Sing a play of prosperity and joy, "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary" Shaoxing Ganlin: Fluttering Yueyin Yue Opera | Culture | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:48 AM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, let's walk into Ganlin Town, Shengzhou City, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province together, listen to the melodies of Yue opera, and see how the local people can "become rich and happy" through the inheritance, innovation, and development of Yue opera.

Blue bricks and white tiles, small bridges and flowing water, the melodious melodies of Yue opera permeate the ancient alleys.

Ganlin Town, Shengzhou City, Shaoxing City, as a strong cultural town in Zhejiang Province and the birthplace of century old Yue Opera, is known as the "Yue Opera Museum without walls".

In the past 20 years, "making the people rich and happy" has become a common goal of Ganlin people, and it has increasingly become a reflection of their real lives. A water sleeve dance moves the cultural power, and a hundred year old Yue opera sings the sound of rich music. Ganlin Town excavates and integrates traditional cultural resources in rural areas, promotes the flourishing of grassroots culture, especially continuously builds a party building leadership system of "good words and good relationships", strengthens the inheritance, innovation and development of Yue opera, enriches the spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and enables beautiful rural areas to "cultivate both inside and outside", and do a good job in writing "music".

Protecting the cultural roots of rural areas and making the people happy both physically and mentally

At night, on the ancient stage in Dongwang Village, Ganlin Town, Shengzhou, the weekly Yue Opera performance is being performed in a lively manner. The more than 30 actors on stage are all fans of the 8 villages in the town, and the beautiful and melodious song "Meng Lijun" is no less impressive than professional actors.

The villagers had smiles on their faces and said, "Seeing how well they sing, I also want to sing a few lines."

Dongwang Village Ancient Stage

This ancient stage, over 10 meters high, is a landmark of Dongwang Village, the birthplace of Yue Opera. The delicate and graceful Yue opera on the stage is constantly heard, and the villagers below the stage applaud warmly and repeatedly applaud.

The same laughter and laughter also filled Huangjianban Village. Yuan Zhongqian, the old party secretary, clearly remembered that Comrade Xi Jinping came to Huangjianban Village to investigate the development of rural characteristic culture. "He looked carefully and asked carefully."

Over the years, dragon dance has become a carrier of spiritual civilization construction that has been vigorously developed in the local area. Yuan Kewei used to be a young man with a dragon tail in the dragon dance team, but now he is the village party branch secretary. Under his leadership, the village dragon dance team, calligraphy team, wind and percussion team, opera team, Western instrument team, and basketball team, totaling over 300 people, often appear in town activities. The versatile villagers of Huangjian Ban even composed the village song, "Get rich, be happy, and the stars will change, making your home more charming..."

New appearance of Huangjian Ban Village

Time is silent, but it carries the most weight. In the past 20 years, Ganlin Town has been committed to safeguarding the traditional cultural roots of rural areas, especially the "cultural gene" of Yue Opera, which is rooted in Ganlin. With the support of the "good words and good relationships" party building joint construction, cultural resource advantage villages and units such as Matang Village, Dongwang Village, Shijia'ao Village, and Yue Opera Town have been "strung into a chain". Through methods such as promoting pairing and mutual promotion, and complementary advantages, Yue Opera cultural resources have been jointly built and shared. Yue Opera celebrities have been invited for on-site teaching and the "Singing Better" fan competition has been held. In the first half of 2023, cultural benefits such as "opera exhibitions" and "fan competition" have been carried out, benefiting the people. More than 90 events have been held, allowing happy notes to dance in the hearts of every citizen and promoting spiritual civilization construction to take root and blossom in rural areas through tangible carriers.

Building a cultural person system to promote harmonious village governance and happiness

Shengzhou is not only the birthplace of Yue Opera, but also the birthplace of "People's Diary".

In March 1998, in a mountain village in Yahuang Township, Shengzhou, village officials went from village to household, each holding a green cover notebook with dense text recording the daily life of the villagers, which was welcomed by the villagers. Nowadays, the "People's Diary" with the core of the "Six Hundred Spirits", such as visiting hundreds of households, solving hundreds of difficulties, and handling hundreds of household affairs, has become a clear symbol of the close relationship between the Party and the masses in Shengzhou and even Zhejiang, and the good adherence to the Party's mass line in the new era.

"Listen to more famous actors, don't argue!" Today's Dongwang Village deeply integrates Yue opera with the new era's "diary of people's emotions", singing with a clear and melodious melody, not only lighting up the countryside and boosting the spirit of farmers, but also playing rural governance and music.

The character images and plot in Yue Opera reflect the values and ideological essence of traditional Chinese culture. The people have unconsciously enhanced their sense of identification with values such as filial piety, loyalty, and righteousness, thereby promoting the prosperity of the family and everything.

Dongwang Village adheres to keeping up with the times, constantly extracting the spirit of rule of law contained in Yue Opera, and transforming cultural "soft power" into rural governance "hard power". "At first, the village planned to establish a Yue Opera popularization team. As soon as the notice was issued, a team of more than 30 people immediately formed!" Jin Wurong, the current Party Secretary of Dongwang Village, recalled with a smile.

With strong support from the judicial department, Dongwang Village has built a rule of law park and a legal education corridor for Yue Opera dramas, transforming itself into a cultural propaganda and education base for "Yue Opera and Law". After tea and dinner, under the hundred year old camphor tree and in front of the wind and rain rice barrel platform, Dongwang Village has set up a "bench" classroom, combining the form of Yue opera singing to make the legal education more muddy and down-to-earth; Regularly broadcast a series of promotional videos titled "Nine Jin Girl Comes to Popularize the Law", combined with activities such as "promoting legal education at the grassroots level" and "interpreting legal cases", to popularize legal knowledge to villagers. Since 2022, more than 40 legal publicity activities have been carried out.

New appearance of Dongwang Village

Under the guidance of Party building, Dongwang Village has also explored and practiced a new model of characteristic rural governance called "Five Meetings and Five Governance", which promotes development through "Five Meetings" and seeks common prosperity through "Five Governance".

"Nowadays, there are fewer voices playing mahjong in the village, more people coming out to sing, fewer arguments, and more laughter!" Under cultural influence and governance, the small Dongwang Village has given birth to "Five Good Families in China", "Most Beautiful Zhejiang People", "Most Beautiful Families in Shaoxing", and "Legal Understanding People in Shaoxing City". In January 2023, Dongwang Village in Ganlin Town was named the ninth batch of "National Democratic and Legal Demonstration Villages", and substantive breakthroughs were made in grassroots governance in Dongwang Village.

To cultivate people with culture, to nourish the city with culture. While Ganlin Town has fully rooted and blossomed in rural culture, grassroots governance has also made a qualitative leap. We always adhere to the concept of putting the people first, inherit and carry forward the "Fengqiao Experience" and "People's Diary" of the new era, and combine the "Nine Jin Girl Work Method" to polish the brand of Ganlin's "Two Headed Gate" Joint Mediation Center.

At the same time, the local area also utilizes the advantage of the origin of Yue opera to organize village sister-in-law to write and perform safety related Yue opera songs for singing. Through Yue opera, the centripetal force of the masses is further consolidated, and the "Nine Jin Girl Comes to Popularize the Law" series of anime is regularly played on the village's electronic screen. Through the form of "Yue opera singing+interpreting the law through cases", the knowledge of the Civil Code that is closely related to people's lives is promoted and popularized, effectively playing the role of Yue opera as a link in promoting good rural governance.

Activate a new pattern of cultural industry and make economic development prosperous and enjoyable

Nowadays, in Ganlin, everyone's face is filled with smiles. "In the past, the village couldn't even afford electricity bills. In recent years, the village has become prosperous, and the people have started factories and built buildings. The dusty small playground has become a grand original square, and the sewage flowing Taimen Pond has become a clear lotus pond. How can one be unhappy?" Old Party Secretary Yuan Zhongqian explained the secret of Ganlin's happiness.

The melodious sound fills the heart, and a play activates a village. Spiritual culture itself can also become a material wealth. For several consecutive days, buses from Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, and other places loaded with Yue opera fans drove into Dongwang Village in Ganlin Town. The village's gold medal tour guide Li Qiushun improvised and performed Yue opera, winning applause from tourists. Li Xinyue, a villager, seized the opportunity to create the first farmhouse in the village with elements of Yue opera. The restaurant set up a small stage for Yue opera, allowing tourists to enjoy it while eating. When interested, they would also perform a segment on stage.

The original Dongwang Village was dirty, with low cohesion among the villagers. On sunny days, it was covered in dust, and on rainy days, it was covered in mud. Now, Dongwang Village has protected and repaired the historical and cultural relics of Yue Opera, rebuilt the water antique stage, enhanced the charm of Yue Opera in the village, and explored a new path of rural common prosperity with "Yue Sound, Scenery, and Prosperity" as the core.

Dongwang Village has undergone a remarkable transformation from a traditional agricultural village to a national level "Charming Cultural Village of New Countryside", attracting a group of fans and tourists to experience it. It receives over 30000 tourists annually and achieves prosperity for surrounding farmers at their doorstep, driving the village's collective income to increase by more than 1 million yuan and per capita disposable income to 48000 yuan.

Yueju Town

The local government has also focused on building a cultural and tourism town called Yueju Town, which is supported by mountains and rivers and centered on drama. The China Yueju Museum has also officially opened, highlighting the unique cultural and tourism IP of Yueju; Launch the "Yueju Tracing the Origin of Shijia'ao" brand research and learning activity, with an annual reception of up to 20000 primary and secondary school students; Design cultural and tourism logos, IP characters, cultural and creative products, create a "ten sisters" commercial street and Qingshanwan residential cluster, and drive more than 100 village sister-in-law employees; Through the country's first Yue Opera themed outdoor live broadcast room, party members and cadres were guided to sell agricultural and sideline products such as peaches and torreya, promoting the collective economic income of nearby villages to reach 5.07 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 83%.

"Red sleeves fluttering in the wind, sparrows dancing, purple flutes playing on the moon, and phoenixes chirping." Looking at the entire Ganlin, they are deeply exploring cultural connotations and creating an elegant and poetic charm cultural tourism and sightseeing belt. New projects are being vigorously promoted, adding a new cultural charm to Ganlin Town. The birthplace of the century old Yue Opera is composing a new chapter of prosperity.

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