The Victory of Justice, the Victory of Peace, and the Victory of the People - Written in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Korean War

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:36 AM

The 96-year-old Qi Tianyin often recalls the summer 70 years ago.

That summer, Qi Tianyin, the confidential secretary of the Volunteer Army, and his comrades-in-arms witnessed a great moment that will go down in history--

On July 27, 1953, the Chinese and North Korean delegations and the so-called "United Nations Army" delegation signed the "Korean Armistice Agreement" in Panmunjom. Subsequently, Peng Dehuai, commander and political commissar of the Chinese people's volunteers, signed in Kaesong, Kim Il Sung, supreme commander of the Korean people's Army, signed in Pyongyang, and Clark, commander-in-chief of the "United Nations Army," signed in Wenshan.

In the two-year and nine-month War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Chinese People's Volunteers fought side by side with the Korean People's Army, defeated the "United Nations Army" headed by the United States, and won the war.

This is the victory of justice! This is the victory of peace! This is the people's victory!

The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a manifesto for the Chinese people to stand in the east of the world after they stand up. It is an important milestone for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is of great and far-reaching significance to China and the world.

This great victory will forever be engraved in the annals of the Chinese nation!

This great victory will forever be engraved in the annals of peace, development and progress of mankind!

Bearing in mind the great victory of the War to resist US aggression and Aid Korea and carrying forward the spirit of resisting US aggression and Aid Korea will certainly inspire us to dare to struggle, be good at struggle, advance in the face of difficulties, persevere, and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in a more high-spirited state.

To fight for justice-"This is an act of justice by the teachers of justice."

On the night of October 19, 1950, 25-year-old Wang Fenghe followed the Chinese People's Volunteers across the Yalu River and set foot on the Korean battlefield.

"As soon as we have passed the river, we will walk northeast, 70 or 80 miles a night." Wang Fenghe, who served as the instructor of the 1st Company of the 1st Battalion, 359 Regiment, 120 Division, 40th Army of the Volunteer Army, recalled.

On June 25, 1950, the Korean Civil War broke out. proceeding from its global strategy and cold war mentality, the us government made the decision of armed intervention in the korean civil war and sent the seventh fleet to invade the taiwan strait. The Korean War quickly evolved from a civil war into an international local war of aggression and counter-aggression. In early October 1950, the U.S. military brazenly crossed the 38th parallel and burned the war to the border between China and North Korea, despite repeated warnings from the Chinese government. US aircraft invading North Korea have repeatedly bombed the northeast border area of China, causing serious losses to people's lives and property, and our country's security is facing a serious threat.

Dare the new China, which is waiting to be flourished, and can it be fought? Does China want to send troops?

if we do not send troops, northeast asia will become the frontline and there will be no peace;

if troops are not sent, it will be difficult to ensure a domestic environment for peaceful development;

If troops are not sent, international justice and world peace will be seriously threatened.

"Should participate in the war, must participate in the war"-Mao Zedong's final word!

"One punch, lest one punch come." At this critical juncture, at the request of the DPRK party and government, the Chinese party and government made a historic decision to resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the country with extraordinary courage and courage. On October 19, 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers entered the Korean battlefield under the leadership of Commander Peng Dehuai and political commissar. "This is an act of justice by the teachers of justice."

The unexpected war of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea "was imposed on the Chinese people by the imperialist invaders." "The Chinese people resolutely sent volunteers to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea when they could not bear it. It was a just act to defend peace and resist aggression".

"For justice and peace, we have to fight!" Shi Shenyu, a 92-year-old volunteer veteran, said that history has proved that fighting abroad to resist US aggression and aid Korea is a great strategic decision with great foresight, which is of great and far-reaching significance.

However, the difficulties are unprecedented.

At the Memorial Hall to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Dandong, Liaoning, the comparison of the figures on display is shocking:

In 1950, the United States produced 87.72 million tons of steel, ranking first in the world, while China produced only 606000 tons......

In order to win the war, the aggressors used all the new weapons of the time except the atomic bomb, and even carried out germ warfare.

Under extremely asymmetric and extremely difficult circumstances, the Chinese people's volunteers worked closely with the Korean army and people to carry out five consecutive battles, such as the first battle of the two water caves, the fierce battle of Yunshan City, the battle of Qingchuan River, and the fierce battle of Changjin Lake. Since then, they have built an in-depth defensive position like an iron wall, carried out many offensive campaigns, smashed the "strangulation war", resisted the "germ war" and fought blood war, and fought Shangganling war, and created a mighty war. People of all ethnic groups throughout the country sincerely praised the volunteer soldiers as "the loveliest people"! After arduous battles, the Chinese and North Korean troops defeated their opponents armed to the teeth, shattered the myth of the invincibility of the US military, and forced the arrogant aggressors to sign the armistice agreement on July 27, 1953.

Why can China win?

"the great war to resist us aggression and aid korea was a just battle to defend peace and resist aggression." Guo Dong, an associate professor at the National Security Institute of the National Defense University, said that the source of strength of the Chinese People's Volunteers and the fundamental reason for their victory are the justice of the great struggle to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

After this war, the strategic pattern of Asia and the world has been profoundly shaped after the end of the Second World War. The just cause of oppressed nations and people all over the world for national independence and people's liberation has been greatly encouraged, which has effectively promoted world peace and human progress. cause. It tells the world with ironclad facts that any country or any army, no matter how powerful, will inevitably be beaten to the head if it stands on the opposite side of the world's development trend, bullying the weak, acting perverse, and invading and expanding. This war has once again proved that justice must prevail over power and that peaceful development is an unstoppable historical trend!

At present, the world is once again standing at the crossroads of history. The Cold War mentality and power politics are still in haze, and the politics of power and the law of the jungle are still prevailing. The world is not peaceful, peace needs to be defended, and justice needs to be defended.

The Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to uphold international fairness and justice and promote world peace and stability. In his keynote speech at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the world's political parties, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out: We advocate dialogue to bridge differences, cooperation to resolve disputes, resolutely oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and advocate unity and win-win thinking. Deal with complex and intertwined security challenges and create a security pattern of fairness, justice, and joint construction and sharing.

More than 70 years ago, for the sake of justice, the people's army resolutely went to war; more than 70 years later, for the sake of justice, the people's army was ready to go to war at any time.

More than 70 years ago, volunteers armed with crude weapons defeated the invaders armed to the teeth; more than 70 years later, the people's army, which is striding towards modernization, will continue to write the glory of its ancestors.

"For the sake of justice and victory, we will always keep in mind the heroic declaration of the old company commander, 'do not believe in unfinished tasks, do not believe in insurmountable difficulties, do not believe in insurmountable enemies', and be ready at any time." Qiu An, commander of the "Yang Gensi Company" of a synthetic brigade of the Central Theater Army, said.

Fighting for peace-"This war has made the world look at China with admiration and fully demonstrated the firm determination of the Chinese people to maintain world peace!"

"This is a war that was caught off guard." The 96-year-old Jia Maosong, the commander of the 2nd Battalion and 4th Company of the 374 Regiment of the 125 Division of the 42nd Army of the Volunteers, clearly remembered that on June 24, 1950, the summer solstice had just passed. "The army asked us to go to work as usual on Sunday the next day, and everyone went to bed early."

No one thought, wake up, a war suddenly happened. The US government made the decision of armed intervention, and the security environment of New China suddenly deteriorated!

At that time, the new China, which was waiting for prosperity, was immersed in the joy of accelerating peace-building.

Peace is precious, and the Chinese nation has been a peace-loving nation since ancient times. We are well aware of the value of peace, the most active in maintaining peace and the most resolute in opposing war.

After the outbreak of the war, the Chinese government has always done its utmost to maintain peace with the utmost sincerity, and has never given up its efforts to maintain peace.

On September 30, 1950, Zhou Enlai, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warned the United States: "The Chinese people love peace, but in order to defend peace, they have never and will never be afraid to resist wars of aggression. The Chinese people will never tolerate foreign aggression, nor will they allow the imperialists to ignore the wanton aggression of their neighbors."

On the second day when MacArthur issued the order to push the whole line northward, Zhou Enlai once again solemnly pointed out: "The American army is trying to cross the 38th parallel and expand the war. If the American army really does this, we can't sit idly by and take care of it."

China has warned again and again, but the United States has always turned a deaf ear. "The Chinese people are well aware that when dealing with invaders, they have to talk to them in a language they understand. This is to stop war with war, stop war with force, and win peace and respect with victory."

This is the victory of the patriotic spirit of the motherland and the people's interests above all else and desperate for the dignity of the motherland and the nation--

"Behind us is the motherland. For the peace of the people of the motherland, we cannot take a step back!" Deep love for the motherland and the people is the spiritual pillar of the volunteers. On the Korean battlefield, the soldiers of the volunteers faced powerful and fierce opponents, in a harsh and cruel battlefield environment, threw their heads and shed blood, and used "less steel and more gas" to overcome "more steel and less gas", composing a shocking world., The majestic epic of weeping ghosts and gods.

This is the victory of the heroic and indomitable spirit of revolutionary heroism--

The officers and men of the volunteers braved the rain of bullets to charge bravely, held their positions against indiscriminate bombardment, blocked the eye of the gun with their chests, used their bodies as human ladders, picked up explosive bags and rushed into the enemy group with blasting cylinders in their hands, endured hunger and cold, never flinched, stayed still, and dared to "fight bayonets in the air". Among them, more than 300,000 heroes, including Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun, and nearly 6000 meritorious collectives emerged.

this is the victory of the spirit of revolutionary optimism that defies hardships and hardships and always maintains high morale--

In the later battle to hold their positions, the soldiers of the volunteer army often could not drink water for several days and their lips were chapped and bleeding. However, everyone always maintained the spirit of revolutionary optimism and named the anti-gun cave "Meritorious Cave", "Hero Cave", "Anti-American Cave" and "Victory Cave".

This is the victory of the revolutionary loyalty spirit of fulfilling the mission entrusted by the motherland and the people and giving everything generously--

At the Xiaowaoling position, after the last bullet was fired, Yang Gensi picked up the explosive bag and rushed to the enemy group, dying with the enemy. The 28-year-old company commander made a leap with his life and fulfilled the clank oath of "three disbelief.

this is a victory of the spirit of internationalism that strives for the cause of peace and justice for mankind--

On January 2, 1952, Ishida-ri, Chengchon County, South Pyong Road, North Korea. In the freezing weather, volunteer soldier Luo Shengjiao dived into the cold water three times to rescue North Korean teenager Cui Ying, but he died heroically. That year, he just turned 21. The Korean people put up wooden signs at the place where Luo Shengjiao died, which read: "the people who grew up on the land of North Korea should always remember our friend Comrade Luo Shengjiao and learn from his great spirit of internationalism."

"This war has made the whole world look at China with admiration and fully demonstrated the firm determination of the Chinese people to maintain world peace!"

Since then, no matter what difficulties, obstacles, risks and challenges, the Chinese people's determination to defy violence and safeguard world peace has never changed and has become stronger for a long time.

As an important force on the world stage today, China has always upheld the concept of peace as the most important thing, worked with the international community to seek and protect peace, and became the mainstay of maintaining world peace.

At 9:12 p.m. local time on July 16, 2023, the Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship in Kiribati gave birth to a "peaceful baby" for 29-year-old Tarawa resident Deari ". When Kiribati President Tanech Mamao boarded the ship on the 18th to visit the hospitalized patients, he named the child "Akendri" at the request of the child's parents, which means "Peace Ark".

This is a vivid epitome of China's commitment to maintaining world peace in the new era.

Today, the Communist Party of China is leading the people to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that Chinese-style modernization is modernization that follows the path of peaceful development. China does not follow the old road of some countries realizing modernization through war, colonization and plunder. The old road of self-interest and bloody crimes has brought great suffering to the people of developing countries. We firmly stand on the right side of history and the progress of human civilization, hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, seek our own development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, and better safeguard world peace and development with our own development.

This is what we said and did.

China actively participates in international peacekeeping operations and promotes the cause of international peacekeeping. China is the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping and the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. Internationally, China is widely praised as "a key factor and key force in peacekeeping operations".

On June 2, 2023 local time, with the safe arrival of the Panamanian merchant ship "Hailan Song" in the waters near the Strait of Mande, the 44th escort formation of the Chinese Navy successfully completed the 1568 ship escort mission. The merchant ship expressed its gratitude to the Chinese Navy through Channel 16.

Since 2008, the Chinese navy has sent 44 convoys to the Gulf of Aden and the waters of Somalia to carry out escort missions.

Facts have proved that China has always pursued a defensive national defense policy, and the Chinese military has always been a staunch force for maintaining world peace.

In today's world, local wars and bloody conflicts still occur from time to time. Despite various global challenges, the theme of the era of peace and development has not changed, and the people of all countries have stronger expectations for peaceful development and win-win cooperation. The peace-loving Chinese people will certainly make greater contributions to building a beautiful world of lasting peace and universal security.

Charge for the people-"Now the Chinese people have been organized, it is not to be provoked. If it is provoked, it is not easy to handle."

Ning Dianyun, a 95-year-old volunteer veteran, has always treasured a letter from the "Red Scarf Girl.

"We were in the dark and damp tunnel without seeing the sun." Ning Dianyun, a former instructor of the 5th Company of the 449 Regiment of the 150 Division of the 50th Army of the Volunteer Army, said, "The comrades-in-arms have circulated this letter of condolences from the motherland over and over again, and every time they read it, a warm current pours into their hearts, adding infinite courage!"

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Chinese people, inspired by the banner of patriotism, worked together to make the world witness the majestic power contained in the Chinese people, and let the world know that "the Chinese people are now organized and cannot be provoked. If you mess up, it's not easy to do"!

On the second day of the first battle, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued instructions on conducting current affairs propaganda throughout the country. At the same time, the people of the whole country launched a vigorous campaign to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea to support the front.

On November 4, 1950, the Communist Party of China and various democratic parties issued a joint declaration, shouting: "Saving neighbors is self-help, and defending the motherland must support the Korean people."

When the invaders imposed war on the newborn republic, hundreds of millions of Chinese people issued a just cry: resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the country!

There was a nationwide upsurge of joining the army four times, and groups of warm-blooded young people rushed to the battlefield. Behind them, hundreds of millions of people fought in different positions for victory.

-Tons of thousands of railway workers, car drivers and farmers went to the Korean front to perform various transportation and service tasks in the battlefield, ensuring the victory of the combat mission.

-- Intellectuals drum up and shout for the patriotic cause of the front line, medical workers organize a large number of medical teams to go to the front line, and the donation upsurge of "buying airplanes and cannons for the loveliest people" has swept every social level and every corner of society......

Chang Xiangyu, a Henan opera actor, led the drama club to donate a MiG -15 fighter plane worth 1.5 billion yuan through 178 charity performances.

More than a year later, Chang Xiangyu accompanied the delegation to the DPRK to give a condolence performance. At this time, fighters donated by all walks of life in the motherland were flying over their heads.

Those who share the same desires from top to bottom win, and those who share the same boat win!

It is precisely because of the strong support of the people of all ethnic groups in the country that the infinite strength of the same enemy, overcoming all difficulties and powerful enemies, and winning the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Soldiers and civilians are the foundation of victory.

No matter how the times develop, we must sharpen the national spirit of defying violence and resisting power, gather the national strength of one heart and one mind, forge the national blood of sacrificing life and death, and inspire the national wisdom of innovation and courage to move forward.

The army wins the battle, and the people are the backer.

Bearing in mind the great victory and advancing the great cause, we must persist in taking the people as the center, doing everything for the people and relying on the people in everything.

Only when the army is strong can the country be secure, and only when the country is rich can the army be strong.

Bearing in mind the great victory and advancing the great cause, we must persist in promoting economic and social development and constantly strengthen China's comprehensive national strength.

The Party Central Committee and President Xi have grasped the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by a strong country and a strong army, focusing on better overall planning of development and security, better overall planning of economic construction and national defense construction, and making strategic arrangements to consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities.

Promoting the modernization of national defense and the army is the common cause of the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups. The key to consolidating and improving the integrated national strategic system and capabilities is to work hard on integration and maximize national strategic capabilities.

this year is the 80th anniversary of the yan'an double-support movement. As long as we carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and loving the people, supporting the army and superior families, consolidate and develop the unity between the army and the government in the new era, and create a strong atmosphere in the whole society that cares about national defense, loves national defense, builds national defense, and defends national defense, we can consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities. Promote a strong country and a strong army to gather powerful forces.

In the 70 years since the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Chinese people, who have adhered to the path of peaceful development, are working with the people of other countries to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and create a bright future for peace and development for mankind!

The people's army, which won the victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, has always been a heroic army that the party and the people can trust. It has the confidence and ability to safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, to provide strategic support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and to make greater contributions to world peace and development!

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