Tightly uniting and uniting around the Party, General Secretary | Youth | Work

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:07 AM

Solidly unite and gather around the Party

Commentator for Qiushi Magazine

General Secretary has deep expectations for the vast number of young people, emphasizing that "the hope of the Party and the country's cause lies in the youth", and "efforts should be made to strengthen political guidance for the vast number of young people. Only when young people have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can they endure hardship, and are willing to struggle, can Chinese youth have strength, and the development of the Party and the country's cause can be full of hope".

Not long ago, a grand event of youth was highly anticipated. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China was held in Beijing from June 19th to 22nd. Nearly 1500 representatives from all over the country gathered together to discuss youth responsibilities and paint the future of youth. Young smiling faces, filled with vibrant vitality, surging with fiery passion, symbolize the hope of the country. They have different names written on their respective youth tracks; They have the same name engraved in the history of national development, which is "Chinese Youth"!

History clearly and profoundly shows that there would be no vigorous youth movement in China without the CPC. It is the most valuable experience of Chinese youth in their centennial struggle to unswervingly follow the Party.Bathed in the sunshine of the new era, the vast number of young people listen to the call of the Party and the people, climb and fight on the front line of poverty alleviation, demonstrate their skills on the stage of rural revitalization, go against the tide on the battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, bravely climb peaks at the forefront of scientific and technological research, charge ahead in the front line of disaster relief, bravely compete in the Olympic sports field, guard the border checkpoints of the motherland day and night, and play the era's strong voice of "clear love, only for China" with the passion of youth. With the actions of youth, they have fulfilled the solemn oath of "please rest assured the Party, and the strong country has me". The fact has proven that the young people of China in the new era are good people, a trustworthy and capable new generation!

The Party flag refers to the direction of the Youth League flag, and the Communist Youth League is the Party's assistant and reserve army.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China outlined a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This is the central task of the Party in the new era and new journey. The Communist Youth League must work closely around this central task, keep the theme and direction of youth work in the new era, unite and lead the vast number of young people to unswervingly listen to the Party's words and follow the Party, encourage the vast number of young people to enhance their sense of historical responsibility and mission, bravely act as the vanguard and commando in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and stand shoulder in the construction of Chinese path to modernization.

Firmly adhere to ideals and beliefs, and firmly control the direction of youth. If we choose the profession that can work for humanity the most, then the burden cannot overwhelm us.

For over a hundred years, despite countless gunfire and bullets, countless heroic and resolute actions, Chinese youth have always been devoted and unwavering to their ideals, people, and lovely China. In 1922, at the age of 23, Fang Zhimin joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League. He wrote in the "What are his thoughts on the current society" column of the member survey: Apart from revolution, there is nothing he wants. In the 1950s, a large number of intellectuals and young students from Jiaotong University bid farewell to the bustling Shanghai and came to the ancient capital Xi'an. They opened the prelude to rooting in the western part of the country in a field of wheat fields, saying, "Wherever the Party asks us to go, we can go with our backpacks." Wang Depeng, a post-90s firefighter, was a "forest sea defender." After graduating with a master's degree, he chose to go deep into the hinterland of the primitive forest areas in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia, overcome the extreme cold test of minus 50 degrees in winter, protect the northern forest sea of the motherland with his blood, and practice the fiery belief of "the northernmost, coldest, most loyal, most biased, farthest, and most reassuring" with his youth.

Ideals guide the course of youth, and beliefs determine the success or failure of one's career. Young people have lofty ideals and firm beliefs, which are the invincible driving force for a country and a nation to advance. On the new journey, young people should establish the lofty ideal of communism, firmly adhere to the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly adhere to the political belief of listening to and following the Party, establish correct life goals in the historical trend of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and lay the foundation for lifelong struggle.

Be brave enough to take on responsibilities and shoulder the responsibilities of the times. The Chinese youth and the Chinese youth movement have always demonstrated the mission of youth in fulfilling the mission of the times, and achieved their own progress in promoting the progress of the times. Whether on the battlefield filled with flames of war, on the land waiting to be revitalized, in the spring tide of reform and opening up, or in the magnificent practice of the new era, generations of Chinese youth always respond at the first moment and charge in the first array, writing the answer to youth with responsibility and responsibility.

Should I choose a stable life in Beijing or go back to the countryside to farm? Wei Qiao chose the latter. Wei Qiao, born in the 1980s, holds a master's degree in soil science and her husband holds a doctoral degree in agriculture. In 2017, the two resigned from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University respectively, and returned to their hometown Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province to become "new farmers". By applying their learned knowledge, they not only become experts in digital field planting, but also effectively drive surrounding farmers to become prosperous and transform into leading geese in rural revitalization.

Only with responsibility and responsibility can youth shine. The growth period and struggle period of contemporary youth highly coincide with the historical process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and they shoulder an immensely glorious mission and arduous responsibilities.We should strive to learn scientific knowledge, hone our skills, actively engage in practice, reach the people, go to the frontline at the grassroots level, and go to the areas where our country needs the most. We should strive to be the vanguard and new force in various fields such as scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services, and border defense, showcasing the vitality of youth.

Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of difficulties, daring to advance towards the depth of difficulties. More than 60 years ago, in Lin County, Henan Province, 300 young people formed an assault team and spent 17 months fighting against the Red Flag Canal throat project - the Youth Cave, becoming a microcosm of a generation of young people who worked hard and fought fiercely.

In the new era, Chinese youth are brave enough to overcome all difficulties and not be overwhelmed by any difficulties. At the beginning of 2020, the sudden COVID-19 will pose a serious threat to people's life safety and health. At the most critical moment of the epidemic in Wuhan, Zheng Nengli, a young man from Changsha, resolutely drove to Wuhan as a volunteer, moving countless people with his powerful "positive energy"; Community doctor Gan Ruyi, born in 1995, braved the cold wind and rain and rode 300 kilometers alone to return to Wuhan amidst the storm. She said, "My surname is Gan, and I am not afraid of hardship." She showed her spirit in the midst of danger and saw the truth at a critical moment. More than 500000 youth assault teams and volunteer service teams, with over 9.6 million young members, have shouldered the responsibilities of the mountains with their young arms, building "copper walls and iron walls" for epidemic prevention and control, and proving through practical actions that Chinese youth in the new era are capable of withstanding any test of struggle.

Promoting Chinese path to modernization is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking, which will inevitably encounter all kinds of predictable and unpredictable risks, challenges, difficulties and even rough seas.

Dedicated to hard work and writing a brilliant life worthy of the times. The Chinese people and the Chinese nation have learned from the practice of struggle that the development of Chinese society, the revitalization of the Chinese nation, and the happiness of the Chinese people must be achieved through their own heroic struggle.

Looking across the land of China, the resounding and stirring songs of the hardworking are being sung. In the factory workshop, young workers hone their skills and strive for excellence, allowing "Made in China" and "Created in China" to go global; In the fields and fields, young farmers work hard and meticulously, striving to firmly hold the rice bowl of the Chinese people in their hands; At construction sites, young migrant workers are not afraid of hard work and work day and night, building high-rise buildings with bricks and tiles; In the laboratory, young scientific and technological workers are brave enough to innovate and take the lead, constantly advancing towards the breadth and depth of science and technology; On the training ground, young athletes grit their teeth, persevere, and train hard, allowing the five-star red flag to fly high in the international arena... The figures who work hard and bravely pursue their dreams vividly demonstrate the tenacious and upward spirit of Chinese youth in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "to achieve the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, it is necessary for the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups, including the broad masses of young people, to unite and go all out to continue to climb the slope and overcome difficulties." There are still thousands of important mountains on the new journey. The majority of young people must carry forward the fine tradition of permanent struggle, overcome all negative thoughts that do not want to make progress, indulge in ease, and lie flat on the Buddha system, so as to dare to surpass the predecessors, dare to lead the times, and dare to create The heroism of the miracle of the world is to strive for the first place on the track of national rejuvenation.

The responsibility of the times belongs to the youth, and the glory of the times belongs to the youth. As an advanced youth organization under the leadership of the Party, the Communist Youth League shoulders the historical mission of better uniting, organizing, and mobilizing young people, and striving to achieve the central task of the Party. It should prioritize strengthening political guidance for its members and young people, strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors, and continuously deliver healthy and dynamic fresh blood to the Party.We should focus on the center and serve the overall situation, take the initiative to align with the country's major strategies and tasks, organize and mobilize young people to take their own positions and actively participate in the construction of Chinese path to modernization. We must comply with the requirements of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, adhere to a problem oriented approach, dare to take the blade inward, deepen the reform of the Communist Youth League, and comprehensively manage the Communist Youth League from a strict perspective. The vast number of youth league cadres should cherish the precious opportunity to do youth work for the Party, continuously improve their political ability, theoretical literacy, and mass work skills, focus on their own work, and win the trust of the Party, social respect, and youth reputation with solid performance.

Youth is devoted to the Party, striving forward at the right time. The vast number of young people should closely unite and gather around the Party, use their youth and struggle to contribute to the construction of a strong country, pave the way and bridge the rejuvenation of the nation, remember their responsibilities, bravely shoulder their missions, and continue to strive!

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