The former director of the tourism bureau fell!, Serving as a staff member and receiving retirement payments in the park | Project | Life | Business | Retirement | Boss | Organization | Jiang Tingxian

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:50 PM

"Time difference" cannot conceal the essence of corruption

An Analysis of Jiang Tingxian, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the former Tourism Bureau of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, Serious Violations of Discipline and Law

Jiang Tingxian, male, born in October 1965, started working in August 1985, joined the CPC in December 1993, and retired early in October 2016. Formerly served as the Director of the Office of the Health Bureau of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing; Mayor of Taojia Town, Jiulongpo District; Director of the Management Committee of the Baishiyi Flower and Seedling Industry Demonstration Park in Jiulongpo District; Secretary of the Party Committee of Baishiyi Town, Jiulongpo District; Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Tourism Bureau of Jiulongpo District.

In October 2021, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing City filed a case for review and investigation into Jiang Tingxian's suspected serious violations of discipline and law, and took detention measures. In May 2022, Jiang Tingxian was expelled from the party and his retirement benefits were cancelled according to regulations. In December 2022, the People's Court of Jiulongpo District sentenced Jiang Tingxian to eleven years and six months in prison and fined him 700000 yuan for the crime of bribery; Sentenced to five years imprisonment for the crime of abuse of power. The punishment for multiple crimes is combined, and it is decided to execute a fixed-term imprisonment of 15 years and 6 months, with a fine of 700000 yuan.

Greed arises from the heart, becoming prey that bites poison bait

Former Jiang Tingxian was intelligent, eager to learn, and hardworking, which led him to grow from a peasant child to a government official. Under organizational training, he has continuously improved his work ability through multiple job experiences, and his work achievements have been recognized by the organization. In 2006, Jiang Tingxian was appointed as the Director of the Management Committee of the Baishiyi Flower and Seedling Industry Demonstration Park in Jiulongpo District, becoming the "leader" holding important power.

As a demonstration area for coordinating urban and rural development and implementing urban agriculture strategy in Jiulongpo District at that time, the Industrial Demonstration Park gathered a large amount of funds, assets, and resources here, and various government functions and policy preferences were concentrated here. The halo of being the leader quickly surrounded a large number of business owners around Jiang Tingxian. Slowly, he began to quietly transform under the influence of some unscrupulous business owners who sought to corrupt him.

"After arriving at the park, the people in contact with them were all big bosses who had luxury cars for transportation and entered high-end clubs. Seeing their appearance, Jiang Tingxian had the idea of becoming 'human beings'." Jiang Tingxian admitted that this desire for enjoyment had caused him to lose his ideals and beliefs, and he had changed his life goals from' serving the public 'to' serving himself '. ".

At the beginning of extravagance, danger is gradually approaching. People with ulterior motives who noticed the changes in Jiang Tingxian's heart were even more attentive to his persuasion and corruption, and took him to "enjoy life" in various ways. If you want to play golf, have a boss accompany you and pay the bill; Enthusiastic about outdoor fishing, there are merchants who provide thoughtful service to pick up and drop off vehicles. Jiang Tingxian, who was addicted to it, became more and more at ease with his concern for the cold and warm. He gladly accepted all kinds of food and drinks, and longed for a colorful life. Unconsciously, he had become a prey bitten by poisonous bait.

"They have made a lot of money through me, and I thought as long as I don't charge, it's okay to eat and drink along. Now I think it's really a big mistake," Jiang Tingxian said regretfully, reflecting on his previous mistake. Entering and exiting high-end clubs, tasting delicacies, and wearing luxury brands, coupled with material extravagance and extravagance, requires the support of huge amounts of money. Jiang Tingxian, who used to never make money, gradually wants to make money.

At this point, Jiang Tingxian had already been hit by a sugar coated shell. Faced with the 500000 yuan "thank you fee" sent by illegal businessman Liu for seeking "care" for the park engineering project, he couldn't resist the temptation and hesitated repeatedly, still accepting it with a lucky mentality.

Once the mouth of greed is opened, it is as difficult to contain as a burst flood. For the first time, Jiang Tingxian no longer had concerns and burdens when faced with the next 50000 yuan, 100000 yuan, or even one million yuan bribe payments. He became bolder and collected more and more stolen money. From January 2006 to October 2016, Jiang Tingxian took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in project contracting, coordination of construction matters, and disbursement of project funds. He received a total of over 6.83 million yuan in property from others.

Starting from pursuing the so-called "human life", Jiang Tingxian's worldview, outlook on life, and values gradually distorted, his ideals and beliefs declined, and ultimately fell into the abyss of corruption due to his mistakes, which can be said to be a profound lesson and a wake-up call.

Abuse of power and arbitrary actions to create "private territories"

From the disciplinary and illegal cases investigated and dealt with in recent years, it can be seen that some "top leaders" are unable to correctly view and exercise their power, turning democratic decision-making into individual decision-making and prioritizing individual will over the collective. Jiang Tingxian is such a typical antagonist.

In order to quickly open up the work situation of the industrial demonstration park and promote the construction and development of the park, from the formation of the park leadership team to the appointment and removal of key positions, the organization fully listened to the opinions and suggestions of the first main leader after the establishment of the park - Jiang Tingxian. But this trust did not translate into the motivation for him to take the initiative and make achievements, but was instead used by him as an opportunity to cultivate people around him and form a small circle.

According to Jiang Tingxian's explanation, most of the members of the park leadership team are cadres he suggested to choose, and they are obedient to him. Even if different opinions are raised during collective decision-making, it is emphasized that "the final decision of the director shall prevail.". This kind of work environment, which is exclusive to others, has fostered Jiang Tingxian's autocratic and domineering style. He regards the decision-making power over the size of the park as his own business, and has a one-on-one approach to major issues such as project contracting, personnel appointments and dismissals, and financial arrangements, turning his position into a bargaining chip for seeking benefits.

In 2008, the Industrial Demonstration Park launched a flower and seedling market construction project, planning to carry out land consolidation work on relevant plots. At the request of affiliated companies, Jiang Tingxian skipped the collective decision-making process for major projects and arranged for his subordinates to sign a Land Remediation Agreement with a certain company without project approval, planning, or approval. He unilaterally contracted the construction of a land remediation project with a total price of about 14 million yuan.

During the construction process, Jiang Tingxian also took advantage of his position to open the door to the company's behavior of forging project engineering data, repeatedly declaring the quantity of earthwork, and falsely increasing the cost of land consolidation, resulting in a loss of more than 6.2 million yuan in national interests. And Jiang Tingxian, who was busy with everything, also received over 2.2 million yuan in "benefits".

Behind authoritarianism, there is often an insatiable desire driven by greed. "Everything that is likely to benefit must be done according to my opinion. Members of the team are not allowed to raise different opinions, and they will not accept them." Jiang Tingxian said that under his control, the industrial demonstration park has become a "private land" for his abuse of power. Although some engineering construction projects are bidding according to the procedure on the surface, in fact, he alone has the the final say.

In June 2009, Jiang Tingxian was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Baishiyi Town. In order to facilitate his control of project construction and contracting in the new unit, he made every effort to demote the old part of the industrial demonstration park to the new unit under the pretext of familiarizing himself with the work, specifically responsible for project bidding, which seriously affected the local political ecology and caused extremely adverse effects.

Concealing one's ears and stealing the bell, deliberately engaging in "option corruption"

In order to evade supervision and conceal his illegal gains, Jiang Tingxian adopted the approach of establishing a "shadow company", pushing his relatives to the forefront and acting as the behind the scenes boss, attempting to transfer the stolen funds collected by "bleaching" and cover up the facts of corruption with investment returns.

Not only that, Jiang Tingxian also mistakenly believed that accepting money from party members and cadres was a violation of discipline and law. If it were a business owner, accepting money was only natural. As long as he set a good time difference and collected money through "working while in office and retiring", he could avoid organizational investigations.

"When Jiang Tingxian seeks illegitimate benefits for unscrupulous businessmen, the bribe giver usually does not immediately fulfill it, but promises to give the bribe money in the name of investment when he retires and engages in business." The investigators explained that this so-called "market economy behavior" is fundamentally aimed at concealing the fact of power and money transactions.

As Jiang Tingxian watched his former boss promise more and more "due payments", his thoughts had already drifted into the fantasy of living a luxurious life after retirement. In July 2016, a businessman surnamed Zhu who saw through Jiang Tingxian's thoughts advised him to resign early and engage in business, and invited him to be responsible for the preliminary preparation work of an engineering project, promising an annual salary of 500000 yuan and a 6% stake. The annual salary and shares mentioned by the merchant are actually unpaid "benefits" as previously agreed with Jiang Tingxian.

Faced with the sustained high-pressure anti-corruption situation, Jiang Tingxian, who was eager to fulfill the huge "promises" accumulated over the years, carefully considered and applied for early retirement in September 2016 when he was the former Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Tourism Bureau in Jiulongpo District.

"At that time, I thought it was better to retire early and start a business, and invest the stolen money I had agreed on before, so that I could make another big fortune in my later years." At this time, Jiang Tingxian was immersed in the dream of living a luxurious life, but his seemingly deceitful moves were actually self deception.

After early retirement, Jiang Tingxian began to vigorously engage in business and entrepreneurship. He utilized his accumulated network of connections during his tenure to expand his business and quickly completed the transition from a government official to a business owner. At the same time, he contacted the business owners who had previously received his "care" in various names and ways, quickly retracting the "promise" of power and money transactions during his tenure.

In January 2019, Jiang Tingxian collected a promised bribe of 200000 yuan from others by borrowing more to pay less; Selling a bribery property held by someone else in February, earning a profit of 1.38 million yuan; In March, 2.51 million yuan was cashed out from the operated garden resort hotel

During the detention period, Jiang Tingxian tearfully confessed, "I thought the organization would no longer supervise me after retirement. Those little tricks and actions are completely worthless here. Now that I think about it, there is no need for this. How could anyone know what I have done?"

Retirement has never been a "talisman" for corrupt individuals, let alone a "wall of isolation" for supervision. No matter how clever the means are or how covert their behavior is, as long as they extend their hand to corruption, they will inevitably be punished by discipline and law.

Deception and confrontation, all tricks and tricks are ultimately a "yellow dream"

Collecting only cash, delaying the redemption of "benefits", and establishing a "shadow company" to launder stolen money, Jiang Tingxian thought his operation was seamless. After retiring early, he peacefully pursued his dream of becoming a boss. Even when the organization talked to him, Jiang Tingxian was still immersed in his dream and couldn't extricate himself. Instead of actively confessing to the organization and seeking leniency, he colluded with the bribe giver to cover up and cut off the opportunity to reduce his guilt.

"I had originally fantasized about becoming a boss and making a fortune after retirement, so although the organization was very panicked when talking to me, in order to have a 'dream of becoming rich', I took a chance and made the wrong choice again. At this time, Jiang Tingxian was not only afraid of exposing his corrupt behavior, but also afraid of the" business "and so-called" human life "that had been painstakingly managed for many years going to waste. So he quietly approached businessman Wang to discuss" countermeasures ".".

During his tenure in the Industrial Demonstration Park and Baishiyi Town, Jiang Tingxian helped Wang win several engineering projects and received bribes of nearly 3 million yuan. Most of the bribes were transferred by Wang to Jiang Tingxian's "shadow company" account in the name of the company. Therefore, in the face of organizational review and investigation, Jiang Tingxian is most concerned about exposing the "transaction" between him and Wang, as well as the covert operation of collecting stolen funds through "shadow companies". After some discussion, Jiang Tingxian believed that using the guise of "borrowing" was the safest option. Therefore, he forged a promissory note, claiming that the bribe money was borrowed from Wang's younger brother, and shared the same caliber with Wang to jointly resist the organization's review and investigation.

Jiang Tingxian, who thought he was well prepared and foolproof, even attempted to test what the organization had already mastered during the early conversation, evading the importance of the issue and trying to get by. However, in the face of detailed evidence, Jiang Tingxian ultimately confessed his problem truthfully. However, by this time, he had already undergone organizational review and investigation and was in a detention room.

"From the very beginning, the investigators kept explaining policies to me, actively explaining and cooperating with the investigation in order to obtain lenient treatment. At that time, I was determined to grit my teeth and not say anything to 'pass the test', continue my 'boss dream', constantly resist the review and investigation, and ultimately end up harming myself." Jiang Tingxian, who had awakened from Huang Liangmeng, left only endless regret

Jiang Tingxian's Confession Record

I am a direct beneficiary of the restoration of the college entrance examination system. I am grateful to the Party. I was determined to join the CPC as soon as possible and devote my life to the cause of the Party. However, after being promoted to a higher position, I relaxed my party spirit training, which led to corrupt and backward values beginning to permeate my thoughts. I began to seek pleasure in life, act arbitrarily in work, and accept bribes recklessly, gradually slipping into the abyss of crime.

Having been in contact with my boss for a long time, my life goal has become to live a life of being a decent person, and my pursuit of money has become increasingly urgent. Playing ball in Hainan, taking the bus to other places for fishing on weekends, visiting star rated hotels or clubs, and other high consumption places, these hedonic activities are like opium, which not only make people addicted, but also gradually make their souls ugly. So, I began to plan my second half of life again, hoping to lay a solid economic and social foundation during my tenure as an official, and at an appropriate time, withdraw from my official career and go into business, living a wealthy life.

When businessman Liu gave me a 500000 yuan "thank you fee", I felt strongly uneasy. This was the first time I had received a large cash bribe. I wanted to return it but couldn't bear it, so I temporarily accepted it. A few months later, the situation was calm, and I felt that accepting a cash bribe was not a big risk. Afterwards, my courage grew stronger and I refused bribes and sometimes even hinted at my boss giving me money, gradually becoming a slave to money.

After working in the park, I did not regard the reuse of the organization as an honor or trust, but rather as a ladder to realize my life value - to become a person. As the "top leader" of the park, I am the sole the final say of all major issues. This has developed my autocratic and domineering style, unable to listen to different opinions. I have made the power granted by the organization my own forbidden zone, which others cannot touch. Anything that may bring benefits must be done according to my opinion. Members of the team are not allowed to raise different opinions, and if they do, they will not be adopted. According to the rules of procedure, the main leader should speak last, and I often express my attitude in advance to help the boss who was greeted in advance take on the engineering project in order to achieve my own intentions, which further suppresses the different opinions of the team members.

In 2011, I was transferred to the position of Director of the District Tourism Bureau. Thinking that there was no room for improvement in my career, I began to muddle through and passively responded to my work. But after living like this for a long time, I feel like it's a waste of time and I should consider the rest of my life. My idea at the time was to invest the stolen money I had received before into business. Perhaps I would make a big fortune in my later years, which would change my life and that of my family and lead a prosperous life. Therefore, in 2016, I applied for early retirement, officially ending my career and going further on the path of decline.

Falling into a criminal during the peak of my career, I am reflecting on the root cause of my decline. One is the neglect of party spirit cultivation, which leads to the wrong first button in life. As a grassroots cadre of the Party, I have long neglected learning, leading to a decline in my thinking and ability to resist corruption and prevent change. The second is the distortion of values, leading to corrupt crimes. Due to neglecting the cultivation of party spirit, my life goal was adjusted from "dedicating everything to the cause of the party" to "living a wealthy life for myself and my family", so I crazily pursued status and money. The third reason is that virtue does not match, ultimately leading to disaster. My position has been promoted, but my moral standards are actually declining. In traditional culture, there are ways to become an official, such as "making decisions for the people" and "serving the country". My purpose as an official is to live a good life for myself, and I pursue a life of "being a good person". If morality does not match one's position, there will inevitably be disasters!

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