"Thank you" situation for being 36 years late | life | being late

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:41 AM

"This is really a very coincidental thing in the dark."

Xie Xiang has always cherished a note written to her by her old friend Zhou Zhichun 36 years ago. Although the paper has turned yellow, one of the quoted diagnostic opinions from Dr. Lian Lijuan is still clearly visible:

"The probability of deformities caused by hypoxia is about 10%, and the fetus is worth protecting..."

Because of the phrase "worth preserving", the life of my son's yak was able to continue. At the age of 36, he also has his own children.

Last December, Zhou Zhichun passed away unfortunately. Feeling heartbroken, Xie Xiang once believed that this "very personal" story might come to an end. However, fate always comes suddenly at unexpected moments.

One day in March this year, Xie Xiang received a copy of "Concordia Courtyard" sent by her friend and essayist Han Xiaohui. It was this book that brought Xie Xiang and the "great doctor" Lian Lijuan back together by chance.

"The coincidence I mentioned is only due to the thoughtful and serious people I have met..." Xie Xiang, who has been a journalist for over 40 years, has retired for 7 years and still maintains the sharpness of being a journalist. She said the reason for her firm search was to add a footnote to the story.

Thank goodness for your kindness

The story of Xie Xiang's life inheritance can be traced back to 36 years ago.

In August 1987, Xie Xiang, a reporter of the China Youth Daily, went to Xizang with an interview delegation from the Capital Women's Writers Association. Unexpectedly, when Xie Xiang arrived at Shannanze in mid August, his body was in a state of palpitations, chills, and a tumultuous stomach. Is it altitude sickness? "It shouldn't be! I have been interviewing in Xizang with the delegation for half a month."

Xie Xiang quickly ran to the local hospital for a check-up, and the pregnancy test results showed a positive result.

This information made Xie Xiang's heart skip a beat in fear. "At that time, there was only one thought - to hurry back to Beijing."

After returning to Beijing, Xie Xiang went to multiple hospitals for examination, and the opinions he received were not optimistic. The doctors almost unanimously suggested to "get the fetus done as soon as possible.".

"Early pregnancy is a crucial period for the development of a child's brain and organs. If a pregnant woman suddenly reaches a hypoxic plateau from a low altitude area at this time, the fetus is usually either deformed or congenital heart disease. Our colleague has experienced such a situation," said a doctor who participated in the aid to Tibet medical team confidently. She directly wrote the diagnostic opinion that she had been informed of the possibility of teratogenicity in Xie Xiang's medical record and issued a surgical order for induced abortion.

"The conception of life was originally a process of experiencing happiness, but for me, it was shrouded in shadows." At that time, Xie Xiang was 33 years old and had previously experienced an accidental miscarriage on a train or a power outage that resulted in the death of a fetus. The future of this third little life before her seemed uncertain

"Is fate destined to prevent me from becoming a mother in this lifetime?"

Xie Xiang, feeling restless and helpless, turned to his friend Zhou Zhichun for help. Zhou Zhichun is the nephew and grandson of Lin Qiaozhi, a famous obstetrics and gynecology expert in China. He searched for Lin Qiaozhi's assistant, Lian Lijuan, who was then the director of obstetrics and gynecology at Peking Union Medical College, for advice.

"Dr. Lian and I have not met directly, and all of her opinions are conveyed through Zhou Zhichun." At that time, Zhou Zhichun was the night shift duty leader in the editorial office of China Youth Daily. He always wrote notes for Xie Xiang, who was on the day shift, before leaving work in the morning, including Dr. Lian's advice to ensure that the child was safe and sound, and to have Xie Xiang hospitalized for childbirth in advance.

On the afternoon of April 8, 1988, Xie Xiang's son was safely born at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. It's interesting that at the moment her son was caught from her belly, he made a big splash of urine. In the operating room, the doctor smiled and patted the child's buttocks, saying to Xie Xiang, "Look, this child is really good!"

Finally, Xie Xiang's heart, which had been constantly anxious, settled down. During pregnancy, Xie Xiang experienced various tests such as fetal hip position and umbilical cord wrapping around the neck twice and a half times. She dared not hold any hope and neither dared to give her child a name in advance nor prepared any clothes for her. After his son was born, Xie Xiang gave him a temporary alternative name - "Xie Di", which means thank goodness.

"I completely can't remember."

Xie Xiang was grateful to Zhou Zhichun and Dr. Lian, and respected them as her "protective gods of life". However, she "did not even express a penny as a gift".

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I definitely can't get through it with Zhou Zhichun." In March 1996, Xie Xiang, as an observer, accompanied a Chinese news delegation to Malaysia to observe the ASEAN Writers' Association's election. He bought several tin sanction paper knives and brought them back to his country to share with friends. When she gave a paper cutter to Zhou Zhichun, he firmly refused and "sarcastically" said, "Xie Xiang, when will you learn this trick too?"

"I'm really angry." Xie Xiang, the honest and straightforward "Wuhan man", gave up the idea of thanking Dr. Lian through Zhou Zhichun's face and silently murmured about these good people in his heart.

Never forget, there will always be an echo. One day in March, Xie Xiang received Han Xiaohui's book "Concordia Courtyard" and couldn't wait to light up and read it at night that night. Building 28 on the east side of Xiehe Courtyard is where Zhou Zhichun's family and his aunt Lin Qiaozhi live together. Even Dr. Lijuan has lived in Xiehe Courtyard.

"There is a mysterious power in the dark" stirred up deep memories buried deep in Xie Xiang's heart. The next morning, she told Han Xiaohui about the intersection of Dr. Lian and her own life. Soon, Han Xiaohui brought the following news from an expert surnamed Pan at Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Dr. Lian Lijuan, who is 98 years old, is currently in good physical condition, "hearing and seeing clearly, with agile legs and feet", and lives in a nursing apartment in Beijing.

"Dr. Lian is still alive! Then I will do everything I can to find her and express my gratitude in person for being 36 years late!" The unexpected good news excited Xie Xiang.

Having traveled south and north for over 40 years, Xie Xiang has always been swift and decisive. In March, Beijing was still cold and the cold wind made her face ache. On the morning of March 21st, she made a special trip to the medical record room of Peking Union Medical College Hospital to make copies of her son's birth record and small footprints left behind; After returning home, I found the registration card from Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the previous press card, and put them together in my backpack. The next morning, she put on her coat, wrapped herself in a scarf, and headed straight to Dr. Lian's residence.

Arriving with anxiety, the result unexpectedly went smoothly. At the entrance of the elderly care apartment where Dr. Lian lives, a enthusiastic security guard quickly invited him down.

Dr. Lian, who was leaning on a black cane and carrying a purple small bag in front of him, had silver hair and was dressed in simple clothes, much thinner than Xie Xiang had imagined.

Xie Xiang invited the old man to sit down on the reception sofa and talked incessantly about himself, recounting the past 36 years ago, without any hesitation about whether the nearly 100 year old man in front of him could keep up with his thinking.

Doctor Lian didn't recognize the "unwelcome guest" in front of him, but there was a soft light in his eyes. After understanding Xie Xiang's statement that her son might be "aborted" at that time, she said, "Why is it that fetuses who have been to Xizang must have congenital heart disease or malformations? There is no data to prove this! We should respect and cherish any new life, and not give up easily." Although she has no memory of that year, her words are the same as what she told Xie Xiang 36 years ago. She also emphasized, "This is what Dr. Lin Qiaozhi said. She always educates us like this."

After graduating from Hunan Xiangya Medical College in 1950, Lian Lijuan has been working in the obstetrics and gynecology department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. She followed Professor Lin Qiaozhi for 33 years and served as the director of obstetrics and gynecology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital for 15 years.

As the first Chinese director of obstetrics and gynecology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the first group of CAS Member, and the only female academician, Lin Qiaozhi is a "doctor on duty all her life". Every morning at 8 o'clock, she is always motionless and must go into the ward to take a walk and fully understand the patient's situation. She not only looks at the expert account, but also sees all the patients registered on the same day before leaving work. If she sees a patient with a painful expression, she will definitely put down what is in her hand and ask directly. Sometimes nurses remind her that there are "special patients" who have been scheduled to wait in the waiting room, and Dr. Lin always answers seriously, "Serious illness is the real special."

"My learning, growth, and maturity in obstetrics and gynecology were all guided, nurtured, and helped by her." Lian Lijuan grew up under the influence of her mentor Lin Qiaozhi, inheriting Dr. Lin's noble medical ethics and superb medical skills.

"I can't remember it, I can't remember it at all," murmured Dr. Lian, whispering softly as he faced Xie Xiang's memories.

"I have sufficient evidence here!" Xie Xiang presented the prepared historical materials to Dr. Lian one by one. She took out the letter written by Zhou Zhichun and said, "Look, you said you should be hospitalized for monitoring early and not 'carelessly lose Jingzhou'!" 68 year old Xie Xiang was excited like a child in front of 98 year old Dr. Lian.

Doctor Lian listened with a faint smile on his face.

The nursing home stipulates that each visit is only half an hour, and even the doctor will abide by the time for a lifetime. Before leaving, Dr. Lian asked, "Can you leave me a picture of your son's small footprint?"

A Thanksgiving gathering for four generations

Upon truly entering Dr. Lian, Xie Xiang realized that he and her were "very close in heart, very close to each other.".

The first half hour visit, they talked a lot. Doctor Lian talked about her husband who had lived with her for over 70 years passing away at the end of last year, but she felt that "it would be better for him to leave first because he is not very capable of self-care and needs someone to take care of him.". Even the doctor's children are working and living abroad, and the family has video calls at fixed times every Monday. She also talked about her life in the nursing home: everything in the house is complete, so far, everything she does is her own; The nursing home is rich in activities and has arranged handicraft classes such as bead stringing that are suitable for the elderly. She is used to arriving on time and doesn't like to be late or leave early. She also talked about the colleagues who still care about her at Concord, asking for warmth and comfort from her, and delivering medicine to her doorstep

April 8th is the birthday of Xie Xiang's son, and she has decided to visit Dr. Lian again with her family.

Early that morning, Xie Xiang sent a text message to Dr. Lian, reporting that he would take his son and grandson to see her at 3 pm in the afternoon. Doctor Lian was very happy and didn't even take a nap. He went to the activity hall on the second floor half an hour early to wait for the arrival of Xie Xiang's family.

At 3 pm, Xie Xiang, along with her husband, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson, came to Dr. Lian in a lively manner, holding flowers and cakes. This time, Dr. Lian's gaze was completely attracted by the yak and his 7-year-old son Tudou. The old man has been smiling all along, with all kinds of love in his eyes.

Xie Xiang accompanied Dr. Lian to look through the photos of yaks born 35 years ago on the scale and the notes he wrote back then. Tudou also leaned over and looked at Dr. Lian with wide eyes, volunteered to run to the piano in the hall and present a newly learned "C Major Sonata".

In the group photo, Dr. Lian, with gray hair, was surrounded by Xie Xiang's family in the center.

"This photo is a group photo of four generations! We are not a family, but more like a family. Without your help, there would be no continuation of our family's bloodline and today's happiness!" Xie Xiang expressed his gratitude to Dr. Lian, which had been accumulated in his heart for many years.


Find the life-saving benefactor of my son 36 years ago and express gratitude with a sense of ceremony, allowing the doctor's kindness and gratitude to converge into a warm stream. This is something that ordinary people have a heart but may not necessarily do. I am impressed by the kindness and gratitude of the senior journalist Xie Xiang, as well as the professional spirit of the investigative journalist.

But what impressed me even more was that the great events that left Xie Xiang unforgettable and difficult to repay were easily forgotten by Dr. Lian, the "great doctor". How many things did Dr. Lian Lijuan silently do in her life that she couldn't remember but made the patient remember for a lifetime? How many children's lives have she saved, how many women's wishes to become mothers have she fulfilled, and how many families have she helped complete the relay of life continuation? Such a century old person must have many stories and wisdom.

To be honest, I really wanted to interview Dr. Lian, and I made a lot of efforts, including asking Xie Xiang to help introduce me and asking the office of Peking Union Medical College Hospital to come forward to assist, but none of them were achieved. Dr. Lian Lijuan politely declined the interview. "Dr. Lian is a very low-key and humble person, and she is not used to being noticed." Xie Xiang understood Dr. Lian's response very well.

For an elderly person approaching 100 years old, we certainly fully respect her choice. After all, not all beauty, we are fortunate enough to record it.

Perhaps even what the doctor wanted to say was mentioned in the WeChat message she sent after parting with Xie Xiang: "You came yesterday, which really excited me. A patient from over 30 years ago still remembers me and even found me. The little work I should do can achieve a happy family! It has given me a happy understanding of the value of my labor. Thank you."

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