Those who do not follow the rules will have accidents. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee issued a document stating that those who do not set boundaries are dangerous enterprises | corruption | boundaries

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:47 AM

People who do not set boundaries are dangerous, and those who do not follow the rules will have accidents.

Prevent overlooking small things, falling behind in small details, and making mistakes in small gains, ultimately leading to small problems turning into big problems and small pipes collapsing into big collapses.

Once you can't pull down your face, dress up as a black face, or hold a nonchalant and unimportant attitude, you will be stuck in the chain of profit transmission, trapped in constantly boiling hot water, and it will be too late in the end.

Recently, Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, wrote in the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily about anti-corruption in state-owned enterprises. He pointed out that we must adhere to the principle of cracking down on "tigers" and "flies" together, investigating bribery and bribery together, and handling violations of discipline and law together. We must not tolerate small problems and let the violators go unchecked. We must resolutely cut off the chain of interests between "hunting" and being "hunting", and fundamentally eradicate the signs of corruption, the hidden dangers that lead to corruption, and the soil that breeds corruption.

The full text is as follows, let's take a look together.

Resolutely win the protracted battle against corruption in state-owned enterprises

hu changsheng, secretary of gansu provincial party committee

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the development of state-owned enterprises. General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building, and deployed a series of major measures for the development of state-owned enterprises in the new era. Development points out the way forward and provides fundamental follow. In the relevant important expositions, General Secretary Xi Jinping made systematic explanations and made clear requirements on major issues such as improving governance efficiency, strengthening asset supervision, changing corporate culture, and punishing corruption. This is the ideological guidance and guidance for comprehensive and strict management of enterprises. Action guide.

We must carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, systematically study and understand the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, fully implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and aim at the key and key points of governing the party, governing enterprises and enterprises. The key point is to persist in the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time, combine strict management with love, and promote corruption, we will resolutely do a good job in building a clean and honest government in state-owned enterprises and fighting against corruption, and ensure that state-owned enterprises in the province always develop healthily in the right direction.

"The leadership of the Party" is a guarantee, and it is necessary to deepen the Party's construction without slackening efforts

Without the leadership of the Party, the development of state-owned enterprises will go astray; Weakening the leadership of the Party will lead to corruption in state-owned enterprises.

The party committee of state-owned enterprises should regard adhering to the leadership of the party and strengthening party building as the "root" and "soul" of the enterprise, conscientiously fulfill the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and always rely on party building to create a good environment for the development of state-owned enterprises.

We must solidly solve difficult problems, closely combine the specific manifestations of the weakening, dilution, virtualization, and marginalization of party building in our enterprise, deeply analyze the reasons, effectively identify the crux, take a package of measures, promote the formation of a good situation led by the party committee, with branch responsibilities and joint promotion by party organizations at all levels, truly achieve the emphasis on party building, focus on party building, and strengthen party building, so as to further organize, institutionalize, and concretize the leadership role of the party.

We must vigorously promote two-way integration, focus on promoting the "two-way embedding and mutual integration" of party building and production and operation, incorporate the overall requirements of party building work into the company's articles of association, continuously extend the scope of party building work, enrich the content of party building work, and effectively solve the "two skin" problem of party building and business.

To accurately evaluate the political ecology, combined with practical research and development of evaluation methods and indicator systems, "one enterprise, one evaluation" is carried out for evaluation and judgment, accurately reflecting the implementation of main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities, achieving scientific, standardized, and precise evaluation and full cycle management of the political ecology, and guiding and supervising state-owned enterprises to continuously improve the political ecology.

Political excellence is fundamental, and we must adhere to absolute loyalty and unwavering commitment

The corruption cases of state-owned enterprises investigated and dealt with indicate that some leaders of state-owned enterprises have embarked on the path of illegal and criminal activities, ultimately due to their faith being shaken, lost, and confidence declining, abandoning their loyalty to the Party and disregarding its demands.

To promote the construction of clean governance in state-owned enterprises, we must do a good job in strengthening party spirit and forging loyalty, so that the leaders of state-owned enterprises always listen to and follow the party, and ensure that they can withstand various risks and challenges.

We must firmly establish our ideals and beliefs, organize and carry out faith education, loyalty education, and party spirit education in the field of state-owned enterprises, guide and help state-owned enterprise leaders to firmly control their ideals and beliefs, treat their power correctly, always maintain reverence, use power for the people, and enhance their immunity to corruption.

It is necessary to strengthen theoretical arms and build a line of defense, solidly carry out education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, guide and urge the leaders of state-owned enterprises to learn and understand the party's innovative theories, and continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. The firmness in theory guarantees the firmness in action, and the sobriety in the use of power with ideological sobriety.

We must strictly enforce discipline, rules, and constraints, strictly enforce the political life within the Party organizations of state-owned enterprises at all levels and types, and ensure that the leadership team and personnel effectively tighten the screws of compliance and discipline. We must resolutely implement the principle of democratic centralism, strictly implement the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and their implementation rules, and take the lead in clarifying the bottom line, knowing the red line, and not touching the line.

Leaders and cadres of state-owned enterprises should embody absolute loyalty to the Party in every word and action, and always be conscious practitioners of Party discipline and national laws, as well as loyal guardians of state-owned assets.

Those who do not follow the rules will have accidents. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee issued a document stating that those who do not set boundaries are dangerous enterprises | corruption | boundaries

"Strict self-discipline" is an internal factor, and it is necessary to ensure that the boundaries of behavior are not blurred

Power has boundaries, those who do not have boundaries are dangerous, and those who do not follow the rules are prone to accidents. Leading cadres set boundaries for themselves and strictly manage their power, which leads to the "bull nose" of integrity and self-discipline.

Clear boundaries should be drawn to prevent accidental window breakage. State owned enterprise leaders should focus on their job responsibilities, carefully study party rules and discipline, have a detailed understanding of laws and regulations, proficiently master procedural procedures, understand what can and cannot be done, adhere to clear rules and regulations, maintain a sense of propriety, and refrain from reaching out to superiors, interfering with subordinates, interfering with external powers, and exercising arbitrary control over collective power.

We need to reinforce the boundaries to prevent ant holes from breaking the embankment. The abuse of power and corruption of cadres go through a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. The "first time" is not only a "gap" but also a "gateway". It is necessary to enhance self-management ability, continuously strengthen the dam of thought, thicken the armor of prevention, firmly grasp the first line of defense, prevent negligence in small matters, failure in small details, and failure in small profits, ultimately leading to small problems turning into big problems and small management becoming major collapses.

We must strictly guard the boundaries to prevent frogs from boiling in warm water. To guard the border, one must learn to say "no", dare to say "no", isolate those with malicious intentions, reject those with impurities, and reject those who violate discipline and law. Once you can't pull down your face, dress up as a black face, or hold a nonchalant and unimportant attitude, you will be stuck in the chain of profit transmission, trapped in constantly boiling hot water, and it will be too late in the end.

Modern governance is the foundation, and it is necessary to improve institutional mechanisms without stopping

Those who are good at treating illnesses must be treated where they are affected; those who are good at saving harm must block the source of their harm. The reason why various corruption problems have emerged in the field of state-owned enterprises, from an internal perspective, is that there are still gaps in the corporate system and drawbacks in the operation of enterprises, which provide opportunities for corrupt behavior.

We must focus on promoting state-owned enterprises to accelerate the establishment and improvement of modern enterprise systems, integrate the concept and model of "modern governance" throughout the entire process of enterprise operation, and block the source, cut off the path, and eliminate the disease of corrupt behavior.

To clarify functions and make accountability more precise. In accordance with the functional positioning of the enterprise party committee to manage the overall situation and ensure implementation, the board of directors to make strategic decisions to prevent risks, and the management team to focus on implementing strong management, we will continue to improve the "Party Committee Pre inspection List", "Board of Directors Decision Items List", and "Management Management Management Authority List", establish a coordinated and effective corporate governance mechanism, ensure that all governance entities are not absent, overstepped, or misplaced, and prevent management chaos and operational obstacles.

We need to improve the system and make decision-making more transparent. Accelerate the construction of the board of directors of state-owned enterprises, especially improve the system for selecting and managing external directors, match and strengthen external directors, select and manage external directors well, implement the system of timely reporting of major issues and regular reporting of responsibilities by external directors, and enhance the transparency and standardization of decision-making.

We need to deepen reforms and make operations safer. Relying on the implementation of a new round of state-owned enterprise reform to deepen and enhance actions, increasing practical exploration efforts, forming a more scientific and specific set of enterprise management methods, accelerating the filling of anti-corruption shortcomings and loopholes that affect the healthy development of enterprises, and promoting state-owned enterprises to rely on modern governance systems and rules to eliminate anti-corruption risks.

"Disciplinary and legal punishment" is the backing, and we must vigorously crack down on corruption and investigate without being lenient

At present, the task of curbing the increase of corruption and eliminating the stock of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises is still arduous. It is necessary to maintain resilience and determination, adhere to the joint investigation of corruption, carry out the "State owned Enterprise Clean Governance Construction Project" in depth, strictly enforce discipline and law enforcement through thunderous means, and ensure that stubborn work styles and corrupt behaviors are nowhere to hide.

We must constantly rectify the "Four Winds", grasp the laws of state-owned enterprise work style problems, focus on the characteristics of state-owned enterprise work style problems, and make hedonism and extravagance the top priority of investigation and punishment. We will not tolerate any violations of discipline or law when they appear. We should start from the leadership team and cadres, refine various regulations, consciously resist negative tendencies, and eliminate hidden dangers and risks in the early stages of work style.

We must crack down heavily on corruption, rigorously investigate violations of discipline and law such as rent-seeking, related party transactions, profit transmission, and embezzlement of state-owned assets. We must also investigate corruption issues behind major investment decision-making errors, as well as corruption issues in project construction, mergers and acquisitions, property rights transfer, bidding, and the transfer of "three supplies and one industry". We must deepen the rectification of systemic corruption in the industry, effectively punish new types of corruption and implicit corruption, and make those who want to engage in corruption stop thinking and those who engage in corruption pay the price.

We must systematically crack down on the soil, adhere to the principle of cracking down on "tigers" and "flies" together, investigating bribery and bribery together, and handling violations, discipline, and law together. We must never tolerate small problems and let violators go unchecked. We must resolutely cut off the chain of interests between "hunting" and being "hunting", and fundamentally eradicate the signs of corruption, the hidden dangers that lead to corruption, and the soil that breeds corruption. The disciplinary inspection and supervision institutions of state-owned enterprises should fully play their functional roles, vigorously promote the spirit of struggle, dare to eliminate corrupt behavior, deepen the use of cases to promote reform and governance, effectively eliminate the risk of integrity, and keep the leaders of state-owned enterprises away from corrupt practices and corruption, always maintaining integrity and high aspirations.

The "supervision system" is the support and must strengthen supervision and restraint to prevent failure

Improving the supervision system and strengthening supervision and management are important means of preventing and governing corruption. Efforts should be made to improve the Party and state supervision system, promote the integration of various supervision forces, break through the bottlenecks in the coordination of various supervision, and deeply integrate supervision into corporate governance.

We should closely monitor key individuals and constrain the use of power. Focusing on controlling the human rights, decision-making power, and management power held by the "top leaders", we will adhere to the principles of open disclosure, reasonable decentralization, and effective limitation of power. We will explore the development of a list of primary and secondary party and government powers in state-owned enterprises, accelerate the construction of a power operation pattern of "collective leadership, overall coordination of primary and secondary positions, and separate management of secondary positions." We will ensure that major issues are studied and decided by the leadership team, and implement the "top leaders" as the last in line to prevent excessive concentration of power and abuse for personal reasons.

We must closely monitor the "key areas" and achieve effective control. Targeting key links such as financing and investment, fund allocation, asset disposal, project decision-making, and personnel selection, we will establish targeted mechanisms and measures for supervision and restraint to ensure that power operates on the correct track. For state-owned enterprises with wide geographical distribution, multiple company levels, and long industrial chains, we should use research based, on-site, and embedded supervision methods to strengthen the extended supervision of grassroots units, overseas units, and branch offices, effectively solving the problem of weak supervision effectiveness.

We should closely monitor the critical moments and ensure follow-up and supervision. At holidays and other time points where there is a high level of human interaction and frequent issues with the "Four Winds", we will vigorously crack down on illegal gifts and gifts, as well as illegal receptions and banquets. We will not be soft on those who violate rules and regulations, and will thoroughly investigate them. We will promote the construction of party conduct and clean governance in state-owned enterprises and the fight against corruption to achieve greater results, and continuously create a new situation for the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises and the modernization construction of Gansu.

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