujian was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at the end of the year when he was honored.

There are four appointed as the Minister of Propaganda in prefecture level cities. They are Gao Qiying from Shanxi, currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Lvliang Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda; Zhang Zhiping from Jiangxi Province is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinyu Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department. Zhang Shiwei from Hubei, currently the Deputy Secretary of the Xianning Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department; Gu Xuebin from Sichuan is the only one among them to serve as the Minister of Propaganda in a deputy provincial-level city. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Chengdu Municipal Committee in Sichuan Province, and the Secretary of the Pidu District Committee.

The "post-70s" county party secretaries constitute the backbone of the force

In the career of a county party secretary, age is an important consideration that directly affects the promotion and job changes of local leaders.

Two people were promoted to deputy department and awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary. Two years later, over 90% of them were promoted and reused as members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee | National | County Party Secretary

In terms of age, except for two individuals whose birth dates have not been disclosed yet, 92 out of the remaining 101 individuals are born in the 65th generation, accounting for approximately 91%; There are 42 people born in the 1970s, accounting for about 42%, including 4 born in the 1970s. They are Wang Junhong, then Secretary of the Qinghe County Party Committee in Hebei, Liu Jing, then Secretary of the Fuping County Party Committee, Liu Yonghui, then Secretary of the Anhua County Party Committee in Hunan Province, and Chen Linsong, then Secretary of the Linghai City Party Committee in Liaoning Province.

In addition, there are two outstanding county party secretaries in China who are born in the 1980s, namely Chen Zhangjie from Hunan and Yao Ning from Xinjiang.

According to public reports, in December 2017, Chen Zhangjie was appointed as the Secretary of the Linli County Party Committee in Hunan Province. In April 2021, Hunan released the "exemplary individual and Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation in Hunan Province", and Chen Zhangjie, then secretary of Linli County Party Committee, was awarded the title of "exemplary individual for Poverty Alleviation in Hunan Province".

Before Yao Ning went to work in Xinjiang, he stayed at Tsinghua Park for nearly ten years. Formerly served as the Minister of the Internal Relations Department of the Tsinghua University Student Union, the President of the Tsinghua University Student Union, and the Secretary of the Research Group Branch of the Tsinghua University School of Public Administration. According to Xinhua News Agency, in 2014, Yao Ning, then Deputy Director of the Office of the President of Tsinghua University, volunteered to work at the grassroots level in southern Xinjiang; In December 2018, Yao Ning was transferred to the position of Secretary of the Bachu County Committee. Two years later, Bachu County successfully lifted itself out of poverty. In May 2021, Yaoning won the honorary title of "exemplary individual for Poverty Alleviation in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region".

From a gender perspective, in the past two years, the 10 female county party secretaries who have been commended have also undergone new changes in their positions. Many have already joined the standing committee of prefecture level city party committees, such as Gao Qiying from Shanxi, Zhang Zhiping from Jiangxi, Dong Bing from Shandong, and Li Rong from Sichuan; Some have been promoted to the top of prefecture level municipal governments or provincial units, such as Ma Xiulan in Gansu and Tian Yan in Guizhou.

Among the 10 people, the one with the fastest job change was He Ling, the then Secretary of the Qianyang County Party Committee in Shaanxi. In the same month as being awarded the title of National Excellent County Party Secretary, she was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone; Tian Yanzhi, then Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Tongren City, Guizhou Province and Secretary of the Wanshan District Committee, was promoted to the position of Standing Committee Member of the Tongren City Committee in the following month of commendation; Wu Haiyan, then the Secretary of Suixian County Committee in Henan Province, was promoted to the position of Standing Committee Member of Sanmenxia City Committee three months later, and underwent several changes in the following two years. She successively served as a Standing Committee Member, Deputy Mayor, and Minister of Propaganda Department of Sanmenxia City Committee. Currently, she is the Deputy Secretary of Sanmenxia City Committee and Minister of Organization Department.

Ma Xiulan Information Map

Ma Xiulan, currently the Deputy Secretary of the Wuwei Municipal Party Committee, Party Secretary of the Municipal Government, and Mayor of Gansu Province, is the youngest among the 10 people. She was born in 1974 and has also attracted widespread attention due to her white hair.

Public information shows that Ma Xiulan was transferred to the position of Secretary of Dongxiang County Committee in May 2019. At that time, Dongxiang County was one of the 58 concentrated and contiguous poverty-stricken areas and 23 deeply impoverished counties in Gansu Province, and also one of the most difficult "hard bones" in the national poverty alleviation campaign. After taking office, Ma Xiulan, together with the majority of cadres and the masses, started by focusing on solving the bottom line tasks of the "three guarantees" and completed the poverty alleviation goals and tasks on schedule and with high quality. On February 25, 2021, Ma Xiulan was awarded the title of "National exemplary individual for Poverty Alleviation".

In fact, regardless of age or gender, the county party secretary is a "sesame official" with a heavy burden. County level leaders need to plan for the reform, development, and stability of hundreds of thousands or millions of people, and manage the affairs of thousands of people. This stage is large enough. The party places cadres in such a position as trust and trust, and must be full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm to do well, serving as officials and benefiting the party.

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