The Peaceful Peace of Chinese Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning | China | Exchange

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:44 AM

The Chinese civilization has always upheld the principles of "harmony for the country" and "harmony for diversity", and the idea of loving peace is deeply embedded in the spiritual world of the Chinese nation.

Peace, harmony, harmony, and harmony are the cultural genes of Chinese civilization

The Chinese nation has always advocated peace, harmony, harmony, and harmony. "Harmony" is the core value of Chinese culture, which has shaped the spiritual character of the Chinese nation and the basic characteristics of Chinese civilization through thousands of years of historical development. The traditional Chinese worldview holds that the initial state of the universe, where heaven and earth are not yet open and chaos are not separated, is called "Tai Chi". "Tai Chi generates two phenomena," resulting in a distinction between heaven and earth, yin and yang. ". Yin and Yang are the fundamental factors that are hidden within the laws of nature, driving the conception, development, maturity, and decline of all things in the universe. Everything in heaven and earth contains the principles of yin and yang. Whether in nature or human society, we must pursue the ideal state and perfect order of harmony through the harmony and coordinated development of yin and yang. Of course, "harmony" is not exactly the same, nor is it unchanged. Instead, it is based on acknowledging and respecting differences and diversity, continuously promoting the movement and development of things through benign competition and interaction, complementing each other, and ultimately achieving harmonious unity at a higher level. Zhang Zai, a great Confucian scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty, said, "If there is an elephant, there is a right one, and if there is an opposition, there will be an opposition; if there is an opposition, there will be an enemy, and the opposition will be reconciled and resolved." This fully reflects the profound understanding of the unity of opposites contained in "harmony" among the Chinese people.

Chinese people believe that the operation, development, and order construction of human society must also follow the laws of nature. Therefore, "harmony" is a natural law and an ideal realm of human society. "Harmony is the way to achieve the world.". Chinese people always regard "harmony" as their value goal and highest law when dealing with interpersonal relationships; In dealing with the relationship between humans and nature, pursuing the integration of "humanity" and "the way of heaven" is the so-called "unity of heaven and humanity"; At the level of handling the relationships between people, individuals and groups, and groups and groups, emphasis is placed on "valuing harmony and working together", and the pursuit of the realm of "harmonious coexistence". Of course, different individuals, groups, and even nations and countries in human society inevitably have different value choices and interest demands. The prerequisite for achieving "harmony" is to first acknowledge the objective existence of differences and contradictions, and on the basis of respecting differences and facing contradictions, try to bridge differences and establish consensus with the principle of "seeking common ground while reserving differences". This is the realm of "harmony but difference". Chinese people have never treated different concepts and things with an attitude of exclusion, confrontation, and conquest, nor have they pursued a harmonious unity of singularity, stillness, indifference, and non competition. What we pursue is to maintain dynamic balance and moderate tension between "same" and "different", injecting vitality and energy into building a harmonious society and a peaceful world with benign competition. This is the wisdom of "harmony" in Chinese culture.

World peace and global development are the political vision of Chinese civilization

The Chinese nation's love and pursuit of peace has a long and rich history as evidence. In the Huainanzi, there is a record that goes: "In the past, Xia Gun built a city of three Rens, with the lords carrying it on their backs, and there was cunning overseas. Yu knew about the rebellion of the world, but destroyed the city and Pingchi, scattered wealth, burned armor and soldiers, treated it with virtue, subdued foreign guests, and appointed officials from the four barbarians. He united with the lords on Tu Mountain, and held jade and silk for thousands of countries." This story expresses the highest evaluation of the political wisdom and ability of the Chinese people for governing the country: transforming the enemy into jade and silk, stopping military warfare and achieving peace. The Zuo Zhuan also records a profound understanding of the relationship between war and peace among ancient Chinese people - "stopping the enemy is becoming a military force.". The meaning is that "wu" does not mean conquering, occupying, or showing off one's might. The true spirit of "wu" is to end war and usher in peace. The reason why the Chinese nation has been steadfastly loving and pursuing peace for thousands of years is because the wise Chinese people have long understood a simple and profound truth: peace is the cornerstone of national security and the premise of development and prosperity.Seeking peace and seeking development is the political wisdom summarized by the Chinese nation from its own historical development experience, and it is also the political vision that Chinese civilization contributes to the entire human world.

For a long time, China has been striving to contribute its wisdom, solutions, and strength to the cause of human peace and development. From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, to the initiative to build a community with a shared future for mankind, from promoting the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, to striving to build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness, and beauty, China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a maintainer of international order. Currently, in the context of the accelerated evolution of the world's unprecedented great changes, profound adjustments in the international power balance, and the world entering a period of turbulence and transformation, China has successively proposed the "Three Major Initiatives" of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. From May 18th to 19th, when China and the five Central Asian countries held the China Central Asia Summit in Xi'an, the Central Asian countries highly praised the above initiative, believing that it is of great significance for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, maintaining world peace and security, and promoting human civilization progress. On today's international stage, China is truly playing the role of a "peace ambassador". From promoting the resumption of diplomacy between the two countries, to actively mediating and reconciling to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, China has become a pillar of world peace.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences, and exchanging and learning from each other are the driving forces for the growth of Chinese civilization

Exchange and mutual learning are the driving force behind the development and progress of civilization, and it is through dialogue and exchange with external civilizations that Chinese civilization has gained growth and growth momentum by continuously absorbing beneficial achievements from external civilizations. From a historical perspective, peaceful and friendly cultural exchanges have been beneficial for the cultivation of civilization. Even with a certain degree of cultural shock, it can help Chinese civilization complete its transformation and rebirth. The fundamental reason why Chinese civilization can grow in both cultural exchange and cultural shock is that Chinese civilization itself has outstanding peacefulness. This determines that when facing the "other" in terms of race, region, or culture, we engage in dialogue with them through peaceful coexistence and seeking common ground while reserving differences, rather than exclusion, confrontation, or conquest. This is the most distinct difference between Chinese civilization and exclusive monotheistic civilization. This civilized posture of peace, tolerance, dialogue and exchange has continuously strengthened the centripetal force and vitality of Chinese civilization, stretching for more than 5000 years and becoming a great cultural life form that never stops and maintains its vitality. This is the sustainable path of Chinese civilization.

The power of cultural exchange and mutual learning is driving Chinese civilization from its source to today, and will also lead Chinese civilization from today to a more brilliant tomorrow."Jointly advocating and promoting the common values of all mankind" is a response and transcendence to the so-called "universal values" in the West; "Jointly advocating for the importance of civilization inheritance and innovation" is a confidence and perseverance in one's own path of civilization development; Jointly advocating for strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation is a breakthrough and breakthrough in the trap of civilization conflict. The Global Civilization Initiative represents the expectations of all humanity for a new order and civilization that is more equal, inclusive, and just in the new century. It will also provide crucial values and civilization support for the implementation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and the establishment of a new international order.

Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself is the way of Chinese civilization in dealing with the world

In the long-term process of cultural exchange and dialogue, Chinese civilization has gradually formed a mature basic rule for handling interpersonal relationships: "Do not do to others what you do not want." In the Analects, Zhong Gong asked what "benevolence" means? Confucius replied, "Going out is like seeing a great guest, making the people like receiving a great sacrifice. Do not do to others what you do not want. There is no resentment in the country, and there is no resentment at home." Zigong also asked, "Is there one thing that can be done for life?" Confucius replied, "It is forgiving! Do not do to others what you do not want." "Ren" and "Shu" are the core moral norms of Confucianism in dealing with interpersonal relationships. Combining the two is "Do not do to others what you do not want". This is a way of dealing with people and society that originates from the moral concepts of "being kind to others" and "loving the people and things" in Chinese civilization: abandoning self-centeredness, learning to think from others, seeking others, and promoting oneself and others. The reason why Chinese people always emphasize the principle of "do not do to others what you do not want" is because history and reality have repeatedly shown that based on the illusion of "self centeredness" and "superior civilization", attempting to transplant their own experience model to other countries and regions with an attitude of "do to others what you want" often brings not success and prosperity, but the tragedy of "orange surpasses Huai and becomes orange".

"Do not do to others what you do not want" has been a way of life that Chinese people have believed in for thousands of years. This determines that China will not impose its own values and political system on others, and also determines that a country that is increasingly approaching the center of the world stage will apply this basic rule to handle international relations and contribute Chinese wisdom to building a more just and reasonable new international order.China hopes that all countries can achieve the "Five Nos" when dealing with African affairs. The "Five Nos" principle is the creative transformation and innovative development of the "Do not do to others what you do not want" principle in the field of international relations. It is a new moral standard formulated by China from a moral high ground for world cooperation with Africa, fully reflecting the noble righteousness and era justice represented by China.

Peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation are the great ideals of Chinese civilization

Chinese civilization has always had a global consciousness, and for thousands of years, it has upheld the highest political ideal of "universal harmony". Traditional literati also take the world as their own responsibility and advocate "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the happiness of the world later.". The CPC, as the inheritor and promoter of China's excellent traditional culture, is more mindful of the world and determined to "seek progress for mankind and common ground for the world". This consistent global sentiment and the ideal of great harmony determine that Chinese people regard their neighbors as neighbors, emphasizing harmonious coexistence and kindness towards their neighbors; Regard all nations as one, emphasize the importance of honesty, harmony, and harmony among nations. This is a process of promoting oneself and others from the near to the far, with the ultimate goal of achieving peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation between countries. The enduring ideal of great harmony in Chinese civilization has provided abundant ideological resources and solid value foundations for the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. The concept and plan of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the result of the combination of Marxist world history and the ideal of universal harmony of Chinese civilization. It is also the unity of the great rejuvenation vision of the Chinese nation and the mission of striving for progress for humanity and achieving universal harmony for the world in practice.

The firm determination and practical efforts of China to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind have determined that China adheres to cooperation, does not engage in confrontation, and will never engage in a small circle of "party unity and diversity" in international relations; It has been decided that China will never engage in a zero sum game where a strong country will inevitably dominate, and it does not agree with a zero sum game where you lose and I win; It has determined that China is pursuing a path of peaceful development.The Global Security Initiative is a Chinese solution provided to the world today to overcome security challenges and maintain global peace. Looking ahead to the future, China will undoubtedly make greater contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and achieving peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation for human society.

[The author is the Deputy Director of the Center for Chinese Civilization and Chinese Road Research at the Central Party School, and a professor at the Department of Literature, History, Education and Research]

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