There is a lot of information!, This research report on grassroots anti-corruption

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 07:06 AM

Resolutely punish the "fly greed" around the masses!

Recently, the research team of the Beidaihe Campus of China Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision released a research report on the rectification of corruption that harms the interests of the people by some county-level discipline inspection and supervision commissions.

The report points out that it is necessary to firmly support the township discipline inspection commission to strictly supervise and enforce discipline and accountability with a clear and resolute attitude. For behaviors that infringe on the interests of the masses, such as inaction, slow action, and disorderly behavior, as well as falsification and digital poverty alleviation, strict "one case double investigation" and responsibility inversion should be carried out to force the implementation of responsibilities.

The report states that punishing the problem of "fly greed" around the masses requires both a heavy blow and a sharp start, as well as long-term efforts and sustained efforts.

There is a lot of information, let's take a look together.

Resolutely punish the "fly greed" around the masses

——Research report on the rectification of corruption that harms the interests of the masses by some county-level disciplinary and supervisory commissions

Research Group of Beidaihe Campus of China Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes the resolute punishment of "fly greed" around the masses. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out the need to "resolutely crack down on various corrupt issues that harm the interests of the people", "resolutely punish the" fly greed "around the people, and focus on eliminating negative corruption at the grassroots level". In order to gain a deeper understanding of the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the relevant situation of the second plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on the punishment of "fly greed", the Beidaihe Campus of the China Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision took the opportunity to hold training courses related to county-level discipline inspection and supervision organs. Through organizing seminars, individual interviews, and analyzing and researching specialized materials submitted by trainees, the study conducted a survey on the work of grassroots discipline inspection and supervision organs in punishing "fly greed" around the masses.


Exploration and Practice of Punishing "Fly Greed" in Some County level Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commissions

According to research, since the beginning of this year, the county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission has been able to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, adhere to the people-centered approach, focus on the urgent and difficult problems that the people are looking forward to, focus on industries that directly affect people's well-being, focus on people and things that seriously harm the vital interests of the people, deepen the rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption around the people, and promote the true benefits of development achievements to the general public by punishing "fly greed".

Clarify the list of powers and clarify the boundaries of power. Some county-level discipline inspection and supervision commissions have clarified the boundaries of power, refined the operation process, and ensured the open operation of power by clarifying grassroots small and micro power matters one by one.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Da'an District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, has established a "three list" of power matters, operational processes, and service standards around issues such as welfare policy funds, financial management, non productive expenses, village level engineering project construction, and "three assets" management. It has implemented the "six step work method" of proposal, review, discussion and determination, disclosure, inquiry response, and filing. Through various channels such as meeting disclosure, household registration disclosure, and media disclosure, it has attached a "manual" for cadres to exercise their power to manage affairs, materials, and money, providing a "clear card" for the masses to handle affairs.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jun County, Henan Province, have clarified the list of village level powers, drawn a flowchart of power operation, and made public to the public through the establishment of mobile WeChat groups, the use of public bulletin boards, and the issuance of "clear papers", focusing on 27 matters that are closely related to the vital interests of the people, such as decision-making on major village level issues, approval of homesteads, renovation of dilapidated rural houses, and application for subsistence allowances and five guarantees.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lianghe County, Yunnan Province have tailored a list of "four discussions and two public" decision-making matters, a list of responsibilities to be fulfilled, and a negative list for village cadres. This not only standardizes the operation of small and micro power, but also provides a powerful grip for comprehensive supervision of the performance and use of power by village cadres.

Establish a long-term mechanism and tighten the institutional fence. The system is fundamental and long-term. According to research, the county-level discipline inspection commission and supervisory commission attach great importance to institutional construction, and can timely identify the root causes, block loopholes, improve mechanisms, and effectively prevent and control risks of integrity for common problems that repeatedly occur during supervision and inspection.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lan County, Shanxi Province, urge all administrative villages to formulate the "Special Rectification Work Plan for Collective" Three Funds ", implement a responsibility operation mechanism that integrates comprehensive supervision, approval supervision, information disclosure and other functions of" Three Funds ", and achieve fund entry management, asset ledger management, and transparent resource circulation.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yumen City, Gansu Province have formulated and improved more than 40 institutional mechanisms, including "Several Measures for the Supervision of" Top Leaders "and Leadership Teams" and "Measures for the Supervision of Village Party Organization Secretaries and Village Committee Directors", which have initially achieved the effect of "strengthening internal control, plugging loopholes, and preventing risks".

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Weixian County, Hebei Province, urge member units such as the County Agriculture Bureau to establish a normalized supervision mechanism for the "three assets" work, formulate and improve more than 20 supervision systems, including village financial budget and final accounts system, monetary fund management system, bill management system, bond and debt management system.

Strengthen system linkage and integrate supervisory forces. According to research, the county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission attaches great importance to the integration of supervisory power, adopts a "room group land" linkage internally, integrates personnel strength, actively communicates and coordinates with public security, procuratorial and legal departments, auditing and other departments externally, and strengthens information sharing.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wangjiang County, Anhui Province, adheres to the principle of "office group and land" linkage, and divides the discipline inspection commissions of each township into three collaborative areas according to the principle of "regional integration and convenient work". They correspond one-to-one with the township discipline inspection and supervision studios, forming a "one game" work pattern throughout the county.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Longmen County, Guangdong Province actively explore the formation of a linkage supervision pattern of "County Discipline Inspection Commission team+Supervision Office+Township Discipline Inspection Commission+Village Supervision Station+Village Affairs Supervision Committee+Grassroots Masses", create a three-level linkage and cooperation mechanism at the county, town, and village levels, leverage the natural advantages of village supervision stations in "close supervision", focus on prominent issues such as rural revitalization and people's livelihood, and carry out special supervision and inspection.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shihe District, Xinyang City, Henan Province has established a joint supervision and inspection mechanism, and has selected elite units such as the District Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, and Finance Bureau to participate in special supervision, fully leveraging professional advantages and consolidating joint efforts through departmental linkage.

Focus on key projects and explore upgrading supervision. The county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission is closely monitoring the "key list" and dynamically updating it, adopting a hierarchical supervision approach to continuously increase supervision and bridge the "last mile" of supervision.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection of Shanting District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, took the official account as the carrier to issue a notice of promotion supervision, and published five ways of reporting, urging the pilot villages of promotion supervision to post the "three capital" clean-up, financial revenue and expenditure and other information on the bulletin board in a timely manner, so as to ensure the right of the masses to know, participate and supervise.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, has deepened the use of village level supervision and identified 20 villages with large collective economic volume, high capital density, and multiple engineering projects as the villages for level supervision in 2023. Members of the County Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission will focus on 15 key supervision contents, implement them in a segmented and leading manner, and ensure that the county-level supervision force extends to the grassroots level.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Haishu District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province are exploring the promotion and supervision of village party organization leaders with relatively large "three capital" scale. By listening to reports, conducting interviews and reminders, supervising discipline, and supervising problem rectification, the supervision level is reduced and the supervision intensity is increased.

Build a data platform and enable intelligent supervision. The county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission actively builds a smart supervision platform through exploration, and builds fingertip supervision to enhance the quality and efficiency of supervision through digital empowerment.

The Supervision Committee of Discipline Inspection Commission of Dafang County, Guizhou Province publicized the fund of benefiting people and farmers by using the "big data platform for mass topic supervision". The masses can input their ID number in the platform to query the policy of benefiting people and fund distribution they enjoy, so as to achieve intelligent and accurate supervision.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of You County, Hunan Province have established 512 "Happy Zhuzhou" supervision and service village level WeChat groups in 297 villages throughout the county, and integrated them with the "Supervision One Point Communication" platform system of small and micro power, further unblocking channels for people's livelihood demands and problem feedback, and opening up the "last mile" of grassroots supervision and service to the people.

Deepen frontline supervision and smooth channels for letters and visits. The county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission strives to raise the level of petitioning work to the hearts of the people through various means such as actively conducting visits and conducting extensive publicity, providing strong support for precise and effective supervision.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lianyuan City, Hunan Province, implements a grassroots supervision system where members of the leadership team contact and guide, and visits are carried out in townships in different areas. Disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres "bring their benches" to the countryside, and the "three excess" petition backlog cases are handled by members of the leadership team and collaborative leaders. Through case leading visits and on-site research, supervision is carried out item by item against the supervision list to help the masses solve practical difficulties.

The Qianjiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in Hubei Province has opened the "Direct Train for Reporting Violations and Disciplines in the Field of Poverty Alleviation and People's Livelihood", and opened the "I Want to Report" function on the "Qingfeng Qianjiang" WeChat official account to smooth the reporting channel.


The main problems in the current punishment of "fly greed"

Overall, the county-level discipline inspection and supervision commission has been able to conscientiously implement the requirements of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, consciously increase the efforts to punish "fly infestation" around the masses, and strictly investigate and deal with "fly infestation" and "ant decay" problems, achieving certain results. However, through research, it has also been learned that there are still some problems in punishing "fly greed".

Inadequate implementation of main responsibilities. Some party organizations place more emphasis on deploying and less emphasis on implementing anti-corruption measures that harm the interests of the masses, and lack effective measures to promote the resolution of "micro corruption" problems. The power supervision and restraint mechanism is not sound enough.

Some township party committees regard the economy, society, and people's livelihoods as "hard indicators" and the construction of party conduct and clean governance, as well as the supervision of cadre education and management, as "soft indicators". The education and guidance of cadres are insufficient, resulting in cadres treating the rules of procedure as a play and financial management and government transparency as a decoration.

There is a lot of information!, This research report on grassroots anti-corruption

Some townships and departments lack sufficient ideological awareness and responsibility, and the "leader" fulfills the main responsibility and the team members do not fully implement the "dual responsibilities" of one position. The pressure transmission layer by layer decreases, and the quality and efficiency of problem rectification are not high, which still exist to varying degrees.

The transparency of government affairs is not comprehensive, timely, and thorough. Some village leaders are afraid of exposing issues to the public and only avoid making irrelevant content public. However, they do not timely disclose hot issues that concern the public, such as land acquisition and circulation, village level financial expenditures, rural subsistence medical insurance, "three funds" management and use, and land acquisition payment, resulting in a lack of necessary public supervision.

In some places, there are still problems with the implementation of democratic decision-making procedures such as "four discussions and two disclosures", and non-standard financial management has led to the loss of power of small and micro enterprises, making the party's policies, projects, and industrial funds that benefit the people and agriculture a "fat meat" in the eyes of those with ulterior motives.

The regulatory system and mechanism still need to be improved. Due to the influence of institutional mechanisms, the supervision of some grassroots powers is still in an awkward situation of "superiors being too far away, peers being too weak, and subordinates being too difficult", resulting in ineffective supervision and restraint of power in some key areas and positions, as well as the existence of phenomena such as virtual responsibilities and institutional loopholes to varying degrees.

The coexistence of "rule of man" and "rule of law" at the grassroots level is quite prominent. In matters related to the interests of the masses, such as approval, resource allocation, and people's welfare, village cadres often have absolute discourse power. Some grassroots cadres exploit loopholes in the supervision and restraint mechanism to seek personal gain.

Further in-depth research and exploration are needed to transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness, and there are still weak links in power supervision and restraint in key areas. In response to the problems and root causes exposed by typical cases, further improvement is needed in regulating power operation and blocking institutional loopholes.

The supervision methods and methods need to be innovated. In some places, supervision and inspection mostly rely on traditional methods such as reviewing information and checking accounts. The use of big data is relatively lacking, and there is insufficient mastery of professional knowledge in finance, bidding, and other fields. There are not many ways to deal with hidden variation problems, and the accuracy of supervision needs to be improved.

In some places, the focus of supervision is not prominent, and there are problems such as "grasping the eyebrows and beard" and "tigers eating the sky without a way to eat".

Some disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at or below the county level have path dependence in their supervision methods, with more surface knowledge and less in-depth analysis. Without the clues of the problem, they will not be able to supervise.

The synergy of supervision work has not yet formed. Some supervisory forces, such as joint inspections, finance, and auditing, lack initiative and have not yet formed an effective working mechanism for coordinating the use of industry department supervision results. The quality and effectiveness of supervision and comprehensive governance have not been effectively exerted.

Some departments, such as rural revitalization, agriculture and rural areas, auditing, and finance, have not yet fully exerted their regulatory role in the industry, and there is still a phenomenon of disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies fighting alone, with weak joint supervision efforts.

Due to factors such as personnel configuration, organizational structure, and methods, it is difficult for supervision to extend its reach to various positions. The linkage and cooperation between various supervision entities still need to be strengthened, and the comprehensive advantages and overall effects are not clearly played.

The ability and quality of cadres urgently need to be improved. Some grassroots cadres still have gaps in their own abilities and qualities, and the problems of "not daring" due to a lack of personal sense of responsibility, "not knowing" due to insufficient abilities, and "not wanting" due to fixed thinking patterns still exist.

Some grassroots disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres need to further improve their ability to accurately identify problems, especially in the areas of environmental protection, engineering bidding, grain, and "three capital". The lack of knowledge reserves among township and departmental disciplinary committee members, as well as their ability to independently analyze and investigate problem clues, is a prominent issue.

Under the new situation, disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres urgently need to improve their ability to use legal thinking, mass work, and grasp the application of policies. A few township disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres have more concerns and insufficient motivation, and the problem of difficult supervision in the "acquaintance society" has not been fully solved.


Suggestions for Punishing Fly Greed Around the Masses

In response to the above issues, combined with the countermeasures and suggestions put forward by the trainees, we have conducted a serious analysis and in-depth thinking. We believe that punishing the problem of "fly greed" around the masses requires not only striking hard and stopping the signs, but also long-term efforts and sustained efforts.

Resolutely consolidate responsibility and strictly hold accountable and pursue accountability. Continuously increasing supervision and inspection of the implementation of the "two responsibilities" and "dual responsibilities for one position" will force relevant responsible persons to shoulder, grasp, and take responsibility seriously.

One is to adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in anti-corruption work, tighten political responsibilities, consolidate and improve the working mechanism of the Party Committee leading the overall work, disciplinary supervision and supervision, specific departmental implementation, and town village linkage promotion, forming a good working pattern of linkage, horizontal cooperation, and joint management.

The second is to strengthen supervision from higher authorities, focus on promoting the implementation of the main responsibilities of township party committees, further improve the supervision mechanism from lower levels, optimize the supervision path of higher-level party committees, disciplinary commissions, and supervisory departments, and effectively implement the main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities.

Thirdly, we will continue to increase accountability efforts and further urge township party committees to conscientiously implement their main responsibilities. With a clear and resolute attitude, we will support township discipline inspection committees to strictly supervise and enforce discipline and accountability. For behaviors that infringe on the interests of the public, such as inaction, slow action, and disorderly behavior, as well as falsification and digital poverty alleviation, we will strictly conduct "one case double investigation" and responsibility inversion to force responsibility implementation.

Establish sound institutional mechanisms and standardize the exercise of power. The institutional mechanism is the lifeline for supervising the exercise of power, and is the foundation for standardized, efficient, and effective supervision.

One is to strengthen the institutional cage, strengthen the top-level institutional design in terms of affairs transparency and process supervision, plug management loopholes, and ensure the healthy operation of power. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the fiscal transfer payment system, strengthen the supervision of fiscal special funds, and standardize the workflow of fund approval, management, and supervision.

The second is to further improve the public disclosure system, rural "three assets" management and other work mechanisms and special actions, focusing on "confirming rights, limiting rights, and disclosing rights", using systems to manage people, money, and affairs, strengthening the management of grassroots small and micro power lists, improving rules of procedure and work, standardizing decision-making procedures, and clarifying operational processes.

The third is to improve and perfect the construction of the party's democratic system, including the final statement of the "top leader", voting on major issues, criticism, and self-criticism, to form a constraint mechanism for power balance and mutual supervision. At the same time, we will explore institutional evaluation mechanisms, regularly evaluate the implementation of various systems, continuously modify and improve them, and make the systems "come to life".

Highlight problem orientation and strengthen supervision and discipline. Accurately grasp the problem of "fly greed" around people in different regions and fields, identify entry points and breakthroughs, and carry out special governance in depth.

Firstly, we will continue to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of policy measures such as benefiting and enriching the people, promoting common prosperity, etc., focusing on areas of public concern such as education and medical care, elderly care and social security, environmental protection, and village level collective "three capital" management. In conjunction with relevant functional departments, we will deepen the special governance of ignoring and infringing on the interests of the people, and promote the resolution of urgent and difficult problems that the people are concerned about.

Secondly, starting from the distribution of relief funds for disadvantaged groups, the handling of chronic disease cards, and the management of village collective funds, we will strictly investigate and deal with acts of corruption, embezzlement, false reporting, interception and misappropriation, card taking, and favoritism towards relatives and friends, and resolutely cut off the "black hands" that extend to the interests of the people.

Thirdly, we will deepen the rectification of "micro corruption" in the field of people's livelihood, "protective umbrellas" for black and evil forces, and "stumbling blocks" in policy implementation. We will strictly investigate and quickly handle a number of cases of "bad reputation, high public anger, and frequent feedback" that violate discipline, and strictly report and expose them, strengthen the warning and deterrent effect.

Innovate supervision methods and consolidate supervision efforts. Adhere to the implementation of supervision, go deep into the frontline at the grassroots level, listen to the voices of the people, and ensure that the people have their own calls and I respond accordingly.

Firstly, we will continue to deepen the reform of the supervision system, improve institutional mechanisms such as "credit supervision collaboration", "audit supervision collaboration", and "police supervision collaboration", strengthen the coordination and coordination between supervision and other types of supervision forces, consolidate the main responsibilities of relevant functional departments, build a supervision pattern of linkage and horizontal connectivity, and promote timely detection and effective resolution of misconduct and corruption issues around the people.

The second is to fully leverage the role of village level disciplinary inspection commissioners and integrity supervisors as "outposts", consolidate and improve practices such as regional cooperation, "office group land" cooperation, cross supervision, and hierarchical supervision, and form a joint supervision force.

The third is to coordinate and make good use of big data platforms such as reporting, problem clue management, party and political conduct supervision, inspection and supervision data management, promote data exchange between different supervision systems and platforms, and promote coordination, collaboration, and integration of various types of supervision.

Consolidate team building and enhance performance capabilities. The quality and combat effectiveness of the cadre team are the key factors determining the effectiveness of punishing "fly greed".

Firstly, we will continue to make efforts in strengthening the construction of grassroots disciplinary inspection and supervision teams. Through integrated regional management, we will systematically select grassroots disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres to participate in important disciplinary review work, and gain practical experience in peripheral evidence collection, review conversations, and record making.

The second is to continuously strengthen the training of professional skills for disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, and enhance their disciplinary and legal level and research ability. Targeted training on policy theory and supervision work will be organized around the responsibilities of the village supervision committee to enhance its ability and level of proactive supervision, making the supervision of the "last mile" peripheral nerves more effective.

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