The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has uncovered the hidden chain of interests, and the disposal of waste soil has become a corruption hit area. Corruption | Waste Soil | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:12 AM

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province have expanded the use of the "office group, land enterprise" cooperation mechanism, and carried out supervision and rectification of corruption and misconduct in the slag and soil industry through a combination of surprise inspections, on-site inspections, and mobile inspections. The picture shows the disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres in the district understanding the relevant situation on the front line of a construction site. Photo by Fu Ling

In recent years, with the continuous acceleration of urbanization, some demolition, construction, and renovation projects have started construction, resulting in a large amount of engineering waste. Due to limited disposal channels and difficulties in timely follow-up, conflicts in the disposal of waste soil are prominent in a few regions. Individual law enforcement officers abuse their power and accept bribes to seek benefits for relevant personnel and units in the illegal transportation and dumping of debris, which has a negative impact.

The disposal of waste soil hides hidden secrets. The field of waste disposal has become a heavily corrupt area, what kind of interest chain is this? What are the characteristics of the investigated cases? How to strictly manage, prevent, and strengthen the governance of corruption in the field of waste disposal? The reporter conducted an interview.

The urban management law enforcement personnel of "hunting" allowed the "black garbage truck" to pass, and provided a dumping site for colluding with village officials

The Nan'an District is located in the core area of Chongqing's "Two Rivers and Four Banks". In recent years, with the accelerated construction of tunnels, tracks, Chongqing East Station, and Guangyang Bay Smart Innovation Ecological City, there has been a large demand for waste disposal.

"In order to obtain high returns, some people engaged in the transportation and disposal of waste soil have targeted the" dumping of black slag "on rural collective land. Urban management law enforcement officers have released" black slag trucks "and colluded with village cadres to provide dumping sites, forming a waste soil consumption chain." Yang Xianshan, a member of the Nan'an District Supervision Commission and director of the Sixth Review and Investigation Office of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, introduced that illegal waste soil consumption has become a high-risk area for corruption, among which urban management system cadres Wang Yueming, village cadres Zhao Yong, and Tong Hong are particularly typical of serious violations of discipline and law.

Scrap trucks entering and exiting the construction site can be either required to be washed one by one or only roughly clean; In the eyes of local industry insiders, the urban management law enforcement team has a great deal of discretion, and the team leader can also demand that the operator clean the road surface, withhold certificates, lock the vehicle, and impose fines, with fines ranging from 5000 to 20000 yuan. Wang Mingliang, Director of the Fifth Review and Investigation Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission in Nan'an District, analyzed: "Such a shift in strict management, light punishment, and heavy punishment has led to some operators engaging in profit transfer. It can be said that some law enforcement personnel are setting rent and seeking rent based on their own law enforcement standards."

"Money doesn't matter how much, and things don't matter how big or small. As long as it's in his jurisdiction, he will ask for money through various methods." From 2012 to 2021, Wang Yueming, while serving as the captain of the Yinglong Town Law Enforcement Brigade and Xiakou Town Law Enforcement Brigade of the Nan'an District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment in the city, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for the transportation of waste soil and illegal dumping operators, and received a total of more than 1.3 million yuan in benefits on multiple occasions. Some were voluntarily given by the slag owner, while others were personally requested by Wang Yueming. He even borrowed money from the waste soil owner and used the benefits to offset the debt. In August 2022, Wang Yueming was expelled from the Party and public office, and was suspected of committing crimes. He was transferred to the judicial authorities for legal processing.

"I feel like it's just a bit of mud and coordination. I really don't understand what it means to be in violation of discipline and what it means to be in violation of law. What's in my mind is business," confessed Tong Hong, former secretary of the Party branch and former director of the village committee in Wuxing Village, Xiakou Town, Nan'an District. Little did they know that the matter he mentioned was not a trivial matter.

According to Zhao Yong, former secretary of the party branch and former director of the village committee of the town's Berlin Village, at the end of 2015, a certain social worker entrusted himself to arrange for the dumping of some waste soil in Berlin Village. The lump sum fund, excluding the compensation from the villagers, was the benefit fee for himself and the then village director Tong Hong.

"The combination of power and benefit allowed Zhao Yong and Tong Hong to easily taste the sweetness of exchanging 'soil' for 'gold', making them even more reckless." Liu Zhu, Deputy Director of the Sixth Review and Investigation Office of the Nan'an District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, said that Zhao Yong and Tong Hong used excuses such as' supporting national construction 'and' this is normal construction 'to deceive villagers into cooperating with the dumping of construction waste and accepting compensation. The two of them received bribes totaling more than 3.7 million yuan. In September 2022, Zhao Yong and Tong Hong were expelled from the Party and public office. In December 2022, Zhao Yong was sentenced to six years in prison and fined 600000 yuan; Tong Hong was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined 300000 yuan.

In some areas, the integration of wind and decay, as well as the lack of supervision, are prominent issues in the field of waste soil disposal

"The most crucial thing for the disposal of waste soil is to have a site available for disposal." According to officials from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, Dongda Resource Utilization Co., Ltd., as the competent unit for the disposal business of the former Taizhou Economic and Industrial Agglomeration Zone, has a large amount of site resources. Zhou Xuanguang, the former deputy manager of the company, is a typical example of using waste soil disposal for personal gain.

In 2016, Zhou Xuanguang, in collaboration with Ruan Moumou, then Deputy Director of the Jiaojiang District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, reached an agreement with four consumption companies to distribute the remaining profits after deducting labor, machinery and other costs. Zhou Xuanguang accounted for 10% and received 1.03 million yuan. In June 2018, Zhou Xuanguang disclosed the news of a new round of bidding to his "partners" in advance, in order to buy time for their collusion. Under the operation of Zhou Xuanguang and Ruan Moumou, a certain consumption company gave up bidding. As a gesture of gratitude, the two consumption companies that obtained cooperation qualifications gave Zhou Xuanguang 1.45 million yuan. In November 2021, Zhou Xuanguang was expelled from the Party and public office; In March 2022, he was sentenced to ten years imprisonment and fined 550000 yuan for the crime of bribery.

Each vehicle costs 40 yuan, and a fee for illegal dumping vehicles will be charged with a clearly marked price; Undertake projects, rent machinery and supply diesel to regulatory service recipients; The Second Squadron of the Law Enforcement Department of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau in Xiashu Town, Jurong City, Jiangsu Province, once known for its "ruthless actions" in the slag circle, boasted that "if I don't punish the soil traffickers, they won't take me seriously." Every year, the number of administrative law enforcement cases investigated and dealt with under the pretext of throwing drips and carrying mud on the road far exceeds other squadrons.

"Comprehensive administrative law enforcement was originally a reform measure that integrated resources, streamlined efficiency, and benefited the people. However, within the Second Squadron, power has become a profitable 'withdrawal machine'. In the view of Dong Haibo, director of the Fourth Review and Investigation Office of the Jurong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the case exposed prominent issues such as the integration of corruption and lack of supervision in the field of waste soil.". Since 2022, the Jurong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has persisted in solving problems with cases, taking the case of Gao Gangyin, the former captain of the Second Squadron, as a breakthrough point, and has successively filed and investigated 14 staff members of the squadron, continuously rectifying the chaos in the field of slag and soil supervision.

Dong Haibo told reporters that the corruption and corruption of Gao Gangyin and his staff mostly began with issues of work style, treating a card, a meal, and a gift as small details. Ideals and beliefs gradually collapsed in the midst of eating, drinking, and drinking, and using their power, big or small, to "seek rent", forming a "ant nest style" corruption that is widely distributed, involves a large number of people, and has complex situations.

Gao Gangyin identifies himself as the "boss" in the team, "the boss eats meat and never forgets to bring his younger brother to drink soup." When the slag dealer pays tribute to Gao Gangyin during festivals, he also brings benefits to other team members. The "circle culture" is prevalent within the Second Middle School, and there is a strong habit in the martial arts world. Even when Gao Gangyin's relatives transport corn, team members will use buses to "help" during working hours. Faced with "hunting" packaged under the guise of "friendship", some young team members, knowing that "bait is poisonous," still swallow it without fail. "There is both a mentality of 'I am a temporary worker, there is no other way to deal with me' and a mentality of 'not necessarily finding me'," Dong Haibo said.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has uncovered the hidden chain of interests, and the disposal of waste soil has become a corruption hit area. Corruption | Waste Soil | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Temporary employees in some departments are also easily targeted due to their familiarity with the situation. Li Zhongya, former traffic coordinator of the Road Administration Brigade of the Chenggong District Transportation Bureau in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, is an example.

In the first half of 2020, Mr. Miao, the boss, was preparing to transport soil to the Zhaojiashan landfill. He inquired about Li Zhongya's "good ways" to avoid inspections and avoid paying fines. Li Zhongya revealed that the brigade has not set up mobile checkpoints, and there is a nearby road to avoid investigation. The two also conducted on-site inspections of the new route. Afterwards, Li Zhongya not only demanded a "benefit fee" of 80000 yuan from Miao, but also introduced others to pour slag into the Zhaojiashan landfill, earning a profit of 100000 yuan.

In November 2022, Li Zhongya was expelled from the party. In March 2023, Li Zhongya was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years and six months, and fined RMB 130000 for the crime of bribery; Confiscate their illegal gains and turn them over to the national treasury.

Overall supervision efforts, joint management, information sharing, and comprehensive governance, to consolidate the joint efforts of the special rectification of engineering waste soil

"The volume of earthwork projects is fixed and the total price is transparent. To achieve full profitability, it is mainly achieved through shortening the transportation distance and overloading transportation." Yang Tuo, Deputy Director of the Fifth Review and Investigation Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Nan'an District, said that the market price for dumping a truck of slag in a formal consumption place is between 400 yuan and 700 yuan. As the transportation distance increases, profits will also decrease. However, illegal dumping in the suburbs can dump dozens or hundreds of trucks in a night, earning tens of thousands of yuan. The huge benefits drive illegal dumping behavior.

It is understood that some construction units usually outsource the transportation of waste soil to waste soil transportation companies. However, due to the low market entry threshold and disorderly market competition, the profit margin of disposing of waste soil through formal channels is squeezed, and some practitioners choose to take risks. A chain of numerous interests has been formed around the illegal collection, transportation, and disposal of waste soil. Due to the settlement of transportation fees for waste soil on a per use basis, transportation fleets often illegally dump, pull and run nearby under the guidance of "ground connections" in order to reduce costs, which has strong concealment, mobility, and arbitrariness.

"The sheltering and indulgence of some law enforcement officers have further fueled the momentum of illegal transportation and disposal of waste soil." Zhang Yun, director of the First Review and Investigation Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, told reporters that in recent years, some law enforcement officers have been linked internally and externally, taking advantage of their positions to report to the engineering boss who acts as a "ground contact", secretly leaking information on the scheduling time period and checkpoint location of the special rectification action for waste soil, and even actively cooperating to install positioning devices in individual law enforcement vehicles, trying every way to help the other party avoid investigation and punishment.

"In recent years, the areas involved in the case have covered the entire industry chain, including excavation of engineering waste, land transportation, port turnover, water transportation, intermediary environmental impact assessment, and external market consumption. It is a typical cross departmental and cross regional 'chain style' corruption." Zhang Weixian, Deputy Director of the Tenth Review and Investigation Office of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, introduced that transportation, port and navigation, traffic police, urban management, and other departments are regulatory departments in the field of engineering waste disposal, responsible for important functions such as business approval, daily supervision, and frontline law enforcement. Driven by interests, some individuals involved in the case regard their job responsibilities and power as resources for generating wealth and profits, leading to the regulatory chain becoming a chain of interests, giving rise to industry-specific and domain specific regulatory functions. Sexual corruption.

In response to the problem of the repeated prohibition of illegal transportation and disposal of waste soil, Hu Long, the director of the Eighth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Changshu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, suggested strengthening macro control at the higher level, building a cross regional joint prevention and control mechanism, coordinating supervision forces, jointly managing, sharing information, and comprehensively managing, and consolidating the joint efforts of the special rectification of engineering waste soil.

Starting from the perspective of "people, power, and vehicles", we will focus on the key links in the supervision of slag and soil transportation, strengthen law enforcement supervision, and promote reform through practical cases

"These several slag and soil transport ships have deviated from their trajectories and did not arrive at the end consumption point as required. Recently, after receiving a warning reminder from the" Intelligent Supervision Scene of Slag and Soil Transport Ships "system, Liu Feng, Deputy Squadron Leader of the First Squadron of the Canal Port and Navigation Law Enforcement Brigade of the Hangzhou Transportation Administrative Law Enforcement Team, quickly completed the verification and pushed the clues to the city's slag and soil supervision service platform for further investigation and processing by the local urban management department.". Since the beginning of this year, the traffic and port law enforcement department of the city has issued over 800 warning messages on the illegal disposal of waste ships, effectively improving the accuracy of law enforcement inspections.

In order to standardize the healthy development of the industry, the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has issued disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions to relevant functional departments in response to the problems and hidden dangers in the field of engineering waste disposal, and has tightened the main responsibility of municipal departments and the regulatory responsibility of each district. The Municipal Urban Management Bureau has established a special team to supervise the implementation of regulatory responsibilities in construction, transportation, and comprehensive administrative law enforcement. It conducts city wide inspections and spot checks on key issues such as excavation control of construction sites and construction and operation of consumption sites. From January to June this year, the city has inspected over 25000 construction sites, over 3800 storage facilities, over 7200 transportation enterprises, and over 23600 transportation vehicles, with over 3200 law enforcement investigations and punishments.

Chongqing Nan'an District strengthens law enforcement and supervision around the key links of slag and soil transportation supervision, and solidly promotes reform through case studies. The district has established a "one case, four investigations" system for illegal cases of slag transport vehicles, which involves conducting responsibility investigations through "investigating illegal records, investigating the source of construction sites, investigating driving routes, and investigating the direction of slag soil". By using technical means, the routes of illegal construction sites or slag transport vehicles are restored and traced back to the source, clarifying supervision and management responsibilities, and identifying potential risks of integrity.

In addition, the district has deeply implemented three systems in the entire process of supervision of slag transportation, including law enforcement publicity, record keeping of the entire law enforcement process, and legal review of major law enforcement decisions. We will comprehensively implement the law enforcement publicity system by establishing service guidelines and law enforcement flowcharts in office spaces, publicizing information on law enforcement personnel and law enforcement work systems on the wall, and publicizing administrative penalty information online. By relying on urban grid management methods, we will comprehensively promote the use of law enforcement recorders to record the entire process of law enforcement. We will establish grid command and dispatch sub centers in all grassroots teams in the region, set up recorder collection stations to collect law enforcement audio and video, and basically achieve the recording of the entire process of law enforcement. Improve the directory of major law enforcement decision legal review, achieve full coverage of major law enforcement decision legal review in the urban management field of the entire region, ensure the legality of law enforcement case procedures, complete evidence, accurate and legal application of legal basis, and appropriate use of discretionary power.

The Jurong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is based on reality, starting from "people, rights, and vehicles", and taking measures from three aspects: personal supervision, improving mechanisms, and regulating the market, to solidly carry out the second half of the article on the supervision of waste soil. Strengthen daily supervision, adopt a "daily monitoring+report copying and feedback+comprehensive analysis" approach, and strengthen timely reminders and interviews with "leaders" and staff on general and emerging issues; Urge the improvement of long-term regulatory mechanisms, gradually forming a long-term mechanism with strong source control, orderly handling and disposal, and strict law enforcement and investigation; Promote the standardization of the waste soil transportation market, establish a regional waste soil vehicle GPS supervision platform, and urge functional departments to adopt an admission filing system for waste soil transportation enterprises and vehicles to avoid disorderly market competition.

"The management of waste soil is a comprehensive work that involves relevant government management and law enforcement departments, construction and construction units, etc. Only by establishing a fast and efficient, joint management, and comprehensive long-term management mechanism can we effectively cut off the illegal interest chain in the field of waste soil consumption." Dong Haibo said.

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