Stabilizing grain and increasing income have enough confidence to serve the field wheat | rice | increasing income

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:00 AM

Full chain services before, during, and after childbirth, achieving significant results in cost savings and increased income

Pushing open the partially closed courtyard door, waves of wheat fragrance rushed towards me. Upon closer inspection, on the vast open field, the harvested wheat was golden in color. Lao Qi was wearing a straw hat and holding a shovel with a cat waist, flipping the wheat with a clatter.

Lao Qi, named Qi Changjie, is a grain grower in Anren Town, Yucheng City, Dezhou, Shandong Province. He has grown over 1200 acres of wheat. When asked about his feelings about growing crops, he told me why he said that? Lao Qi calculated the detailed account and said, "The wheat seeds are uniformly provided by the cooperative, all of which are selected varieties with high yield, high quality, and strong stress resistance. The price is 10% lower than similar seeds on the market. With this one item, we can save about 12000 yuan. In addition, we can provide agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides uniformly, which can save more than 100000 yuan per year."

Before production, agricultural inputs such as seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers are uniformly supplied to reduce the cost of grain production; During production, local service teams provide agricultural technology support to farmers; At the harvest node, the machine harvesting service is arranged clearly.

Starting from May this year, the temperature continues to rise. During the wheat filling period, Lao Qi was afraid of drought. Fortunately, the technicians issued a prescription: first, to irrigate the filling water appropriately, second, to spray foliar fertilizer, and third, to supplement nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers appropriately. After a series of operations, the seedlings stabilized and the wheat seedlings became stronger and stronger.

During the period of field management, Yucheng City established a scientific and technological seedling service team composed of agricultural technicians to deeply classify and implement policies in the fields, consolidating the foundation of stable wheat production.

"It's not just hot days, but when the temperature is low in winter, technicians go to the ground to teach us how to raise temperature and maintain soil moisture. When encountering diseases and pests, we have explained clearly what medicine to use and how to fertilize." Lao Qi said, "There is technical guidance and service throughout the process, and we have sufficient confidence in grain cultivation, with an average yield of over 1000 kilograms per mu."

As the saying goes, "Nine is ripe, ten is harvested, ten is ripe, one is lost.". "When to harvest this wheat is a big question. If you choose the right time, you can harvest a lot more grain," said Lao Qi.

During this year's "Three Summers" period, Yucheng City dispatched 11 expert service teams to the fields to guide farmers in accurately grasping the wheat harvest nodes and training machine operators with the old and the new. "The cooperative provides unified harvesting services. This year, we are using a new type of combine harvester with an intelligent monitoring terminal installed. The operator's walking line is very straight and the speed is even. After cutting it once, there is hardly any wheat grains left on the ground," said Lao Qi.

On the other end of the wheat field, the drying equipment roared. "We can effectively avoid large temperature differences and reduce food loss by conducting phased air supply under the guidance of experts," said Lao Qi.

After childbirth, drying services greatly reduce the loss rate of wheat harvest and maintain wheat quality. Lao Qi roughly calculated that the machine harvest loss rate this year has decreased by 0.5 percentage points compared to last year. "Don't underestimate this 0.5 percentage point, over 1200 acres of land have lost over 6000 kilograms of grain!"

Saving grain and reducing losses means increasing production. According to Si Yubo, the director of the Anren Town Agricultural Technology Station, in Yucheng, agricultural experts and technicians track and guide grain production before, during, and after production, making every effort to reduce losses in each link. The next step will continue to increase investment in field management, move towards refined management, and promote agricultural efficiency and farmers' income throughout the entire chain.

Stable production and reduced losses. This year, Lao Qi's income from wheat cultivation is good. "I sold 1.36 yuan per kilogram to the cooperative, and I have already sold 500000 kilograms, earning 50-60000 yuan more than the market price."

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs's "2023 Three Summers" Mechanized Production Work Plan requires that specific work goals for wheat harvesting and loss reduction be clearly defined in various regions, and the potential for excavator harvesting and loss reduction be fully utilized. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that the next step will continue to focus on maintaining the good condition of machinery and machinery, and constantly strive to do a good job in reducing the loss of main grain crops during important agricultural seasons; Focusing on important agricultural products such as grain and oil, we will focus on the processing process, promote a number of loss reduction and efficiency enhancement models, promote a number of advanced processing technologies, guide the rational processing, efficient processing, and comprehensive utilization of agricultural products, and promote loss reduction and efficiency enhancement in the processing process.

Improve the mechanism of interest linkage, with each kilogram of ordered grain being 0.4 yuan higher than the market price

Summer harvest continues with summer planting, and grain production is being pushed forward through crop pressing. In the land of Hanyin, Shaanxi, contiguous rice fields are lush with greenery, and farmers are busy carrying out field management.

"I signed an order this year, so don't worry about the profit." Early in the morning, Li Xiao, the person in charge of Xinghan Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Pingliang Town, Hanyin County, went to the fields to check the growth of seedlings. This year, Li Xiao signed an order with Hongxing Rice Industry Co., Ltd. in the county for over 150 acres of rice. The company provides high-quality rice varieties, and with the assistance of mechanization, the cost per acre can be reduced by at least 200 yuan.

"Previously, rice could only be sold to nearby markets at unstable prices. I signed an order with a company and the sales of grain were guaranteed. Next year, I plan to expand the planting scale. Looking at the green rice fields, Li Xiao was full of confidence.".

For farmers, contract agriculture solves the problem of difficult sales by focusing on field production and greatly increasing their enthusiasm for grain cultivation. For enterprises, orders help to control grain varieties and stabilize grain quality from the source of production.

"We have signed an agreement with Red Star Rice Industry Co., Ltd. for two consecutive years, using the rice seeds they provide. Last year, the purchase price per kilogram was 0.4 yuan higher than the market price. This year's harvest should not be worse," said Bu Xingjun, the head of Sanliubei Flower Agricultural Professional Cooperative in Shuanghekou Town.

Entering the workshop of Red Star Rice Industry Co., Ltd., modern production equipment catches the eye. Accompanied by the roaring sound of machines, workers are busy packing rice, sealing bags, and loading cars. "After signing the order, the grain we purchased has quality assurance, good market sales, and farmers' income has increased, achieving a win-win situation." The company's person in charge, Wang Qi, said, "The orders are increasing every year, and now there are 8 villages that have long-term cooperation with us."

In recent years, Hanyin County has established a close interest connection between enterprises and major grain growers by planting rice through orders. Small farmers can achieve scale operation and unified sales by joining cooperatives, enhancing their bargaining power.

Xu Yuancai, a villager from Sanliu Village, Shuanghekou Town, joined the Sanliu North Flower Agricultural Professional Cooperative and signed a rice planting order with the enterprise. "I can grow my own grain and also work in a cooperative." Xu Yuancai calculated, "The order price is 0.3-0.5 yuan higher per kilogram than selling it separately. The 6000 yuan I spent working in the cooperative a while ago has already been credited to my card. The order for grain cultivation has stabilized my income."

It is reported that Hanyin County will further improve the interest linkage mechanism between various leading enterprises, professional cooperatives, and small farmers, and stabilize the benefits of grain cultivation.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Growth and Strengthening of Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization", proposing to guide various regions to cultivate and create agricultural industrialization consortia, and promote the development of leading enterprises and cooperatives, family farms, and small farmers in groups. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to strengthen guidance and increase investment in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen support for key leading enterprises in grain industrialization, and drive grain farmers to increase their income and become prosperous.

Standardized planting, diversified value-added, and the combination of planting, breeding, and processing significantly increase output value

"At present, it is a critical period for the growth of rice, and it is necessary to ensure the water source." In Jiangjia Dayan Village, Sunqiao Town, Jingshan City, Hubei Province, Jiang Shangang, a technical expert from Guobao Bridge Rice Co., Ltd., rolled up his pants and squatted in the field to inspect the rice planted by the villagers.

Sunqiao Town is the origin of Jingshan Bridge Rice, a national geographical indication protected product. Some of the high-quality rice planted by villagers is sold to the National Treasure Bridge Rice Company, some are sold to processing plants, and some are processed and sold online.

Zhao Rongxue, a villager from Jiangjia Dayan Village, is an online shop owner. He told that in addition to improving the quality of rice, the local government also vigorously develops the rice processing industry to increase brand added value. In front of the product display cabinet of Guobao Qiaomi Company, the company manager picked up a bottle of rice juice and introduced it, "Jingmen people have the habit of drinking rice tea. The rice juice we produce does not contain additives and is a natural and healthy beverage." In recent years, Guobao Qiaomi Company has focused on developing the deep processing industry of rice and has developed a series of products such as instant rice noodles, rice bran oil, and rice drinks. Each bottle of 238ml of rice juice is priced at 3-5 yuan, which can increase the value of Qiaomi by five times.

Now, Jingshan Bridge rice has become the "golden signboard" of local agricultural products. As of the end of last year, the standardized planting area of Jingshan Bridge rice reached 550000 acres. The local government also promotes the rice shrimp co cultivation model to diversify and increase the output value of rice fields.

At dawn, accompanied by the sound of frogs, Huang Shanliang, a villager from Xuqiao Village, Songhe Town, Jingshan City, got off the paddy field with a small boat. Picking up the fishing net thrown the previous evening, crayfish were bouncing around in the net. "My family owns 15 acres of farmland, of which 10 acres are transferred to the cooperative. I carefully manage the remaining 5 acres and grow rice and shrimp, resulting in an average net profit of nearly 4000 yuan per acre." Huang Shanliang said.

"Raising one season of shrimp and planting one season of rice can ensure the main grain yield while also increasing a portion of aquaculture income." Yang Weitao, Vice Chairman of the Jietian Rice and Shrimp Professional Breeding Cooperative in Jingshan City, introduced that in 2019, the cooperative transferred more than 1100 acres of land to build a rice and shrimp co cultivation base in Songhe Town.

The base is adjacent to the Gaoguan Reservoir, with clear and transparent water quality. The cooperative has registered the trademarks "Gaoguan Qingshui Shrimp" and "Gaoguan Shrimp Fragrant Rice", exerting brand effect and exporting crayfish to the Yangtze River Delta region. "We don't apply pesticides or fertilizers, and the quality of the rice has improved, with a price increase of 1 yuan per kilogram." Yang Weitao calculated the value-added account: the yield of crayfish per mu is about 270 kilograms, with an average price of 15 yuan per kilogram. In addition, the price of rice and shrimp is higher than that of ordinary rice, and the average output value of rice and shrimp fields per mu is over 5000 yuan, which is three times higher than before. At present, the cooperative has driven more than 100 households in the surrounding area to develop the rice and shrimp industry.

It is understood that this year, the aquaculture area of crayfish in Jingshan City has reached 180000 acres, including more than 60000 acres of rice shrimp aquaculture. Rice and shrimp co cultivation, diversified value-added. In the next step, Jingshan City will continue to strengthen the processing chain of Jingshan Bridge rice, expand initial processing, deep processing, and extend the value chain. By building a brand system, enhancing brand value, and building industrial advantages.

In recent years, the quality of grain in the country has significantly improved, the industrial chain has been continuously improved, and the effect of brand stable grain and income increase has been highlighted. According to estimates, the sales of key grain brand products cultivated in 2021 on large e-commerce platforms have increased by about 15%, with an average brand premium exceeding 60%. Brand building is the key to achieving product premium, and will play a more important role in improving the reasonable income of grain farmers, stimulating their enthusiasm for planting and breeding, and achieving synchronous development of increasing grain production and farmers' income.

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