The whole page of People's Daily explains that we should deeply understand and grasp the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization and realize the common prosperity of all people | people | essence

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:37 PM

People's Daily

"Achieving common prosperity for all people" is one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization summarized in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Since the beginning of the new era, our party has deeply implemented the development concept of putting the people at the center. We have made continuous efforts in providing education for young children, education for learning, income for labor, medical care for illness, care for the elderly, housing for the weak, and assistance for the weak. The sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people have become more enriched, secure, and sustainable, and new achievements have been made in common prosperity. On the new journey, we must adhere to the realization of the people's aspirations for a better life as the starting point and foothold of modernization construction, focus on maintaining and promoting social fairness and justice, and strive to promote common prosperity for all people. This observation edition will elaborate on this theme.


Promoting common prosperity in high-quality development

Cui Youping

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) clearly defined the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization, one of which is to "achieve common prosperity for all people", and proposed that by 2035, "people's comprehensive development and common prosperity for all people will achieve more significant substantive progress". We must deeply understand this essential requirement, adhere to the theme of promoting high-quality development, correctly handle the relationship between efficiency and fairness, and solidly move towards the goal of common prosperity for all people.

Achieving common prosperity for all is an essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization

Common prosperity includes two characteristics: productivity and production relations. "Prosperity" reflects the level of development of social productivity, manifested as a large amount of social wealth; "Common" reflects the nature of social production relations and the results of wealth distribution. Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. It is deeply rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, reflects the advanced nature of scientific socialism, draws on and absorbs all outstanding achievements of human civilization, adheres to the people centered development idea, and strives to promote the common prosperity of all people. Therefore, achieving common prosperity for all people has become an essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization.

The goal of Marxism is to achieve common prosperity for all people. Marx and Engels stated in the Communist Manifesto that "the proletarian movement is an independent movement for the benefit of the vast majority of people." According to their vision, communist society will completely eliminate the opposition and differences between classes, between urban and rural areas, and between mental and physical labor, implement distribution according to each's ability and needs, truly achieve social sharing, and achieve free and comprehensive development for everyone. There, "the free development of each individual is a condition for the free development of all", "production will be aimed at the prosperity of all", and "all people will jointly enjoy the benefits created by everyone". Our Party is an advanced political party guided by Marxism. It has worked tirelessly to realize the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the lofty ideal of communism. In the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization, it has worked hard to promote the all-round development of people, and has made unremitting progress towards achieving common prosperity for all people.

Realizing common prosperity for all people is the promotion and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Common prosperity has been a fundamental ideal of the Chinese people since ancient times. The excellent traditional Chinese culture contains rich ideas about a moderately prosperous, harmonious, and harmonious society. For example, the line "The people also stop working, but they can achieve a moderately prosperous life" in the Book of Songs reflects the Chinese ancestors' yearning and pursuit for a better life; The Book of Rites, Li Yun, depicts the state of the "Datong" society. Guan Zhong's words, "A solid granary knows etiquette, and a sufficient supply of clothing and food knows honor and disgrace," illustrate the relationship between material foundation and civilization progress; The Zuo Zhuan emphasizes the importance of hard work and struggle, as the saying goes, "The people are diligent, and diligence is not lacking."; Wait a minute. Our party is a faithful inheritor and promoter of China's excellent traditional culture, inheriting and developing the ideas of moderately prosperous, harmonious, and great harmony in China's excellent traditional culture. We always regard eliminating poverty, improving people's livelihoods, and gradually achieving common prosperity as our unwavering goal of struggle.

Realizing common prosperity for all people is in line with the development direction of human civilization progress. The people are the creators of history, the most solid foundation and profound force in promoting modernization construction. The ultimate success and stability of the modernization path depend on whether we adhere to putting the people at the center. Although some Western countries have achieved modernization, they have caused the poor to become poorer and the rich to become richer, resulting in a wealth disparity and polarization, triggering a series of social contradictions. This kind of modernization does not conform to the laws of human social development and goes against the direction of human civilization progress. The Chinese path to modernization promoted by the people under the leadership of our Party has abandoned and surpassed the capital centered modernization and polarization modernization in the West, adhered to the concept of people first, highlighted the people's nature of the modernization direction, anchored the people's yearning for a better life, complied with the people's desire for cultural progress, and worked hard to make the "cake" bigger and divide the "cake" at the same time to gradually achieve overall prosperity and universal prosperity, so that modernization can better respond to the people's demands and multi-level needs.

Common Prosperity in China's Socialist Modernization Construction from Ideal to Reality

After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, our party has united and led the people to tirelessly strive towards the goal of common prosperity, achieving a historic breakthrough from relatively backward productivity to the world's second largest economic output, and achieving a historic leap in people's lives from insufficient food and clothing to overall prosperity and towards comprehensive prosperity. In the new era, our party unites and leads the people, adheres to economic construction as the center and benefiting the people as the fundamental goal, comprehensively promotes economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction, and promotes common prosperity from ideals to reality in the process of building a socialist modernized country comprehensively.

We are constantly deepening our understanding of promoting common prosperity. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Mao Zedong put forward the goal of developing a prosperous and strong country, pointing out that "this wealth is common wealth, this strength is common strength, and everyone has a share.". After the reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that "the greatest advantage of socialism is common prosperity" and "our policy is to enable some people and some regions to become prosperous first, in order to drive and help underdeveloped areas.". Comrade Jiang Zemin emphasized that "achieving common prosperity is the fundamental principle and essential feature of socialism, and must not be shaken." Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out that "to enable all people to share the fruits of reform and development, and to steadily advance towards the direction of common prosperity.". Entering a new era, our party's understanding of common prosperity has further deepened.These important statements have pointed out the direction for us to solidly promote common prosperity.

Continuously achieving new results in promoting common prosperity in practice. After the reform and opening up, our party deeply summarized the positive and negative historical experiences, broke free from the constraints of traditional systems, allowed some regions and some people to become prosperous first, promoted the liberation and development of social productive forces, and continuously improved the living standards of the people. Entering a new era, we have embarked on a new journey of creating a better life and gradually achieving common prosperity for all people. Our party insists on meeting the new expectations of the people for a better life as the starting point and foothold of development, grasping the new changes in the development stage, placing the gradual realization of common prosperity for all people in a more important position, promoting regional coordinated development, taking effective measures to ensure and improve people's livelihoods, winning the battle against poverty, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, improving people's lives in all aspects, enriching their sense of gain, happiness, and security, ensuring greater security, and achieving new results in common prosperity.

Strive to promote common prosperity for all people and make more significant substantive progress

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made significant arrangements for "solidly promoting common prosperity", emphasizing "enhancing people's well-being and improving their quality of life".

Applying a people-centered development philosophy. To promote common prosperity, we must adhere to the principle of shared development and the development concept of putting the people at the center. We must keep in mind that the people's longing for a better life is our goal of struggle. We must adhere to the principle of development for the people, rely on the people for development, and share the fruits of development with the people. We must seize the most concerning, direct, and practical interests of the people, continuously safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, promote social fairness and justice, and achieve at a higher level education for young children, education for young people, income for labor, medical treatment for illness, care for the elderly, housing for the weak, and assistance for the weak. At the same time, we will continue to enhance the happiness, social integration, and job satisfaction of the people, continuously improve their quality of life from multiple dimensions, promote comprehensive human development, and move forward towards achieving common prosperity for all people.

To lay a solid material foundation for achieving common prosperity. Development remains the foundation and key to solving all problems in our country. Without development, achieving common prosperity is impossible to talk about. The development of the new era and new stage must be of high quality. Only by promoting the transformation of economic development mode, optimizing economic structure, transforming growth momentum, and achieving quality, efficiency, and driving force changes, can we lay a solid material foundation for achieving common prosperity. We should organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply side structural reform, enhance the endogenous power and reliability of domestic circulation, improve the quality and level of international circulation, accelerate the construction of a modern economic system, focus on improving total factor productivity, enhance the resilience and security level of industrial and supply chains, promote urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy. At present, we must adhere to the overall tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, increase macroeconomic policy regulation, focus on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence, and preventing risks, promoting sustained improvement in economic operation, continuous enhancement of endogenous driving force, continuous improvement of social expectations, and continuous resolution of risks and hidden dangers.

Fully leverage the guarantee role of the socialist basic economic system. To achieve the goal of common prosperity, it is not only necessary to make the cake bigger and better through the joint efforts of the whole nation, but also to properly handle the relationship between growth and distribution through reasonable institutional arrangements, and to cut and divide the cake well. The basic socialist economic system in our country is not only conducive to stimulating the vitality of various business entities, liberating and developing social productive forces, but also to promoting the organic unity of efficiency and fairness, and continuously achieving common prosperity. To balance efficiency and fairness, we need to establish a coordinated and supportive institutional system for initial distribution, redistribution, and third distribution. Adhere to the principle of distribution according to work, increase the proportion of labor remuneration in initial distribution, and improve the policy of distribution according to factors. Give full play to the regulatory role of redistribution, increase the regulatory efforts of taxation, social security, transfer payments, etc., and improve accuracy. Give full play to the role of the third allocation, guide and support willing and capable enterprises and social groups to actively participate in public welfare and charity undertakings.

Improving the public service policy system that helps promote common prosperity. To promote common prosperity, we must adhere to doing our best and acting within our capabilities, implement the decisions and deployments of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially the requirements of "improving the basic public service system, improving the level of public services, enhancing balance and accessibility", focus on improving the level of public services, and accurately provide basic public services in areas that the people are most concerned about, such as education, medical care, elderly care, housing, etc., to meet the basic living standards of disadvantaged groups, without raising their appetite or making empty promises.

Promote common prosperity among farmers and rural areas. Promoting common prosperity among farmers and rural areas is the difficulty and focus of achieving common prosperity for all people. To consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty or new forms of poverty. Comprehensively promote rural revitalization, accelerate agricultural industrialization, activate rural assets, increase farmers' property income, and enable more rural residents to work hard and become prosperous. Strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure and public service system, promote the construction of rural living environment, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations, promote the comprehensive upgrading of agriculture, comprehensive progress in rural areas, and comprehensive development of farmers, and achieve common prosperity.

Pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's livelihoods

Zhao Yihong

The whole page of People's Daily explains that we should deeply understand and grasp the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization and realize the common prosperity of all people | people | essence

Livelihood is the foundation of people's happiness and the foundation of social harmony.

Bringing benefit to the people is the fundamental principle of governance. Leading the people to create a happy life is the unwavering goal of our party's struggle. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out as early as 1934, "All practical life problems of the masses are issues that we should pay attention to. If we pay attention to these problems, solve them, and meet the needs of the masses, we will truly become the organizers of people's lives, and the masses will truly surround us and warmly support us." After the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, our party has led the people to liberate and develop productive forces, while continuously promoting common prosperity for all people, and people's lives have undergone unprecedented changes. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the people's yearning for a better life presents diverse, multi-level, and multifaceted characteristics. It is shifting from "existence" to "goodness", and from "emphasis on weight" to "pursuit of quality". Adapting to these new changes, our party regards enhancing people's well-being as the fundamental goal of development. We will continue to make efforts in providing education for young children, education, labor, medical care for illnesses, care for the elderly, housing for the weak, and assistance for the weak. We will promote the fruits of reform and development to benefit the entire people more fairly and continuously move towards achieving common prosperity for all. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, and proposed that "we must adhere to ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development, encourage common efforts to create a better life, and constantly realize the people's aspirations for a better life".

Safeguarding and improving people's livelihood is an integral part of Chinese path to modernization. The ultimate goal of modernization is to achieve free and comprehensive human development. Chinese path to modernization should not only create more material and spiritual wealth, but also realize the material and spiritual wealth of all people, stimulate the creativity of the whole society, and promote the all-round development of people. Only by ensuring and improving people's livelihood, focusing on solving problems that affect the vital interests of the people, and making modernization better respond to people's demands in all aspects and multi-level needs, can we demonstrate the people's character of Chinese path to modernization.

Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods is an important foundation for promoting high-quality development. China's economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, with new characteristics in terms of development requirements and conditions. High quality development is not only a stage of development, but also the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country. Promoting high-quality development is inseparable from high-quality workers. Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, increasing the income of urban and rural residents, enhancing human capital, and mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of all the people are essential to lay a solid foundation for high-quality development.

Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods is an inherent requirement for achieving social harmony and stability. Currently, global income inequality is prominent, with some countries experiencing wealth inequality and the collapse of the middle class, leading to a series of problems such as social fragmentation, political polarization, and rampant populism. China strengthens the guarantee and improvement of people's livelihoods, comprehensively completes various aspects of work such as employment, education, social security, medicine and health, food safety, safety production, social security, and housing market regulation, and strives to make people's sense of gain, happiness, and security more substantial, secure, and sustainable, laying a solid foundation for social harmony and stability.

Pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development. Development and ensuring and improving people's livelihoods are dialectically unified. Development is a prerequisite for ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, and ensuring and improving people's livelihoods is the purpose of development. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will continue to do so for a long time. Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods cannot be separated from this maximum reality and set excessively high goals. We should do more things that can be achieved under realistic conditions, focus more on providing timely assistance to people's livelihoods, and guide and encourage the general public to improve their lives through hard work and prosperity.

Efforts will be made to fill the gaps in people's livelihoods and secure the bottom line of people's livelihoods. Currently, China's reform, development, and stability still face many deep-seated contradictions, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. The more we are at this time, the more we need to firmly grasp the bottom line of people's livelihood, further do a good job in benefiting people's livelihoods, warming people's hearts, and strengthening confidence, and use our heart and effort to solve the urgent and difficult problems that the people are looking forward to. We should follow the work approach of guarding the bottom line, highlighting key areas, improving systems, and guiding expectations, and adopt measures that are more targeted, have a greater coverage, have a more direct impact, and have more obvious effects. We should concentrate our efforts on doing a good job in basic and bottom line livelihood construction. We will coordinate and do a good job in employment, income distribution, education, social security, medical care, housing, elderly care, and childcare, and pay more attention to tilting towards rural areas, grassroots areas, underdeveloped areas, and disadvantaged groups. Strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms and public service systems, improve employment support systems for key groups, and strengthen employment assistance for disadvantaged groups.

Continuously improving people's well-being and improving their quality of life. Realizing the people's aspirations for a better life has no end, and ensuring and improving people's livelihoods also has no end. It requires keeping up with the times and continuous improvement. We need to establish a coordinated and supportive system for initial distribution, redistribution, and third distribution, adhere to the principle of "more work, more pay", encourage hard work to become rich, and promote the formation of a social trend where a happy life is achieved through hard work and common prosperity relies on hard work and wisdom. Improve the institutional mechanisms for promoting fair opportunities and maintaining social fairness and justice, facilitate upward mobility in society, create a favorable environment for fair competition, ensure equal participation and development rights of the people, and provide opportunities for everyone to develop themselves and contribute to society. Establish a multi-level social security system that covers the entire population, coordinates urban and rural areas, is fair and unified, safe and standardized, and sustainable, so that development achievements can benefit all people more fairly and fairly.

Solidly promoting common prosperity for all people

Taking multiple measures to increase household income

Fang Fuqian

Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. To promote common prosperity, it is necessary to continuously increase the income of residents.

The idea of enriching the people in our country has a long and rich history, and there are numerous discussions in ancient classics about benefiting, benefiting, and enriching the people. For example, in the Book of Documents, it is recorded that "virtue is only about good governance, and governance is about nurturing the people."; In the Book of Rites of Zhou, it is written that "to enrich the country, to raise all the people, and to produce a hundred things"; Wait a minute. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has always held a beautiful expectation for common prosperity. Since its establishment, the CPC has taken serving the people wholeheartedly as its fundamental purpose. Our Party's leadership in socialist modernization construction aims to continuously improve the material and cultural living standards of the people through the development of social productive forces, promote comprehensive human development, and promote common prosperity for all people.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has adhered to the development concept of putting the people at the center, introduced and implemented a series of policies and measures to benefit and enrich the people, promoted rapid growth in household income, continuously improved income structure, and achieved new results in common prosperity. From 2012 to 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in China increased from 16510 yuan to 36883 yuan, and people's living standards improved in all aspects; In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of residents in China was 19672 yuan, a nominal increase of 6.5% compared to the same period last year. After deducting price factors, the actual increase was 5.8%. At the same time, it should be noted that the problem of imbalanced and insufficient development in China is still prominent. There is still a gap between the per capita GDP and the per capita income level of urban and rural residents compared to developed countries. The income gap between urban and rural areas, regions, and social groups is still relatively large, and the proportion of middle-income groups is not high enough. On the new journey, we will solidly promote common prosperity for all people, and the fundamental work is to take multiple measures to increase the income of residents.

Increasing resident income is beneficial for better meeting the needs of the people for a better life. Currently, China has entered a stage of high-quality development, and the demand for a better life for the people is increasing day by day. Continuously improving the income level of residents can enable better quality goods, higher level services, and richer spiritual and cultural products to enter thousands of households, continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people. Increasing household income is conducive to leveraging the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. Consumption is the ultimate demand and has a lasting driving force on the economy. Improving the income level of residents can create important conditions for unleashing consumption potential, stimulating domestic demand, providing important impetus for promoting economic development and transformation and upgrading, and is of great significance for cultivating a complete domestic demand system and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern. Increasing household income is beneficial for inspiring the spirit of ownership among all people. By raising the level of residents' income, reasonably adjusting the relationship between income distribution, and constantly improving the situation where development is for the people, development depends on the people, and development results are shared by the people, we can fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all people, and pool the great power of building Chinese path to modernization. To increase the income of residents, it is necessary to continuously improve the policy system for promoting common prosperity, so that the development achievements can benefit all people more and more fairly. Currently, efforts can be made in the following aspects.

Divide the cake while making it bigger. To improve the income level of residents and gradually achieve common prosperity, the first step is to make the cake bigger and better through the joint efforts of the whole nation, and then cut and divide the cake well through reasonable institutional arrangements. We must improve the income distribution system that reflects efficiency and promotes fairness, strive to achieve reasonable income distribution, social fairness and justice, and common prosperity for all people, promote equalization of basic public services, and gradually narrow the income distribution gap. Specifically, it is necessary to establish a coordinated and supportive institutional system for initial distribution, redistribution, and third distribution, increase regulatory efforts in taxation, social security, transfer payments, and improve accuracy, expand the proportion of middle-income groups, increase the income of low-income groups, reasonably regulate high income, ban illegal income, and form an olive shaped distribution structure with a large middle and small two ends.

Develop education and vocational training to enhance personal development abilities. Developing education and vocational training is beneficial for enhancing the knowledge and skills of workers, thereby improving the quality of employment and income levels; It is conducive to promoting comprehensive human development and improving the level of social civilization. We should focus on promoting the all-round development of people, support Chinese path to modernization with high-quality population development, create more inclusive and equitable conditions for people to improve their education and development ability, and improve the human capital and professional skills of the whole society. Increase investment in inclusive human capital, focus on reducing the educational burden on disadvantaged families, improve the education level of low-income children, solve the education problems of children of agricultural migrant workers, continuously improve everyone's development ability, and enhance their ability to become rich.

Comprehensively promote rural revitalization and continuously increase the income of farmers. The most arduous and arduous task of promoting common prosperity still lies in rural areas. We need to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and enhance the ability for independent development of agriculture and rural areas. Based on family management, adhere to the combination of unified and decentralized management, form a moderately scaled agricultural operation with Chinese characteristics, and improve the economic benefits of scale; Deepen the pilot program for the entry of rural collective operating construction land into the market, and improve the mechanism for distributing land appreciation benefits. Accelerate the integration of urban and rural development, promote the integration of development factors and various services to rural areas, promote the integration of agriculture and the secondary and tertiary industries, continuously expand the circulation channels of agricultural products, expand the demand for agricultural products, stabilize the yield of agricultural products, and consolidate the foundation for the growth of farmers' income. Promote the sinking of basic public service resources, focus on strengthening weak links, promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education in counties, and continuously improve the education level of rural population. Organize and implement rural construction actions, accelerate the construction of public service facilities in areas such as elderly care, education, and medical care, and improve the completeness of rural infrastructure, convenience of public services, and comfort of living environment.

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