The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and nine other departments have deployed the "My Hometown, My Construction" activity. Social | Hometown | Retirement

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 06:35 AM

Implementation Plan for the "My Hometown, I Build" Activity

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of farmers and people from all walks of life in building their hometowns, promote the development of talents, funds, and technology in rural areas, and gather various forces to build livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas, this plan is formulated in accordance with the relevant deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, as well as the requirements of the Guidelines for Farmers to Participate in Rural Construction.

General 1. requirements

guiding ideology

Working principles

Adhere to the guidance of Party building and social coordination. Give full play to the role of the frontline command headquarters of the county-level party committee and the fighting fortress of grassroots party organizations, highlight political guidance, ideological guidance, organizational guidance, and mechanism guidance, enhance the sense of identity, responsibility, and pride in building our hometown, gather social consensus, and gather forces from all parties.

Adhere to the village as the unit and emotions as the bond. Taking the administrative village as the implementation unit, relying on the village committee, as well as the village council, council, and supervisory board, play the "hometown sentiment card" and "homesickness card" well, and guide all parties to voluntarily build their hometowns.

Adhere to balancing righteousness and interests, and prioritize righteousness. Establishing a correct concept of righteousness and benefit, advocating for mutual benefit and common development in industrial development, prioritizing righteousness over profit and sacrificing benefits for righteousness in public welfare construction, taking revitalizing our hometown as our own responsibility, and participating in construction through various means such as employment, volunteer service, and donation recognition.

Persist in optimizing the environment and activating resources. Continuously optimize the policy environment, guide, serve, and protect the enthusiasm of talents, funds, and technology to go to rural areas.

Persist in focusing on weaknesses and pay attention to practical results. Based on the actual situation of the village, we will focus on urgent and difficult issues such as village planning, industrial development, public welfare facilities, public services, living environment, changing customs, and helping the poor and the weak, as well as practical issues related to people's livelihood. We will make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses, and improve production and living conditions.

Activity objectives

A strong atmosphere of loving, giving back, and building one's hometown has gradually formed. The enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of farmers to participate in rural construction have been fully stimulated, and the channels for social forces to participate in rural construction have been effectively opened. The construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside has been vigorously promoted, and the appearance of the village has been continuously improved. The inheritance and innovation of excellent culture have gradually made "my hometown" basically equipped with modern living conditions, and farmers can live a modern civilized life on the spot.

2、 Activity content

Organize farmers to build in the township. According to the prescribed procedures and methods, organize farmers in the village to participate in village construction. Adopting a combination of "inviting in to teach" and "going out to learn" approach, organizing members of the village "two committees" and village representatives to learn and mobilize the experience and practices of villagers and building their hometowns in rural areas. Guiding farmers to offer suggestions, discuss and actively participate in important rural construction issues such as village planning, construction, and management around "what kind of village to build and how to build it". Promote the micro renovation of villages, organize farmers to participate in the construction of small and micro projects such as village access roads, "three line" renovation, greening and lighting, rural house renovation, pond renovation, and activity squares. Promote participation methods such as work for relief, employment for labor, hiring workers to purchase materials, and a point system, as well as support methods such as building first and then providing compensation, and using rewards for compensation. Promote practices such as "three guarantees in front of the door", beneficiary claims, establishment of user associations, and establishment of public welfare positions to support villagers in participating in the management and maintenance of rural public facilities.

Advocate for college students to go to rural areas for construction. Encourage college students studying abroad to make full use of winter and summer vacations, long breaks, and internships to actively participate in the construction of their hometowns. Guide college students to carry out social practice activities based on their hometowns, focusing on academic related topics and the needs of hometown construction, visiting, learning from, and learning from hundreds of schools, learning from farmers, and making friends with them. Support college students to leverage their strengths, participate in village surveys, village planning, project planning, construction, art design, cultural heritage, product marketing, and provide volunteer services such as health consultation, day care, technology promotion, and educational counseling. Support college students to promote their hometown planning blueprint, advantageous resources, and distinctive culture, tell a good development story, strive for university resources, and assist in the construction of their hometown. Encourage graduates from ordinary universities and vocational colleges to return to their hometowns and start businesses.

Mobilize capable people to return to their hometowns for construction. Guide professional talents, economic experts, cultural celebrities and other capable individuals with good conduct, ability, reputation, and enthusiasm for hometown construction to return to their hometowns to participate in the construction. Establish a sound service system for counties, townships, and villages, enabling more capable people to think, be, truly, and achieve success. Encourage and guide retired teachers, doctors, technical personnel, and military personnel to return to their hometowns for services. Support the design of rural services, guide designers and teams who understand rural areas, love farmers, and are familiar with local conditions to go to rural areas, provide technical services for rural construction, set up rural construction lecture halls, and help cultivate local design talents. Explore various methods such as moderate separation of job positions to encourage professional and technical personnel in urban education, science, culture, health, and sports to regularly serve their hometowns. Encourage capable individuals outside the township to support the public welfare cause in their hometown through forms such as funding, donations, and investment attraction, and carry out social welfare activities such as respecting the elderly, caring for children, assisting students with disabilities, and helping those in need.

Attracting migrant workers to return home for construction. Give full play to the advantages of broad knowledge, broad vision, and extensive experience of returning migrant workers, and guide them to participate in the construction of their hometowns according to local conditions and people. Encourage migrant workers returning to their hometowns to fully explore and utilize their comparative advantages, and start businesses and develop in their hometowns. For government led rural public welfare projects, support enterprises and social organizations established by migrant workers to participate in the construction, management, and operation. Guide migrant workers with certain skills and experience to provide services such as housekeeping, elderly care, childcare, care, and maintenance in the village. Support the application for recognition of rural craftsmen by returning migrant workers who have excellent skills, strong ability to drive industrial development, and meet the conditions. Support eligible regions to strengthen the construction of entrepreneurship parks for returning to their hometowns.

Guide entrepreneurs to participate in modern agriculture and rural construction in an orderly manner. Give full play to the advantages of entrepreneurs who value their hometown, are good at management, and are willing to contribute, guide them to return to their hometowns to invest and develop social undertakings, develop smart agriculture, efficient agriculture, ecological agriculture, and leisure agriculture, and promote the integration of production, processing, and sales. Guide entrepreneurs to actively participate in the improvement of rural living environment, and participate in the construction and management of village roads, water supply, gas supply, warehousing and logistics, public lighting, elderly care and disability assistance, cultural and sports facilities through donations and other forms. We must regulate and guide industrial and commercial capital to go to rural areas in accordance with the law, strengthen strict supervision of the entire process of capital introduction, use, and exit, and lease arable land without changing the nature of land ownership or the purpose of land cultivation, and without damaging the comprehensive agricultural production capacity and agricultural ecological environment.

3、 Safeguard measures

Strengthen organizational leadership. Various regions should regard the "My Hometown, My Construction" activity as an important lever for implementing rural construction actions, and promote the implementation of the activity in an orderly manner. All relevant departments should coordinate resources and strength, strengthen coordination and cooperation, strengthen supervision and guidance, and promote the effective implementation of activities. Strengthen the responsibility of county-level entities and provide organizational support for the implementation of activities.

Adhere to planning guidance. Adhere to planning first, plan first before construction, do not build without planning, and scientifically plan the layout of villages. Establish a sound village planning mechanism with government organizational leadership, farmers playing a leading role, and professional technical guidance, guiding farmers in the village and fellow villagers, planners, designers, college students, entrepreneurs, etc. to participate in the research of village construction goals, tasks, and measures. Enhance the scientific and practical nature of village planning, ensure that it is in line with local economic development levels, natural resource endowments, local customs and traditions, and the production and living needs of farmers. Through village planning, consensus, people's hearts, and strength can be gathered.

Implement inventory guidance. Compile a demand list based on villages, focusing on the goal of basic modern living conditions in rural areas, and focusing on the urgent needs of farmers. Prioritize the inclusion of projects with strong public needs, prominent shortcomings, and balancing agricultural production and improvement of farmers' living conditions in the list, clarify the construction focus for the next period, and strengthen the demand traction of hometown construction.

Increase support. Various regions should actively support the implementation of the "My Hometown, My Construction" activity, establish and improve a diversified investment mechanism, explore rural construction financing reward and subsidy mechanisms, and a "fiscal funds+social funds" co investment mechanism. Fully implement the policy of pre tax deduction of corporate income tax for public welfare donations. Promote the evaluation of professional titles, salary benefits, and other benefits towards rural teachers, rural doctors, and resident designers.

Innovative forms of activities. Make good use of the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival platform, hold a variety of mass celebration activities, and build a bridge for communication and interaction between farmers in the village and outsiders. Make good use of hometown groups, Moments, Tieba, hot topics, etc., to discuss village history, discuss village affairs, and study village plans together. Give full play to the role of the Xiangqing Museum and the Village History Museum in recording rural sentiment and nostalgia, strengthen the organization and promotion of village historical stories, development and changes, and other village culture, stimulate emotional resonance and enthusiasm for hometown construction among people from all sides. Carry out activities to jointly create a beautiful environment and a happy life, and organize multiple forces to jointly build a beautiful home.

Adhere to the bottom line of policies. All types of personnel returning to the countryside must strictly comply with laws, regulations, and relevant policies, and shall not interfere with grassroots governance, encroach on rural collective resources and assets, encroach on limited rural social security resources such as education and medical care, or harm the interests of farmers. It is strictly prohibited for urban residents to purchase homesteads in rural areas, and it is strictly prohibited to use rural homesteads to build villas, courtyards, and private clubs. It is also strictly prohibited to illegally occupy or buy and sell homesteads under the pretext of transfer, and to engage in illegal cooperative building. Resolutely curb the non agriculturalization of land transfer and effectively prevent non grainification. During the implementation of activities, it is prohibited to go against the wishes of farmers or engage in forced orders. Unreasonable fees and fundraising are strictly prohibited to prevent violations of policies and regulations from increasing the burden on farmers and increasing village level debts. It is also forbidden to engage in "image projects" and "performance projects" that harm the people and their finances, and to resolutely prevent formalism and bureaucracy. Each region must adhere to the bottom line and red line of policies, and must not make unauthorized policy changes or engage in flexibility. Those who violate regulations must be held accountable and held accountable.

Strengthen publicity and incentives. Organizations or individuals who have made outstanding contributions in rural construction work shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant national regulations. For local talents who have a strong desire to serve their hometowns, those who meet the conditions will be given priority to being included in the village level reserve force for enhanced training and utilization. Timely promote the progress and effectiveness of the "My Hometown, I Build" activity, release a batch of typical cases, promote good experiences and practices, and play a demonstrative and driving role.

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