The City of Mountains and Waters Blooms with Cultural Charm Development | Civilization | Culture

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:28 PM

Enter Youxi, the hometown of Zhu Zi, to appreciate the ancient residential culture of Guifeng Village and experience the civilization of Banshan Village; Go to the "peaceful land" of Taining and enjoy the tranquility of the sweet dew courtyard by the Dajin Lake... Located in the mountainous area of northwest Fujian, Sanming is an ancient and young city. Walking here, culture and civilization intertwine and resonate with each other, and the overlapping effect of "culture+civilization" brings new vitality to the city of Sanming, a landscape city.

Culture is the soul of a city, and civilization is the most beautiful business card of a city. In recent years, Sanming City has led urban construction with civilization, promoted industrial development with culture, coordinated the cultivation, practice, and creation of civilization, accelerated the innovation of the "cultural tourism+" development model, and created a picturesque Sanming with prosperous industries, livable ecology, and civilized rural atmosphere.

City of Civilization

"From the perspective of our city's resource endowment, green mountains and waters, bamboo forests and pine waves, and cultural history are our greatest natural advantages." said Yang Yongsheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Sanming Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Sanming, with its beautiful and livable forests, has a profound cultural heritage and abundant tourism resources.

Taining Danxia is an indispensable part of the geomorphic evolution process of "China Danxia Danxia" from youth, prime age to old age. Wanshouyan Site advances the history of human activities in Fujian from 10000 years ago to about 185000 years ago.

Strolling through the streets and alleys of Sanming, shuttling through various corners of scenic spots, the subtle details are enough to witness the charm of this city and feel the profound background of a civilized city.

More than 60 years ago, a 100000 strong construction army gathered in Sanming from all directions to build industrial bases, gradually creating today's intertwined culture and civilization of Sanming.

"In the early 1960s, 18 enterprises in Shanghai alone came here to support the construction of mountainous areas. The people of Sanming from all over the country have the characteristics of openness and inclusiveness," said Huang Lihong, Director of the Civilization Office of the Sanming Municipal Party Committee.

In the early 1980s, the "Five Talks, Four Beauties, and Three Loves" campaign was launched nationwide. At that time, Sanming vigorously promoted urban greening and beautification, and implemented the "three guarantees in front of the door" policy. In just three years, the originally dirty, messy, and poor urban appearance underwent earth shattering changes. In 1984, the National Work Conference on "Five Talks, Four Beauties, and Three Loves" was held in Sanming, making Sanming the birthplace of the creation of national mass spiritual civilization.

How to deeply integrate culture, civilization, and tourism is a topic that Sanming is currently researching.

In recent years, Sanming City has continuously explored natural resources, cultural and historical resources. On the one hand, it has explored a new development model of "cultural tourism+", and on the other hand, it has promoted the integration and development of urban and rural spiritual civilization construction. It has made every effort to do a good job in four articles: "Red Sanming, Industrial Sanming, Green Sanming, and Civilized Sanming".

The characteristics of civilization and inclusiveness are deeply integrated into the bloodline of the Sanming people, becoming intangible wealth and urban genes. For over 30 years, Sanming City has adhered to the development concept of putting the people at the center and integrated the creation of civilization into urban development.

"In order to better promote the integration of culture and tourism, in recent years, Sanming City has highlighted the theme of 'satisfaction in Sanming' and widely carried out civilized tourism themed activities. Huang Lihong said that Sanming actively carries out civilized tourism promotion volunteer service activities with the theme of 'civilized travel starts from me', setting up volunteer service stations at stations and scenic spots to provide volunteer services for tourists."; Every year, supervise and guide the establishment of a civilized tourism promotion service team for A-level tourist attractions, star rated hotels, travel agencies, cultural and museum venues, and other units in the city, forming an effective civilized guidance atmosphere.

"I hope that through these measures, friends who come to Sanming can feel the warmth of this city, and if they come, they still want to come back, but if they come, they don't want to leave," said Huang Lihong.

Cultural City

The starting point of the Long March of the Central Red Army and the revolutionary base where the red flag will not fall; A holy site for ancestor worship for 120 million Hakka people worldwide; How can we better promote the integration and development of culture and tourism in the core area where Zhu Xi Neo Confucianism was nurtured, formed, and developed - with such abundant cultural resources? Yang Yongsheng said that we should fully utilize new tourism concepts and forms to activate, protect, and inherit culture, integrate cultural genes, elements, and forms into the production and life of ordinary people, and make culture an important part of urban quality and people's spiritual consumption.

Guifeng Village, located in Yangzhong Town, Youxi County, Sanming City, is one of the most well preserved ancient villages in Fujian Province. Surrounded by mountains, small bridges and flowing water, ancient residential buildings built along the mountains form beautiful landscape paintings.

"Cai Xiang culture, Neo Confucianism culture, and farming and reading culture are the characteristics of our village. In recent years, we have always adhered to the principles of 'protective development' and 'restoring the old as before', restoring and preserving the historical environment, architectural style, and cultural charm of traditional ancient villages to the greatest extent possible, and developing culture and tourism on this basis." Cai Huari, Secretary of the Party Branch of Guifeng Village, said that before developing tourism, Guifeng Village's income mainly relied on forestry and agriculture. In 2007, Guifeng Village was named a "Famous Historical and Cultural Village in China". Afterwards, Guifeng Village carried out infrastructure construction such as improving the appearance of the village and repairing houses, while also creating new business models such as Cai Xiang's family style training center, research and education base, and homestays to promote the deep integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism.

Last year, Guifeng Village was included in the first batch of national key rural tourism villages. When the reporter was interviewing in the village, he encountered a group of tourists from Shanghai taking photos in the village. "We learned about this village online and drove all the way from Shanghai," said tourist Fu Xianglin.

The City of Mountains and Waters Blooms with Cultural Charm Development | Civilization | Culture

"Sanming deeply explores and cultivates the roots of local culture, uncovers excellent cultural elements hidden within it, advocates rural culture and folk culture rich in regional characteristics and excellent value connotations, and transforms cultural resources into industrial resources." Huang Lihong said.

Under the night sky, the ancient city of Taining is crowded with people, walking along the cobblestone road towards the depths of the streets and alleys. A group of characteristic themed pavilions such as Linghong Restaurant, 80 Film and Television Dream Factory, and Shangqing Doufu Pavilion are eye-catching. In recent years, Taining County, Sanming City, taking the declaration of a national historic and cultural city as a starting point, has transformed and upgraded Shangshu Street and Red Army Street, opened up the street network, repaired historical relics and gatehouses, memorial archway, alleys and pavilions, implemented projects such as night lighting of the ancient city, lane renovation and upgrading, transformation of important nodes, and transformation of signs and signs, created a number of characteristic commercial blocks, and changed the original "one street tour" situation of the ancient city. During the May Day holiday, Taining County received 271000 tourists, an increase of 25.01% compared to the same period in 2019; The tourism revenue was 275 million yuan, an increase of 26.49% compared to the same period in 2019.

Whether it is the protection of the ancient village in Guifeng Village or the improvement of the business model in Taining Ancient City, Sanming is currently strengthening the integration of advantageous resources and driving major projects, adhering to the differentiated development of "one county, one product, and one characteristic". Under the overall brand of "China Green Capital · Most Oxygen Sanming", the focus is on building 11 high-quality sub brands such as "Wanshou Yanqian · Wonderful Three Elements", "Ancient Charm Qiucheng · Food Appreciation Sand County", "Green Sea Pearl · Bird Watching Creek", and gradually building a complete cultural, tourism, health and wellness industry chain through innovation and development.

"In recent years, Guifeng has undergone significant changes. Next, we will continue to deeply tap into the cultural resources of Guifeng Village through cultural revitalization, combine Cai Xiang culture with the local culture of Guifeng, and strengthen the cultural and tourism industry of Guifeng Village." Cai Huari is full of confidence.

Revitalization City

Entering Banshan Village in Meixian Town, Youxi County, what catches your eye are clean and tidy villages, colorful wall paintings, and unmanned small shops displaying your own vegetables. A blend of civilization and art fills your face.

"Originally, Banshan was a 'gambling village'. The village's infrastructure was weak, and the village collective had no income..." Speaking of the former Banshan Village, Lin Shangdou, the Party branch secretary of Banshan Village, was deeply moved. In 2015, Lin Shangdou, who had resigned from his position as commander of a radar brigade in the Air Force, returned to the village to take care of his elderly mother. Seeing his impoverished and backward hometown, he felt heartbroken.

To change the situation in the village, Lin Shangdou returned to the half mountain village. After being elected as the Party branch secretary of Banshan Village, he fully played the role of rural civilization in rural revitalization, advocated the "three sincerity" culture of "honesty, integrity, and sincere treatment", mobilized party members and the masses to participate in the improvement of the living environment, revitalized the village's arable land, homestead land, forest land and other resources, and developed industries such as tourism and homestays.

Nowadays, the village appearance and the spiritual outlook of the people in Banshan Village have achieved dual improvement, and the villagers have achieved employment at their doorstep. The number of migrant workers in Banshan Village has decreased from 860 in 2015 to over 50, and the collective income of the village reached 524300 yuan last year.

Under the nourishment of a new trend of civilization, a picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, effective governance, and abundant living has been unfolded in the half mountain village, attracting a group of young and promising youth. "We chose to come here because we value the beautiful environment, simple folk customs, and unique architecture of Banshan Village," said Zhou Qing and Hong Wei, the founders of Xinzhi Qingyi Society. They hope to do their best to light up the countryside with art and promote rural revitalization with culture. Since taking root in Banshan Village in 2020, Zhou Qing and Hong Wei have revitalized ancient residential buildings and turned them into theaters, homestays, and cafes, attracting more and more young people to stay here and start businesses.

Half a mountain village is just a small microcosm. Huang Lihong said that in recent years, Sanming City has formulated and implemented the "Special Work Plan for Civilized Rural Culture Construction in Sanming City" and the "Work Plan for Continuously Deepening the Transformation of Customs and Promoting Rural Revitalization and Cultural Practice Improvement in Sanming City" in accordance with the overall requirements of prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural culture, effective governance, and affluent life. The city has vigorously implemented the rural culture construction project, and through environmental improvement and civilized practice activities, innovative rural governance methods, efforts have been made to form a civilized rural culture, good family culture, and simple folk customs. The grassroots foundation of rural civilization has been consolidated, and the county culture has supported social civilization and helped rural revitalization.

"Since the construction of the new village in 2002, we have built new houses and run family hotels for tourism. The appearance of the entire Shuiji Village has changed, and the villagers' lives have become more promising." said Cai Xuejiao, a villager from Shuiji Village in Meikou Township, Taining County.

The Shuiji Village where Cai Xuejiao is located is situated on the banks of Dajin Lake, a world natural heritage site and a world geological park. Not long ago, the reporter drove along the lakeside to Shuiji Village. A series of gray tiled and white walled small villas with unified architectural styles were particularly eye-catching, surrounded by green mountains and surrounded by green water.

Zhang Zheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Meikou Township, said that Shuiji Village is a revolutionary old area village and a reservoir area immigrant village. Before the development of tourism, the village was not wealthy. "In the late 1980s, with the discovery of the picturesque Danxia scenery on the water, Taining began to embark on the path of 'developing the county through tourism'. There was a Ganlu Temple on Dajin Lake, and at that time, pilgrims hired villagers to ferry to the temple for 2 yuan per person. Our village officials keenly felt that tourism was feasible." Zhang Zheng said that Shuiji Village, relying on its geographical advantage, built its first tourist attraction and achieved a collective economic income of 20000 yuan that year. Afterwards, the villagers devoted themselves to the tourism industry one after another.

"With the booming development of the tourism industry in Shuiji Village, there have been some chaotic situations of grabbing tourists and fishing indiscriminately. At that time, the main energy of town and village officials was to mediate conflicts, which was unbearable." Zhang Zheng said that in 2004, Shuiji Village adhered to the leadership of party building, explored the establishment of fishing associations, homestay associations, and cruise ship associations, organized villagers, and walked out a new path of tourism development of "association+company+farmers". As a result, Shuiji Village has become a prosperous and well-off village where every household engages in tourism, lives in villas, and enjoys a good life for everyone.

"Nowadays, the villagers are very united. The phenomenon of grabbing customers and raising prices in the past no longer exists, and every household's homestay is well managed." Cai Xuejiao, who graduated in 1996 and started working as a tour guide, recounted the changes in Shuiji Village. Now, with the establishment of travel agencies, homestays, and rural tourism, she has become a "leader" in promoting tourism in Dajin Lake. The family's industry is getting bigger and bigger, and the annual turnover of hundreds of thousands of yuan has become a problem. In recent years, Agricultural Bank of China Taining Branch has developed cultural and tourism credit products such as tourism scenic area revenue rights and farmhouse entertainment around the local cultural and tourism industry. She not only renovated farmhouse entertainment, but also expanded its business scale.

"Only with good government policies can we have today's happy life," said Cai Xuejiao.

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