Sprinkle sugar on the wound and feed the ants! Cruel than a movie, the man tells the story of escaping from northern Myanmar: being beaten every day

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:34 PM

Jimu News reporter Zhou Pingying

Hearing loss, delayed response,

Scars on the arm are faintly visible.

On August 24th, at the Yinji Police Station in Xiangyang, Hubei, Mr. Zhao, 36, mentioned his painful experience of being deceived into northern Myanmar and still shuddered.

"The 8-month period of life was like death, which often woke me up in the middle of the night. I want to tell my story and warn more people." With the continued popularity of the anti fraud film "All for One", Mr. Zhao, who had feelings for it, told Jimu News reporters about his nightmare time that he never wanted to mention again. Speaking of his experience of being beaten, Mr. Zhao's nose was sore several times, and tears almost came down his face.

Mr. Zhao recounts his experience

Greedy for high salaries

Having gone through four transitions, wearing a raincoat to cover one's head and entering the demon cave

Mr. Zhao, with a primary school education, is from Jiangmiao Village, Yinji Township, Xiangcheng District, Xiangyang City. He went out to work in Guangzhou in his twenties. After returning to his hometown during the 2020 Spring Festival, Mr. Zhao, who couldn't find a job, stayed at home all along. In August 2020, while playing a mobile game, Mr. Zhao met a netizen named "Dasheng" on WeChat.

"Da Sheng" claims to work in Myanmar with a monthly income of up to 20000 to 30000 RMB. His job is to serve as a "customer service" for people online. "Every day, I just look at the computer and answer some questions to customers. It's very simple." Mr. Zhao, who was worried about not being able to find a job, heard that it's easy to make money abroad and was immediately tempted. He asked, "I also want to do this job, can I?"

"You come, come to Myanmar and find me!" According to the instructions of the "Great Sage", Mr. Zhao arrived at Yunnan Kunming Changshui International Airport by plane at around 10pm on August 14th, 2020. On the morning of August 15th at 7am, he also arrived at Lancang Jingmai Airport by plane.

After arriving at Lancang Jingmai Airport, the "Great Sage" gave Mr. Zhao a phone number and explained that someone would use this number to contact him. "Follow the owner of the number, and you will be taken to Myanmar." After a while, a man riding a motorcycle came to pick up Mr. Zhao and asked him to turn off the location function of his phone. After cycling with Mr. Zhao for over half an hour, the man entered an endless forest of deep mountains.

The man contacted another person and picked up Mr. Zhao, riding a motorcycle to continue moving forward. After the handover of four people, Mr. Zhao arrived at the border between China and Myanmar. Under the guidance of the motorcycle driver, Mr. Zhao crossed the border between China and Myanmar and saw a tent where many Chinese immigrants registered. After paying a registration fee of 100 yuan, Mr. Zhao was covered in a raincoat and sent to a roadside. In no time, the Great Sage drove to pick up Mr. Zhao and headed to the company.

As soon as he got off the car, Mr. Zhao felt uneasy: the company was just a dilapidated factory, with armed personnel guarding every corner with guns. Upon entering the company, I saw every employee busy in front of the computer, each operating several mobile phones simultaneously. The next day, the company confiscated Mr. Zhao's mobile phone and sent him four more mobile phones, asking him to use QQ, Momo, WeChat, Tiktok and other chat software to add friends.

"These chat software accounts were all designed by the company, and their avatars and personal information were all portrayed as handsome men and beautiful women." Mr. Zhao suddenly woke up, thinking that this should be the legendary electronic fraud. He had the idea of escaping.

Sprinkle sugar on the wound and feed the ants! Cruel than a movie, the man tells the story of escaping from northern Myanmar: being beaten every day

Suffering from torment

Cut your arm with a knife and sprinkle white sugar to observe and bury it alive

"I only have elementary school education, and I don't know many words, so I can't learn them!" Mr. Zhao said in front of a large stack of study materials sent by the company. "Can't learn? I see if you really can't learn or don't want to learn?" Two "thugs" kicked Mr. Zhao to the ground, picked up a stool, and threw it at him. Later, they tied Mr. Zhao back to a chair, scratched his left upper arm with a knife, sprinkled white sugar, and attracted ants to come and bite him.

Mr. Zhao, who had been taught a lesson, pretended to agree and added friends and chatted with each other according to instructions every day. After more than ten days of dealing with it, he did not deceive anyone. Early that morning, three "thugs" dragged Mr. Zhao into a dark room and said, "Your performance is not good. It's not decent to just eat and drink for free all day. If you ask your family to pay 30000 yuan, I'll let you go back!"

"I just didn't have money, so I thought about coming out to make money. Where can we get 30000 yuan at home?" Thinking about his elderly parents and three young children, Mr. Zhao's heart sank. "I don't have money!" Then, he was stuffed into a narrow cage less than 1 meter high and was electrocuted. He immediately felt dizzy, palpitated, twitched, and then fainted.

After an unknown amount of time, Mr. Zhao woke up and found himself thrown into a "water prison". The surroundings were pitch black, covered in water, and people could only soak in it. The foul smelling dirty water was about 1.5 meters deep, and Mr. Zhao could only show his head. If he took a nap, his nose and mouth would be filled with water. "Every other day, someone would come to ask if the family could make money, but they would increase the amount every day." This made Mr. Zhao feel hopeless. On the seventh day, the "thug" who couldn't get any money took Mr. Zhao's phone, ID card, and credit card, pressed his face to operate his phone, and after all his credit cards were maxed out, he sold him to a second company.

The second company is located in He Island, Myanmar, and the job involves using social networking software to add friends. After working for a few days, Mr. Zhao has not achieved any results. The boss of this company was furious and said, "You have been eating with me for a few days, and you need to compensate for the meal expenses, air pollution expenses, and wear and tear expenses!" The second company demanded 100000 yuan. Mr. Zhao, who couldn't make any money, was beaten up and then sold into a third company.

Upon learning that the job at the third company was still to add friends online, Mr. Zhao even said he couldn't do it. "In the first few companies, I was sold because I couldn't do it well." The boss was furious and wanted to bury Mr. Zhao alive. Immediately, Mr. Zhao was taken to a barren mountain to observe being buried alive. He witnessed corpses everywhere with his own eyes, some of which were bitten by dogs. "Call your family to give money!" Mr. Zhao, who has been tormented by three companies for over a month, felt heartbroken. "No money!"

Seeing that Mr. Zhao, who was stubborn, had no practical value, the owner of a third company sent him to a black prison in Myanmar. At that time, Mr. Zhao had been staying in Myanmar for over two months. "I'm either being beaten, or on the way to being beaten," Mr. Zhao summed up those dark years with this sentence.

Lucky Apprentice

Escaping from the black prison to run errands for others and being shot dead

The so-called black prison refers to imprisoning debtors like Mr. Zhao who have been repeatedly abused but are unable to extract money. After being detained for one day, the cost is calculated at a profit until the detained person cannot afford the exorbitant ransom fee and can only sign a debt repayment agreement for selling organs. After selling the organs, they will live and die on their own.

A tin house of less than 20 square meters, with more than 30 people locked up and almost no place to rest, and a bowl of hard yellow rice paired with a bowl of "glass soup" every day. "It's like the boiling water on our side, so thin that you can see your own figure." Mr. Zhao, who was imprisoned, remained silent every day, wearing shackles and enduring beating and hunger without complaining.

Three or four days later, Mr. Zhao, who had a calm personality, caught the attention of Fei Ge. This "Fei Ge" is Chinese, a big boss, from Hunan, and has been engaged in engineering construction. He has a small estate in Myanmar. Fei Ge was deceived in an infrastructure project due to negligence in verifying contracts, owing over 5 million yuan and being sent to this "black prison" by creditors.

"How much money do you owe?" During their conversation, "Fei Ge" learned that Mr. Zhao owed nearly 200000 yuan in debt. "You worship me as your teacher, I will help you pay off your debts, and when you go out, you follow my command and do things for me!" Mr. Zhao agreed without even thinking. According to Mr. Zhao's introduction, at that time, I thought that as long as there was a chance to get out alive, it was luck!

Sprinkle sugar on the wound and feed the ants! Cruel than a movie, the man tells the story of escaping from northern Myanmar: being beaten every day

"Fei Ge said he owed too much money and couldn't afford it. Seeing that I was honest, he wanted me to go out and help him continue making money, so that he could have a chance to redeem him." So, Mr. Zhao was released from the black prison. Mr. Zhao, with a grateful heart, followed the instructions of "Fei Ge" and became his "liaison". Fei Ge told Mr. Zhao the password for the safe at home, and Mr. Zhao regularly took out a portion of the money to "clear" the people in the black prison. Every day, he could meet Fei Ge and follow his instructions to handle affairs outside.

So, after working for three or four months, the time came to April 2021. One day, Mr. Zhao was on his way to visit "Fei Ge" when he heard the continuous gunfire from the black prison. He was so scared that he quickly drove away and after avoiding for a few days, he learned that "Fei Ge" had been shot and killed by a random gun.

"Fei Ge has died, and I have finished repaying my kindness. I should come back now!" Mr. Zhao couldn't help but choke. "Why didn't you escape from the black prison when you were released?" Mr. Zhao, who had a simple and honest personality, said to the reporter from Jimu News, "I kowtowed three times to pay my respects to my master. I promised my master that I must do it!"

Surrender oneself and return to one's hometown

Stepping into the land and kneeling down, bidding farewell to nightmares

Mr. Zhao, who had been hiding in the mountains and forests for several days, remembered Aunt Pan, who often helped "Fei Ge" buy things. Aunt Pan is Chinese. Before marrying into Myanmar, she worked as a teacher in Yunnan. I heard that she had a student working on the China Myanmar border, so Mr. Zhao wanted to ask Aunt Pan for help.

At the end of April 2021, Mr. Zhao arrived at Aunt Pan's convenience store under the cover of darkness. "I want to return to my home country and turn myself in, please help me!" Mr. Zhao told Aunt Pan about his experiences of coming to Myanmar for the past few months. Thinking that they were all Chinese, Aunt Pan readily agreed and helped find a solution. A few days later, Aunt Pan contacted Mr. Zhao and said that her students had already been contacted. They could go to the China Myanmar border early on April 30th.

So, at 9:30 am on April 30, 2021, Mr. Zhao surrendered to the Public Security Bureau of Zhenyuan Yi, Hani, and Lahu Autonomous County in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province. At the moment when he stepped back into the land of China, Mr. Zhao was extremely excited. He knelt down on the ground, clasped his hands and kowtowed to his motherland, kissing the land of China: "Thank goodness, finally back!"

Police officers come to visit

After receiving certain administrative penalties, Mr. Zhao returned to his hometown smoothly. After returning to Xiangyang, Hubei, the Yinji Police Station of Xiangcheng District Public Security Bureau paid special attention to Mr. Zhao, regularly visiting him to understand his living needs and conducting anti fraud propaganda and education.

Wang Tang, Deputy Director of Yinji Police Station, analyzed that Mr. Zhao's successful return from northern Myanmar is related to his two attempts at being assisted by Chinese dignitaries. However, not everyone is as lucky as Mr. Zhao. Therefore, the Xiangcheng police remind citizens that leaving the country is not a "shortcut" and not to trust the high salary temptation of working abroad. Once they fall into the trap of telecommunications fraud, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Mr. Zhao also uses his personal experience to tell everyone that young people who are invited to "go abroad to make a fortune" or "see the world" must keep their eyes open and be vigilant. "There won't be any pie in the sky, so it's good to find a job in China and live a solid life."

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