This year, the military academy has enrolled 17000 students! Authoritative Policy Interpretation Comes with Volunteer | Candidate | Authority

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:48 PM

Interpretation of the Enrollment Policy for Military Colleges and Universities in 2023

——The relevant person in charge of the Military Education Bureau of the Training and Management Department of the Central Military Commission answered questions from reporters

A person only has one youth in their life. Youth shines through tempering, and life is sublimated through struggle. As a cradle for cultivating builders and successors of the cause of building a strong and prosperous military, military academies welcome young people with aspirations to join the tide of national defense and military modernization construction, and strive to achieve the centenary goal of building the military as scheduled and accelerate the efforts to build the People's Army into a world-class military.

How to apply for military academies? What should be noted? The relevant person in charge of the enrollment department of military academies shall interpret the relevant policies.

An increase in recruitment directions and a more diverse range of professional fields to adapt to the development of future wars

An increase in professional categories, with the addition of integrated instruction and technology on the basis of command and technology

The enrollment has increased by more than 2000 compared to last year, with a total of 17000 students

Ordinary high school graduates apply for military academies

Person in charge: In 2023, military academies will recruit ordinary high school graduates, with three main changes: firstly, the recruitment direction will increase, and the professional fields that will adapt to the development of future wars will become more diverse; Secondly, the number of professional categories has increased, with the addition of integrated instruction and technology categories on the basis of command and technology categories; The third is the increase in enrollment, which is more than 2000 students compared to last year, with a total of 17000 students. There are a total of 27 enrollment colleges, including 1 directly under the Military Commission, 10 in the Army, 5 in the Navy, 4 in the Air Force, 1 in the Rocket Force, 2 in the Strategic Support Force, and 4 in the Armed Police Force. The enrollment plan has been released to the relevant units recently. Candidates and parents can inquire through official channels such as the WeChat official account of "Military Academy Enrollment".

Person in charge: High school students who apply for military academies should be unmarried. As of August 31 this year, they should be no less than 17 years old and no more than 20 years old. They should have passed the physical fitness test in high school and participate in this year's national unified entrance examination for ordinary higher education. Their college entrance examination scores should reach the first tier admission line in their province. The merged provinces must meet the special type admission control line. Graduates from regular high schools or previous years are eligible to apply.

Person in charge: There are mainly 5 steps: ① Political assessment, where candidates participate in the political assessment according to the requirements of the People's Armed Forces Department of the place of application; ② Fill in the application form according to the requirements of the provincial college entrance examination enrollment work; ③ Set up military inspection lines, and the Provincial Military Region Enrollment Office shall, in conjunction with the Provincial Recruitment Committee Office, set up military inspection lines based on three times the enrollment plan and make them public to the public; ④ Interview physical examination: Candidates who have filled out their preferences for military academies and meet the military inspection line shall participate in the interview and physical examination in accordance with the requirements of the provincial military district enrollment office where they are located; ⑤ Applicants who have passed political assessments, interviews, and physical examinations, and whose scores meet the admission score line for voluntary colleges, will be admitted by the provincial recruitment committee office in advance according to their scores in descending order. After passing the college review, they will be admitted. Those who have not been registered or admitted can participate in subsequent regular batch registration.

Person in charge: The political assessment is commonly referred to as "political review", which mainly assesses the political and ideological performance of the examinee, as well as the political background and crimes of family members, brothers and sisters who do not live together. The basic procedure method is: after the college entrance examination, candidates fill out a political assessment form, which is submitted by the school to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces through the education department of their county, city, or district. The Ministry of People's Armed Forces, in conjunction with the public security organs, organizes political assessments, draws conclusions, and reports them level by level. For specific content and requirements, candidates can promptly follow the information released by relevant local departments.

Person in charge: In March of this year, relevant departments of the Military Commission issued the "Physical Examination Standards for Military Officer Selection and Civilian Personnel", and military academies recruiting ordinary high school graduates shall follow this standard. Among them, the general standards for vision, height, and weight are: ① Vision, with any naked eye vision not less than 4.5; ② Height, male above 162cm, female above 158cm; ③ Weight, with a male body mass index between 17.5 and 30 and a female body mass index between 17 and 24. Detailed standards can be queried through the WeChat official account of "Military Academy Enrollment".

Responsible person: Except for professions related to ships, submarines, diving, machine landing, parachute landing, special operations, communication and navigation, electronic countermeasures, surveying and mapping, armor, chemical defense, medical and health, oil and other positions, which have special requirements for height, vision, color vision, smell, and bones, all other professions comply with the general medical examination standards.

Responsible person: According to the 2023 enrollment regulations for ordinary higher education institutions, military academies are required to review the electronic files of candidates posted by the provincial recruitment committee office, with a focus on reviewing whether the basic information, political assessment, interview, physical examination, and other information of candidates meet the relevant requirements of the applying institution and major.

Person in charge: In order to meet the new requirements of national defense and military construction for cultivating high-quality and specialized new military talents, starting from this year, we will deepen and expand the integration of command and technology enrollment and integrated training in military colleges and universities such as National University of Defense Technology. Refers to technical integration majors, which do not distinguish between command and technology during enrollment. After entering the school, they undergo integrated training, and after graduation, command and technology are allocated separately. For command and technical majors, they are classified throughout the entire process from enrollment to graduation.

Person in charge: In accordance with the needs of the restructuring and reform of the military academy system, the enrollment of language majors this year has been adjusted from the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University to the National Defense Science and Technology University, only admitting humanities candidates, with a slight increase in enrollment compared to last year.

Person in charge: In order to let the majority of examinees and parents fully and accurately understand the enrollment information of the military academy, the enrollment business department of the military commission organ relies on the "military academy enrollment" WeChat official account to release the authoritative information about the enrollment of the military academy at the first time, suggesting that the majority of examinees and parents pay attention. At the same time, candidates can also follow the official website or WeChat official account of the provincial recruitment commission offices, military recruitment colleges, and provincial military region recruitment office. The enrollment of military academies strictly follows the "Sunshine Enrollment" policy of the Ministry of Education, without any unplanned or internal quotas. Candidates and parents must not trust anyone who promises to ensure admission.

Active duty soldiers apply for military academies

Person in charge: According to the demand for talent supplementation in the military and the training task planning of military academies, this year's recruitment of soldiers will focus more on preparing for war, with the recruitment direction mainly focused on science and engineering majors. A total of 27 colleges and universities in the army have recruited growing officer trainees, with a decrease in the number of recruits compared to last year; 32 colleges and universities are recruiting vocational and technical education students for sergeants, and the number of recruits is basically the same as last year.

Person in charge: After the unified military cultural subject examination is completed, each examination point will transport the answer sheet to the designated unit for military test paper evaluation according to the requirements. Drawing inspiration from the national college entrance examination paper evaluation method, the designated unit for paper evaluation selects teachers from military and civilian colleges, and organizes paper evaluation according to the methods and steps of scanning the answer sheet into zones, back-to-back online evaluation by multiple people, score difference exceeding threshold review, and dynamic quality spot check. Online operation and video monitoring are implemented throughout the evaluation process to ensure fairness, scientificity, objectivity, and accuracy.

Person in charge: The exam results are expected to be released before the end of June, when candidates can log in to the "Military Academy Enrollment Information Platform" on Qiangjun. com with their ID number number and candidate number. If there are doubts about the results being queried, candidates can submit a review application to the enrollment department of their division level unit on the day the results are released. After summarizing them level by level, the enrollment department of the military academy will organize the review. The score review mainly checks whether the candidate's information is consistent with the relevant information on the answer sheet, whether the scanned images are clear and complete, whether there are any omissions in the answer sheet, and whether there are errors in the synthesis of score statistics. The review of grades does not involve grading standards, and the answer sheet is not available to the candidate or their employer. The review score is the final score.

Person in charge: In early July, a combination of personal selection and organizational arrangements was adopted, relying on the "Military Academy Enrollment Information Platform" of the Strong Military Network to organize soldier candidates to fill out their preferences. Applicants for the Growth Officer Academy can apply for three majors, in addition to the military cultural work major and the vocational and technical education program for enlisted soldiers; Applicants for sergeant vocational and technical education can fill out one application, in addition to the transfer application, and try to apply for the same or similar major or position as much as possible. In order to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of their choices, candidates should fully understand the requirements for filling out their choices and be familiar with the methods for filling out their choices on the Qiangjun Network Enrollment Information Platform.

Person in charge: Soldiers are responsible for applying for admission to various departments and units, and 100% of the enrollment plan is submitted to the colleges and universities. Among them, candidates who apply for military cultural work majors outside of military officer academies will be ranked in descending order based on their scores in cultural subjects, military common subjects, and policy bonus points, and will be eligible for parallel voluntary admission. If the total score of the candidates is the same, first compare the scores of the military common subject exam and the cultural subject exam in sequence, and then compare the scores of Chinese, mathematics, comprehensive military and political knowledge, comprehensive scientific knowledge, and English in sequence. For those who are unable to submit according to their preferences but comply with adjustments, adjustments can be made; Those who do not comply with the adjustment will not be eligible for admission. For candidates applying for military vocational and technical education, various departments and units shall formulate admission rules.

Person in charge: The Military Cultural Work major is subject to early admission and admission. Candidates should pass the re examination of the Military Culture College of the National Defense University, and the total score of the cultural subject exam, military common subject exam, and policy bonus score should reach the admission control line of the college. Admission should be arranged in order of professional exam scores. Applicants for majors with special physical requirements, such as special operations, submarines, diving, airborne, and chemical defense, will be selected by various departments and units based on their actual conditions.

Person in charge: For candidates who apply for the Growth Officer Academy, if they receive third class military merit, second class merit, or third level commendation or above, or have served in the military stationed in difficult and remote areas for a certain period of time, or have been commended in major operational tasks, they can enjoy policy bonus points. In addition, candidates whose parents have sacrificed themselves for martyrs, died in public service, or received second-class merit or above in wartime, or have been promoted as a major model, or have accumulated a certain number of years of service in military units or special positions stationed in difficult and remote areas, can also enjoy policy bonus points.

Person in charge: The review of the files of soldier candidates is carried out by the enrollment department in conjunction with the file management department. The review content includes candidate materials such as the soldier examination approval report, military service materials such as the enlistment approval letter for enlisted citizens, and other materials such as graduation certificates. Archive review mainly checks whether the candidate's qualifications meet the requirements, whether the candidate's files are complete and complete, whether the candidate's information is consistent, and whether the archive materials are true and effective.

Person in charge: "Officer to Sergeant" refers to the selection of soldiers who have not been admitted to the growth officer academy, based on enrollment plan indicators and personal preferences, to switch to the same or similar majors in sergeant vocational and technical education. The purpose is to retain outstanding talents as much as possible and improve the overall quality of the sergeant team. The annual enrollment plan for "officer to sergeant" is included in the unified and clear enrollment plan for military vocational and technical education.

Person in charge: In order to implement the requirements of "sunshine enrollment", safeguard the vital interests of the majority of candidates, and maintain a pure atmosphere in the education field, we have established a supervision and restraint mechanism for the operation of relevant powers, and supervise all aspects of enrollment work. The whole army has set up a supervision and reporting telephone 0201827155, which has been announced to the whole army through the PLA Daily, "Military Academy Enrollment" WeChat official account and other channels in the early stage to accept the reports from the vast number of examinees. Each unit has also set up corresponding supervision and reporting hotlines.

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