The real version of "All for One"! The girl who went abroad to work as a Dutch official never returned to China. Wu Xiaolei | Company | Dutch official

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:08 AM

The promotional video for "All for One"

"People have two hearts, one is greedy and the other is unwilling." This sentence comes from the recently popular movie "All for One". The film tells the story of programmer Pan Sheng and beautiful model Anna, who are attracted by high paying overseas recruitment and go abroad to search for gold, but unexpectedly fall into a fraudulent factory overseas. The film deeply exposes the telecommunications fraud industry, allowing the audience to see an unknown dark world.

Anna's ability to return to China in "All for One" was largely due to her encounter with the kind-hearted Ah Cai - a ruthless little boss at the center of a fraud gang, who gave Anna a way out due to personal emotions and was dubbed the "God of Pure Love" by netizens. But in reality, do people who are deceived into engaging in electronic fraud overseas still have a chance to start over?

The reporter from Fangyuan has extensively reported on multiple similar cases, including victims who were deceived into engaging in illegal activities such as telecommunications fraud overseas. Through the narratives of these firsthand witnesses, we may realize that the real world of overseas fraud is darker than movies.

To repay her debt, the girl went abroad to work as a Dutch official

A reporter from Fangyuan interviewed a real case handled by a procuratorate in Zhejiang Province. Wu Xiaolei, born in the 1990s, was born in Zhejiang. Due to his father's early death, he has always been dependent on his mother. In September 2020, Wu Xiaolei encountered a netizen while playing a fantasy game.

After learning that Wu Xiaolei was unemployed at home, netizens voluntarily revealed a way to make money - to work as a security guard at a casino in the Golden Triangle Economic Zone of Laos, with a monthly salary of 20000 to 30000 yuan.

Wu Xiaolei couldn't wait to tell his friends Zhu Jie and Li Ang about this way of making money. Although Zhu Jie and Ang Lee have started their own families, their family situation is not optimistic, especially Ang Lee, whose husband owes a lot of foreign debt.

After hearing this, Zhu Jie and Ang Lee were very tempted and wanted to go abroad with Wu Xiaolei to make money. At that time, Wu Xiaolei and Li Anan had not yet obtained passports and could not travel abroad. However, this netizen seems to be very capable. After learning about the situation, he quickly helped them contact the "Snake Head" who organized illegal immigration. Although Zhu Jie had a passport, he thought that the three of them should travel together, so he agreed to illegally cross the border with the other two.

On November 13, 2020, with a longing for making big money abroad, the three of them embarked on a journey of illegal immigration.

On the taxi heading to the airport, Wu Xiaolei excitedly talked and said, "The beautiful dealer deals cards online, and sitting there can earn a lot of money. Ang Lee is a girl, just go and work as a dealer, and in a few months, we can earn 100000 yuan."

Stills from "All for One"

A telecommunications fraud company with live ammunition

The real version of "All for One"! The girl who went abroad to work as a Dutch official never returned to China. Wu Xiaolei | Company | Dutch official

At around 8 pm on November 15, 2020, Wu Xiaolei, Zhu Jie, and Li Anan finally waited for a pick-up car at a bus station in Yunnan. The car was already packed with a group of illegal immigrants, most of whom were Chinese. The "snake head" who assisted in illegal immigration asked Wu Xiaolei and his team to turn off their mobile phone location to prevent being caught by the police. Not long after getting on the car, Wu Xiaolei couldn't resist falling asleep. It was already early morning when I woke up, and the car stopped in a forest.

At around 6 a.m. on November 16th, they were transferred to a car tightly wrapped in oilcloth. I don't know how many more cars changed along the way, but in the end, the three of them were taken under a building in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone.

Looking at the yellow office building in front of him, Wu Xiaolei was a bit dumbfounded - the building was 21 floors high, and there were armed security guards on duty at both the front and back doors. Where is the casino?

Wu Xiaolei felt a faint unease. Afterwards, they were taken to the dormitory and their ID cards were confiscated. In the evening of that day, the person who returned from the office building revealed a message - the entire building was engaged in telecommunications fraud and they were sold

At 1am, the office building of the "company" was brightly lit, with five or six mobile phones in front of each employee, while Wu Xiaolei and others received training from the "company" supervisor on the side. The workload of the training is very large, almost from 11pm to noon the next day, they are forced to learn a lot of skills.

"Your goals are overseas Chinese and Chinese students studying abroad."

"We need to establish good relationships with the 'little fish' who have been hooked and encourage them to invest in our virtual currency platform... After the fish have been hooked, the specific matters of platform investment should be taken over by the team leader."


Soft hearted, unable to complete KPI, beaten

After the 3-day "surprise training", Wu Xiaolei, Zhu Jie, and Li Anan can officially start working. The supervisor assigned the three of them to three different fraud teams, each consisting of approximately 11 to 12 people, with a senior employee with good performance serving as the team leader. Wu Xiaolei and Zhu Jie are on the 17th floor, while Li Anan went to the 19th floor.

In the following months, it was almost difficult for the three to meet and communicate. Because there are clear regulations in the company that employees must turn in their phones when they go to work, and colleagues are not allowed to talk in whispers. In addition, the supervisor will also randomly check the mobile chat records of employees at any time.

The daily work tasks are divided into three categories: first, adding three friends using chat apps such as Facebook, Batchat, and Momo; The second is to engage in "hot conversations" with three friends through methods such as seeking warmth and seeking comfort, and online dating, in order to establish intimate relationships; The third is to make three friends interested in the virtual investment platform operated by the company. That is to say, each person should chat with at least 9 people every day. The group target that Wu Xiaolei was assigned to is overseas Chinese and Chinese students. He always uses translation software to translate at any time, so he can barely continue chatting with the other party.

Due to the fact that the main victims of the scam are overseas Chinese in the United States, Wu Xiaolei's schedule has also changed to American time: he starts work at 1 pm every night and ends work at 11 pm the next day. After working for more than two months, Wu Xiaolei failed to make a single order. The closest he came to success was when he tricked an overseas Chinese named Xiaomei. At that time, Xiaomei was about to inject money into the investment platform, but Wu Xiaolei considered it for a long time and still deleted Xiaomei's contact information.

The real version of "All for One"! The girl who went abroad to work as a Dutch official never returned to China. Wu Xiaolei | Company | Dutch official

"I can't pass the conscience test. She grew up in a single parent family and worked several jobs to earn some money." Wu Xiaolei eventually gave up on this order.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of the year, Wu Xiaolei still achieved nothing, and without a doubt, his performance ranking was at the bottom. When the team leader announced the performance ranking of the team members, Wu Xiaolei dared not look up and his heart was beating faster and faster.

Suddenly, the group leader took a stick from the side and fiercely hit Wu Xiaolei's buttocks. Time and time again, Wu Xiaolei screamed loudly in pain, but the other party did not stop until Wu Xiaolei lay on the ground unable to move.

The person who escapes will be locked up in a water prison

It will also be resold to the next criminal group

At this moment, Wu Xiaolei had the idea of returning to his home country, but his supervisor told him that he must pay a ransom of 25000 yuan to return to his home country. The supervisor also said that as long as you have worked in the company for six months, you can be exempted from paying a ransom fee. Wu Xiaolei was unwilling to accept the idea of illegally immigrating abroad without earning a penny and even receiving a subsidy. He decided to endure it for a few more months.

But Wu Xiaolei's days at the company have become increasingly difficult. On weekdays, employees are always restricted in their actions and are not allowed to leave the company's doors casually. If you want to buy something, you need to report to the team leader. The team leader will ask the person from the downstairs convenience store to deliver it, and then provide Wu Xiaolei with a screenshot of the QR code for receiving payment from the convenience store.

The accommodation conditions for the employees are also not good, with five or six people crowded in the upper and lower bunks of a dormitory, and personnel changing frequently. Although the company claims to have a monthly salary of 6800 yuan, there are always various excuses for deducting money, and in the end, they only receive less than 3000 yuan per month, which cannot support Wu Xiaolei's daily living expenses.

During this time, Wu Xiaolei had thought of running away, but a few days later, something happened in the company that changed his mind - someone had escaped from the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone and been arrested again.

The boss made the fleeing person kneel on the ground in front of hundreds of employees. Four or five people fought together, and the person was beaten to the point where their head was bleeding and blood splattered all over the ground. That day, Wu Xiaolei had a nightmare all night.

The next day, Wu Xiaolei heard that the fugitive had been imprisoned in a water prison. Accidentally, he also learned a terrible news - this person was sold to the boss at a low price by another "company" due to poor performance. At this point, he realized that people with poor performance would be sold from one company to another like livestock. Originally, the supervisor's previous statement that he could be released home after working for six months was highly likely false, and Wu Xiaolei began to panic.

Wu Xiaolei, who couldn't achieve the desired results, was still heavily beaten. On February 16, 2021, Wu Xiaolei and Zhu Jie made up their minds to go home. On that day, they approached their supervisor to request their return and contacted their family to raise a ransom of 25000 yuan. Fortunately, after paying the money, the two were successfully released from the Golden Triangle Special Zone.

Afterwards, they contacted the "company" to help find the "scalpers", spent 15000 yuan to take themselves to the police, and traveled back to their home country. Wu Xiaolei and Zhu Jie were ultimately sentenced for the crime of illegally crossing the border.

The real version of "All for One"! The girl who went abroad to work as a Dutch official never returned to China. Wu Xiaolei | Company | Dutch official

The girl who worked as a Dutch official did not return to China and lost contact

Recalling the more than 90 dark days spent in the Golden Triangle, Wu Xiaolei still has lingering palpitations. What is even more worrying is that only two of the three people who illegally crossed the country have returned. Where is Ang Lee? What kind of life are you living now?

Wu Xiaolei only remembers the last time he saw Ang Lee before returning to China. She said she didn't have any money at home and wanted to work for six months before returning home. But later on, Wu Xiaolei heard that even if he worked for six months, he could not be exempted from paying the ransom fee.

Some netizens said that in the movie "All in One's Name", the moment Ah Cai finally threw his passport back to Anna, all the idol storylines were shattered. But in reality, no one will return your passport, let alone kindly let you go. They will only squeeze out your remaining value and sell you to the next criminal group.

When reporting such cases, the reporter of Fangyuan felt most deeply that the suspect could still be investigated for criminal responsibility, which at least showed that he was still alive from overseas criminal organizations, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune. When will there be more people who are still committing telecommunications fraud overseas or are forced to stay there?

More reports

Strike hard! The police of China, Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos jointly take action!

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