The Difficulty of Carrying Forward the Great Self Revolution of the Party to the End | China | Revolution

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:10 PM

Author: Li Lifeng

To govern a country, we must first govern the Party, and only when the Party is prosperous can the country be strong.This important discourse provides us with fundamental guidance for persistently promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

1. Braving self revolution is the political consciousness of the CPC

Being brave in self revolution is the essential requirement of adhering to the original mission of the Party, is the experience summary of the CPC's struggle process, is the fundamental guarantee for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, contains profound theoretical logic, historical logic and practical logic, and has important era value and far-reaching historical significance.

Self revolution is an essential requirement for adhering to the Party's original aspiration and mission. The Manifesto of the Communist Party solemnly declares: "All movements in the past were those of the minority or those for the interests of the minority. The proletarian movement was an independent movement for the interests of the overwhelming majority." At the very beginning of the founding of the CPC, it took working for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its original mission, and consistently reflected it in all the struggles of the Party. Apart from the interests of the country, the nation and the people, our party has no special interests of its own, which determines that our party can examine itself with a thorough self revolutionary spirit, face up to contradictions, and resolutely fight against all factors that damage the progressiveness and purity of the party; Being able to break free from the erosion of all interest groups, power groups, and privileged classes, and maintain the vitality of the Party forever. In the new era and new journey, if the Party wants to never deteriorate, change color, and maintain its flavor, it must remain steadfast in its original aspiration and mission, and consciously unite the Party and the people through self revolution.

Self revolution is the historical experience of the CPC in its centennial struggle. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Significant Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle, adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, summarized "adhering to self revolution" as one of the historical experiences of the party's centennial struggle, and revealed the source of strength for the CPC to maintain its vitality and remain invincible.For over a hundred years, our party has relied on developing people's democracy and accepting people's supervision outside, comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline and promoting self revolution inside. We have always followed the trend of history, kept pace with the times, and forged ahead. Through life and death struggles and arduous struggles, we have continuously developed and grown. While promoting social revolution, we have carried out a thorough self revolution and led the people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation.

Self revolution is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Entering a new era, China is in a crucial period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The rapid changes in the situation and environment, the heavy task of reform, development, and stability, the multitude of contradictions, risks, and challenges, and the unprecedented test of our party's governance and governance. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has steadfastly promoted self revolution, consolidated the magnificent force of unity and struggle, and provided fundamental guarantees for achieving historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country in the new era. Looking ahead to the new journey, the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has a bright future and a long way to go. We must be aware that the "four major tests" and "four dangers" faced by the Party will persist for a long time. Only by persisting in the Party's self revolution to the end can we constantly break through various institutional barriers, constantly improve the ability of the Marxist ruling party to catch up with and adapt to the wave of modernization, calmly resolve various risks and challenges on the way forward, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

2. Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, opening up a new realm of self revolution for the centenary Party Congress

Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is a great practice of the Party's self revolution in the new era, opening up a new realm of self revolution for the century old Party.

Adhere to the fundamental political direction of self revolution. In the new era, our party prioritizes the political construction of the party, regards "two safeguards" as the highest political principle, strictly enforces political discipline and rules, strengthens political supervision, deepens political inspections, resolutely prevents and governs the "seven haves", resolutely eliminates the two faced individuals and two faced factions who flatter and oppose the central government, and continuously purifies the political ecology within the party. Promote the whole party to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations", enhance the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthen the "Four Confidences", achieve the "Two Safeguards", ensure the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and ensure that the Party plays a leading core role in overall planning and coordinating all parties.

Refining the sharp ideological weapon of self revolution. Persist in building the Party with ideology and strengthening the Party with theory, persistently arm the entire Party with innovative theories, build a solid foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the steering of ideology.

Enriching effective ways of self revolution. In the new era of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, starting from the formulation and implementation of the central eight point regulations, we have put discipline before the law, corrected the "four winds" and established a new wind with the spirit of nailing nails, put an end to some long-standing unhealthy winds, and corrected some stubborn diseases that have not been eliminated for many years. The Party's and political conduct have been revitalized, and the social and people's customs continue to improve. We have adhered to the construction of a self purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement system of institutional norms, and formed a relatively complete internal party regulatory system. Establish a sound supervision system for the Party and the state, use internal supervision to drive other forms of supervision, continuously improve the Party and state supervision system, and make Party members, cadres, and public officials accustomed to working and living in a supervised and constrained environment.

Fight the battle of self revolution and endure it. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has carried out an unprecedented anti-corruption campaign, adhering to the principles of no restricted areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance. We have taken multiple measures, including "tiger hunting," "fly swatting," and "fox hunting," and have integrated efforts to prevent, combat, and prevent corruption. We have resolutely investigated and dealt with corruption cases intertwined with political and economic issues, eliminated corrupt elements who do not converge or stop, eliminated serious hidden dangers within the Party, state, and military, successfully embarked on a path of anti-corruption relying on institutional and legal advantages, and wrote a new chapter in the fight against corruption.

Forge a cadre team that dares to struggle and is brave in self revolution. Propose and implement the Party's organizational line for the new era, clarify the standards for good cadres in the new era, highlight political quality requirements, and establish a correct employment orientation. Focusing on enhancing organizational strength, strengthening political functions, improving an organizational system that is interconnected and effectively executed, establishing a clear direction for strengthening grassroots construction, and promoting full coverage of Party organizations and Party work. Education guides party members and cadres to carry forward the spirit of struggle, cultivate their fighting skills, and accept tests on the front line of struggle.

3. Advancing the Party's great self revolution with unwavering determination and persistence on the road forever

In the new era and new journey, the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the way, and the Party's self revolution is always on the way. We must persistently promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, use the Party's great self revolution to solve the unique problems of the Party, strive to build the Party stronger and more powerful, and lead and guarantee the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics to carry forward the past, open up the future, and move forward steadily.

Always maintain a clear and firm determination to solve the unique problems of the major party.This originates from the experience summary of the Party's self revolution, from the scientific judgment of the still severe and complex anti-corruption struggle situation, from the strategic planning of the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the new era and new journey, fully demonstrating our Party's consistent sense of crisis and firm perseverance in facing difficulties. In the face of the lofty mission of building a socialist modern power in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization in an all-round way, in the face of the major challenges of high winds and fierce waves on the way forward, and in the face of the long-standing "four tests" and "four dangers", it is bound to be a long-term and arduous process to solve the unique problems of the big party, which determines that comprehensive strict governance of the party will always be on the road, and the party's self revolution will always be on the road.

We firmly support the "two consolidations" and resolutely uphold the "two safeguards". The authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee are the fundamental guarantees of China's institutional advantages and the fundamental requirements that a mature Marxist political party must adhere to. Things are in all directions, they should be in the center; The ship weighs a thousand pounds, with one person at the helm.The "Two Foundations" are the decisive factors for the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the state in the new era. They are the greatest certainty, confidence, and guarantee for the Party to deal with all uncertainties. Only by firmly supporting the "two establishment" and firmly achieving the "two maintenance" can we firmly grasp the correct direction of the development of the Party and the country's cause, ensure that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is carried out steadily and far, firmly grasp the destiny of China's development and progress in their own hands, and constantly promote and expand the path of Chinese path to modernization, can we firmly unite the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, work together to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way, overcome all risks and challenges on the way forward, and constantly win new victories in the great struggle with many new historical characteristics.

Improve the normative system of the Party's self revolution system. To promote the great self revolution of the Party, it is necessary to establish a sound system of self revolution system guarantee. We must continuously improve the leadership system of the Party that takes charge of the overall situation and coordinates all parties, establish a system that does not forget our original intention and keeps our mission in mind, and lay a solid ideological foundation for promoting self revolution. Continuously improving the Party's internal regulatory system with scientific content, rigorous procedures, complete supporting facilities, and effective operation, and improving the Party's unified leadership, comprehensive coverage, authoritative and efficient supervision system, especially to further enhance the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision, to ensure that the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee are implemented effectively. Play the role of political inspection as a sharp sword, and play the role of political supervision and guidance. Implement the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, regard fulfilling the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party as the key to grasping Party building, managing power, promoting business, and ensuring implementation, build a strict mechanism for clearly fulfilling responsibilities and holding accountable, and improve the strict management system for managing ideology, work, work style, and discipline.

Strengthen integrity and discipline with a strict tone. Continuously deepen the rectification of the "Four Winds". It should be noted that formalism and bureaucracy are major enemies in achieving the Party's mission and tasks. Behind formalism lies utilitarianism and pragmatism, with misplaced views on political achievements and a lack of sense of responsibility. Behind bureaucracy lies the official centric ideology, which is seriously detached from reality and the masses. We must persistently implement the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and focus on rectifying the stubborn diseases of formalism and bureaucracy. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of Party discipline. Adhere to strict discipline and discipline before the law, and always tighten the string of discipline and rules. It is absolutely not allowed to go against the Party Central Committee and engage in liberalism on major political principles and major issues of right and wrong. Strengthen disciplinary education, strengthen disciplinary execution, and resolutely investigate and punish those who violate rules and regulations, violate regulations and systems, step on the "red line", cross the "bottom line", and break through "minefields". Do not leave "hidden doors" or open "skylights", and resolutely prevent the "broken window effect", so that discipline truly becomes a high-voltage line with electricity.

Resolutely win the protracted battle against corruption. Corruption is a cancer to the vitality and ability of the Party, and fighting corruption is the most thorough kind of self-reform there is. To comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, anti-corruption must be regarded as a major political task. At present, the situation in the fight against corruption is still severe and complex, and the task of curbing increment and eliminating stock is still arduous. As long as there is soil and conditions for the emergence of corruption problems, the fight against corruption cannot be stopped for a moment and must always be sounded with a charge. We will continue to pressure and maintain a strong force against and punish corruption, firmly preventing leading cadres from becoming spokespersons and agents of interest groups and power groups. Deepen the rectification of corruption in areas where power is concentrated, capital is intensive, and resources are abundant, and resolutely punish the "fly greed" around the people. Deepen and expand the fight against corruption, move forward the anti-corruption checkpoint, deepen the governance at the source, strengthen the reform of supervision mechanisms and institutional construction in key areas, and improve the institutional mechanisms for preventing and controlling the spread of corruption. Consolidate and improve on not wanting to be corrupt, pay more attention to rectifying the root cause, strengthening the construction of a clean and honest culture in the new era. We will adhere to a systematic approach and address both the root and root causes, and promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not wanting to be corrupt, and carry out the great self revolution of the Party to the end. Through unremitting efforts, we will achieve a clear and prosperous future.

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