The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:45 PM

The custom of commemorating the patriotic poet Qu Yuan by rowing dragon boats has been passed down for thousands of years on the banks of the Miluo River in Hunan. During the Dragon Boat Festival, many towns on both sides of the strait will spontaneously hold dragon boat races. In the local area, one month before the Dragon Boat Festival, villagers working outside the city will rush back and start training intensively. The Lotus Village Dragon Boat Team is one of them. Last year, they won first place in four groups of the small town dragon boat race. In order to successfully defend their title at this year's Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race, they have been training hard during this period. Can we ultimately achieve our goal? Today in "Meeting You", we will get to know this rural dragon boat team - the Lotus Village Dragon Boat Team, and experience their "speed and passion".


Returning home! For the glory of the whole village

On the Heshi River located in the Qu Yuan management area, two dragon boat teams advanced through the waves. Soon, a team with a golden dragon head and a red hull showed an absolute advantage, which was the champion team of last year's Dragon Boat Race in Heshi Town - the Lianfu Village team. On the 500 meter track, they won with a time of 1 minute and 51 seconds, but the team members were not satisfied with it.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Coach Zhan Xiongwen of Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team: If you still pull the range a bit better in the final sprint, you can definitely break 1 minute and 45 seconds. The rhythm didn't come out, the big movements lacked strength, and the final sprint was not obvious.

Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team member Zhan Yuejin: When you feel it's difficult to pull up and the hand is a bit difficult to lift, you can lift the oar up and stop for a while.

These days, the dragon boat team has to go to the village headquarters for meetings after training every day. The team members analyze problems with each other and sometimes even argue for two to three hours. The reason for this competition is to win the Dragon Boat Race held in Heshi Town on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. Last year, they won first place in four groups, so many villages regarded them as strong opponents. In order to successfully defend their title, the team members trained tirelessly, not daring to slack off.

Coach Zhan Xiongwen was called back by the village. He has been rowing dragon boats for 30 years since 1993, participating in nearly 30 provincial-level or above dragon boat races and winning more than ten medals. At the age of 53, he runs three construction companies in Changsha, Yueyang, and Miluo. When he received a call from village officials on June 10th, he was still busy working on the construction site. He put down his work and drove back to the village the next day. He didn't even come back for the Chinese New Year, but after returning, he plunged into the training of the dragon boat team. During training, Zhan Xiongwen received a call from his business partner asking him to bring the contract and drawings to Miluo for negotiations today. After the noon training, he hurriedly found a piece of clothing in the car to change into and drove there.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

After signing the contract, Zhan Xiongwen quickly returned to the training base. During this period of sunny and rainy weather, under high-intensity training, some team members developed colds, fever, and decreased physical fitness. Zhan Xiongwen not only needs to seize the time for training, but also needs to pay attention to everyone's body and emotions in a timely manner. He cannot slack off for a moment, and sometimes he even comes to see the team members who are not in good condition at night. I didn't care about any farm work at home and left it all to my wife.

Born on the banks of the Miluo River, rowing a dragon boat is a big event. Men, women, and children remember to inherit the spirit of their ancestors.

Coach Zhan Xiongwen of Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team: Our ancestors have passed down this custom of dragon boat racing for generations. As the main force in the village, we are dutiful. This matter is not measured by money or anything. They say we would rather lose a year's worth of land than a boat. It is mainly a spirit of collectivism, a worship of Qu Yuan, an upward spirit, and a spirit of dedication.


The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Practice hard! Busy preparations for dragon boat racing

In the dragon boat team of Lianfu Village, there are a total of 30 members, of which 22 are on board and 8 are on the bench. More than 60% of the team members, like coach Zhan Xiongwen, returned home from other places for the honor of the whole village, and some even took a month off.

There are also some team members who are farmers in the village who grow rice, fish, and shrimp. The dragon boat training starts at 8 o'clock in the morning and requires 7 hours of practice per day. In addition to the training, they use the morning and evening time to complete the farm work in the field. Although they have been tired all day and sore, they are happy and painful for the honor of the whole village.

The Dragon Boat Festival is the peak season for a bountiful harvest and sales of crayfish. At 4am, Li Donghui, a member of the dragon boat team in Lianfu Village, rode a tricycle to the rice paddies to collect crayfish. The purchaser would come to his door at 6:30 am and according to the order requirements, he needed to catch over 100 kilograms of crayfish. Li Donghui has a total of 110 acres of rice and shrimp fields. In order to allocate more time for dragon boat rowing, he harvested over 70 acres of crayfish at the end of May and planted a season of rice ahead of schedule.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Li Donghui, a member of the dragon boat team in Lianfu Village: 30% of the shrimp farmers in our village have basically prepared the rice and shrimp fields for this dragon boat rowing. There are still over 30 acres left for the Dragon Boat Festival, and the price is now higher. For us shrimp farmers, rowing a dragon boat means that if we finish harvesting the lobsters in advance, we will lose a few hundred to one thousand yuan per acre. For example, I have lost tens of thousands of yuan.

Last year we won the dragon boat race, and each team member received a reward of 100 yuan, which is not worth mentioning compared to the sweat and losses everyone has put in. This year, for the dragon boat race, it is inevitable to delay agricultural work and suffer some losses. But the team members said that as long as they can win the championship, these efforts are worth it.

Li Donghui, a member of the Dragon Boat Team in Lianfu Village: We just want to win. There's nothing we want prizes for, mainly because the spirit of the older generation supports us.

Dragonboat rowing requires abundant physical and endurance support. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the team members gathered at the village headquarters to begin strength training. Zhan Xiongwen sometimes leads a team to run 20 kilometers without stopping. Zhan Yichong, who is 19 years old, is the youngest member of the team. The day after finishing the college entrance examination, he came to participate in the dragon boat team training.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Zhan Yichong, a member of the Dragon Boat Team in Lianfu Village: Because dragon boat rowing in our village is a tradition with a long history, my father and grandfather are all dragon boat rowers. When I was a child watching by the river, I felt very excited and wanted to go up and row.

As a substitute player, Zhan Yichong's weight and physical strength do not meet the requirements, and he has never had experience in dragon boat rowing. According to regulations, he cannot board the boat. So he took the initiative to help everyone clean the dragon boat and collect the oars. Zhan Xiongwen saw the efforts of the team members, and in order to cultivate the reserve strength of the dragon boat team, he allowed Zhan Yichong to practice on the boat, breaking the rule. After each day's training, he opened a small class for Zhan Yichong to practice.

Coach Zhan Xiongwen of Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team: The first one is that they are all reserve players, and they see the hope in our village. Our reserve team has strength. The second one is to let him know from a young age how our elders promote the collective spirit.

The training on the river is booming, and a large group of fans have also gathered on the shore. During training breaks, villagers sometimes come to the riverbank and tie red silk to the top of bamboo poles, lifting and shaking them high on the shore. When the dragon boat reaches the shore, tie the red silk to the dragon head. This is a local tradition called "Shanghong". The villagers cheer for the dragon boat team through "going red" and hope to have a good start.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team


Dragon Boat Race PaddlePaddle Race

After half a month of training in the early stage, Heshi Town finally welcomed the Dragon Boat Festival competition day. After experiencing traditional folk rituals such as the dragon head's finishing touch, going red, rowing around, and grabbing red, nine teams began a fierce dragon boat race on the 500 meter track. According to this year's competition schedule, each dragon boat team will compete twice. Can the Lotus Village Dragon Boat Team successfully defend their title? Let's take a look at the scene of the dragon boat race.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, although it was raining heavily, both sides were crowded with people cheering and cheering for the dragon boat team. After the first round of competition began, the dragon boat in Lianfu Village shook off the distance behind the dragon boat by nearly a boat and maintained an advantage, taking the lead in crossing the finish line. In the end, the Lianfu Village dragon boat team finished this year's Dragon Boat Festival race with first and second place in one round.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

Coach Zhan Xiongwen of Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team: Today's game situation, the first group played normally, and the results were quite impressive. The second group members had a lot of mental pressure, and their performance was a bit unexpected. Let's fight again next year! We still have confidence in our team members. Next year, continue to work hard and achieve the best results. Let's give an explanation to our parents and fellow villagers.

There are both victories and regrets in the competition. As soon as the team members landed and didn't have time to rest, they gathered together and reviewed the situation on site, analyzing the problems that existed during the competition.

Li Donghui, a member of the Lianfu Village Dragon Boat Team: Although there were some regrets in today's competition, our team members still had a great time rowing and did their best. This year's dragon boat racing has come to a successful end. For example, 60% of our team's people who work outside have to return to their posts, but this spirit of courage and competition will continue to motivate everyone to work hard in their own positions.

Despite some regrets and not being able to successfully defend their title, the Lotus Village Dragon Boat Team is also doing well! There is a local folk saying: "A year of land is as good as a May boat in the wilderness." The position of dragon boat racing in the hearts of the locals is evident. Every Dragon Boat Festival, people who work at home come over, and those who work hard from other places also come back. People gather by the river from all directions, eager to show their skills in dragon boat racing. The outside world is rapidly changing, and the tradition of dragon boat racing remains steadfast, firmly consolidating the pride and mission of the entire village. Not to mention anything else, when it comes to this competition alone, it's really: looking at a glimmer of wind from afar, looking at a dragon up close; Looking at the people in the boat, they all have one heart.

The team members returned home early and trained for 7 hours a day... Why is this dragon boat team so competitive? Dragon Boat Team

I don't care how much sweat I put in, let alone how much money I lose. All I have is a pure desire for victory, while fully immersing myself in the charm of traditional culture. This dragon boat race has achieved a level of striving for excellence, showcased a style of daring and leading, and even demonstrated a spirit of unity and dedication that transcends utilitarianism. Undoubtedly, it is the best inheritance and tribute to Qu Zi's sentiment over two thousand years ago. Let out a passionate shout, race a game with great enthusiasm, and cross a flying boat in the middle of the river. It is also a shining moment worth proud of for a lifetime.

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