Survey and research are important methods for constructing China's independent knowledge system. Theory | China | Methods

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:40 AM

Constructing China's Autonomous Knowledge System

Author: Qin Xuan

To continue promoting cultural prosperity, building a strong cultural nation, and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point, we must focus on building philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. Accelerating the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics ultimately boils down to the construction of China's independent knowledge system. Constructing an autonomous knowledge system is a massive systematic project that requires mastering the correct methods. Survey and research are undoubtedly an important method for constructing an autonomous knowledge system in the new era.

Investigation and research are the basic requirements of Marxist epistemology and a valuable path to promote theoretical and knowledge innovation

Knowledge is the sum of knowledge and experience gained by people in the process of understanding and transforming the world, including empirical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. A knowledge system is a comprehensive, all domain, and all element knowledge system that covers various fields such as economy, politics, culture, society, and ecology, including traditional and emerging disciplines. Throughout the development process of human knowledge system and ideological lineage, it is not difficult to find that the acquisition of any knowledge is inseparable from human practical activities of understanding and transforming the world, as well as investigation and research. As Comrade Mao Zedong once said, "Where does human correct thinking come from? Does it fall from the sky? No, is it inherent in one's own mind? No. Human correct thinking can only come from social practice.".

Persisting in investigation and research is a fundamental requirement of dialectical materialism epistemology. Practice is the foundation of thought, the source of theory, and the foundation of academia. The perspective of practice is the first and fundamental viewpoint of Marxist epistemology. Theory comes from practice, guides practice, and needs to be tested in practice. A correct ideological understanding often requires multiple iterations from practice to understanding, and then from understanding to practice in order to form. The formation, development, and evolution of human social knowledge system cannot be separated from in-depth practical investigation and research. By deviating from practice and closing one's eyes to reality, the knowledge system loses its fundamental basis for occurrence, driving force for development, and conditions for existence.

Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success. Adhering to investigation and research is a basic working method and excellent tradition of our party. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, Comrade Mao Zedong conducted dozens of investigations and studies to assess the changes in the world and national conditions, and to find a revolutionary path suitable for China's national conditions. In 1941, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Decision on Investigation and Research and the Decision on Implementing Investigation and Research, establishing investigation and research as an important work system of the Party. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, in order to explore the path of socialist transformation and socialist construction suitable for China's national conditions, the CPC, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, further discovered, analyzed and solved problems through investigation and research. In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, our party actively carries out international and domestic investigations and research, and has seized the initiative of reform and opening up.Practice has proven that when the whole party attaches great importance to investigation and research from top to bottom, and the guiding principles of work are in line with objective reality, the party's cause can develop smoothly; When to neglect investigation and research, it will lead to subjective and objective detachment, causing errors in work, and causing losses or even setbacks to the cause of the Party and the people.

Persisting in investigation and research is a valuable experience accumulated by our party in promoting the sinicization and modernization of Marxism.The knowledge system, ideological system, and discourse system contained in these major theoretical achievements are the crystallization of the practical experience and collective wisdom of the Party and the people, all derived from the wisdom, exploration, and creation of the people. The formation and development of these major theoretical achievements were not achieved through closed door discussions, but always based on investigation and research.

Investigation and research are the foundation for constructing China's independent knowledge system

The independent knowledge system of China is the integration of various knowledge, concepts, methods, propositions, and theories in philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. It is the foundation for constructing the disciplinary, academic, and discourse system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. Constructing an independent knowledge system cannot be detached from the times, reality, or subjective desires. It is necessary to conduct investigations and research.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we accurately grasp the goal requirements for constructing an autonomous knowledge system. To construct an independent knowledge system, one must have a sense of questioning and focus on answering the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times. Therefore, it is necessary to always pay attention to the rapidly turbulent and changing world situation, and timely understand major issues that are of overall, fundamental, and critical importance to the Party and the country. Only by strengthening investigation and research can we fully grasp the new changes and characteristics of the current era, fully understand the overall situation and new problems brought about by the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, and clarify the important theoretical and practical issues that need to be addressed in constructing an independent knowledge system.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we understand the reality of constructing an autonomous knowledge system. Constructing an independent knowledge system is a fundamental and strategic project for the construction of a philosophy and social science system with Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, significant progress has been made in the field of philosophy and social sciences in China. A large number of achievements have been formed around the overall issues of the development of the Party and the state, and the construction of an independent knowledge system has laid a solid foundation, but there are also many shortcomings. Only through investigation and research can we objectively evaluate existing achievements, accurately grasp the favorable conditions and existing problems for constructing an autonomous knowledge system, and find more effective ways to construct an autonomous knowledge system.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we grasp the forefront of knowledge innovation in the world today. In today's era, the production, dissemination, and innovation of human knowledge have presented a series of new characteristics, with an unprecedented amount of knowledge, fast updating speed, and convenient dissemination methods. According to UNESCO statistics, the scientific knowledge accumulated by humans in the past 30 years accounts for 90% of the total scientific knowledge in history. Only by strengthening investigation and research can we fully understand the process and main achievements of constructing different knowledge systems in history, understand the characteristics and advantages of different knowledge systems in the world today, and the cutting-edge research status of different countries and disciplines, and then grasp the opportunities and challenges that knowledge production in today's era brings to the construction of China's independent knowledge system.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we fully tap and utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and inherit the national genes of philosophy and social sciences. The profound cultural tradition of the Chinese nation reflects the accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and rational thinking over thousands of years, and is the ideological foundation and valuable resource for constructing an independent knowledge system. Only by conducting extensive and in-depth investigations and research can we clarify what propositions in traditional Chinese culture align with Marxism, what content can transcend time and space, transcend the country, possess eternal charm, and have contemporary value, and fully explore and elucidate the resources that contribute to the construction of a knowledge system, achieving the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture with high quality.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we scientifically summarize the practical experience accumulated through great changes. The driving force of knowledge innovation comes from practice. Contemporary China is undergoing the most extensive and profound social transformation in its history, and is also undergoing the most grand and unique practical innovation in human history. This unprecedented great practice will undoubtedly provide strong impetus and broad space for theoretical creation and academic prosperity, provide us with the best materials and cases to solve major problems and promote academic innovation, enable us to promote innovative breakthroughs in theoretical research, form original viewpoints, methods, knowledge, and build a more explanatory and persuasive academic system. Only through in-depth investigation and research can the new miracles, new experiences, and new advantages created in the new era be transformed into iconic categories, and the fresh experiences summarized by the people in creative practice can be elevated to rational understanding, extracting new theoretical achievements.

Only through in-depth investigation and research can we absorb and draw on the beneficial achievements of foreign philosophy and social sciences. "Autonomy" is not "autism". Constructing an independent knowledge system is not for self indulgence, but to strengthen world communication and contribute Chinese wisdom to human civilization. To construct an independent knowledge system, it is necessary to widely absorb and draw on the positive achievements of world philosophy and social sciences with a broad mind that embraces all rivers, and draw excellent ideological and cultural resources from the "sum of human knowledge". Only through extensive investigation and research on the positive achievements of the development of philosophy and social sciences abroad can we create new concepts, categories, and expressions that are easy to understand and accept by the international community, guide the international academic community to conduct research and discussion, and enhance the international discourse power of Chinese academia.

The construction of China's independent knowledge system requires continuous optimization and improvement of the methods and approaches of investigation and research

Constructing an independent knowledge system is a massive systematic project and an important task in promoting knowledge and theoretical innovation in the new era, as well as building a philosophy and social science system with Chinese characteristics, style, and atmosphere. It requires continuous efforts and long-term efforts from philosophy and social science workers.

Always adhere to Marxism as the guiding ideology. Investigation and research must adhere to the guidance of scientific theory, which is Marxism.

On a fundamental standpoint, always adhere to a research orientation centered on the people. Adhering to the people-oriented and people-centered research orientation is the fundamental position and value orientation for constructing China's independent knowledge system. To conduct investigations and research around the construction of an independent knowledge system, it is necessary to take root in the land of China, grasp the ideological pulse of the people through investigations and research, reflect their will, interests and requirements, discover and solve "real problems", "new problems" and "big problems" related to their lives, study the creative practices of the people, excavate new materials, summarize new experiences, propose new perspectives, and construct new theories, so that the knowledge system truly originates from people's practice and serves people's lives.

In terms of methods and approaches, combine investigation with research, adherence to principles, and innovation. To carry out investigation and research, it is necessary to focus on handling the relationship between investigation and research, starting from objective reality, investigating and understanding the real situation and problems, truthfully reflecting the true nature of objective things, and conducting in-depth and meticulous thinking on the basis of investigation, focusing on studying new situations, solving new contradictions, finding the essence and laws of things, and finding solutions to problems. By combining integrity with innovation, we can avoid losing direction and making disruptive mistakes, and innovation can grasp and lead the times. Adhere to the soul of Marxism and the root of China's excellent traditional culture, connect the essence of Marxism with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture through knowledge innovation and theoretical innovation, and build a high-quality independent knowledge system.

Efforts should be made to enhance the investigative and research capabilities of philosophical and social science workers in terms of their main body strength. Investigation and research is a science. Philosophical and social science workers should fully understand the importance of investigation and research in constructing independent knowledge systems, and improve their consciousness in conducting investigation and research; Strengthen the careful design of investigation and research, clarify the focus of investigation and research, identify the objects of investigation and research, formulate the implementation path of investigation and research, and use practical and feasible investigation and research methods; Strengthen the targeted investigation and research, listen to the truth, observe the truth, truly study the problem, and study the real problem; Adapt to the characteristics of social informatization, expand research channels, enrich research methods, and innovate research methods; Enhance the effectiveness of investigation and research, enter the "big classroom" of society, go deep into the grassroots, go deep into the masses, truly perceive cutting-edge creative practices, the actual operation status of the economy and society, the thoughts and concerns of the people, timely discover and summarize the fresh experience created by grassroots cadres and the masses, and strive to produce high-quality research results.

In terms of management methods, emphasis should be placed on normalizing and institutionalizing investigation and research. Constructing an autonomous knowledge system cannot be achieved overnight and requires long-term investigation and research. To this end, a scientific evaluation mechanism and reward system for investigation and research can be established to improve the effectiveness of investigation and research; Adhere to and improve the system of conducting research and argumentation on important decisions, establish a mechanism for converting research results, and effectively transform research results into ideas and strategies for solving problems; Establish a training mechanism for conducting investigation and research, and continuously improve the research ability of philosophical and social science workers; Increase funding for investigation and research, facilitate channels for investigation and research, and provide a solid foundation for investigation and research.

Guangming Daily


Survey and research are important methods for constructing China's independent knowledge system. Theory | China | Methods
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