The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:16 AM

On July 27, 1953, the sunshine of peace shone back into the Korean Peninsula.

On that day, the once unstoppable aggressors, after suffering heavy losses on the Korean battlefield, were forced to return to the negotiating table and sign the "Korean Armistice Agreement.

On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed in Panmunjom. Xinhua News Agency

After this war, the Chinese People's Volunteers played a military and national prestige.

The prestige of an army has always been forged by victory--

In the early 1950 s, the imperialist invaders burned the flames of war to the doorstep of New China and imposed the war on the Chinese people who longed for peace and tranquility. The heroic Chinese People's Volunteers held high the banner of justice, valiantly and spirited, crossed the Yalu River, and fought with the North Korean soldiers and civilians for two years and nine months, winning the great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

↑ On October 19, 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers crossed the Yalu River valiantly and bravely, and together with the Korean people, they fought against the invaders. Xinhua News Agency

In this war, the mountains and rivers were unharmed, the family and the country were at peace, and the spirit of the Chinese people was displayed. The international community looked at China with admiration.

"It shows the past and the future generations." Over the past 70 years, especially since entering the new era, generations of people's soldiers have always remembered the arduous course and great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, inherited and carried forward the great spirit of resisting US Aggression and Aid Korea, sought a strong army, trained to win, met challenges, fought strong enemies, and continued to move from victory to victory. The battle flag is full of blood and glory.


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From "resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, defending the country" to "clear love, only for China", the loyalty of the people's army has never changed

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Dandong, Liaoning, the Yalu River flows quietly.

On the banks of the river, people from all over the world stood by the fence during the summer, watching from afar the world-famous four-hole bridge-the Yalu River Broken Bridge.

Time and space meet here. On October 19, 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers went to the Korean battlefield. When the large army set foot on the Yalu River Bridge, many soldiers walked and looked at it, and behind them were the river banks and land that were drifting away.

At that time, New China had just turned one year old, and the land of China was waiting for prosperity.

"You're not marching well, what do you always look back at?" Wang Feng, a re-elected instructor at the 1st Battalion, 1st Battalion, 1st Division, 120 Division, 40th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers, asked his comrade-in-arms Wang Zhehou.

"I haven't seen enough of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland." Wang Zhehou said.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

"When the battle is won, come back and watch it by train, watch it by plane, watch it enough!" Wang Feng and relieved him.

Leaving the motherland and their relatives, the officers and men of the volunteer army rushed to the battlefield regardless of life and death. The reason why every step forward is resolute is that everyone is full of passionate feelings for the party, the motherland, and the people.

Cheng Maoyou, a soldier of the 136 Division of the 46th Army of the Volunteer Army. On the day he entered the DPRK, he wrote in his personal diary: "Dear motherland, for the sake of your safety and the Korean people's freedom from disaster, and for the peace of Asia and the world, we say goodbye to you for the time being. Dear motherland, goodbye!"

"If the state lets me go, I'll go. Communists rush ahead and fight ahead." Guan Changyi, a soldier of the 113 Division of the 38th Army of the Volunteer Army, later recalled that when he crossed the Yalu River, he did not want to come back alive. Every soldier who crossed the river had the determination to defend the new Republic with his life and regarded death as home!

Wang Zhehou did not come back alive, and many volunteers like him did not come back alive ...... In that land where the Jindalai flowers were in full bloom, the heroes said that behind us is the motherland, and for the peace of the people of the motherland, we cannot take a step back.

"To resist the United States and aid Korea and defend our country." Just 8 words, a heroic epic, a loyal song.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Over the past 70 years, from "the Battle Song of the Chinese people's volunteers" to "who is the cutest person", from the lectures in school classrooms to the memories of war veterans, from the records of documents to the exhibitions in museums, that period of history has long been cast into the common memory of the Chinese nation, nourishing the spiritual world of all the sons and daughters of China, and shaping the boundless loyalty of the revolutionary soldiers in the new era.

That belief is rock solid--

Lin Junde, an outstanding scientist dedicated to the cause of national defense science and technology. On the last day of his life, he wore an oxygen mask and got out of bed nine times despite dissuasion, racing against time to sort out the documents of national defense scientific research projects. After two hours of work, he finally couldn't support it. As soon as he lay down, he never got up again......

↑ After a nuclear explosion test, Lin Junde and the participants took a group photo after completing the sampling task from the test site area. Xinhua News Agency

Zhang Chao, the pioneer of the strong army who dreams of the sea and sky. When he encountered a sudden aircraft failure during training, he tried his best to push the joystick in an effort to stop the nose from rising and avoid damage to the fighter. On the way to the hospital for serious injuries, what he couldn't let go of was the carrier-based flight career: "Am I going to die? I can't fly anymore......"

↑ Zhang Chao, former first-class pilot of a naval carrier-based aviation unit. Xinhua News Agency

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

That background never fades--

In the big test of the war against the epidemic, the soldiers bravely shouldered the heavy burden and fulfilled their mission, and made outstanding contributions to winning the people's war, the overall war, and the war of resistance to the epidemic prevention and control; the earthquake and flood relief rushed to help, the soldiers moved to the danger, and played the role of commandos at the critical moment; decisively won the fight against poverty, and targeted assistance to 4100 poor villages. A total of 293000 poor households and 924000 poor people have all achieved poverty......

The vast number of officers and soldiers always stand with the people, always keep the people in mind, and always be the people's soldiers.

↑ On February 17, 2020, a group of military support Hubei medical team arrived at Wuhan Tianhe Airport. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yun

The kind of holding on to an inch--

The Garrawan Valley, deep in the Karakoram Plateau, the western frontier of the motherland.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Chen Xiangrong, who was only 18 years old, wrote this battle cry: "Clear love, only for China." he defended national sovereignty and territorial integrity with his young life.

↑ Officers and soldiers of a border defense regiment held a ceremony to review the oath of joining the party in front of the slogan "Great rivers and mountains will not allow an inch of land. Xinhua News Agency

Over the past 70 years, the people's army has continuously undertaken the sacred duty of "defending the country and the country". It has gone through fire and water and marched forward bravely. It has never failed to live up to this magnificent mountain and river and the glorious title of "the most lovely person!

↑ On September 5, 2022, officers and soldiers of the Mobile Second Detachment of the Sichuan Armed Police Corps built a temporary wooden bridge to transfer trapped people in Mozigou Village, Moxi Town, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture. Xinhua News Agency

↑ Liangshan Detachment of Sichuan Armed Police Corps accurately helped Sosuosuo Latta Village in Zhaojue County to develop beekeeping industry. Buha, a poverty alleviation cadre stationed in the village, and the villagers showed the harvest results together. Xinhua News Agency

From shining swords on the battlefield to sharpening the blade on the battlefield, the people's army's winning genes of "being able to fight and win battles" have never changed.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

On the day of the victory, the two pilots, who are 53 years apart in age, connected to "meet".

One is Tao Wei, the first-generation pilot of New China, and the creator of the battle case of shooting down enemy planes at close range on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The other is a high-tech, J-20 fighter pilot, "Golden Helmet" winner.

↑ On July 24, 2023, Tao Wei, the first generation pilot of New China, wiped the J -20 model at home. Xinhua News Agency

↑ Gao Zhongqiang, deputy to the National People's Congress and leader of the "strong army vanguard flight brigade", conducted formation flight training. Xinhua News Agency

Some people say that this is a meaningful handover between two generations of Chinese soldiers who are "very good at fighting.

Back in time more than 70 years ago, the arrogant imperialist invaders did not pay much attention to this army with "crude weapons" at first. But soon, the volunteers used their strength to make the enemy pay a heavy price for their arrogance.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

↑ Officers and soldiers of the "Hard Bone Sixth Company" of a brigade of the 74th Group Army drove amphibious combat vehicles to conduct actual combat training at sea. Xinhua News Agency

Hit! There are strange and positive combination of strategic planning--

In the first battle, the volunteers concealed their entry into the DPRK, but the enemy did not realize it until the rash troops were annihilated.

In the second battle, due to the heavy losses suffered in the previous battle, the enemy on the western front attacked cautiously. In order to lure him to advance boldly, the first-line units of the volunteer army stopped their counterattack and retreated to show their "defeat". The so-called "United Nations forces" were indeed fooled, determined to advance northward and speed up the attack.

As a result, there was a three-sided encirclement of the US 9th Army.

As a result, the 113 Division of the 38th Army of the Volunteer Army stuck the U.S. military's retreat in Longyuan and Sanyuan.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Thus, there is the famous "Long live the Chinese People's Volunteers! Long live the 38th Army!"

Hit! with flexible strategies and tactics--

The enemy was afraid of night warfare, so the volunteers gave full play to their expertise in night warfare and used it at the height of campaign and strategy;

The enemy's motorized and mechanized equipment relied heavily on the rear, so the volunteer army adopted a circuitous encirclement tactic to cut off its backroads and shake its determination to fight;

The attack firepower was weak and it was difficult to annihilate the enemy's heavy group. The volunteers changed their tactics and fought a small war of annihilation, "zero knock on the candy"......

"You hit you, I hit me, you hit the atomic bomb, I hit the grenade", the volunteers performed incisively and vividly.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

↑ In December 1950, in Changjin Lake, North Korea, the machine gunners of the 27th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers shot at the U.S. military position. Xinhua News Agency

Hit! have excellent fighting skills--

Cui Jianguo, platoon leader of the 9th company of the 130 regiment of the 44th division of the 15th army of the volunteers, led the whole platoon of raids, blasted four bunkers in a row, captured three hills and went straight into the enemy's rear. Cui Jianguo stabbed six dead enemy soldiers alone, killed more than 20 enemy soldiers and captured 8 enemy soldiers with captured weapons.

The "Wang Hai Battalion", which shot down 21 enemy planes and wounded 8 enemy planes; Chai Yunzhen, who led several soldiers to go deep behind the enemy lines and killed more than 200 enemy soldiers without any casualties on his own side; Zhang Taofang, who killed and wounded 214 enemy soldiers with 436 rounds of ammunition ...... One Chinese soldier after another, who was "very good at fighting", beat the enemy back to the 38th front of the negotiation table.

"To deal with the invaders, one must talk to them in a language they understand. This is to stop war with war, stop war with force, and win peace and respect with victory". Entering the new era, the people's soldiers always keep in mind the great military exploits set by their predecessors, always keep in mind the main responsibility and main business of preparing for war, always keep in mind the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness, and keep a close eye on the changes in science and technology, war, and opponents. sharpen the blade of victory facing the future.

↑ A group of carrier-based aircraft flight instructors at a naval aviation university base. Xinhua News Agency

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Sharpening the blade is in those occasions that can be made public-assessment, training, exercises, and competitions, to form various abilities, test one method after another, and refresh one record after another; it is also in those little-known places-command centers, preset positions, and future battlefields, regardless of winter and summer, to study military affairs, war, and war, so as to anticipate and seek the enemy first.

↑ Pilots of the Second Flight Brigade of a regiment of the Air Force prepare to fly at night. Xinhua News Agency

Some people are deeply engaged in the transformation and reshaping of traditional combat forces, while others are engaged in accelerating the forging of new areas and new quality combat forces. Some people delve into the winning mechanism of modern warfare, while others innovate and develop the strategies and tactics of people's warfare in the new era.

A brigade of the 74th Army Group Army "Hard Bone Six Company", most of the officers and soldiers of the company are proficient in more than two main combat specialties; Naval Aviation University, a base of carrier-based aircraft flight instructors group, to explore a new way to train carrier-based aircraft flight personnel with our military characteristics; Air Force aviation regiment flight brigade 2, battle patrol the South China Sea, the front of the island chain, around the flight island ...... Every charge, every track, is the motherland and the people.

↑ "Yang Gensi Company" officers and soldiers swear to Lian Qi before performing their tasks. Xinhua News Agency

To be able to fight and win battles-the people's soldiers were able to fight in the past, are able to fight now, and will be able to fight in the future.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

↑ A brigade of the 81st Army of the Army "Songgu Peak Special Service Company" carried out long-distance maneuvers with its battalion. Xinhua News Agency

From "less steel and more gas" to "more steel and more gas and harder bones", the people's army's heroic spirit of sacrificing life and death has never changed.

A comparison of the heavy equipment of a volunteer army and a division of the U.S. Army--

United States forces: 149 tanks of all kinds, 35 armored vehicles, 72 howitzers, 64 anti-aircraft guns and 22 liaison aircraft;

Volunteers: All are 0.

In the Memorial Hall to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a chart visually shows the huge gap in weapons and equipment between the warring parties at that time.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

The invaders were armed to the teeth. In order to win the war, they used all the new weapons of the time except the atomic bomb, even bacterial biological and chemical weapons. The war was extremely tragic!

"Do you know what a broken body is?" After many years, Lv Pin, who was once the deputy political commissar of the 447 regiment of the 149 Division of the 50th Army of the Volunteers, still remembers vividly, "Our deputy company commander of the 5th Company, acting Xueyou, was killed by a blockbuster, and the soldiers wanted to find his body, but they couldn't even find the flesh of their fist......"

The first battle of the two water caves, the fierce battle of Yunshan City, the battle of the Qingchuan River, the fierce battle of the Changjin Lake, etc., five consecutive battles ...... From the Yalu River to the mountains of the 38th Line, from the Han River to the land on both sides of the Qingchuan River, every battle has the bravery of giving up one's life and death, and every battle has the sacrifice of heaven and earth.

In the First World War in Xinxing, Kong Qingsan, monitor of the 80th Artillery Regiment of the 27th Army of the Chinese Volunteers, was ordered to destroy an enemy fire point. The ground was frozen and unable to set up a parking hoe. He held the parking hoe with his shoulder, ordered a gun to fire, destroyed more than 30 enemies, and died heroically when he was hit by shrapnel.

In the first world war in sedan chair rock mountain, Li jifa, a soldier of the 595 regiment of the 67th army of the volunteers, took the initiative to ask for the blasting task. after being injured, he dragged his injured legs and blew up three bunkers in a row. he fainted from his injuries. Later, he woke up from his coma and jumped on the enemy.

In the First World War of Tieyuan, the 63rd Volunteer Army, which has been fighting for more than a month and has been seriously downsizing, faced an enemy almost twice as large as itself, and fought a bloody battle for 12 days with more than a thousand artillery pieces and more than 20 aircraft. When completing the blocking task, "a division has only one regiment left".

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

It would be better to die than to complete the tasks assigned by the organization; it would be better to die than to be with the position... The soldiers of the volunteers, who were full of blood and iron bones, fought against "more steel and less gas" with "less steel and more gas", chilling the enemy and moving the world!

"Strong spiritual strength can make up for the lack of weapons and equipment." Meng Zhaoshen, chief of staff of the tank regiment of the 32nd Division of the 16th Army of the Volunteer Army and later deputy commander of the Armored Forces of the Shenyang Military Region, said, "In the end, fighting depends on people and their spirit."

"I don't believe that there are tasks that cannot be completed, that there are difficulties that cannot be overcome, and that there are enemies that cannot be defeated!"

In the midsummer of Sanfu, at a training ground in the Central Plains, the officers and soldiers of "Yang Gensi Lian" tempered their heroic spirit in the hottest day. Every night, the officers and soldiers shouted the "three do not believe" heroic declaration... the root of the hero deep down.

"Huang Jiguang!" "To! to!!"

In a camping station, the "Huang Jiguang Company of Heroes" kept Huang Jiguang's bed and placed his bronze bust in the most conspicuous position to encourage officers and soldiers to inherit the hero's blood.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

In the "Songgufeng Special Gong Company", in the army where Qiu Shaoyun was before his death, in the "Shangganling Special Gong Eighth Company", in the "Huangcaoling Hero Company", in the "Yantai Peak Hero Company" ...... The people's army's bloody gene of sacrificing life and death is passed down from generation to generation.

From resisting US aggression and aiding Korea to peacekeeping escort, the mission of the people's army to maintain world peace has never changed

"The exciting news is that the Korean armistice has been signed and there has been a ceasefire. Now it is beginning to move towards peace."

On July 30, 1953, Song Yunliang, head of the 198 Division Artillery Regiment of the 66th Army of the Volunteer Army, wrote a letter to his wife Hu Yuhua from the Korean battlefield, describing his personal experience of the armistice, as well as his hope for peace and longing for his relatives.

More than 70 years ago, in order to win peace, the Chinese People's Volunteers rushed to the Korean battlefield without hesitation.

In the new era, in order to maintain peace, the Chinese military continues to demonstrate its mission.

The fierce and majestic demeanor has never changed - paying tribute to the passion and glory that spanned seventy years - Peace | War | Glory

Dancing a special dance, waving the national flags of the two countries, holding the hands of Chinese friends and warmly embracing......

On July 15, Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati, was singing and laughing on the dock. For the first visit of the Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship, the local people's sincere welcome and gratitude are beyond words.

Come for peace, come for friendship-the voyage of the "Peace Ark" hospital ship has been full of great love for more than 260000 nautical miles since it was listed. It is a vivid epitome of the Chinese army's commitment to maintaining world peace.

↑ On July 15, 2023, the Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship arrived in Tarawa, Kiribati. Personnel from both sides gathered together at the dock welcome ceremony. Xinhua News Agency

Seventy years ago, the great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea profoundly shaped the strategic pattern of Asia and the world after the end of World War II, greatly inspired the just cause of oppressed nations and people all over the world to fight for national independence and people's liberation, and effectively promoted world peace. And the cause of human progress.

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