Texas Practice Governance for Resolving Contradictions and Disputes in a One Stop Way for the Convenience and Benefit of the People | Contradictions | One Stop Approach

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:27 AM

Editor's note

Look at the scenery of "Maple" and "Bridge" in Dezhou. On June 20th, the Shandong trip and symposium on adhering to and developing the theme of "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era were held in Dezhou City, Shandong Province. The "Ling County Practice" that has risen from a county to a city level, and the "Virtue for the People" social governance golden signboard centered on "serving the people, benefiting the people," are all inheriting and innovating together to create a new era "Fengqiao Experience" Shandong model, exploring the "Fengqiao Experience" Shandong path.

Over the past 60 years, history has been passed through in a magnificent way, while the "Fengqiao Experience" has been weathered by wind and rain and tested by the times, becoming a precious spiritual wealth for promoting the construction of a safe and rule of law China.

The picture shows the on-site symposium on adhering to and developing the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era

Let the glory of history shine into reality, and create the future through inheritance and innovation.Dezhou City adapts measures to local conditions, closely adheres to the core of "serving the people, facilitating the people, and benefiting the people", expands the solution of people's petition demands to prevent and resolve conflicts and risks, creates a "virtue for the people" golden signboard, and explores the "magical code" of the "Fengqiao experience".

The picture shows the on-site observation of representatives attending the "Fengqiao Experience" themed promotional activity for adhering to and developing the new era

Enhance the efficiency of resolving conflicts and disputes

The maple scenery on the land of Qilu is just right

From "building the petition hall in the county party committee courtyard" to "moving the petition hall to the people's side", from "the hall is in the courtyard, facing the cadres and the masses face-to-face, and problems do not leave the county", to forming a new modern social governance model of "facing the cadres and the masses face-to-face, handling appeals in accordance with the law, and problems do not leave the county"... The "Fengqiao Experience" in Dezhou is a microcosm of Shandong's insistence on developing the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, and using the "Fengqiao Spirit" in the new era to break through the situation and innovate and explore grassroots social governance.

The Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Government have included the "one-stop" diversified resolution of conflicts and disputes in the "14th Five Year Plan" and have included it in the key work points of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee for two consecutive years. All cities, counties, and townships in the province have made the task of coordinating conflicts a key task of the Party committee and government, firmly grasping it, and forming a good situation where all levels in the province work together to promote diversified resolution of conflicts and disputes.

"Various regions in the province have boldly innovated and created an online and offline integrated system for resolving conflicts and disputes, enhancing the overall efficiency of resolving conflicts and disputes. According to Sun Chengliang, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee in charge of daily work, party committees at all levels have actively taken the lead in overall and coordinated efforts, integrating resources from all parties. 136 counties and 1814 townships in the province have basically built" one-stop "conflict and dispute mediation centers, with more than 30000 departmental and social forces stationed in the" one-stop "conflict and dispute mediation centers.".

The political and legal committees of Party committees at all levels actively take the lead in grasping the overall situation, promoting the integration of multiple centers and the use of one center for multiple purposes. They have established a "one-stop" contradiction and dispute mediation center that integrates petition mediation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, legal aid, assistance in difficulties, civil affairs relief, judicial assistance, and psychological comfort. We have formulated the "Regulations on Promoting Diversified Dispute Resolution in Shandong Province" to incorporate conflict mediation work into the track of sound development under the rule of law.

"The establishment and improvement of a diversified 'one-stop' system for resolving conflicts and disputes at all levels in the province has continuously improved the ability of grassroots to resolve conflicts and disputes, enhanced the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses," said Liu Qichao, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee. In 2022, the score of people's sense of security in Shandong Province reached a historic high of 96.71 points.

Amplify the effect of "Ling County's approach"

Realizing "face-to-face communication between cadres and the masses, and handling demands in accordance with the law"

The picture shows the establishment of a consultation and discussion mechanism for "encountering four issues" in Lingcheng District. On the 4th, 14th, and 24th of each month, the community convenes meetings with resident representatives, property committees, and property management to facilitate problem feedback channels and discuss solutions to solve problems together

Texas Practice Governance for Resolving Contradictions and Disputes in a One Stop Way for the Convenience and Benefit of the People | Contradictions | One Stop Approach

"We cherish the valuable experience of the 'Ling County Practice' and promote it from being a county to a city level, expanding from working methods to governance experience, striving to achieve 'face-to-face communication between cadres and the masses, handling demands in accordance with the law, and preventing problems from arising from the county'," said Tian Weidong, Secretary of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee. ".

Dezhou City adheres to the principle of secretaries grasping and grasping secretaries, and regards doing a good job in mass work as the "top priority" project. The Municipal Party Committee clarifies that the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Municipal Party Committee takes the lead in doing a good job in mass work, establishes a Municipal Mass Work Service Center, sets up Mass Work Departments in 24 municipal departments, 10 municipal departments set up mass work specialized positions, and 40 municipal departments have designated personnel responsible for mass work, achieving that mass work has institutions, staffing, personnel, funds, and guarantees.

"In 2014, Ling County was abolished and divided into districts to establish Lingcheng District. In response to the development of the situation, Lingcheng District upgraded and transformed the original petition hall into a social governance service center, and built a" one-stop "conflict mediation center in the district committee courtyard. Yuan Yangang, Deputy Secretary of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee, introduced that Dezhou City continues to enhance the effect of the" Ling County approach "and issued the" Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the City's "one-stop" Conflict Dispute Resolution Mechanism, promoting the establishment of comprehensive governance, conflict dispute mediation, petition reception, litigation services, public legal services, and other centers to settle in the same level "one-stop" conflict mediation center. One city level, 12 county-level, and 134 township level conflict mediation centers were built. "The mediation center achieves one-stop acceptance of public demands in the front end, one click diversion in the middle end, and comprehensive mediation in the back end. The city's dispute resolution rate has remained above 99.5% for three consecutive years.

It is understood that Dezhou City has issued regulations on the reception of leading cadres, implementing a "monthly reception and bi monthly online" system for city level leaders, a "weekly reception and online online" system for county-level leaders, and a "daily reception and online" system for township leaders. It clarifies the "who takes the lead, who is responsible, and who supervises" system, plays a "key minority" demonstration role, classifies and handles public demands in accordance with the law, and effectively safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. Since the beginning of this year, city level officials have received 102 visits and received 506 people from 268 cases, with a completion rate of 100% on schedule.

Building an Information Service Platform

The public's demand for "one network for unified management and one solution to the end"

How to establish and improve the standardized operation mechanism of the "one-stop" conflict mediation center, and improve the quality and efficiency of conflict resolution? "Dezhou City closely adheres to the core of 'serving the people, facilitating the people, and benefiting the people', expands the resolution of people's petition demands to prevent and resolve conflicts and risks, creates a golden signboard of 'serving the people with morality', and gradually forms the 'Fengqiao Experience' Dezhou Practice, a modern and good governance path with characteristics of the times and regions." said Peng Xiaomao, member of the Standing Committee of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

Dezhou City implements a first person responsibility system, dividing public demands into 10 categories and 22 sub items. Each major category has a designated leading functional department, and each functional department takes responsibility according to the principle of "whoever takes the order". Implement a time limited completion system, supervise the entire process of handling public demands, and provide yellow reminders two working days before the specified deadline expires; Red warnings will be issued and points will be deducted for those who exceed the processing deadline to ensure that public demands are handled in a timely manner. Establish a joint meeting mechanism with relevant comrades of the Municipal Party Committee as conveners, and elevate the handling of major difficult and complex demands, key contradictions, and common and regular issues, achieving coordinated handling of public demands.

Dezhou City focuses on informatization and builds a "key to key, point-to-point, and precise" mass service platform. With the support of the city's "integrated comprehensive command platform", it links and integrates data from various public demand channels, and builds a "one network management, one to the end" integrated platform that integrates demand processing, inquiry, tracking, supervision, and evaluation. It is connected in real-time with the conflict mediation center to achieve full coverage of public demands, full information input, and full data generation. The acceptance and processing process is clear, transparent, standardized, and efficient.

In order to facilitate the channels for people to express their demands, Dezhou City has developed a "Micro Connect" mini program for people to report matters. People can scan QR codes at the village and land to reflect problems, make demands, and express their opinions. Grid personnel can verify and transfer to the grid intelligent platform for processing in the first time, achieving "15 minutes to perceive problems, intervene in handling, and provide services". As of now, more than 260000 issues have been reported by the "Weilianxin" public, with a completion rate of 92%.

Innovative "fancy" mediation

Solve the troubles and worries of the common people

In Ningjin County, the "Liuxia Night Talk" activity has become a new form of participation in social governance that the local people love. Lao Shi Nian and Xiao Ma Zha, I say you listen, I ask you and answer, from firewood, rice, oil and salt to village affairs and national affairs, from living environment to rural revitalization, from officials serving dishes to the masses ordering dishes... At the "Liuxia Night Talk" event, officials and the masses gathered together, had face-to-face communication, organized daily activities, engaged in agricultural and commercial activities, discussed policies, and sought development, and built a platform for interaction between the cadres and the masses.

At the entrance of Haotang Village in Zhanghua Town, Pingyuan County, there is a century old locust tree with lush branches and leaves. After a busy day of farming, villagers like to gather under big trees and chat after tea and dinner. Zhanghua Town regularly organizes staff from police stations, courts, judicial offices, and petition offices to mediate and resolve complex civil disputes and petition cases in the village under the Huai tree, and builds on-site "reception rooms" and "mediation rooms" to make "reasoning under the Huai tree" a part of people's lives.

"Night talks under the willow trees" and "reasoning under the big locust tree"... Dezhou City has innovated a diversified dispute resolution model, making the masses the direct participants, biggest beneficiaries, and firm supporters of social governance, and maximizing the cohesion and joint efforts to promote the "dual resolution" of people's demands, resolving conflicts and disputes beyond the nascent stage and litigation.

Yucheng City has made great efforts to build the "Fengdiao Yushun" mediation brand, establish mechanisms, build platforms, strengthen teams, solve public demands, resolve conflicts and disputes, and effectively improve the level of grassroots social governance.

Texas Practice Governance for Resolving Contradictions and Disputes in a One Stop Way for the Convenience and Benefit of the People | Contradictions | One Stop Approach

Wucheng County has incorporated neighborhood disputes, public ethics, and improvement of living environment that are of high concern to villagers into village regulations and agreements, achieving a new situation of self-management, self-education, and self-service for villagers.

Leling City will hold characteristic mass consultation meetings such as "bench meetings" and "field meetings", move the discussion window to the doorstep of the people's homes, communicate face-to-face, gather consensus, and improve the enthusiasm and participation of the people.

Qihe County has taken measures such as exploring personal brands, strengthening professional brands, and building service brands to create a series of mediation brands called "Together for the People" that work together to solve problems for the people.

Xiajin County aims to build the "Wisdom Solution" brand by selecting 10 outstanding mediators from various industry and professional mediation committees throughout the county, and establishing a county-level "Gold Medal Mediation Expert" team. Mediators work in rotation to provide professional solutions for resolving conflicts and disputes.

Qingyun County is accelerating the cultivation and development of industry and professional adjustment committees, standardizing and improving the organization of 12 specialized adjustment committees, utilizing laws, regulations and policies in various industries, and resolving hot and difficult issues within the industry.

Shine the golden signboard of "virtue for the people"

Exploring the Modernization Path of Characteristic Social Governance

"Dezhou has the practical genes to adhere to and develop the 'Fengqiao Experience' of the new era and promote fertile soil. We insist on innovating and expanding the 'Lingxian Practice' as an important content to enhance the social governance capacity of the city, and explore a modern path of social governance with the characteristics of the times and the county." As Zhu Kaiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, said in his speech at the launch ceremony of the Shandong trip to promote and develop the 'Fengqiao Experience' theme of the new era, Dezhou has made great efforts in recent years to build the 'De Wei Min' brand and polish the 'golden signboard' of social governance.

The Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Government attach great importance to social governance work and have established a "dual team leader" work leadership group for the Municipal Party Secretary and Mayor to promote the deepening and implementation of social governance work. Strengthening and innovating social governance work will be included in the list of key issues for the city's political ecological construction, comprehensive deepening of reform, comprehensive assessment of high-quality economic and social development in the city, and evaluation of the construction of safe Dezhou, to ensure strong promotion and orderly implementation of work.

In promoting grid governance, Dezhou City has selected and strengthened 14000 full-time grid personnel, set up 11152 grids, and defined a list of 20 tasks in 6 categories. Grid personnel carry out conflict investigation, public opinion collection, and legal publicity within the grid, achieving the goal of "doing things online and solving difficulties in the grid". Build an information integration, command and dispatch, and linkage disposal system centered on a grid based governance platform. Since 2020, a total of 11.045 million incidents have been reported through the platform, and 10.945 million have been effectively disposed of.

Under the unified deployment of the whole city, all counties and districts in Dezhou are adapting measures to local conditions, actively innovating social governance, and jointly polishing the "golden signboard" of "morality for the people" social governance.

Decheng District has launched a new "one-stop" contradiction mediation model for property management disputes, which includes a package of mediation and full chain services. A large number of contradictions and disputes are eliminated at the beginning and resolved at the grassroots level, and the effectiveness of grassroots social governance is constantly improving.

Linyi County has established a "Yixin for the People" service center, with 13 windows to receive public demands and distribute them to resident units. Through people's mediation, judicial mediation, administrative mediation and other methods, the center optimizes and handles public demands through centralized collection, systematic processing, and full chain services.

Tianqu New Area highlights the leadership of party building, explores the integrated reform of "four connections and four governance" through organizational joint construction, affairs joint discussion, resource sharing, and service joint efforts, comprehensively constructs a "red matrix" of overall coordination, multi-party linkage, and party mass integration, and creates a regional co construction characteristic governance system.

Consolidate strong work force

Accelerate the construction of higher quality and safer Dezhou

Texas Practice Governance for Resolving Contradictions and Disputes in a One Stop Way for the Convenience and Benefit of the People | Contradictions | One Stop Approach

Every effort is for the safety and happiness of the people.

Dezhou City will strive to become a "Safe China Demonstration City" and list it as the "No.1 Project" of the Municipal Party Committee's political ecology. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee will come forward to study and deploy, press and compact the responsibilities of all parties, and gather strong work force. Establish a joint conference system for the creation of a peaceful Dezhou, with the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee serving as the overall convener. Four special groups are established under the committee, and six work systems are introduced. All counties and townships have established leadership institutions, building a horizontal and vertical collaborative leadership system.

In order to strengthen supervision and assessment, Dezhou will deploy and assess safety construction and economic and social development together, formulate detailed rules for the assessment of high-quality development and safety creation in counties by the city, incorporate safety creation work into the city's political ecological assessment system, and include it in the annual evaluation of county political and legal committee secretaries.

Under the unified deployment of the whole city, political and legal organs at all levels should shoulder their responsibilities in political and legal work, and safeguard high-quality development with high-level safety. The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Municipal Party Committee fully plays the role of overall coordination, leading the implementation of the "top leader" project for optimizing the legal and business environment by the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal political and legal units, and creating a fair and efficient legal environment for the high-quality development of the city's economy and society.

The city's courts conducted one-on-one legal examinations for private enterprises and conducted large-scale visits to hundreds of enterprises. The "1+2+7" cooperation mechanism established by the People's Court of Qihe County and the Federation of Industry and Commerce was rated as a typical example of national communication and contact mechanisms. The Intermediate People's Court of Dezhou City lawfully revoked bad credit information, helped individual industrial and commercial households obtain loans to overcome difficulties, and took the lead in sorting out and unifying the judgment standards for all disputes related to financial bad credit information, put forward judicial suggestions, and received a briefing from the Supreme People's Court for forwarding and promoting.

The procuratorial organs in the city have listed risk prevention, safety protection, and stability protection as the "top priority" projects, cracking down on various criminal crimes in accordance with the law. In 2022, the prosecution of crimes related to black and evil, as well as serious violent crimes, decreased by 61.7% and 17.5% year-on-year, respectively.

The public security organs throughout the city have continuously improved their effectiveness in cracking down and rectifying crimes, innovated their tactics and tactics, and leveraged the advantages of multiple police officers in combined combat. They have successfully solved all homicide cases for 11 consecutive years. In 2022, the number of telecommunications network fraud cases solved and the number of arrested individuals increased by 33.2% and 35.1% year-on-year, respectively. The number of cases filed and the number of losses suffered by the public decreased by 77.1% and 82.2% year-on-year, achieving the goal of "two reductions and two increases".

The city's judicial administrative system has identified four first-class regulatory projects and four government regulations around key areas and people's concerns. Three regulatory proposals, including the protection of the Yellow River diversion channel, urban greening, and anti catering waste, have been reviewed and approved by the Municipal People's Congress. Three government regulations, including fire safety management of residential properties and air pollution prevention and control management, have been introduced, further highlighting the role of legislation in serving the overall situation.

Work together to build peace. At the Shandong Tour and Symposium on Adhering to and Developing the "Fengqiao Experience" Theme Promotion Activity in the New Era, experts, scholars, and media representatives praised the practice in Dezhou.

Li Yong, a professor at the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, believes that the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era emphasizes more refined governance and services, and requires more full participation in moral governance, rule of law, and other aspects. The "Moral for the People" social governance "golden signboard" in Dezhou has made good explorations in these aspects.

"From 'building the petition hall in the county party committee courtyard' to 'moving the petition hall to the people's side', and then to the new model of modernization of county-level social governance of 'face-to-face communication between cadres and the masses, handling appeals in accordance with the law, and addressing problems without leaving the county', this is both inheritance and innovation, providing a good reference for all parts of the country to deeply learn and promote the 'Fengqiao experience' of the new era." said Yang Zhihua, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Farmers' Daily.

"The theme promotion activity of the 'Fengqiao Experience' in the new era departed from Dezhou, Shandong. This theme promotion is a major annual issue arranged by the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Central Political and Legal Commission. It is guided by the Cyberspace Administration and the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Central Political and Legal Commission, and participated by the News Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, the News Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the News and Propaganda Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Ministry of National Security, and the Office of the Ministry of Justice. We will face the most authentic stories with the most sincere attitude, use diverse and multi-level online communication products, and write the great legend of the 'Fengqiao Experience' in the new era," said Yu Fei, Chief Editor.

Jin Bozhong, the director of the "Fengqiao Experience" Research Institute in the new era of Zhejiang Province, said, "The vivid and innovative experiences and practices in Dezhou's social governance have enriched and expanded the connotation of the" Fengqiao Experience ", becoming a beautiful" landscape "of grassroots social governance in Shandong."

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