Someone booked a hotel two months in advance and snatched 27 tickets alone! To watch the Asian Games Hangzhou | Asian Games | Hotel

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 03:43 AM

The opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games is only over 30 days away. Are you ready to watch the competition?

On July 8th at 10:00, the official website for ticket sales for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was launched and opened for registration. In the pre-sale stage, regardless of whether the project is popular or unpopular, there is only one keyword - "seconds empty". Now, tickets have started real-time sales, and viewers can choose seats to purchase. Many projects also require a competitive speed. In addition, starting from the 16th, paper tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games will also be mailed and delivered to ticket buyers one after another.

Chao News interviewed some viewers who have bought tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games and are preparing to watch them, including those from Hangzhou, outside the province, those traveling alone, those enjoying the whole family, experienced sports fans with clear ticket grabbing goals, and sports novices who prioritize feeling the atmosphere... They have tickets in hand, and some have already booked hotels, waiting for the opening of the Asian Games to gather in Hangzhou.

One person grabs 27 tickets alone

Plan a "special forces" style observation game

How many tickets have you bought for the Hangzhou Asian Games and how many matches are you planning to watch? Wu Shuang's answer is 27. These 27 photos were all bought by Wu Shuang for himself, covering nearly 20 events such as football, athletics, martial arts, skateboarding, gymnastics, kayaking, etc. The time also ranges from September 21st, two days before the opening of the Asian Games, to October 7th, the day before the closing.

"I am planning to stay in Hangzhou for more than half a month," said Wu Shuang, a 22-year-old man from Anhui. Why is a young person from another city so passionate about the Hangzhou Asian Games? Besides his inherent love for sports, this is also closely related to his profession.

Wu Shuang, who has just graduated from university, is now a sailor. A month ago, he ended nearly 8 months of sea navigation and began his vacation. "The profession of seafarers is quite unique, spending seven to eight months at sea, staying at different ports around the world, and returning home with several months of vacation."

The days at sea are dull and monotonous, in the words of Wu Shuang, it is "very primitive". Although there is an internet connection, the WiFi signal is not good and can only send text messages, and the traffic is limited. Wu Shuanghui will copy some study materials and movies onto a USB drive and bring them to the ship. Although there is also a gym, after finishing a day's work, I just want to rest.

After drifting on the sea for half a year, the few months of vacation after landing were precious time for Wu Shuang to enrich himself and rebuild connections with the outside world. As a sailor's first vacation, Wu Shuang chose the Hangzhou Asian Games.

"Actually, I have been following the Hangzhou Asian Games all along. Since June this year, there have been more push notifications on my phone, so I decided to use the month of the holiday to experience the Asian Games."

Part of Wu Shuang's tickets

Wu Shuang dreams of traveling around the world, enjoying strolling around and making friends, so he chose to work as a sailor. The Asian Games, as a gathering for the entire Asian family, is also a rare opportunity for Wu Shuanglai to exchange ideas.

So Wu Shuang began to guard the ticketing information, "The first batch of tickets were released, but due to being still watching and lacking experience, he didn't get any." Realizing the severe situation, Wu Shuangmo clenched his fists and gradually mastered the skills from the second batch of track and field tickets. Although he occasionally made mistakes, he managed to grab most of what he wanted to see.

As a football enthusiast, football is what Wu Shuang wants to watch the most. He bought a total of 7 tickets for the men's and women's football teams, as well as some cricket, judo, etc. Although he is not very familiar with them, Wu Shuang believes that "the key is to experience, feel the atmosphere, and take this opportunity to learn more about a sport.".

Wu Shuang also shares his experience on social media, teaching everyone how to pick up loopholes, and patiently answers questions from netizens. He is like a "wild" volunteer for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Not long ago, the Hangzhou Asian Games announced the design of sports competition ticket faces. Wu Shuang greatly praised this design, "very rich in Chinese cultural heritage". In addition, electronic tickets are also set up in four types: gold, silver, copper, and universal. With 27 tickets in hand, Wu Shuangyi drew 3 gold, 3 silver, and 5 bronze tickets. "I like to collect tickets. I cherish all the train tickets and tourist attraction tickets I have taken."

The opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games is only over 30 days away, and the final preparations are being carried out intensively. Wu Shuang is also busy preparing for the event. The ticket is in hand, and the next task is to plan your daily itinerary. When asked about his expectations for the "Special Forces" style observation in a month, Wu Shuang said, "I hope Chinese athletes can win more medals, and I can witness the glory on site. As for myself, I just want to watch more exciting matches and feel a more lively atmosphere. As a member of the Asian Games, happiness lies in it."

They specially bought paper tickets

Get ready to collect it properly

The sports competition tickets for this Hangzhou Asian Games are divided into electronic tickets and paper tickets. When purchasing online, the system defaults to electronic tickets. If you want a paper ticket, you need to take an extra step and check it. In the pre-sale stage of Pinshou Speed, many people do not waste this second in order to grab tickets, so most people purchase electronic tickets.

But there are still some people who prefer paper tickets. Although it increases the difficulty of purchasing tickets and incurs an additional postage fee, everything is worth it for those who want to permanently collect these tickets.

Xiaosheng is from Jiaxing and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Beijing. There is still over a month left for the National Day holiday, but he has already been fully arranged. "I will be watching the Asian Games in Hangzhou throughout the entire holiday."

Someone booked a hotel two months in advance and snatched 27 tickets alone! To watch the Asian Games Hangzhou | Asian Games | Hotel

As a football fan, Xiaosheng has been in love with his hometown team Zhejiang for 12 years and has played many home and away games this year. At this Asian Games, his ticket purchase mainly focused on football matches. "Now I have bought 10 matches, both men's and women's football, and sometimes I have to watch a few games a day." After watching the games, these tickets will be put in the ticket folder along with various tickets that Xiao Sheng had always collected, as a precious memory for himself.

Hangzhou native Xiao Cao is no exception. He likes to collect and commemorate, and all kinds of tickets will be preserved. He also wants to see the ticket design and material of the Hangzhou Asian Games, so he chose paper tickets. He, who has bought a football final ticket, wants to frame it together with the ticket for the World Cup in Russia and place it in a bookshelf as a souvenir.

The Asian Games are about to open, and the special National Day holiday belonging to Xiaosheng is also approaching. "I hope to watch more exciting games, make more friends, share hobbies, and also hope that the Hangzhou Asian Games can make more Zhejiang people love sports and enter sports venues to watch games."

She booked a hotel two months in advance

Bringing children to experience international competitions

Soldiers and horses have not yet moved, food and forage have taken the lead. Due to the fact that different Asian Games events are launched in batches for real-time sales, many people who have made up their minds to watch the games have already solved their accommodation problems during the Asian Games period before purchasing tickets.

"I wanted to take my son to watch the table tennis match at the Asian Games, and planned the National Day holiday in advance. Are there any sisters who also take their children to see it?" On the social platform, Ms. Zhuang showed the screenshots of the hotel orders placed two months in advance, with joy in the lines of the text.

A few days after booking the hotel, a friend who wanted to watch the Asian Games asked her to help book a hotel. Ms. Zhuang found that the hotel she had booked was already fully booked, and even the hotel that was far away had no rooms left.

Ms. Zhuang is from Jinan, Shandong. She likes to watch table tennis matches on weekdays, especially Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin. She has never missed a single game of the "model workers" in the Durban World Table Tennis Championships. "I have liked them for several years, and I have loved table tennis since I was young. This rare Asian Games is held in China, so I want to take my 7-year-old son to the venue to see them bring glory to the country."

In addition to fulfilling my small wish of pursuing stars, I also want my son to experience the warm atmosphere of international competitions firsthand when attending the Asian Games this time. "If my husband doesn't go, let me and my eldest son go and see. My husband is obediently working at home to earn money!" Ms. Zhuang joked, and after finishing, she laughed happily.

Due to the participation of all the main players of the national table tennis team, the excitement of the Asian Games table tennis competition is no less than that of the Olympics and World Table Tennis Championships, and the popularity of tickets can be imagined. Ms. Zhuang, who had booked a hotel, also opened the ticket purchase webpage on the afternoon of August 18th at punctual o'clock. Unfortunately, not to mention the tickets for the finals, even the tickets for the preliminaries were sold out in seconds, and she didn't get a single one.

However, Ms. Zhuang managed to secure a ticket to the women's badminton team final. She told reporters that besides table tennis, she also wants to watch badminton because she really likes Chen Yufei. She even knew that Chen Yufei was from Tonglu, Hangzhou: "Looking forward to her performance in local combat in Hangzhou!"

I had booked a hotel early on, but I couldn't get a ticket for the table tennis I really wanted to watch, which inevitably made me feel uneasy. "Even if you're risking your life, you still have to go see it!" Ms. Zhuang made a tearful expression and said she wanted to go and see if anyone had transferred tickets. Or we can check the situation of offline ticket sales, hoping to find the "missed tickets". Hangzhou itself is also a good tourist destination, and it's also good to take your son to hang out and eat in Hangzhou. She sent the reporter a animated expression of Sun Yingsha stepping over the partition of the competition field, saying, "Life is full of obstacles that cannot be overcome!"

A family of three generations

To celebrate National Day at the Asian Games venue

The happiest thing about the Asian Games is the people from Hangzhou. As long as you hurry up and grab the tickets, you can go to watch a game and commute to the city. The convenient conditions for watching the Asian Games have made many people in Hangzhou regard it as a unique gathering of like-minded people.

Mr. Bai, who lives in the west of Hangzhou, is a seasoned football fan. In his spare time from work, he often invites three to five friends to the green field to compete with opponents for skills. Coincidentally, the two elderly uncles at home also enjoy football. This time, Mr. Bai seized the opening time of football tickets and snatched up four tickets for the men's football quarter finals on the afternoon of October 1st. He planned to bring his children and invite his two uncles to watch the game together.

Mr. Bai has his own idea for choosing this match: teams in the quarterfinals will not be too weak in terms of strength, and with good luck, they may even be able to see the Chinese team play; In terms of time, it happens to be the day of National Day, and celebrating the holiday with family in such a special way is very commemorative; The competition is in the afternoon, and both uncles are already in their 70s. Even if the competition is too late, the elderly may not be able to bear it.

No coincidence makes a book. When Mr. Bai called to inform his uncle to go watch the Asian Games football game together on National Day, his uncle told him that his daughter had already bought tickets for him, and coincidentally, they also bought tickets for the same game. The extra tickets now allow more family members to go watch the game together.

"It's also fate. My family members share the same interests and can come together. Thank you for your concern! My daughter and my family of three, as well as my aunt and I, are all fans. With you as a seasoned fan, our whole family can go watch football together. Football is truly the world's number one sport, it can arouse the interest of our three generations and touch people's hearts!" Mr. Bai showed the reporter the WeChat message sent by his uncle, expressing a simple and warm family affection in his words.

Just this information from my uncle made Mr. Bai feel that the value of the four Asian Games tickets he bought has long exceeded the ticket price itself.

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