College students facing employment difficulties have a group of enthusiastic people around them. Family | College students | Enthusiastic people

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:35 PM

On June 17th, just after the graduation ceremony, Gao Shuhui, a 2023 graduate student from the School of Journalism and Communication at Yangzhou University, boarded the train heading towards Xinjiang. This Jiangnan girl, after two trips to the west to support teaching, decided to root herself in the border and become a grassroots worker.

In the same month, Wang Jiaqi, a fresh graduate majoring in marketing from Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also successfully joined the position of e-commerce anchor in a new consumer enterprise with the help of the "Golden Bridge Action" promoted by the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League. As a low-income student, Wang Jiaqi faces dual pressures of economic and employment. Fortunately, the entire job search process was accompanied by one-on-one and thoughtful teachers from the college and school Youth League Committee.

Wei Huidong, a sophomore of Hefei University of Technology, has planned a wealth of summer activities for himself. He has once again signed up for the social practice activity of "Three Visits to the Countryside" organized by the Xuancheng Municipal Party Committee of Anhui Province. He will go to Hule Town, Ningguo City, to carry out research and surveys such as searching for inheritors of intangible cultural heritage and exploring the rural Internet plus endowment model.

In June, mixed with emotions such as struggle, reluctance, and confusion, college graduates will truly step out of campus and into the workplace, embarking on the next stage of their youthful lives. Students on campus also tirelessly rush to the front lines of communities and rural areas, carrying out various internship and practical activities, anticipating various industries and planning career directions in advance.

Li Zhichao, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and several representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, told reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that one of the most discussed and exchanged topics at the venue was employment assistance for college students.

In recent years, the Communist Youth League has always regarded promoting the employment of college students as an important task. Centered around the goal of helping over 100000 college students find employment each year, it vigorously implements the action to promote college student employment, continues to promote the employment assistance plan for low-income students in general colleges and universities, the Western Volunteer Service Plan for College Students, the "Sailing Plan" for college student internships, and the College Student Community Practice Plan. In the past five years, it has helped 359900 college students from disadvantaged families find jobs.

This year, based on the implementation of the above plan, the Communist Youth League has upgraded the rural entrepreneurship assistance plan for college students to the college entrepreneurship assistance plan, added a college student employment pilot plan with the goal of changing employment concepts, and injected youthful energy into the overall work of "stabilizing employment" and "ensuring employment".

Effectively solving the employment difficulties of low-income college students in general colleges and universities

"Students themselves are excellent, but lack of confidence has become an important factor that hinders them from going further." This year, Ji Haibo, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Nanjing Vocational and Technical University of Industry, was mainly responsible for the employment assistance work of three students from financially disadvantaged families. In his view, such students are influenced by factors such as their own living environment, growth experience, and education level, and sometimes develop feelings of inferiority during the job search process.

Wang Ping comes from Baoying rural area in Yangzhou City and is a single parent child. Apart from economic difficulties, what troubles him the most is standing at the crossroads of job seeking, where there are no elders who can provide effective advice. After learning about the situation, Ji Haibo often chatted and chatted with him, encouraging him to break free from the limitations of his major and try more industries. He learned interview skills, job dressing and etiquette, and ultimately helped him succeed in his job search.

Deng Shudan, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Chongqing Engineering Vocational and Technical College, listened to the speech of the Party Central Committee and the report of the 19th National Congress at the opening ceremony of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China on the morning of the 19th. She further realized the importance of assisting young people from disadvantaged families in finding employment. She said that students from disadvantaged families are unlikely to find employment and are likely to continue to deepen their family difficulties.

Liao Chuanjin, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and the Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, also shares the same feeling. He introduced that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China, cadres at all levels of the Communist Youth League in Chongqing have actively paired up to help low-income graduates. "Up to now, more than 20000 college students have been helped to find employment."

A survey conducted by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League for three consecutive years shows that low-income students in general universities are the main group facing employment difficulties. Therefore, local youth league cadres and organizations must always keep this group of students in mind.

College students facing employment difficulties have a group of enthusiastic people around them. Family | College students | Enthusiastic people

The "Golden Bridge Action" in Hunan Province focuses on providing assistance to low-income college students in general universities, tailoring a "enterprise government university youth league committee youth league cadres students" order based service closed-loop system. It accurately assisted 3615 graduates like Wang Jiaqi in finding jobs one-on-one.

Over the past five years, the Communist Youth League has held more than 1000 "Thousand Schools and Ten Thousand Positions" recruitment activities, soliciting over 19 million job information from more than 760000 enterprises, including members of the Youth Federation and the Youth Enterprise Association. The employment assistance program for low-income students from non Double First Class universities in general colleges and universities has been implemented. In 2022, it has facilitated the pairing of 30300 youth league cadres and disadvantaged students, and helped 78700 low-income students from general colleges and universities find jobs. This year, the target of assistance will be further extended to the unemployed students of the 2022 cohort, with a plan to help 70000 disadvantaged students find employment throughout the year, including no less than 10000 unemployed students of the 2022 cohort.

Building a social university without walls

This year, Alifire Maihemuti from Xinjiang renewed her volunteer service for the rural revitalization plan in Yunxi for another year.

In 2022, the Shiyan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League launched the Hubei Provincial Local Project of the Western Plan for College Students - the "Hubei Province College Student Volunteer Service Rural Revitalization Plan", and Alifire Mahemuti became the first batch of college student volunteers in the plan. During her over a year of service in Yunxi, she gradually got along with the villagers, transitioning from "finding the director" when there were problems at the beginning to "I'll help you check". She admitted that she has become braver, more confident, and full of positive energy.

"According to the development direction of industries in Shiyan and various counties, targeted digital technology and information engineering talents will be selected for grassroots positions, and living security will be provided at a standard of no less than 48000 yuan per person per year." Yi Fei, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and Secretary of the Shiyan Municipal Party Committee of Hubei Province, told reporters that this year's rural revitalization plan has completed online recruitment and is "in the stage of job matching."

The Western Volunteer Service Plan for College Students, as a characteristic brand of the Communist Youth League, has been implemented for 20 years and has selected more than 465000 college students to provide volunteer services in more than 2100 counties. The concept of "flat urban roads and wider grassroots areas" is increasingly recognized by college students, guiding a group of young people to voluntarily engage in volunteer services in the western region and grassroots areas for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Data shows that in the past five years, the volunteer retention rate in Xinjiang and Tibet has exceeded 30%, and the Western Plan has become an important work carrier for the entire Youth League to lead grassroots employment and change employment concepts among college students. At this year's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League also pointed out in the group proposal "Proposal on Precisely Assisting Low Income Graduates from Local General Colleges and Universities in Employment" that the "Western Plan" is an important way to expand targeted support for employment channels.

Wang Weiwei, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and the Secretary of the Qixia District Committee of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, also had a profound feeling about this. Guided by the Western Plan, the Youth League Qixia District Committee implemented the College Student Volunteer Service for Rural Revitalization Plan, selecting 45 outstanding volunteers to serve in areas such as rural governance, public health, and basic education in the district's agricultural streets for one year.

The successful implementation of the Western Plan has provided a demonstration and guidance for local and various levels of youth organizations to transform students' employment concepts.

"I want to see what I can do as a medical student for the grassroots people," said Lin Wenman, a doctoral student in ophthalmology at Wenzhou Medical University. Over the past 8 years, she has gradually cultivated a belief in cultivating compassion among doctors at the grassroots level, from conducting basic health public welfare examinations and screenings for the elderly and children in the surrounding communities of the school, to conducting "Guangming Xing" eye health medical services in high-altitude Tibetan areas.

"We have also formed a 'cultural and artistic team' based on our professional characteristics to plan various public welfare activities for villages, towns, and communities. On the morning of June 19th, Liu Jiahan, a 2020 student majoring in social work at Zhuhai University of Science and Technology in Guangdong, just finished his interview as the part-time deputy secretary of the village community organization.". Two months ago, he signed up to participate in the "Fanxing Plan · Village Residential Special" activity in Jinwan District and went to three villages including Shaji Village in Hongqi Town to carry out practical work. He said that this practical experience has sparked his strong interest in grassroots work.

In early June, the 2022 Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, visited Liangnong Town Junior High School in Yuyao City to provide children with an interesting "Poetic Mechanics" science popularization course. According to Zhou Xingyu, the Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school, in order to guide students to improve their socialization abilities, they have constructed the "Ningxiaoqing Community Practice Plan", encouraging students to combine their professional characteristics to carry out after-school services, community job placement and other activities in the community.

College students facing employment difficulties have a group of enthusiastic people around them. Family | College students | Enthusiastic people

"Last year, 12000 college students from 1116 universities across the country came to promote social practice, and this year the planned number has increased to 30000. Wang Yong, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and Secretary of the Xuancheng Municipal Party Committee of Anhui Province, told reporters that the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, relying on the College Student Community Practice Plan and the College Student Internship Sailing Plan, encourages young members of the Communist Youth League to report to urban and rural communities and youth homes nearby during their studies, and carries out social practice activities such as" returning home "and" going to the countryside three times "during winter and summer vacations.".

"The Wuxi Communist Youth League is committed to promoting effective integration of campus and local resources, improving the efficiency of precise employment matching, providing targeted employment services and guidance for college students, and promoting more comprehensive and high-quality employment with warm and thoughtful services." said Xue Haoyue, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League and Secretary of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee in Jiangsu Province.

In the view of Liu Zhengzong, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Central South University, job internships and community practice are important frontiers for enhancing the socialization ability and employment and entrepreneurship ability of young students. At the same time, he also believes that an important work focus for universities to implement the college student employment pilot plan is to build a social university without "walls", work hard for a long time, strengthen employment and education, promote graduates to step out of the "comfort zone", and focus on building a work chain and value chain for the Communist Youth League to promote college student employment.

Chen Tianshong, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Hunan Normal University, specifically introduced the exploration of the school's hierarchical and classified employment concept guidance. For freshmen, we aim to strengthen the foundation through enlightenment education and help them understand what a profession is; Encourage sophomore students to participate in social practice activities such as summer social practice and innovation and entrepreneurship competitions; For junior students, it is necessary to grasp their career selection needs and difficulties in advance, and recommend them to co build bases for job internships to enhance their employability; For graduates, it is more urgent to participate in workplace experiences and job fairs organized by youth organizations that gather professional, industry and other social resources.

The whole team escorts college students and entrepreneurs

Entering the Jiaxiu Tea Shop located on Qingyun Road Pedestrian Street in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, a row of decorative plates with Guizhou ethnic minority elements printed on them attract many tourists to stop. This place carries the entrepreneurial dream of Shi Yinchuan, a 2023 graduate of the Tea School of Guizhou University.

Shi Yinchuan has always had the idea of becoming a local tea beverage brand in Guizhou. In the early stages of entrepreneurship, there was a lack of funds and manpower, and the customer flow of the store was not ideal. In 2022, with the help of teachers from the school's Youth League Committee, Science Park, and Tea College, Jiaxiu Tea became a project brand for "tea culture entering the campus". It also recommended two co founders, Liao Yongkun from the Agricultural College and Zhou Bin from Guizhou University for Nationalities, to join. Three like-minded young people have started "tea+ethnic culture".

Shi Yinchuan told reporters that after more than a year of entrepreneurship, with the support of the school's youth league committee and science park, the store has achieved a leap from monthly income of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan. Last year, he opened his fourth store at his alma mater. On this year's International Tea Day, he also donated 100000 yuan to support the college in its entrepreneurial journey.

According to Liu Kui, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Guizhou University, in recent years, in order to encourage college students to innovate and start businesses, the Youth League Committee of Guizhou University has established the "Challenge Cup" studio and leveraged the advantages of Guizhou University's National University Science and Technology Park in terms of venue, funding, resources, etc. to jointly promote the brand construction of the "Youth Innovation Park" and provide various types of support for entrepreneurial college students like Shi Yinchuan.

Dilihumar, born in 1995, is also a young person who aspires to integrate national characteristics into their entrepreneurial dreams. In 2019, she graduated from the School of Textile and Clothing Engineering at Suzhou University. In her sophomore year, she participated in a college student workplace experience activity organized by the school's Youth League Committee, and noticed the huge market of Suzhou's wedding dress industry. She began to try entrepreneurship and private customization of wedding dresses.

"As she approached graduation, she took the initiative to seek entrepreneurial assistance from the school's Youth League Committee and proposed to integrate her hometown Xinjiang's intangible cultural heritage and tie dyeing craft products, Adelaide silk, into wedding dress design." Yu Qianchi, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Youth League and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Suzhou University, told reporters that the school's Youth League Committee helped her connect with the Adelaide silk base as soon as possible. Now, her company has a factory with a production area of 800 square meters and has opened franchise stores in Yining City, Atush City, Shache County, and other places in Xinjiang.

In recent years, under the leadership of the "China Youth Entrepreneurship Action", the entire Youth League has held the "Creating Youth" China Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, implemented projects such as "Youth Entrepreneurship 100000+", and provided various funds and materials totaling over 140 million yuan for youth entrepreneurship projects. Among them, the 2022 Rural Entrepreneurship Assistance Program for College Students has promoted the selection and funding of 3550 entrepreneurial projects by youth organizations at all levels, driving nearly 2000 fresh graduates to find employment and start businesses, providing solid support for a group of college students with entrepreneurial dreams.

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