The National Development and Reform Commission has proposed 17 measures, heavyweight! Promoting Private Investment | Private | Investment

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:25 AM

On the 24th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the ''Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in Promoting Private Investment and Striving to Mobilize the Enthusiasm of Private Investment'', which pointed out that it proposed 17 from four aspects: clarifying work goals, focusing on key areas, improving guarantee mechanisms, and creating a good environment. Work measures to achieve various work goals for promoting the development of private investment.

The "Notice") pointed out that the first is to clarify the work objectives and boost the confidence of private investment.

Fully understand the importance of promoting private investment. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party Central Committee has always adhered to the "two unshakable" and "three unchanged", and has always regarded private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as its own; it is necessary to stimulate the vitality of private capital investment, encourage and attract more private capital Participate in the construction of major national projects and key industrial chain supply chain projects, and make greater contributions to building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we should fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and earnestly do a good job in promoting private investment in accordance with the requirements of the Central Economic work Conference and the Government work report. fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.

Clarify the work objectives of promoting private investment. Give full play to the important role of private investment, and strive to maintain the proportion of private investment in fixed asset investment at a reasonable level, so as to further optimize the private investment environment, further enhance the willingness of private investment, and further enhance the vitality of private investment. The provincial development and reform commissions should clarify the proportion of private investment in the region and the growth rate of infrastructure investment in private investment, decompose key tasks, formulate specific measures, consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, and promote the implementation of various tasks.

The second is to focus on key areas and support private capital to participate in major projects.

Clarify a number of key sub-sectors that encourage private capital participation. In the fields of transportation, water conservancy, clean energy, new infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, and modern facility agriculture, our committee will select a number of sub-sectors with large market space, strong development potential, in line with major national strategies and industrial policy requirements, and conducive to promoting high-quality development, and encourage private capital to actively participate; organize and sort out the development plans, industrial policies, investment management requirements, and financial support policies of relevant sub-sectors, public release to the public to help private enterprises make better investment decisions. The provincial development and reform commissions should compare the above-mentioned sub-industry catalogues, consult relevant local departments to supplement and improve relevant local policies, and strengthen publicity and interpretation to guide private investment to take root.

Comprehensive combing of the list of projects to attract private capital. The provincial development and reform commissions should carefully select projects with clear investment return mechanism, good investment return level and suitable for promotion to private capital from major national projects and short board projects, so as to form a list of major projects to be promoted to private capital. It is necessary to actively organize relevant parties in the region to select key industrial chain supply chain projects suitable for private capital participation according to local conditions, and form a list of industrial projects to be promoted to private capital. To organize the combing of fully user-paid franchise projects, the formation of a list of franchise projects to be introduced to private capital.

Do a good job in the docking of private investment services. The provincial development and reform commissions should include a working mechanism to encourage private investment in the coordination mechanism for promoting effective investment in important projects, clarify work priorities, refine support policies, strengthen coordination and linkage, and strengthen service guarantees. Based on the above-mentioned list of major projects, industrial projects, and franchise projects to be promoted to private capital, investment and financing cooperation should be carried out through various methods such as holding project promotion meetings, and publicly release the basic information of the project, participation methods, and Return mechanism and other information, do a good job in policy interpretation, business docking, and condition implementation to create conditions for the project to land. When selecting project investors, social capital parties or cooperative units, relevant parties are encouraged to choose private enterprises with high technical level, strong innovation ability and good comprehensive strength.

Build a unified platform to promote projects to private capital. Relying on the national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, the Commission will establish a unified platform for promoting projects to private capital, release information on project promotion and support policies, so as to facilitate private capital to obtain relevant project information more conveniently, and attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major national projects and short-board projects, key industrial chain supply chain projects, and full user-paid franchise projects. The online approval and supervision platforms for investment projects in various regions should improve their functions, strengthen their services, update the project list in a timely manner, and dynamically release local policies, promotion activities, project progress and other information to provide better support for a unified platform for promoting projects to private capital.

Guide private investment in scientific and rational decision-making. The provincial development and reform commissions should adopt various methods to publicize and interpret the "Reference Outline for the Preparation of Feasibility Study Reports on Enterprise Investment Projects" to private enterprises, guide private enterprises to pay attention to feasibility studies, and continuously improve the scientificity and accuracy of investment decisions. Achieve long-term healthy and sustainable development. Encourage private enterprises to focus on industry, refine their main business, enhance their core competitiveness, and avoid one-sided pursuit of hot spots, blindly expand investment, and increase operational risks. Guide private enterprises to do what they can, consciously strengthen credit management, reasonably control the scale and proportion of debt financing, avoid high-leverage investment beyond their own capacity, and prevent major risks such as the break of the capital chain.

The third is to improve the guarantee mechanism and promote the implementation of private investment projects.

Establish a database of key private investment projects. In accordance with the principles of clear standards, rigorous procedures, objectivity and impartiality, and on the basis of the recommend of the provincial development and reform commissions, our committee will, after professional evaluation, select qualified private investment projects, establish a national database of key private investment projects, and strengthen the financing guarantee and factor guarantee of key private investment projects. Each provincial development and reform commission shall establish a provincial key private investment project database, strengthen financing guarantee and factor guarantee for the projects in the database, and recommend key private investment projects to our commission on this basis.

Optimize financing support for private investment projects. Our committee will recommend the national key private investment project library projects to relevant financial institutions in accordance with the idea of "mature batch and recommend batch"; relevant financial institutions will independently review, make independent decisions, and bear their own risks in accordance with the principle of marketization and rule of law. Choose qualified projects to provide financial support. Our committee will strengthen the docking with relevant policy development banks, state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock banks, rely on the national online examination and approval supervision platform for investment projects, timely share the preliminary procedures for private investment projects, and whether to obtain financial support information such as investment in the central budget, so as to guide and increase financing support. Relevant financial institutions provide timely feedback to the Commission on the provision of bank loans or equity investment and other financial support to key private investment projects and other private investment projects. The provincial development and reform commissions should refer to the above-mentioned working mechanism, take the initiative to strengthen docking with banks, insurance and other financial institutions, and actively help private investment projects solve financing difficulties.

Strengthen the guarantee of key private investment projects. Our committee will incorporate the national key private investment project library project into the national major project land guarantee mechanism, and ask the Ministry of Natural Resources to increase the project land guarantee; the provincial development and reform commissions will consult with the local natural resources departments to help solve the local key private investment project land guarantee problem. All provincial development and reform commissions should take the initiative to strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments such as natural resources and ecological environment, and treat private investment projects equally and equally when handling procedures such as forest and sea use, environmental impact assessment, and energy conservation, so as to help private investment projects be implemented smoothly.

Actively play the supporting role of credit information. Our committee will work with relevant departments to further promote the "Credit Easy Loan" model, based on the sharing of credit information and the development and utilization of big data, in-depth exploration of the value of credit information, improve the level of credit support for financial services to the real economy, and improve private investment and financing capabilities. The provincial development and reform commissions shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, further coordinate the establishment or improvement of local financing credit service platforms on the basis of existing local credit information sharing platforms, credit information platforms, and comprehensive financial service platforms, and strive to reduce bank-enterprise information Asymmetry promotes the rational allocation of credit resources to private investment.

Encourage private investment projects to issue real estate investment trust funds in the field of infrastructure. The Commission will further intensify its efforts to recommend more qualified private investment projects to issue infrastructure REITs, promote the diversification of asset types, further broaden the investment and financing channels for private investment, reduce the asset-liability ratio of enterprises, and enhance the ability to reinvest. The provincial development and reform commissions should strengthen communication and coordination with natural resources, ecological environment, housing and urban-rural construction and other departments, focusing on the improvement of preliminary procedures, property rights certificate processing, land use management, etc., to help implement the conditions for the revitalization of stock assets, and support more Private investment projects issue infrastructure REITs.

Fourth, create a good environment to promote the healthy development of private investment.

Optimize the management process of private investment projects. The provincial development and reform commissions should work closely with relevant departments to reduce the process of approval and filing, planning permission and construction permission of private investment projects, actively explore and carry out the comprehensive evaluation mode of "multiple evaluation in one, one evaluation and multiple use", so as to improve the efficiency of the preliminary work of private investment projects. Innovative models such as stratified land supply are explored for private investment projects to improve the efficiency of land supply and use. Explore the pre-acceptance of private investment projects in different buildings, layers and sections. On the premise of ensuring safe production, accept the acceptance of individual acceptance materials that take a long time to test. Explore the joint acceptance mode, reduce the time for completion acceptance and real estate registration, complete the ownership registration as soon as possible, and help private investment projects to have financing conditions as soon as possible.

Build channels to reflect and solve private investment problems. Relying on the national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, the Commission will set up a column to reflect the problems of private investment, collecting clues to key problems encountered by private investment, such as penalty escrow, hidden barriers to market access, unfair treatment in bidding, and slow progress in handling preliminary procedures. For key clues with clear facts and clear problems, relevant localities and departments will be referred to speed up the solution, and the specific implementation situation will be fed back to our Committee to form a closed-loop management mechanism of "collection-feedback-solution" of problem clues. Our committee will identify a number of private enterprises with fixed-point contact, regularly carry out in-depth questionnaire surveys on private investment, smooth the path of direct litigation, and better listen to the voice of private enterprises. For places that reflect the concentration of problems and fail to solve problems, they will be reported to the State Council and included in the scope of the State Council's major supervision. Regarding the common problems encountered by private investment, we will work with or request relevant departments to study and propose specific measures, formulate or modify policy documents, and lower the requirements for equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises from the system and law.

Establish a mechanism for the scheduling and evaluation of private investment work. Our Committee will establish a scheduling and evaluation mechanism for promoting private investment, and make progress in clarifying work objectives, sorting out project lists, publicly promoting projects, establishing working mechanisms, strengthening docking with financial institutions, ensuring key elements, and dealing with reflected problems, as well as the growth rate of private investment, the proportion of private investment, the number of recommended projects, the scale of attracting financing support from financial institutions, the strength of project element protection, the efficiency of private investment problem solving and other work results, monthly scheduling, quarterly notification, annual assessment, compaction of work responsibilities. The relevant information will be issued to the provincial development and reform commissions by means of notification, etc., copied to the provincial people's government and relevant departments of the State Council, and reported to the State Council in due course.

Set up a special project to promote private investment guidance. Our committee will adjust the establishment of special investment projects within the central budget, and select 20 prefecture-level cities with fast private investment growth, high proportion, strong vitality, and practical measures to support it every year, and relevant localities will use special funds for key projects that meet the conditions Construction. Our committee will formulate special management measures and evaluation standards to ensure that the standard and fair implementation of support measures are in place, and the support list will be made public in an appropriate way to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all localities to promote private investment.

Publicize and promote the typical experience of private investment. All localities should actively explore, boldly try, innovate ways and means, and support the healthy development of private investment. Our committee will deeply explore and vigorously promote the good experiences and practices of promoting private investment in various regions, and promote each region to learn from each other and continuously optimize the investment environment by holding on-the-spot meetings to promote private investment, holding press conferences, and printing and distributing typical experience cases., To create a good atmosphere for the healthy development of private investment.

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