These 24 cadres in Hunan have been named and reported! Regulations | Central | Cadres

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:08 PM

Zhuzhou reported 5 incidents

Party members and cadres drive under the influence of alcohol, play cards and gamble

Typical cases of violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations

In order to continue promoting the "Two Leading and Five Rectifications" special action for rectifying and preventing corruption, and to release a strong signal of comprehensive and strict work style construction, the Zhuzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has publicly announced five typical cases of party members and cadres driving under the influence of alcohol, playing cards and gambling, and violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations. Specifically, as follows:

1、 Peng Zhi, a former second level researcher in Yanling County, illegally received red envelopes and gifts. From 2006 to 2022, Peng Zhi, while serving as the Director of Yanling County Transportation Bureau, Deputy County Magistrate, Standing Committee Member of Yanling County Committee, and Minister of United Front Work Department, illegally received red envelopes and gifts totaling RMB 133000 from subordinates or management service recipients; Among them, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it received 95000 yuan. Peng Zhi also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In July 2023, Peng Zhi was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

2、 Yuan Bin, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Zhuzhou State owned Investment Group, illegally accepted tourism activities arranged by private entrepreneurs. During his tenure as the Deputy General Manager of Zhuzhou City Development Group, Yuan Bin accepted tourism activities arranged by private entrepreneurs and traveled to Guangdong and other places with his relatives. The relevant transportation, accommodation, and admission fees for scenic spots were all paid by the private entrepreneurs. Yuan Bin also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In September 2022, Yuan Bin was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

3、 Cheng Xiaobing, former member of the Party group and deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Television and Sports, accepted a banquet issue that may affect the fair execution of official duties. Since 2020, Cheng Xiaobing has received multiple banquets from subordinate units or management service recipients, and has led members of subordinate departments to participate multiple times, causing adverse effects. In May 2022, Cheng Xiaobing was dismissed from his position as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Television and Sports; In September 2022, Cheng Xiaobing was given a warning within the party.

4、 The issue of Wei Yanjin, former general manager of Zhuzhou State owned Investment Group, drunk driving. On August 7, 2022, Wei Yanjin was arrested by the public security organs for driving a motor vehicle while drunk. The public security organs impose administrative penalties on him by revoking his motor vehicle driver's license; The procuratorial organs have made a decision not to prosecute him. In April 2023, Wei Yanjin was given a serious warning within the party and was dismissed from government office.

5、 Four people, including Liu Yu, Executive Vice President of the Party School of Liling Municipal Committee, participated in the gambling issue. On the evening of June 19, 2023, Liu Yu, Zhang Lihong, the director of the Finance Office of Dongfu Town Government, Li Yanhong, the demolition specialist of Dongfu Town Government, and Yang Xiang, the general branch secretary of Chutongqiao Village in Dongfu Town, engaged in gambling by playing mahjong in a private room of a tea house in Liling City, and were caught by the public security organs on the spot. On June 20, 2023, the public security organs imposed corresponding administrative penalties on Liu Yu, Zhang Lihong, Li Yanhong, and Yang Xiang. In June 2023, Liu Yu, Zhang Lihong, Li Yanhong, and Yang Xiang were all given serious warnings within the party.

Xiangtan reported 4 incidents

Leaders and cadres use their power or influence to profit their relatives and friends

Typical cases

In order to further enforce disciplinary rules, effectively play the warning and deterrent effects of typical cases, and promote the continuous deepening and implementation of the special rectification of leading cadres using their power or influence to profit their relatives and friends, the four typical cases investigated and dealt with in recent years are hereby reported as follows.

1、 Tang Zhengyao, former member of the Standing Committee of the Xiangtan County Committee and former director of the County Committee Office, used his power or influence to undertake engineering projects for his relatives. From 2016 to 2019, during his tenure as a member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Xiangtan Tianyi Demonstration Zone, Tang Zhengyao entrusted his cousin Tang to undertake the greening project of a certain plot of the Green Heart Restoration Project, which was under the responsibility of his department. The contract price was over 590000 yuan. By greeting Cheng Kai, the Minister of Planning and Construction of the Xiangtan Tianyi Demonstration Zone at the time, Tang, his cousin, was entrusted to Hunan Construction Co., Ltd. to undertake a sidewalk renovation project, with a contract price of over 340000 yuan. Tang Zhengyao also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In September 2022, Tang Zhengyao was expelled from the Party and public office, and was transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution on suspicion of criminal issues.

2、 Chen Ming, former political commissar of the Police Officer Training Center of Xiangtan Public Security Bureau, used his power or influence to help relatives undertake engineering projects. In 2017, during his tenure as the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Xiangtan Public Security Bureau, Chen Ming used his authority to greet his son Chen for undertaking an engineering project. Among them, greeting the owner of the engineering project, Guo, and helping to undertake a weak current engineering project in a residential area in Xiangtan County, with a total project cost of over 1.4 million yuan; Greeting a branch under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, helping to undertake a network monitoring project and advertising business for the branch, with a total settlement amount of over 770000 yuan. Chen Ming also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In January 2020, Chen Ming was expelled from the Party and dismissed from public office. In July 2020, Chen Ming was sentenced to 19 years in prison and fined 500000 yuan.

3、 Pang Wuliang, former deputy director of the Industrial and Information Bureau of Yuhu District, engaged in profit-making activities in violation of his authority. From 2016 to 2017, Pang Wuliang served as the commander of the command center for the Xiangtan Manganese Mine Geological Environment Restoration and Governance Demonstration Project. He invested in the construction of a propaganda and cultural corridor, propaganda columns, and signage project for a certain section of the third phase of the demonstration project, and received a total of more than 930000 yuan in project funds. Pang Wuliang also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In January 2023, Pang Wuliang was expelled from the Party and public office, and was transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution on suspicion of criminal issues.

4、 Former Party Secretary and Chairman of Xiangtan Tianyi Development Group Co., Ltd., Mo Ming, used his power or influence to seek personal gain for his spouse, relatives, and friends. In 2017, during his tenure as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Xiangtan County Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Mo Ming allowed his wife Yang to serve as the legal advisor to a village bank in Xiangtan, his business contact unit. From 2017 to 2021, he received a total of 68000 yuan in legal advisory fees. Arrange the county construction investment staff to mobilize funds, transfer more than 80 million yuan to the county construction investment's Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank business department account, and transfer more than 60 million yuan to the Tianyi Rural Commercial Bank Yishuhe branch account, helping his brother Mo and classmate Xie complete the deposit collection business and receive a bonus of more than 100000 yuan. Mo Ming also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In August 2022, Mo Ming was expelled from the Party and public office, and was transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution on suspicion of criminal issues.

Yueyang reported 5 cases of leading cadres abusing their powers

Typical cases of making profits for family and friends through influence

In order to further promote the special rectification of leading cadres using their power or influence to make profits for their relatives and friends, further strengthen warning education, promote clean governance and standardized use of power by leading cadres, the Yueyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision recently reported 5 typical cases investigated and dealt with in recent years.

1、 Chen Kexiang, former Party Secretary and Director of the Yueyang City Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, utilized his position to make profits for his family and friends, and lent money to management service recipients for profit. From 2017 to 2022, during his tenure as the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Chen Kexiang utilized his position to provide assistance to a specific stakeholder, Chen, in undertaking testing projects contracted by the bureau. From 2015 to 2020, Chen Kexiang arranged for his wife to illegally lend money and collect interest totaling 1.44 million yuan in the management service target enterprise. From 2021 to 2022, Chen Kexiang arranged for four relatives to receive a total of 210000 yuan in air pay from the management service target enterprise. Chen Kexiang also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In December 2022, Chen Kexiang was expelled from the Party and public office, and his illegal gains were confiscated; In June 2023, Chen Kexiang was sentenced to three years and six months in prison and fined 400000 yuan for bribery.

2、 Li Feng, former member of the Standing Committee of the Linxiang Municipal Party Committee and former Executive Vice Mayor of the Municipal Government, took advantage of his position to profit for his family and friends, and engaged in illegal business activities. During his tenure as Deputy County Magistrate of Xiangyin County and Executive Deputy Mayor of Linxiang City from 2011 to 2022, Li Feng utilized his position to provide assistance to his classmates and friends in engineering project contracting, settlement, fund allocation, and accepting huge bribes. From 2011 to 2021, Li Feng illegally invested in tobacco, alcohol, Fermented bean curd and other businesses, used his power or influence to help promote, and earned 453000 yuan. Li Feng also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In May 2023, Li Feng was expelled from the Party and public office, and his illegal gains were confiscated. He was suspected of committing a crime and was transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law.

3、 The issue of Yu Zhihui, former vice chairman and party member of Pingjiang County Science and Technology Association, illegally seeking benefits for his children's business activities by taking advantage of his position. From 2018 to 2021, during his work at the Supervision Office of the Rural Living Environment Improvement Command in Pingjiang County, Yu Zhihui took advantage of his position to greet relevant townships and requested that his son, Yu, take care of the business of the printing and printing shop he operates. Considering that Yu Zhihui's work in the supervision office can provide environmental inspection time, personnel and other information for townships, all 24 townships in the county have produced living environment brochures, public signs and other materials at the printing shop according to his requirements, totaling more than 1.74 million yuan. Yu Zhihui also has other disciplinary issues. In March 2023, Yu Zhihui was given a serious warning within the party and his disciplinary gains were confiscated.

4、 Yang Jian, former Secretary of the Party General Branch and President of the Third People's Hospital of Xiangyin County, used his position to make profits for his family and friends. From 2015 to 2022, Yang Jian served as the Vice President and Dean of the Third People's Hospital of Xiangyin County. He used his position to provide assistance to enterprises and others in the purchase and sale of drugs and medical devices, promotion, and payment settlement, and accepted bribes of over 410000 yuan. Yang Jian also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In April 2023, Yang Jian was expelled from the Party and public office, and his illegal gains were confiscated. He was suspected of committing a crime and was transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law.

5、 Zhou Zheng, former deputy director of the Miluo Municipal Party Committee Office, took advantage of his position to make profits for his family and friends, engaged in illegal business activities, and lent money to management service recipients for profit. From 2012 to 2022, Zhou Zheng served as the General Manager and Chairman of Miluo Anju Engineering Construction Investment and Development Co., Ltd., as well as the Chairman of Miluo Culture and Tourism Group. During his tenure, he used his power to provide assistance to his friends in undertaking engineering projects and received huge bribes. From 2012 to 2017, Zhou Zheng illegally invested in and operated businesses such as travel agencies and tobacco and alcohol, earning a profit of 1 million yuan. From 2018 to 2022, Zhou Zheng arranged for his wife to illegally lend money to the management service target enterprise and charge interest at a rate of 12% per year. Zhou Zheng also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In September 2022, Zhou Zheng was expelled from the Party and public office, and his illegal gains were confiscated; In February 2023, Zhou Zheng was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison and fined 800000 yuan for the crimes of bribery, corruption, and abuse of power.

Notification from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Changde City

4 cases of Party members and cadres illegally eating and drinking

Typical problems

At present, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has deployed a special action of "two leading and five rectifying" throughout the province. In order to further strengthen discipline and seriously rectify the problem of illegal eating and drinking, the four typical problems of illegal eating and drinking that have been recently investigated and dealt with are reported as follows:

1、 Cheng Jian, former director of the Cultural Relics Bureau of Changde City, and Pei Jinfeng, deputy director, have violated official reception regulations.

From 2010 to 2017, the original Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics had no official letter reception for many times, and used cigarettes and Baijiu in violation of regulations in official reception, presented local specialties to relevant personnel, and obtained funds to deal with the above expenses by way of false listing of labor costs for archaeological excavation. Cheng Jian and Pei Jinfeng bear the main leadership and direct responsibility for this. In June 2023, both Cheng Jian and Pei Jinfeng were given disciplinary warnings within the party.

2、 Fu Yingchun and Liu Yijun, Vice Dean of the Central Hospital of Taohuayuan Tourism Management Zone, have violated regulations on public funds for eating and drinking.

From January 2018 to January 2020, Fu Yingchun and Liu Yijun violated the regulations on official reception management, repeatedly receiving without official letters, using alcohol in official meals, and reimbursing the food and drink expenses that should be borne by individuals through false reporting of meeting meals and false reporting of reception matters. In May 2023, Fu Yingchun was given a serious warning within the party, Liu Yijun was given a warning within the party, and the funds for violating discipline were recovered.

3、 Yuan Aihua, former member of the Jinluo Town Party Committee, deputy town mayor, and head of the town's water management station in Lixian County, falsely reported and embezzled national financial funds to handle illegal reception expenses.

In December 2019, Yuan Aihua instructed others to use the declared dam dredging project to fraudulently obtain 50000 yuan in project construction funds through forged documents, in order to solve the illegal official reception expenses of the town water management station. In May 2023, Yuan Aihua was given a warning and disciplinary action within the party, and the funds for violating discipline were confiscated.

4、 Zhang Shunbao, former secretary of the Party General Branch of Taichangshan Village, Junshanpu Town, Hanshou County, and Wang Yunhua, village secretary, dealt with illegal reception expenses outside of their accounts.

In 2021, Zhang Shunbao arranged for Wang Yunhua to create a false project contract to withdraw project funds, of which 16721 yuan was used for handling non compliant reception expenses outside of the account. In addition, Zhang Shunbao also has other disciplinary and illegal issues. In May 2023, Zhang Shunbao was given a one-year probation and dismissed from his post, while Wang Yunhua was given a serious warning within the party and his disciplinary funds were confiscated.

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