Survey on the Chaos of Children's Myopia Correction Market: Spending tens of thousands of yuan has no effect | Myopia correction | Children | Correction | Institutions | Parents | Products | Vision

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:43 AM

Spending tens of thousands of yuan has no effect

A survey on the chaos in the market for correcting myopia in children

Investigation motivation

"Is it better to take eye drops or take eye care supplements? Is it better to use a 3D training device or a massage device? I really don't know what to do." Recently, Ms. Liu, a Beijing resident, reported to reporters that her 7-year-old daughter was diagnosed with 75 degree myopia recently, and she tried various myopia treatment methods with her daughter, but the results were not satisfactory. The degree of myopia not only did not decrease, but also gradually increased, "which is completely different from what the business promised in the initial promotion.".

As summer approaches, the correction and prevention of myopia among minors are gradually heating up. Many parents look forward to correcting their children's vision through rehabilitation treatment during the holidays. However, the mixed market of good and bad for myopia rehabilitation treatment has deterred many parents, and some parents who try some projects with their children have been deceived.

What are the chaos in the rehabilitation treatment market for children's myopia? How to rectify it? The reporter launched an investigation into this matter.

Reporter Zhao Li from this newspaper

Since his daughter was 7 years old and nearsighted, Wang Meng, who lives in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, has been on the road to correct her eyesight. "He has stepped on all the holes that can be stepped on. Massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, and intelligent instruments and equipment have all been deployed, which can be said to be a" whole family bucket "for correction, but it has no practical effect.".

Wang Meng introduced, "At first, we went to a correction institution that massages acupoints. After each massage, we immediately tested our vision and it really worked. Later, we found out that it was only because our eyes relaxed at that time, not because it could really correct myopia." One year later, his daughter's vision not only did not get under control, but also because her myopia degree increased by 100 degrees, which caused the whole family to suffer a lot. In the end, she went to the hospital to get glasses.

Behind Wang Meng's pitfalls lies the increasingly serious problem of myopia among children and adolescents in China. According to data from the National Health Commission, the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents in China was 53.6% in 2022. Among them, the myopia rate among children under 6 years old is 14.5%, the myopia rate among elementary school students is 36%, the myopia rate among middle school students is 71.6%, and the myopia rate among high school students is 81%.

With the arrival of summer, many parents take advantage of their children's absence from school and rush around trying to correct their children's vision and reduce their myopia. The attention of parents to treating their children's myopia has also boosted the market heat for myopia prevention and correction, with batches of myopia correction products emerging one after another.

However, a large number of children and adolescents who have received various products and methods to treat myopia have not controlled the deepening of myopia, let alone restored their vision, and are navigating the mixed market of myopia correction. Many parents openly say that they have been "tricked".

Claimed to have three courses of enucleation

After one year, the degree will increase in reverse

In the summer of Beijing, outside the ophthalmology department of a certain hospital, there are parents and children waiting to call.

Beijing citizen Fang Meng is one of them. Her daughter, Yueyue, is 9 years old this year. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with myopia during a routine physical examination at school, but the degree was less than 100 degrees. According to the medical examination suggestion, she took her daughter to the hospital for examination. The doctor told her that to prevent and treat myopia in teenagers, it is necessary to ensure two hours of outdoor time every day.

Fang Meng and her husband are both very busy with work and unable to follow the doctor's advice to take their daughter out for outdoor activities. When they go to see a doctor for a visual check-up, the degree of myopia increases continuously every month. This time, the doctor inquired in detail about her family's situation and believed that the increase in myopia during the month may be related to genetics, as both Fang Meng and her husband have myopia of about 500 degrees, and it is also related to the use of electronic devices and lack of exercise during the month.

Fang Meng began to pay attention to her daughter's myopia problem and immediately tried traditional Chinese medicine massage, eye protection patches, 3D training and other myopia correction methods. She even listened to the promotion of a vision recovery center that "takes off her glasses within a month without surgery and recovers her vision 100%", attempting to use so-called treatment equipment to restore her daughter's vision.

According to Fang Meng, spending a lot of money to purchase treatment equipment not only resulted in ineffective wearing, but also led to a rapid decline in vision, which frightened her to stop using it quickly. Other correction methods also had little effect.

This summer, she rushed to the ophthalmology department of a certain hospital to check her child's vision. The examination results are not optimistic, and the child's vision is still declining. The doctor suggested that she wear glasses for the child.

The 9-year-old from Hebei has a myopia degree of 475 degrees. Two years ago, when Qian Yao, a mother who was young, found out that her son couldn't see the words on the blackboard clearly, she took her child to the hospital for examination. She was already nearsighted by over 200 degrees. Qian Yao began to limit his frequency of using electronic products and also gave him a lot of nutritional supplements such as lutein, but his myopia continued to increase.

Later, through a friend's introduction, she took her child to a local institution that claimed to be able to treat myopia. The first time I went, the child couldn't even read the first line of the visual chart clearly. After correction, Qian Yao was able to see the third line of the visual acuity chart clearly. With the recommendation of the other party, Qian Yao purchased a package from this institution. Unexpectedly, the number of treatments is increasing, but the treatment effect is getting worse and worse. Currently, it is difficult to see the first line of the visual acuity chart clearly.

What frustrates parents is that myopia correction is ineffective, but the cost is not low, starting at tens of thousands of yuan, which is normal.

According to Fang Meng, some of the myopia correction packages she purchased for her daughter cost tens of thousands of yuan per treatment. Wang Meng also spends tens of thousands of yuan a year on correcting myopia for his daughter.

The reporter found during a visit that in the myopia correction market, various so-called correction products are dazzling, including eye patches priced under 10 yuan, eye drops priced under 100 yuan, as well as myopia correction devices and massage devices priced over 1000 yuan... However, the effectiveness of these products is questionable.

For example, on social media platforms, there are many posts promoting a certain brand of myopia prevention and control eye patches, introducing their effects and attaching purchase links. The reporter noticed that in the comment section of such posts, there will always be similar accounts leaving messages claiming that the eye patch has excellent effects in preventing and controlling myopia. However, there are also some users who have purchased the product who have "come forward" in the comment section, stating that the product "is not useful at all, and after pasting it, it only feels icy and cool, without much feeling.".

On e-commerce shopping platforms, reporters consulted customer service representatives of some merchants who sell eye patches, eye drops, and treatment equipment, browsed "product reviews" and "asked everyone" information to understand the efficacy of their products, and found that customer service did not promise to reduce myopia after using the products.

Since that's the case, why do parents still spend a huge amount of money on myopia correction?

In Fang Meng's view, myopia correction involves professional knowledge of the eye, and some institutions use the urgent psychology and professional barriers of parents, combined with promotional language, to "make us anxious parents" seek medical treatment urgently and fall into a trap. ".

Wang Meng told reporters that under the guarantee of "no surgery, no medication, three courses of treatment before removing the glasses" and "one month without effect, full refund" in the correction institution, his psychological defense gradually loosened, and he embarked on the long road of myopia correction.

Based on the introduction of multiple interviewed parents, the reporter summarized some language skills of vision correction institutions:

If myopia correction is not carried out, the eyes will grow by 150 degrees a year. After myopia prevention and control, the degree may decrease even if it does not increase. This has caused anxiety among parents about the development trend of myopia; My two children both took off their glasses through this product, one at 200 degrees and the other at 300 degrees, which is why I chose to make myopia correction products to help more people take off their glasses - using my own "success" experience to reason and move with emotion; In the past two years, our TV station had our advertisement, and athletes from international shooting competitions posted this eye patch, indicating that this product is very safe. Using advertisements to increase credibility.

Creating anxiety in communication groups

Direct sales of unlisted products

A journalist investigation found that behind some parents choosing myopia correction is the created myopia anxiety that permeates some myopia communication groups.

According to the introduction, the reporter has recently joined multiple myopia communication groups.

One of them is a discussion group called "Children's Myopia Prevention and Control Battle", with over a hundred members. The reporter noticed that the group prohibits others from posting advertisements, and the group owner can only send eye protection product links and share some eye protection articles from time to time. The reporter clicked on the link to enter the store, which sells products such as glasses, eye patches, fish oil, lutein, and some therapeutic devices. The group leader recommended the "Prevention and Control Four Piece Set", which includes Star Fun Control Lens, Nourishing Light Instrument, Distance Pulling Mirror, and Reverse Shooting. The whole set starts at a price of tens of thousands of yuan.

In another myopia communication group with over a hundred members, the group leader can only post product introductions such as eye cream. Once someone asks in the group if anyone has purchased eye cream and how the product works, the group leader immediately removes them from the group chat.

In a social group called "Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children", the reporter just joined and saw a group leader with the note "Dr. Li from the Ophthalmology Department" teaching parents about the dangers of myopia in children: "Growing 100 degrees a year is too serious, and the child is only 8 years old. We need to control it as soon as possible, otherwise in middle and high school, the glasses will collapse the bridge of the nose..."

When parents introduced the "causes and consequences" and treatment methods of their child's myopia, "Dr. Li from the ophthalmology department" replied, "In your child's case, surgery not only carries risks, but the results cannot be guaranteed. It is best to use low concentration atropine for long-term correction, and defocus lenses can also be used."

When other parents asked where to buy low concentration atropine, Dr. Li from the ophthalmology department quickly replied, "If you need it, you can come to me."

At this point, "parents" in the group will come out as the "platform" for the group leader, claiming that their children are using eye drops and OK lenses recommended by the group leader, and have successfully achieved a reduction in myopia.

The reporter found that every time a new member enters the group, these "parents" will stand up to create an atmosphere and occasionally @ the group leader, thanking them for recommending products.

The reporter found through four consecutive days of observation that the "atmosphere group" account mentioned above is an active member of the group, and each time the language is similar, mostly repeating the situation of their own children and thanking the group leader for recommending products. At the same time, after a period of time, these accounts will modify their group notes and personal avatars, starting a new round of "baking".

When the reporter added the social account of the "Children's Myopia Prevention and Control" group leader mentioned above, the group leader was very "cautious" and asked the reporter how to add their social account and asked for relevant information to verify. When the reporter expressed his desire to purchase low concentration atropine eye drops, the group leader sent five brands of low concentration atropine eye drops, with prices ranging from 70 yuan to 400 yuan per box, and said, "I'm not selling medicine, I'm just an ophthalmologist.".

The reporter also added multiple "doctors" who sell atropine eye drops. When asked if they could prove their identity as doctors, the other party did not respond directly, only emphasizing that they are doctors, but it is inconvenient to disclose specific information. If you want your child to reduce the alcohol content, you can buy it. If you don't believe it, it's okay.

When the reporter asked about the source channel of the drugs, the above group leader replied, "There is no specific source of goods, and these eye drops are not on the market. Some are directly shipped by manufacturers."

It is understood that atropine is a commonly used drug in clinical practice, with current concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 0.05%. It is widely used in children with rapidly increasing myopia and is also known as low concentration atropine.

"At present, the mechanism of atropine eye drops in preventing and controlling myopia is not clear." A doctor named Zhao from a well-known ophthalmic hospital in Beijing told reporters that low concentration atropine eye drops cannot be commercialized for purchase in China. Parents are advised not to purchase them privately through agents or WeChat merchants. Even genuine products have no professional supervision on whether the concentration is standard and how to use them to avoid causing allergies and even atropine poisoning.

The threshold for franchise institutions is not high

Employees do not need professional background

In the interview, some parents expressed their questions to the reporter, what is the situation with the myopia correction institution that cost tens of thousands of yuan to find?

The reporter searched for thousands of franchise information on social media using the keyword "vision prevention and control franchise".

According to public information, if you want to join a vision correction institution, you need to go through the process of franchise consultation, applying for an agent, searching for a store, headquarters review, headquarters on-site inspection, negotiating and reviewing agents, signing a franchise contract, training and coaching agents, and so on. The franchise fee ranges from 100000 to 600000 yuan, including providing brand authorization, site selection and decoration guidance, technical training for franchisees, personnel recruitment and professional talent training, providing instruments and equipment, opening guidance and operation services, and other assistance. In the franchise commitment, the headquarters will provide brand advantages, professional guidance and management, marketing and promotion services, but will not make a profit commitment to franchisees.

The reporter contacted a franchise brand in Shandong as a franchisee, and when asked about the qualifications required for franchising, the other party emphasized that only a business license and optometry qualification certificate are needed. The headquarters will provide support such as enterprise credit rating certificates, product patent certificates, brand honor qualifications, etc., without the need for an ophthalmic professional background.

According to relevant occupational standards, vision correction instructors are required to hold a certificate and have requirements such as age, education level, and length of service. However, when asked by a reporter whether a franchisee brand needs to review their vision correction instructor certificate when recruiting employees, the other party replied, "I have never heard of any certificate before. The headquarters will provide employee training for franchisees, usually for 5 days, and after the training is completed, they can start working."

The reporter found through searching multiple third-party application agencies that it takes about 30 to 45 days from registration to certificate issuance, with fees ranging from 1200 to 1800 yuan. Some agencies even proactively reduce prices and offer promotions to increase registration rates; Some institutions have stated that they will provide a question bank, "swipe it before the exam, and there will be no problem passing the exam."; Some institutions even promise that "it doesn't matter if you don't have time to practice questions or attend classes, institutions can 'help'."; Furthermore, in order to encourage students to sign up, some institutions have explicitly stated that "attending classes will be arranged for free hosting, exams can be conducted, and passing exams will be guaranteed.".

The reporter also found that many institutions advertise themselves as "vision therapists", but do not impose any professional, skill, or qualification requirements on applicants. For newcomers without any professional foundation, the other party suggests that they can receive training before taking up the job, ranging from one week at most to one or two days at least.

The reporter contacted a vision correction institution located in Beijing on the grounds of applying for the position of "eye point massager". For the qualification to apply, the staff said, "It's best to have experience in traditional Chinese medicine massage, be approachable, patient, and have some sales experience." When the reporter stated that they don't have any ophthalmic professional knowledge or experience in traditional Chinese medicine massage, the staff replied, "It's okay if you don't have massage experience. What's important is that you have good communication skills and sales experience."

It is understood that in some vision correction institutions, vision therapists generally hold multiple positions, not only responsible for massaging the eye acupoints of teenagers who come for vision correction, but also promoting products and packages for myopia correction in the institution. The staff of the above-mentioned institution also told reporters that if the sales revenue of a vision therapist reaches 30000 yuan, they can receive a bonus of 3 points, and if the sales revenue exceeds 100000 yuan, they can receive a bonus of 15 points.

Currently, myopia cannot be cured

Marketing must not mislead the public

For parents, they are eager to know whether myopia in children and adolescents can be corrected, and how to make a choice in the mixed market of myopia correction?

A optometrist at the Ophthalmology Center of Peking University People's Hospital believes that there are many methods and equipment for preventing myopia in children on the market, but there is no "miracle tool" that can reverse myopia.

Dr. Zhao, an ophthalmologist mentioned above, told reporters that for teenagers, there are generally pseudomyopia and true myopia. Pseudomyopia is mainly caused by long-term bad eye habits, and generally does not exceed 200 degrees. If it continues, it will become true myopia. Pseudomyopia can be restored through rest and correcting bad eye habits. Currently, various methods and instruments for treating pseudomyopia on the market need to be further validated for their specific and precise therapeutic effects.

Dr. Zhao told reporters that using eye protection patches, eye brightening creams, acupoint massage machines, intelligent training devices, and other products on the market as examples to promote the use of "rehabilitation", "recovery", "relief of eye fatigue", "reduction of degree", "improvement of vision", "myopia cure", "degree repair" and other statements, most of which lack scientific basis, not only infringe on consumers' right to know, but may even lead to misunderstandings among some consumers and neglect children's myopia prevention and control work.

In fact, in recent years, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, and other departments have issued multiple policy documents to effectively strengthen the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents in the new era, in response to the constant problem of excessive marketing in the field of myopia correction.

For example, as early as 2019, the Ministry of Education and other departments jointly issued a notice on further regulating and strengthening supervision of myopia correction work for children and adolescents, stating that "under the current medical technology conditions, myopia cannot be cured", and explicitly requiring institutions or individuals not to use expressions such as "rehabilitation" and "degree reduction" in marketing to mislead the public.

Chen Yinjiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Rights Protection Law Research Association of the China Law Society, stated that many vision correction institutions lack diagnostic and treatment qualifications and professional personnel, often using verbal promises to mislead consumers. Therefore, consumers should try to convert verbal promises into written agreements and retain evidence for future rights protection.

Although myopia cannot be cured, it can be prevented and controlled. Besides congenital genetic factors, acquired unscientific eye habits are the main cause. Industry insiders therefore suggest that in addition to cooperating with treatment, everyone is the first person responsible for their own health. Students should also try to reduce their screen reading time, maintain more than two hours of extracurricular activities every day, and maintain the correct learning posture.


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