The Road to Modernization of Rural Governance is Wider and Wider Party Building | Governance | Rural Governance

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:45 AM

Entering the new era of rural areas, everywhere is a new style. The cooperative is busy getting rich, and the cultural square is full of joy. There are not only hardworking farmers in the fields, but also tourists who experience farming. Some rural courtyards have become unique homestays and farmhouses. Party members and cadres demonstrated their identity and were full of enthusiasm, leading the villagers to live a new life.

In the rapid development and changes, rural governance faces various new challenges and has also formed many effective new mechanisms. The pace of development has never stopped. In recent years, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan and other places have explored some new practices and experiences on how to further strengthen party building guidance, improve rural governance, and continuously meet the needs of the people for a better life.

The "hard work index" of party members and cadres is constantly transforming into the "happiness index" of farmers and the masses

There is a Phoenix Village in Gulin County, Sichuan Province. In recent years, under policy guidance and assistance, the village has introduced the "rice fish symbiosis" technology to promote the integrated development of agriculture and tourism, making this green land a golden and silver mountain for rural revitalization.

Villager Qiu Shunyao, in his thirties, returned to his hometown to start a business and transferred and contracted dozens of acres of terraced fields. "Our doorstep is getting more and more popular, we can both earn money and care for our family." Speaking of the great changes in the mountainous area, Qiu Shunyao smiled all over his face. When it comes to "home", he also has a series of expectations: "I hope to improve the teaching level in rural areas, so that children can receive better education", "I hope to improve the medical conditions in villages and towns, making it more convenient for the elderly to seek medical treatment", "I hope there are more cultural and entertainment facilities in the village, making daily life richer"

From good to good, from few to many, Qiu Shunyao's hope for a better life is the common aspiration of many farmers.

"The people have their call, and I have my response." Wherever the needs of the people are, the Party's position is covered, and service guarantees follow up wherever they go. Along the way, looking at it, the "hard work index" of the vast number of party members and cadres is constantly transforming into the "happiness index" of the farmers.

Deepen village assistance and give farmers more confidence in getting rich. The first secretary and team members stationed in the village visit the village, listen to the voices of the people, focus on characteristic industries, find market sales channels, strengthen dynamic monitoring and precise assistance to prevent poverty return, and effectively consolidate, expand and improve the achievements of poverty alleviation.

Optimize the living environment and make people's lives more comfortable. The village committees set up the Fara project and raised funds, with party members serving as pioneers and role models. They worked tirelessly, solving problems such as water supply, roads, toilet renovation, lighting, and greening one by one. The security and emergency management system continued to improve.

Strengthen the guarantee of people's livelihoods and make their hearts warmer. Party committees and governments at all levels are promoting a downward shift in the focus of governance and a sinking of resource resources, encouraging and guiding government officials to conduct regular grassroots research, in order to formulate more policies that benefit the people and solve the housing, medical, and education problems that are strongly reflected by the masses.


At about 11 o'clock at noon, we entered the "Filial Piety Canteen" for the elderly in Jiangjiachitou Village, Fenghua District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. Braised pork belly in Brown Sauce, Braised Bamboo Shoots, Stir fried Spinach, Tomato Egg&vegetable soup were very delicious. 87 year old Wang Guoyao gave a thumbs up and said, "The food is affordable and delicious."

Chen Lun, Secretary of the Party Branch of Jiangjiachitou Village, said that the aging population in the village is relatively high. There are about 300 elderly people aged 60 and above, accounting for 40% of the total population of the village. Moreover, most of the elderly's children are not around. The elderly often make do with three meals a day, and some cook a meal for a few days.

In July 2017, Jiangjiachitou Village established an elderly cafeteria, which has been operating since then through the methods of "government subsidy, elderly payment, enterprise donation, volunteer assistance, and vegetable garden supply". "The elderly have a place to take care of and a place to rely on. When the elderly eat comfortably, we feel at ease," said Chen Lun.

In research interviews, "land" is an unavoidable topic. It is the lifeblood of farmers, carrying heavy hopes and dreams.

In the past, villagers often fought over the boundaries and ownership of their fields; After the land rights were confirmed, villagers began to think about whether to plant it themselves or rent it out. When the circulation is completed, villagers always hope for more profits, and sometimes even consider whether the distribution of profits is fair... Gao Demin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Zhanqi Village, Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, shared the expectations of the farmers.

The focus of the masses is the focus of work. In recent years, the two committees of Zhanqi Village have been working on land to revitalize resources and seek development. During this period, land ownership confirmation, land reform, land acquisition and demolition, and contracted management are all tough challenges to tackle. But village officials always insist on putting the interests of the people first, patiently communicating to alleviate public concerns, pooling their wisdom, and making public statements to reassure the people.

Nowadays, the per capita disposable income of the villagers in Zhanqi Village has reached 38500 yuan per year. "Some villagers earn a certain amount of income from transferring land, and then return to work in the contracted enterprise factories to earn another amount of income. By the end of the year, the village collective economy still has dividends, and life is comfortable," said Gao Demin.

Career development is never-ending, the needs of the masses are constantly changing, and the original aspiration of Communist Party members is always as firm as a rock.

More and more resources are being invested in rural areas, and the strength to devote oneself to the countryside is also increasing. The ability and level of serving the people are constantly improving. Grassroots cadres express their voices in this way: "What the people care about and hope for, we will focus on solving and promoting what we want." "Treat the affairs of the masses as our own."

Continuously improving and perfecting the grassroots governance system led by party building, combining autonomy, rule of law, and moral governance

In serving the people time and time again, various regions have explored a large amount of fresh governance experience in livelihood projects. Guided by party building, the grassroots governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and moral governance throughout the entire process of people's democracy has been continuously improved and perfected.

To unite with "autonomy". Boruqiao Village, Zhouwangmiao Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, has launched a distinctive mechanism called "Party Building Leadership, Four Collections and Four Plans" with a focus on "joint consultation and fundraising, joint construction and fundraising, joint management and governance, and joint prosperity and fundraising". The village committee leads the villagers to jointly plan and promote the construction of beautiful rural areas.

Standardize governance with the rule of law. Maling Village, Changbao Town, Mengjin District, Luoyang City, Henan Province strictly abides by laws and regulations and village rules and regulations to regulate the behavior of rural cadres and the masses. Among them, 37 village rules and regulations are formulated, and everything is done according to the rules. In terms of red and white celebrations, each family's hospitality does not exceed the prescribed number of tables, and those exceeding the limit must be reported to the village red and white council for further agreement, with no exception.

To govern with virtue, the spring breeze turns into rain. In Zhentou Ancient Village, Dunhou Town, Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, a drum and board music performance team spontaneously organized by villagers integrates the trend of changing customs with traditional art, advocating for a civilized new style in a simple and easy to understand way of singing, and subtly helping the masses to abandon bad habits.

Many places have carried out integrated innovation around improving the grassroots governance system and enhancing its effectiveness. Chengdu, Sichuan Province, has made synchronous efforts in both institutional mechanisms and spiritual culture to make the system more dynamic——

In terms of institutional mechanisms, urban and rural community development and governance committees have been established at the city and county levels to coordinate grassroots party building and governance work, and to coordinate functions, resources, policies, and other functions scattered across multiple departments, in order to break the previous situation of "nine dragon water control" in grassroots governance. A series of reform measures have been launched: establishing a "three list" of legal autonomy matters, administrative assistance matters, and negative matters in urban and rural communities, and removing unreasonable responsibilities; Promote the reform of the management mechanism of "one team for unified management, one grid for overall control, one platform for unified adjustment, and one set of mechanisms for overall coordination", and solve the problem of insufficient coordination capacity of townships and streets

At the spiritual and cultural level, local culture is the spiritual bond between parents and fellow villagers, which helps neighbors to guard, unite and help each other, and achieve common development. In Chengdu, through the courtyard and dam meetings, party members, cadres, and the masses often gather together to chat about daily life, discuss demands, and provide suggestions.

In the Farmer's Memory Scenic Area of Xianfeng Village, Tangchang Town, Pidu District, there is a constant stream of people who come here to experience farmland and taste the feast of dams. The secret to the popularity of scenic spots lies in "striking the common people and the nine major bowls". This is a traditional folk custom, where some produce oily rice, some produce wine and vegetables, and some produce bowls and chopsticks. Together, they host a table and drink the same wine.

"When it was said that the village was going to 'strike down commoners', everyone came to' eat a banquet '. Ren Jian, the head of the Xianfeng Village Party Organization, said that the village's implementation of living environment improvement drew on this tradition: one characteristic of' strike down commoners' is clear division of responsibilities, with the 'banquet' clearly indicating that the village collective is doing the outside and the highlight, and the villagers are doing the inside and selling points.". The village committee takes the lead in formulating a rectification plan, carrying out planning and design, pipeline network renovation, and road construction well; Villagers independently implement water improvement, toilet improvement, habit improvement, courtyard renovation, and industrial integration according to standards. Party members, cadres, and the masses help and compete with each other, and rural governance quickly presents a situation where outstanding people gather firewood with high flames.


Enhance organizational strength and revitalize governance. Various regions and departments have strengthened their leadership under the leadership of the Party, driven by reform and innovation, and guided by the needs of the masses, to build and improve the institutional system and work matrix of Party building leading grassroots governance. The modernization of grassroots governance, as a fundamental work, has been increasingly strengthened and achieved results.

Grassroots cadres and the masses believe that when the masses view party members and party members view branches, only by strengthening grassroots party organizations can the political and organizational advantages of the party be transformed into governance advantages, ensuring that "three governance integration" is not just a formality.

Some cadres also say that respecting grassroots innovation and creativity is the key to "three governance integration". Only by fully delegating power can we promote the public's recognition and participation in "three governance integration" and continuously stimulate the vitality of rural governance.

The effectiveness of the governance system depends entirely on people. Many grassroots cadres have put forward suggestions to further enhance the political ability and ability of village cadres to do mass work, strengthen party member awareness, stimulate the exemplary role of party members, and further mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in rural governance.

Professor Hong Xianghua from the Central Party School said, "To create a new pattern of good governance in rural areas, it is necessary to forge a team of rural cadres who dare to take responsibility and act well, have the courage to innovate and break through, and constantly create new situations for development. It is necessary to establish a correct view of political achievements, adhere to the mass line, ask questions from the people, ask questions from the people, and solidly do a good job in people's livelihood, and better unite people's hearts in serving the people."

Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, continuously innovate the carriers and forms of grassroots governance

Entering Mingda Village in Xiaolangdi Town, Mengjin District, the trees are lush, the streets are clean, and the red walls and gray tiles of the residential buildings are simple and natural. Why is the village so beautiful? Yang Rui'an, Secretary of the Village Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee, introduced many good ways to "govern the village"——

Party member joint account. More than 300 households were divided into plots, and 28 village party members were subcontracted and contacted. They go from house to house, promote environmental protection policies, and guide the public to make improvements when encountering dangerous houses, dry toilets, and breeding sites that cause "dirty, messy, and poor". They take the initiative to help.

Establish a road chief. All roads in the village are named and labeled, and village cadres, party members in the village, and village representatives have their respective responsibilities for the road sections. Villagers are responsible for their own homes, and the responsibility details and work standards are all posted on the wall for public disclosure and mutual supervision.

Conduct evaluations. Every year, awards such as "Five Beautiful Courtyards" and "Most Beautiful Wisdom Masters" are presented through cultural walls, creating a strong atmosphere of competition among groups and households.


The rural governance mechanism has been established and the direction is clear, and new strategies and paths are urgently needed to achieve it.

"It's much more convenient now! Previously, handling affairs required running back and forth between the county, town, and village. Now that we have grid workers, we can ask for their help." Han Fusheng, a villager from Shuixi Village, Jiading Town, Xinfeng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, expressed his joy.

In recent years, Xinfeng County has explored the method of leading rural grid based grassroots governance through party building, which involves dividing small and detailed governance units, attracting party members and the masses from the village to join the grid team, and through six steps of "entering the masses - discovering problems - platform reporting - problem dispatching - situation feedback - tracking and cancellation", making the resolution of conflicts and disputes more timely and serving the people more finely.

Starting from Shuixi Village, driving for over two hours, we arrived at Liantang Village, Xiaomi Township, Huichang County. A rural civilized point exchange activity caught the attention of the reporter. Villagers are showcasing their points with "Huinong Code" to exchange for various agricultural products and daily necessities.

Zou Shuilian, a staff member of the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Liantang Village, introduced that Huichang County actively carries out family civilization credit management, vigorously promotes the "one person, one household" agricultural code, and guides farmers to participate in civilized practice activities to exchange points, exchange goods, and demonstrate value, helping to promote rural civilization construction. "Last year, a famous neighboring village villager voluntarily donated 10000 yuan to the township education foundation, becoming a major scorer and being recognized as a demonstration household for enthusiastic public welfare. Everyone praised it incessantly."

In research interviews, wherever journalists go and see, there are always "golden ideas" and "good methods". It is not uncommon for various regions to adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, adapt to local conditions and actively explore various practical and effective governance methods.

In some places, technology is being promoted to empower rural governance, and information on village level "three investments" can be accessed and understood through mobile phones; Social security, medical insurance and other services can be processed online without leaving home; The village affairs WeChat group has become the main battlefield for promoting policies and serving the masses; The "Snow Bright Project" has greatly improved the sense of security of farmers.

In some places, a list of small and micro power at the village level is formulated, which puts power in the cage of the system. The masses act according to procedures and cadres perform their duties according to rules, focusing on preventing and solving problems such as non-standard operation of village level power and corruption of small and micro power, and effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

There are still some places that make good use of "Party building+", promote affairs consultation, work promotion, and responsibility sharing through joint construction, coordinate and resolve cross regional conflicts and disputes, and achieve common development.

Once, Shantang Village in Guangchen Town, Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province and Shantang Village in Langxia Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai were separated by a river and connected by a bridge, but their development levels were not the same. In June 2017, the Shanghai Zhejiang Shantang Joint Party Branch was established in Nanbei Shantang, relying on the "Adjacent Party Building" platform to break down regional barriers, continuously expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and jointly develop and create an 8 square kilometer Mingyue Shantang Scenic Area.

"With party building as a link, the two Shantang villages in the north and south have transformed from a competitive relationship in the past to a complementary relationship today." Li Xialan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangchen Town, said that grassroots party organizations in the two places have carried out concentrated exchanges and discussions through joint learning and other forms, promoting the resolution of a number of practical issues related to people's livelihoods, such as removing more than 10 width and height limit poles in the rural areas at the junction of the two places, and achieving cross-border connection between urban and rural public transportation routes 207 and Langxia 2 in Pinghu. The two regions also hold joint activities every year to strengthen cultural exchanges and emotional integration, truly achieving the goal of turning swords into jade and silk.


Party building aggregation, innovation promotes development. Nowadays, with the continuous innovation of grid based, digital, point based, and inventory based governance methods, the level of socialization, rule of law, intelligence, and specialization in grassroots governance is constantly improving. The interviewed party members, cadres, and masses expressed that "the confidence to work hard and start a business has been strengthened", "there are more ways to solve conflicts and disputes among the masses", and "the centripetal force, cohesion, and appeal of the party organization have been greatly enhanced".

Effective governance is an important guarantee for rural revitalization. Practice has fully proven that as long as we continuously play the role of grassroots party organizations as battle fortresses, strengthen and innovate social governance, the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the vast rural population will continue to increase.

During research interviews, some party members, cadres, and the masses also pointed out that "in rural governance, we must avoid formalism and bureaucracy, walk in the heart, and work in practice", "adapt to local conditions, and cannot adopt a" one size fits all "approach, nor can we simply copy and copy", "There is no standard answer to rural governance methods. As long as they are practical, effective, convincing, and can withstand testing, they are good answers"

On the new journey, rural governance is a long and arduous task.

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