Strong organization and strong development momentum (deep attention, Party flag fluttering high on the grassroots front line) United | Village leadership | Party flag

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:53 AM

In Zhengjia Village, Hou'an Town, Fushun County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, villagers are picking fungus at the cooperative production base.

Photo by reporter Wu Chuqi

Editor's note: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Guangdong that it is necessary to actively promote the construction of a new type of urbanization with county towns as an important carrier, accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system, develop a new type of rural collective economy, and implement in-depth rural construction actions to promote common prosperity.

Liaoning Province has taken hard and practical measures, leveraging the political, organizational, and service advantages of the Party to stimulate rural reform vitality, develop and strengthen rural industries, and enhance collective economic strength. At present, the province has basically eliminated the "shell villages" of collective economy, significantly improved the development level of village level collective economy, and significantly enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations in rural areas.

Recently, the reporter went to Liaoning Province for an interview.

"The village committee has two empty rooms inside. The village courtyard is dilapidated, and the roads are bumpy..." Song Nannan's first impression of Liujiawobao Village is still unforgettable.

Song Nannan is the first secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security stationed in Liujiawobao Village, Erniusuokou Town, Kangping County. Nowadays, Liujiawobao Village has undergone a great transformation. The village headquarters are clean and tidy, and the live broadcast rooms are bustling with activity. Left behind children in the "Children's Station" listen attentively to classes, while the elderly in the "Ancient and Rare Elderly Care Station" are laughing and laughing. Two professional cooperatives have also been established for planting and breeding.

"The key is that the village has industries, the collective has income, and the party organization has strength," said Song Nannan. In recent years, the village party branch has led villagers to start live streaming agricultural products. A computer, an internet cable, and agricultural products are available all over the world, with annual e-commerce sales reaching 1 million yuan. The villagers have bloated their wallets, their per capita income has doubled, the village collective has become wealthy, and various businesses in the village have also started.

Developing and strengthening village level collective economy is an important means to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, promote rural revitalization, and also an important guarantee to enhance the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations in rural areas. Liaoning Province regards the development and strengthening of village level collective economy as a major and urgent task for grassroots party organizations. Through comprehensive measures such as selecting and strengthening cadres, joint and coordinated development, and strengthening leadership and support, it promotes the strengthening of village level collective economy and injects fresh water into the source of rural revitalization.

Selecting the best and matching strong headed geese to motivate and take on responsibilities

The giant "rice field painting" depicts a colorful scroll on the earth, with children playing among the flowers in the fields... This is Daguliu Village, Xinglongtai Street, Shenbei New District, Shenyang City, with a long history of Xibe culture and a popular "rice dream space" on the internet.

In Daguliu Village, the two secretaries worked closely together to plan and guide the development of the village. One is Zhang Aizhong, the secretary of the village party branch. He is an authentic Xibe farmer and also the founder of the "Rice Dream Space" enterprise.

"My enterprise grew out of the village, so naturally I want to make the village rich." In 2021, as a "capable person", Zhang Aizhong accepted the organizational arrangement and served as the Party branch secretary of Daguliu Village.

How to get rich? Zhang Aizhong has come up with many solutions. How to revitalize 1/3 of the houses in a single natural village when they are idle? The village collective cooperative leases rural homesteads, and then cooperates with enterprises in the name of the cooperative to develop cultural and tourism projects, including homestays, restaurants, oil painting galleries, comic galleries, and village history galleries... This project has invested nearly 10 million yuan and receives 500000 tourists annually, driving the village collective to increase its income by more than 100000 yuan.

There is also Jiang Qi, the first secretary stationed in the village. Jiang Qi'ai and the villagers chattered about their daily lives, saying that as they chattered, they knew what the villagers were thinking. When Jiang Qi heard that villagers were worried about the sales of agricultural products, he decided to live stream and promote products on short video platforms. He became a live streamer and even a delivery boy in his spare time. In recent years, he has helped villagers sell over 16000 kilograms of grapes, over 70000 kilograms of sweet potatoes, and over 100000 kilograms of rice.

"Choosing the leading personnel is twice the result." The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee said that an important task of grassroots party building in rural areas is to select and strengthen the leadership of the village committees, and select cadres with strong abilities to become rich and take risks; At the same time, provide comprehensive training for the first secretary stationed in the village, bind the responsibilities of the dispatching unit and the assisting village, actively assist in coordinating policies, funds, and projects, and help them better fulfill their duties.

In various parts of Liaoning, the "Head Goose Project" is being solidly promoted. Fushun City has implemented the "Three Direction Training" project for 20 consecutive years, which is based on the basic content of "cultivating wealthy experts into party members, cultivating party members into wealthy experts, and cultivating party members into village cadres.". In 2018, the "Three Way Training" project was upgraded and replaced, with the addition of intermediate training goals to cultivate village party organization secretaries, village committee directors, or industry leaders, as well as advanced training goals to cultivate leading figures in rural revitalization. Tieling City has launched the "Enriching the People and Strengthening the Village with Wild Goose Leading the Way" campaign, selecting village party secretaries with strong abilities, emotions, abilities, achievements, recognition, and vitality, and forming a "Wild Goose Alliance" at the city and county levels to form a "Wild Goose Formation Effect".

The organization of "what to take the exam and how to do it" directly affects the "what to do and how to do it" of cadres. Liaoning attaches great importance to playing the role of a baton in assessment, and will include supporting and strengthening the village level collective economy as a mandatory examination item for the work performance of party and government leadership teams and leading cadres at all levels. It is a necessary content for the city, county, and township party committee secretaries to carry out the evaluation and assessment of grassroots party building, and to promote the development and strengthening of village level collective economy on the work agenda and firmly grasp it.

Joint and collaborative development, pairing and common prosperity

"The joint party committee really works! Uniting vegetable and fruit farmers, finding both sales channels and expert guidance. The most obvious thing is that income has doubled!" said Zhang Jianfa, a member of the cooperative in Qingyunbuo Town, Kaiyuan City. The "Joint Party Committee" mentioned by Zhang Jianfa refers to the Joint Party Committee of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Qingyunbuo Town.

In 2021, Tieling City issued the Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Industrial Joint Party Committees, which, in accordance with the principles of geographical proximity, common customs, industrial connectivity, and resource complementarity, will establish villages with solid party building strength, significant economic development results, and strong industrial driving capabilities as the center of organization, and attract neighboring villages with similar or similar industries to form industrial joint party committees.

The key to forming a joint party committee lies in "unity". The fruit and vegetable industry joint party committee of Qingyunpu Town has established the village leadership with strong driving ability and good collective economic development in Laohutou Village as the center, radiating and driving 7 surrounding villages and two cooperatives. Wang Ming, the deputy secretary of the town party committee, also serves as the secretary of the joint party committee.

"Lian" has achieved good results, solving problems that were previously difficult to solve alone. Facing the problem of poor planting techniques, invite experts from Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences to serve as consultants; Faced with the problem of unsold strawberries and vegetables during the epidemic, we contacted local large supermarkets, government agencies, enterprises, and institutions to cooperate... "The party organization is here to set the stage and solve the problem by guiding, making decisions, coordinating, and providing strong services." Wang Ming said.

Entering Zhengjia Village in Hou'an Town, Fushun County, Fushun City, deep in the mountains, cylindrical mushroom bags are neatly arranged in the fields. Fat black fungus peeks out from the small holes around the bags, and farmers shuttle between picking, sorting, and drying, busy and orderly.

Strong organization and strong development momentum (deep attention, Party flag fluttering high on the grassroots front line) United | Village leadership | Party flag

"This year, we have placed another one million pieces of agarwood, covering an area of 100 acres." As soon as we met, Hou Qinglin, Deputy Secretary of the Joint Party Committee of Hou'an Town's Edible Fungus Industry, opened the conversation. Having dealt with Auricularia auricula for over 10 years, he has trained more than 30 technical production personnel. Auricularia auricula has fulfilled his dream of becoming rich and achieved his goal of strengthening the village and enriching the people.

"I am the paired account of Secretary Hou, who lent me start-up funds to help me build a mushroom room. Whenever I encounter any problems, I can ask them at any time. Planting agarwood, I feel at ease." Villager Xu Weifang looked at the thriving agarwood with joy on his face.

Pairing refers to the establishment of a responsibility zone for the common prosperity of the Party and the masses, with party members as the main body, to help the masses develop industries and increase income through pairing. The responsibility area for the common prosperity of the Party and the masses is generally composed of 3-5 party members who have become wealthy and several masses, with one party member who has become wealthy serving as the person in charge of the responsibility area.

If the joint party committee is building the party organization on the industrial chain, the responsibility area for party and mass prosperity is gathering party members in the responsibility area. In recent years, relying on the grid, party groups, and village industrial planning, Fushun City has divided 1676 responsibility zones for party and mass prosperity, with 5474 key members participating in party member wealth creation. It has guided and encouraged 5323 new era "three directional training" objects and 555 resident cadres in the city to actively participate. A total of 609 Lei Feng party member wealth creation teams have been established, helping more than 4000 people solve problems such as planting and breeding technology, spring plowing preparation, and purchasing agricultural inputs.

The establishment of a joint party committee and the division of responsibility zones for party and mass prosperity are active explorations in Liaoning Province to carry out the "party and mass common prosperity" activity, with the aim of cultivating and strengthening rural characteristic industries and expanding channels for increasing income and wealth; At the same time, establish and improve various forms of interest bonds between collectives, farmers, agricultural enterprises and other business entities, and promote the development and growth of village collective economy.

Real gold and silver support to ensure standardized operation

Entering Longxu Planting Professional Cooperative Society in Dongsheng Village, Kangping County, Shenyang City, more than 20 tractors, rotary plows, combine harvesters and other agricultural machinery were neatly parked in the yard. The processing and production machines for miscellaneous grains made a deafening roar, and the working villagers were busy. Opening the village collective economic bill of Dongsheng Village, "In 2022, the annual income of the village collective exceeded 1.1 million yuan, and the balance on the village collective account reached 3 million yuan."

Before 2016, the fixed assets in the village were only the village headquarters and square. "The significant changes cannot be separated from the initial 2 million yuan," said Zhao Long, the secretary of the village party branch.

In 2016, Dongsheng Village, as a pilot village for supporting the collective economic development of villages in Liaoning Province, received a subsidy of 2 million yuan.

"This precious subsidy must be used on the cutting edge," Zhao Long made up his mind. Quickly, Dongsheng Village established the Kangping County Longxu Planting Professional Cooperative Association, gradually paving the way for large-scale, intensive, and industrialized development.

"Production tools are very important." After conducting research, the cooperative cooperative society has decided to use funds to scale up agricultural production and buy agricultural machinery! "After years of development, we have achieved full mechanization in all aspects, from deep land loosening, no till sowing, to unmanned aerial vehicle pest control, mechanized harvesting, etc., greatly reducing production costs and providing services to increase income for external villages," Zhao Long said.

Some village collectives have ideas and ideas, but suffer from the lack of first funding, making it difficult for skilled women to cook without rice.

In June, at the green ecological breeding cooperative in Huangjiuguan Village, Jinjia Town, Changtu County, Tieling City, a group of fat and robust beef cattle stood or lay, leisurely basking in the sun.

"Raising cattle is still a key investment, and I dare not make up my mind easily." Zhang Haimin, the secretary of the village party branch, recalled his decision a few years ago. "The support funds gave me a lot of confidence."

In 2018, members of the two committees of Huangjiuguan Village set up a breeding cooperative in the mode of "village community integration", integrated and supported the expansion of the village level collective economy with a subsidy of 2 million yuan, the village party members and cadres took the lead in investing 2 million yuan, and farmers invested 1.6 million yuan, starting to develop the beef cattle industry.

Nowadays, the leadership of Huangjiuguan Village is strong and the debt is gone. The savings amount to over 2 million yuan, the annual collective economic income of the village reaches 700000 yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers is over 30000 yuan.

From 2016 to 2018, Liaoning Province identified 200 pilot villages annually, with each village investing 2 million yuan in supporting the development of collective economy. Due to the outstanding pilot effect, in 2019, Liaoning Province launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration of Collective Economy" construction. Every year, on the basis of the central government's reward and subsidy funds, the province allocated 300 million yuan to selectively support the development of collective economy in about 1000 villages, with a total subsidy fund of no less than 500000 yuan per village. Starting from 2021, the financial support for village subsidies will be raised to no less than 1 million yuan, demonstrating and promoting increased funding and policy support in various regions. In recent years, Liaoning Province has invested a total of 2.435 billion yuan and supported 3620 village collective economic projects.

"The supporting funds should play a demonstrative role, be well utilized and managed," said the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. At the provincial level, dynamic supervision and archival management are implemented to promote the implementation of support projects. Every year, a "screening" is conducted on the collective economic support projects in the province since 2019, with a focus on whether funds have been allocated in place, whether project completion has been implemented and accepted, and whether the projects have been included in the "three capital" management. "Any problems found will not be ambiguous, a list will be made one by one, and corrective measures will be formulated to ensure the standardized operation of collective economic projects and play a demonstration and driving role."

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