Three signals released by the Chinese side to the US: Kissinger's visit to China ends Sino US relations | No | The US side

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:22 AM

Kissinger's visit to China has made American politicians sour.

Compared to the previous American officials who visited China, Kissinger, a "civilian", received high treatment in China.

At the meeting on the 20th, many details left a deep impression on Mr. Tan.

In particular, President Xi Jinping's remark that "Sino-US relations are always linked to the name Kissinger" is particularly emotional.

At present, the relationship between China and the United States is at its lowest point since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Sincerely expressing friendship with this former US Secretary of State is not only the sentiment and pattern of the Chinese people, but also an annotation for the future direction of the relationship between China and the United States.

What kind of choice is worth remembering in history and time?

China made three points through its meeting with Kissinger, which are worth the United States listening to carefully.

Chinese people attach great importance to friendship. We will not forget our old friends and your historic contributions to promoting the development of China US relations and enhancing friendship between the two peoples.

The first signal conveyed by China through Kissinger is to understand the "way of friendship" of the Chinese people.

I will never forget my old friends and permeate every detail of Kissinger's visit to China.

This time, the Chinese side specially arranged the meeting location at Building 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

52 years ago, Kissinger, who secretly visited China, first met Chinese leaders here. This is a major event in world history and also the most important moment in Kissinger's political career.

The hundred year old Kissinger expressed his gratitude for such an arrangement.

Such meticulousness and thoughtfulness continued throughout Kissinger's visit.

|On the afternoon of the 20th, the Chinese side prepared a luncheon for Kissinger. In the center of the banquet table was a Chinese scroll paved with flowers, symbolizing blessings and longevity like a mountain, and long-lasting friendship;

|A hundred longevity peaches, old longevity stars made with sugar and cranes, convey the most traditional blessings;

|| Beijing Roast Duck, West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce, and Liangshi Prawns are also dishes of Kissinger's visit to China with President Nixon in 1972, full of historical aftertaste.

In the past half century, Kissinger has visited China hundreds of times, and the term "old friend" has actually been used by us all along.

The reason why we can persist for half a century lies in the second "will not forget" mentioned by President Xi Jinping-you will not forget your historic contribution to promoting the development of Sino-US relations and enhancing the friendship between the people of China and the United States.

Over the past 50 years, when China US relations faced challenges and difficulties, Kissinger was always able to voice his relatively objective and rational voice.

Because of this, President Xi Jinping said an old saying to the 100-year-old Kissinger, "Great virtue must live long." This tells the way of Chinese friends. It is not small profit, but righteousness.

Just like the painting "Red and White Plum Blossoms" by Guan Shanyue, a representative figure of the Lingnan Painting School, behind the two of them, the "righteousness" that benefits the people of both countries is also embedded in it.

Plum blossom, proud of snow and frost, noble and resilient. A poem called "Bu Fu Ji: Ode to Plum Blossoms" uses "plum blossoms" to depict the sentiments of Chinese politicians serving the people.

The wind and rain send spring back, and the flying snow welcomes spring,

It's already a hundred zhang of ice on a cliff, still with beautiful flowers and branches.

Beauty does not compete for spring, only brings spring as a reward,

When the mountain flowers bloom, it smiles in the bushes.

The relationship between China and the United States has never experienced a moment of "hundred zhang ice", but the more it is in the midst of storms and difficulties, the more politicians should be like plum blossoms, blooming with frost, and anticipating spring.

People who can be called "old friends" of China must also consider the well-being of the people of both countries.

However, during this visit to China, Kissinger, who had already stepped down as Secretary of State of the United States, came to China in his personal and civilian capacity. There are still many "old friends" in China among the American people.

Last year, 97 year old Greenberg from the American business community invited former Chinese government officials and scholars to visit the United States. After the huge setback of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, China US relations were able to break the ice from the private sector first.

In the 1990s, when China faced difficulties in joining the World Trade Organization, Greenberg had been running around the US Congress and White House, urging the US government to complete negotiations with China on accession as soon as possible.

51 years ago, at the welcome banquet hosted by the Chinese side to then US President Nixon, the Chinese side delivered a toast: the American people are great people. The Chinese people are great people. Our two peoples have always been friendly.

Over the past half century, the relationship between China and the United States has experienced ups and downs. Now, there are also some American politicians who speak in person and act behind the scenes. After returning to China, they immediately change their face and continue to suppress China.

However, the civil exchanges between the two countries present different temperatures. Now, China and the United States have established 284 pairs of friendly provinces, states, and cities. The bilateral trade volume between China and the United States has been over 200 times higher than when diplomatic relations were established.

Especially since the beginning of this year, the resumption of civil exchanges between China and the United States has been particularly rapid, with dozens of American entrepreneurs including Apple CEO Cook and Tesla CEO Musk coming to China.

In addition, according to incomplete statistics by Tan Zhu, Chinese and American business and academic institutions and social organizations such as the National Committee on US China Trade, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China Center for International Economic Exchange, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, and the Institute of International Strategy at Peking University have held over 40 exchange activities on the US China issue in the first half of the year alone.

The frequent exchanges confirm what President Xi Jinping said when he received his first American friend Bill Gates this year that the foundation of Sino-US relations lies in the private sector.

The Chinese people and the American people are still doing their best, and those in their positions should not stall and run wildly on the wrong course, failing to meet the expectations of the people of both countries.

52 years ago, China and the United States were at a critical turning point. Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, President Nixon, and you personally made the right decision on Sino US cooperation with outstanding strategic vision, initiating the normalization process of Sino US relations, benefiting both countries and changing the world.

At the luncheon after the official meeting on the 20th, President Xi Jinping and Kissinger had a long in-depth chat.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Now, China US relations are once again at a crossroads in history. New decision-making moments require new creativity, and more importantly, the strategic vision of China US 52 years ago.

This is also the second signal that China wants to convey to the United States through Kissinger.

What is this "strategic vision"? When the Chinese side met with Kissinger the day before, they mentioned a sentence: "The United States' policy towards China requires Kissinger style diplomatic wisdom and Nixon style political courage.".

Both of these are things that the United States urgently needs today.

Why is Kissinger a person with a "strategic vision"?

Ten years ago, Wu Xinbo, an American expert who hosted Kissinger, explained to Tan Zhu:

Kissinger undoubtedly represents the interests of the United States, and his uniqueness lies in his ability to recognize that without a stable world order, the United States cannot achieve its national interests.

So his way of looking at the problem is to put the United States within the framework of the world, rather than putting the world within the framework of the United States.

After the end of the Cold War, Kissinger publicly published his book "Great Diplomacy", in which he made accurate judgments about the current situation of multipolar forces coexisting in the world, including China.

Looking at the United States within the framework of the world, he suggested that the United States adjust its thinking in a timely manner and cannot use the logic of Cold War hegemony to cope with the changing world. In the new landscape, it will also be difficult for the United States to impose its singular value on everyone.

However, Kissinger's views have not become the mainstream opinion of American decision-makers, nor have they truly led the United States to reflect on hegemony.

In recent years, the United States has wreaked havoc on global multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, abandoning them if they do not comply; For the sake of so-called control, we spare no effort in creating confrontation and provoking regional conflicts, all of which are making the problems facing the world more difficult, creating greater tragedy and harm.

In the long run, from the hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the difficulty of riding a tiger in the Ukraine crisis, to the decline of influence in the Middle East, will the benefits reaped by the United States in disrupting world order really outweigh the final cost it will pay?

Unfortunately, many politicians in the United States find it difficult to break free from their own framework and are tightly limited by competitive and confrontational thinking. In the same way, in order to shape a "strong position" towards China, one should restrain oneself and dare not face the reality of undermining China US exchanges.

This time, the meeting between Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu and Kissinger has made many American politicians feel particularly sour: Chinese Defense Minister would rather see an American civilian than the US Defense Secretary.

Looking at the statement of the spokesperson for the US State Department: While vigorously distancing himself from the relationship, he said that Kissinger's visit to China was a personal act and had nothing to do with the US government, he also said, "I believe Kissinger will introduce the situation to US officials as usual."

I want to gather information from the Chinese side, but I am afraid of losing the so-called "leverage" of pressure on China. I am unwilling to lift sanctions and resume normal exchanges with the Chinese side in a fair and upright manner. My contradictory behavior is really difficult to come to the forefront, let alone political courage.

The strategic vision and decisive ability of American politicians during Kissinger's era to adapt to the global trend are indeed worth reading carefully by today's American politicians.

Looking ahead to the future, China and the United States can achieve mutual success and common prosperity, and the key is to follow the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. On this basis, China is willing to explore with the United States the correct way for the two countries to coexist and promote steady progress in China US relations, which is beneficial for both sides and will also benefit the world.

This meeting between President Xi Jinping and Kissinger is not only to review history and relive friendship, but also to discuss the future of Sino-US relations.

Lord Tan combed in detail the texts of President Xi Jinping's meetings with President Biden and his previous meetings with Kissinger. A word with the highest frequency has a strong sense of "future.

This word refers to development.

Through the co-occurrence analysis of words, it is found that Xi Jinping and the United States talked about "development", not only the development of the two countries, but also the development of the relationship between the two countries, but also the interpretation of China's development path.

The third important signal to be conveyed to the United States is to approach issues with a developmental perspective.

As President Xi Jinping said, China and the United States should show a big picture, shoulder great responsibilities, persist in looking forward, move forward, and show strategic courage and political courage.

Compared to looking back at the past, Kissinger is also good at looking at the future.

In this conversation with the Chinese side, there was a topic that first appeared in his press release on communication with the Chinese side - artificial intelligence.

Not long ago, Tan Zhu received a latest book by Kissinger titled "The Age of Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity".

We have found that when faced with artificial intelligence, Kissinger, who possesses political thinking, first considers its impact on human history, and then also considers its impact on Sino US relations.

After realizing the rapid technological iteration of artificial intelligence, Kissinger became concerned about China US relations: human society is not yet ready to deal with the disruptive changes that artificial intelligence will bring to the world order. There is not much time left for China and the United States to find the right way to get along.

We have reviewed Kissinger's voice on China US relations in recent years and found that warnings and reminders go beyond promoting development and cooperation between China and the United States. To a large extent, it is because some politicians within the United States have a fixed and static perspective on both the country and the world, which is not developmental.

In the matter of artificial intelligence, the United States is not thinking about how to cooperate with China to better serve the development of human society with this technology, but about suppressing it.

After the start of the US China trade war and technology war, the US Artificial Intelligence National Security Council changed its tone and began discussing China at a 2019 AI conference.

At the meeting, American politicians held a Chinese publishing house's "Artificial Intelligence Experimental Textbook" and talked about the "China threat". The then US Defense Minister stated that China plans to become a leader in artificial intelligence by 2030. Regardless of which country first utilizes artificial intelligence, it will have a decisive advantage on the battlefield, and the United States must do so first.

Just less than a month before this meeting, the US Department of Commerce added 8 Chinese companies to the US trade blacklist, all of which are related to artificial intelligence.

Recently, The New York Times published a ten thousand word article defining the US blockade of China's high-tech sector as a "war" act.

In addition to sanctions in the fields of artificial intelligence and chips, the United States has also hyped up a new concept of "risk reduction" since the beginning of this year, aiming to accelerate decoupling and disconnection from China.

However, technological progress, national development, and even the connection of the world are not easily cut off by plants and trees, but by flowing rivers that cannot be blocked even more.

Recently, the three chip giants in the United States collectively cannot bear the cost of decoupling and chain breaking, like ants on the hot pot lobbying the US government to relax export restrictions on China. This is just one of the signs of self backlash caused by the United States moving against the trend of development.

In fact, what is the real situation under the public opinion offensive led by the US media to portray "risk reduction" and emphasize the harm theory of free trade?

The book "The Splitting and Reintegration of Globalization" cites a classification system that classifies developed Western countries, Israel, and Japan as wealthy countries, while other countries are classified as non wealthy countries.

Based on this classification, it was found that since the beginning of the 21st century, the proportion of exports between non wealthy countries has increased from 14% in 2001 to 29% in 2014; At the same time, the proportion of exports between rich countries has declined from 45% in 2001 to 29% in 2014.

So, the current world is no longer just a club of a few countries, nor is it the United States collaborating with a few allies to decouple and exclude a country from the world system. Whether and how the world should be connected is no longer solely based on the will of a particular country.

Continuing to use static thinking to deal with issues of rapid change and development is not only outdated, but also very dangerous.

Without a vision for development, the United States would not truly understand that the broad Earth can fully accommodate the development and common prosperity of China and the United States.

History is fair, and a politician's actions, whether right or wrong, must be recorded in history.

Although Kissinger has already stepped down, the Chinese side will still mention his identity as former US Secretary of State. At the age of 100, Kissinger is still doing his best for the difficult China US relationship, undoubtedly leaving a new mark for the future.

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